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Posts posted by remos

  1. Looks like from SD that some blind item was dropped and then answered that TG has no desire to sign his resign his contract when it is up and has told castmates that. TPTB are still under the impression they can hang on to him. Maybe that is why the are wanting him to take all his vacation at once just in case.

    Well, that's 3 now, MB, IR and TG. Wonder who the rumour mill will have quitting next.

    This year's vacation shouldn't have anything to do with next year's contract. I hope telling him to take his vacation all at once means that they want him around this fall/winter.

    With all the behind the scenes mess, though, I don't think we are going to get honest information or heads-up on announcements until the fat diva sings. Every January they go through this with TG... this time we just know in advance that yes, this Febuary 2009 IS his contact deadline. Until we see it play out on the screen, all bets are off.

    Hope Pooky is feeling better.

  2. For Hooked: Confessions... the nineteenth

    For ILTQ: Live Journal (get yourself a free membership then download the fic. If you need help I will walk you through it. Then just post the link here. Alternatively, I will post it for you on my account if it's all too stressful and you don't think you'll do this often. I know how stressful the first it - and I'm SO proud of you.)

    For Ms.Q: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures Poster (Does this work better for you?)

  3. It doesn't surprise me in the least that the breakdowns for the rest of the week don't have Tracy/Luke. That scene was for yesterday, not today or tomorrow.

    I can't see them spliting one scene into two, and cutting the payoff with so much lead-up, and then nothing. LuNacy might not be as popular as some other couples, but they are popular and they are liked by the writers. And we also heard on Monday that they bumped others to add LuNacay material. If anything they have given LuNacy MORE time these past few days than the original breakdown suggested. Insiders are only as good as the information they have - which they admit is changing all the time.

    Don't give up yet - but do call the comment line. Either way they have to hear our response immediately.

  4. wow I'm way buzzing (I had a break from finals and kinda hit the corona a little hard) -- but I'm still sooo mad about today so can anyone tell me if they're on tomorrow?

    We don't know that they are... we don't know that they aren't... we're just crossing fingers and toes and hoping that after investing SOOOO much into the love story of Luke and Tracy (even composing music for them - with lyrics), that they won't leave the fans hanging without an answer.

    I'm on recap duty today. I'll let everyone know as soon as I do.


    BTW, QT, I noticed the thread you started on SOC has been moved. I find it interesting that the one everything is moved to is 'limp flower', not 'I love them'.

    And just as a mini-rant to start my day.... I saw the interview with JMB. Nice child, I'm sure, but why do those reporters always ask about her few weeks working with ewcbo? I mean honestly, the girl has worked with JE for THREE YEARS - since she came on the show. You'd think that would be the important question, but nooo has to be about the fluff.

  5. The unexpected answer is so for next week when she says she will leave with him. I have no faith that they will be on tomorrow or TH or F this week. Although someone did say on SD that they think the Lusam scenes were added in today with GV cause he was not supposed to be back til the 16th on screen. Someone said they think they shot those and edited them in cause he is on tomorrow too.

    Maybe that is why some might be bumped.

    But dont' listen to me. I am totally negative and in a really bummed out mood right now. I really hate when they do stupid stuff...how the hell is she supposed to go from where she is today to leaving town with him and giving up her home, job, etc to go on the run by next wed. if they are not on again. The storm starts on Friday the 16th, ends the 21st supposedly.

    I am taking me and my negativity out of here for a while. I KNOW for a FACT the kissing, ring slipping on was in the breakdowns for today and Tracy caving in to him. So it was either cut or moved.

    Oh... baby... sending you some warm fuzzies...

    Until we know for sure (in less than 24 hours) we'll just assume it will be on tomorrow 'cause even tiic can't leave that big a gap in the storyline. TG/JE are on a deadline.

  6. Hey, I have an idea for a project. Let's start a website that isn't **TOTALLY BIASED AGAINST ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH TRACY**

    We did... you started it... remember???

    The ewcbo fans can block all they want, they can't take away the fact that in the last week alone, Luke as admited

    - his love with Tracy is once in a lifetime

    - he's nuts about her

    - he wants her back

    - it doesn't work without her

    - he loves his wife

    - he doesn't cheat on her

    - he wants to be the man she deserves...

    Did I miss anything?

    Waaaait a minute you guys. They WILL be on tomorrow. Remember, it's already been spoiled that Luke makes "an impassioned plea" to Tracy on WEDNESDAY and she gives him "an unexpected answer". We thought it was about going out of town, which part of it might be, but it's probably a continuation of today.

    *Keeping the rainclouds at bay...* was this for this week or next week?

  7. OMFG... excuse the French but I can't believe the gaul of SOC...

    I started a thread highlighting all the things Luke said to Tracy, especially about getting the chance to treat her as she deesrved. I return 5 MINUTES LATER and they've already removed the thread and buried what I wrote under Luke: limp flower.

    And you know how they put 'moved' beside a thread that has been merged... nothing. Go down the main menu and you'd never know I started it. But the picture of ewcbo is front and centre.

