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Posts posted by remos

  1. From SD...

    The Haunted Star will not re-open for business this summer. It's closed due to the money laundering investigation. It's been seized by the feds

    That sucks. Wanted to see Tracy running it (if this is true)

    As with all things from SD, believe it when you see it. Tracy running the Star made it on to other boards' spoilers, it just didn't come from SD. Get a shovel, Hooked, it's time to start digging.

  2. Okay guys...you knew your faithful spoiler ho would not give up til someone gave her an answer on SD...

    Q: Anyone know why Tracy returns early? She isn't the one dying is she?

    A: She's not dying. She returns to check on Lulu. They get word that the mob war is going strong and Luke sends her back because he's worried about his daughter.

    Ha... we were right. None of that "Tracy couldn't cut it" BS.

  3. Guess what... I now have Lukey the Dog added to Webkins world with Tracy Cat. (Lordy, I'm imaginary-blogging with fictional characters and my Webkins have a better social life than I do. I NEED A LIFE.)

    All I have to do is get a picture of Rusty with the webkins then I'm sending it into the rag. I'm thinking it's something SOD would publish, what do you think? Hooked, you read them all, what's your opinion?

    (btw, in the interview it's great to hear that TG is SOOOO done with LnL. I'm even more convinced that the ewcbo is NOT his exit story.)

  4. I'm loving this Blog. Tracy has added her opinion of all the sexual references. You guys are funny and so bang on.

    btw, you remember the Diva, the one who the church ladies made their 'project' last fall because she couldn't read as well as they wanted? Well, she just surprised me by reading over my shoulder when I didn't even realize she was in the room. Lainey and MF, I am so grateful for your blackouts of certain words. While I can't wait to see what you will create, I'm glad all she could ask was what you wanted to do with Alexis and Diane. Oh... she's coming of age...

    Hooked, enjoy your shopping day. I at least have the Diva in my world of male. One of these days I'll send her to you and you two can do the girly thing - lord knows her mother doesn't.