  8. Okay, I'm new in here- but please tell me they werent serious about today! Thats what all the talk was about??

    Yeah... I'm with you. I watched the last scene and was ready to yell at the TV - that's it???? There wasn't anything Luke speaking to her. He didn't put the rings on, she didn't take them, there was no kissing....

    I'm really hoping they have been moved to tomorrow - every other storyline seems to be continuing tomorrow. Didn't one insider say they'd be on most of the week? I know we're not liking/believing insiders here right now, but they just left this one hanging.


    Threads on SOC:

    Luke to Traacy - "...treat you the way you deserve"

    LuNacy and LuSam - storyline possibilities

    Luke gives Tracy a 'limp" flower

  9. Nex: All of them

    Previews: Nada

    Music: their music, and a version with lyrics

    Rings: same ones

    Feelings after watching it: needs scenes 8 and 9... left hanging...

    1. HS: Luke comes out dressing in suit, Sam says he cleans up nicely.

    At Q's: Tracy having fit at Alice, storming around saying she can't count on anyone. Barges into living room and say "And he's back". Alan says she can count on him to be her conscious, and she's not mad at Alice/Father, she's mad at Luke. She's not mad at Luke, she's scared the next bullet will have his name on it.

    2. At HS: Luke says he's got to do whatever it takes to get his wife back. Sam tells him anyone can see that Tracy is nuts for him. Luke says the feeling is mutual. Tracy can even see right through him, which makes it impossible to pull the wool over her eyes. Lucky/Sam greeting. Lucky warns Luke to stay clean. Banter.

    3. At HS: Continue banter. Luke reminds Lucky his life has always had a touch of danger so let it go. Now he's off to get his wife back, even if that means lying to her face to do it.

    4. At Q's: Alan tells Tracy she's selfish. Tracy is angry, she's not selfish she's trying to save her husband's life. Alice/Edward look on - "crazy as last years looney" Alice says (or something like that). Ed says something about hoping Luke can fix this because he needs Tracy??? Alan challenges Tracy saying she needs Luke. Tracy yells back that she would take him back if he came crawling back on two good knees. Luke's at the doorway holding a tulip "How about if I come on one limp knee?"

    5. At Q's: Tracy tells Alice to throw Luke out. Edward encourages Tracy to listen to Luke. Alice says she might say she want's Luke gone, but her eyes say differently. Luke shoos Alice/Edward/Alan out saying they are only making her more entrenched. Tracy says it's pointless to reherse the same argument, they've both taken their stands and that's not going to change. Their music starts playing. Luke says "it's just you and me Tracy, no one else - that's a fact of life and it's not one I'm going to let you deny one more day".

    6. At Q's: {Pretty sure it's their music with lyrics}

    T: why are you doing this, we've beaten this to death

    L: I want my wife back

    T: But you're not willing to do what I want

    L: I'm no body's idea of a catch, but with you we work, damnit; "all I can offer is this broken body and beaten down heart"; Luke opens the ring box and offers her the rings "Won't you please wear it again?"

    7. At Q's: Luke wants her to ignore their differences, screw the Z's, and promises he will get out as soon as he can. "I love you and I miss you; do you want me to get down on my one good knee? I might not get up again". She says she just wants to save his life. He says to leave his life to him, and just give him the "chance to treat you like you deserve to be treated".

    ME: I WANT MORE... no touching, no kissing, no smiling.... I NEED more!!!!

  10. Remos I'm still stockpilling are you? :P

    Nope... I'm waiting until Lukey leaves to get inspired. These stories keep me awake at night as I work them out in my head....Oh.. I do have one stockpiled, so I guess that counts

    And how can you tell if it's the same ring. Sorry but I didn't pay much attention to her ring's cut or anything. I just notice if they have them on.

    The rings are side by side, but unless I miss my guess, the engagement ring is a square cut - like Tracy's.

    I've been rewatching the previews, and have caught a look at Luke's face. I don't think I've ever seen that man look unsure. He's almost scared Tracy will crush him, but he forges ahead anyway.... God, I love these two together!!!

    This was on the IL... it comes by way of GHH2...

    [Liason's] affair will become public knowledge soon, as I already spoiled. I do not know of any specific scenes involving Monica coming up soon, but I do not have any details for June as of yet. I believe I heard that when Monica does find out about Jake, Alan's will will once again become an issue for her and Tracy.

    No Q's coming back that I know of other than Alan. Tracy will also be engaged in a bit of a battle with Sam. Speaking of which, Lucky's curiousity will be aroused about Sam's determination to stay aboard the Haunted Star.

  11. Okay... this was on the IL for tomorrow...

    Tuesday May 13th:

    Luke dresses up and buys Tracy a ring.

    Why would Luke buy Tracy a new ring? I guess if he wanted to symbolize their starting fresh... but she loves that ring - she used to play with it all the time and has only taken it off twice - once because of ewcbo and once because he left her in January (and I think it's the Scab's fault she did - they had so much potential those first week of January...sigh...)

    Perhaps they've got it wrong and just because Luke has a ring in a jewelry box, doesn't mean it's new. Anyone watch the previews closely? Was it a new ring?

  12. There are all kinds of jokes I could make about that one statement alone (about realLuke of course, not the non-human one).

    So, today is good, yes? Worth sitting through live, or should I tape? For those who are wondering, five minutes or less of Tracy is NOT worth sitting through live. Ten minutes or more, at least, before I'll even consider it.

    funny I meant to tell you several weeks ago I did get your email about the stories. Thanks so much for taking the time to send them to me !

    Tape it... and watch for LuNacy and Luke/Alexis. Pass on the rest.

  13. Remos, please give Tracy Cat my best. That is too funny about Luke the cat. Look at it this way. Your children are participating in preserving the legend of The Lunts of Daytime. There are far worse things... ;)

    Luke is going to be a dog...

    By the way, Ms. Q, the Tracy episode with the red suit with shawl collar was Dec. 21, 2005. Hope that eases your mind! :) Oh, and when I looked at the pic again, I noticed it was more of a Christmas red than a cherry red. I'm no Kate Howard. :P

    (Good Lord... I'm surrounded...)

  14. And is it just me or does that coat look like it's leather!?! :o

    Remos, thanks for the recaps!

    It looks leather... and why is Luke showing her a briefcase full of cash? I can't tell her expression but her check bones are up, so she is either laughing, smiling, smirking or preparing to let him have grief.

  15. Okay... what have I done to my children...

    You know that my kids gave me Tracy Cat for Mothers's Day... well Rusty (3) asked me where my other webkins were and I said I only had one. Then in the authoritative voice known only to preschoolers, he said "when we get you another one, you call it Luke".

  16. Today's recaps...

    Nex: #2,3,4 with Tracy; 6&7 Luke and Alexis

    Previews: Sam telling Luke he cleans up real nice. He asks "Nice enough to get my wife back?"; cuts to scene with him opening black ring box and Tracy's face.

    2. Luke's playing poker with 4 men and Sam. They are obviously working together. Luke folds, Sam cleans up as Tracy enters. Luke excuses himself and Tracy tells him his son called and said he was worried that Luke was getting in trouble. Looks like he was right, Tracy says, and is annoyed.

    3. Tracy reminds him of the court order and opening for a game is illegal. She points out that he doesn't seem to care, just splashing around with anyone. Luke points out that his 'partner' is his son's girlfriend and he's certainly not going to do anything with her. Tracy makes some comment about sleeping with Anna. He points out it was only once with drinks because she was dealing with the grandmother thing. She hasn't been back. Tracy asks again why she bothers, he doesn't want to be saved. As she walks out he grabs her by the elbow and says "you don't mean that.

    4. Luke is telling Tracy he does listen to her and respect her, but getting out of the mob ties isn't that easy. At that point Det. ?? comes in saying he volunteered to save Lucky from a conflict of interest, but this game is against a court order and he needs everyone's information. Tracy says she had nothing to do with it, but he still needs her information. She says she's Tracy Quartermaine. "Spencer" Luke says, "she sometimes forgets that part." Tracy turns to him than back to the detective saying that can be changed at any moment. Then walks out leaving Luke frustrated.

    6&7 Alexis has called Luke to the peirs to discuss the money laundering - she says she will give him a pass this time, but not next. Before she tells him that, however, she rants to him about why men seem to fall all over a woman who dressing like a slut and "vomits her sexuality all over them". What's the attraction, she asks Luke. That's the attraction, he tries to tell her, but Alexis isn't having it. He figures out she caught Jerry with Claudia. She switches to the money luandering. Eventually he says she sounds like his wife with the money warning, which sets Alexis off again. Why can't he listen to his wife? Why can't she have an opinion? Alexis storms off still ranting about how men don't respect their wives and Luke stands their looking confused.

    Me: Must admit, I'm getting tired of the same conversation. Perhaps it's even harder knowing I still have one day to endure before tomorrow.


    A couple of threads over at SOC....

    Tomorrow's Previews: Luke ask Sam's advice in seducing Tracy (not accurate, but I love the sentiment so I'm not saying anything)

    Okay... what in cr*p is with the word cr*p? (this one I started - Alexis used the word today, and I was pointing out that Tracy and Alexis are smarter than that)

  17. woohoo!! It's about time that someone else get bumped for LuNacy!!!




    1. a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.

    2. a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

    –verb (used without object)

    3. to work as a shill: He shills for a large casino.

    –verb (used with object)

    4. to advertise or promote (a product) as or in the manner of a huckster; hustle: He was hired to shill a new TV show.

    And this is legal... how exactly?

    (Sometimes my Presbyterian background gets the better of me.)

  18. Ah... sometimes it's nice to be on the favoured side...

    I see in the IL at SD that Scrubs scenes have been cut - and that usually send a flood of negativity throughout SD (like it's not negative enough by times). Any way, the question was asked who's scenes got the time after Scrubs were removed. The answer: Luke and Tracy!!! Now, how often have we seen that happen?!

    Apparently the HS is open again for business by Tuesday, 'cause spoilers have Sam bringing in money. I'm still trying to figure out what a Shill does...but anyway...

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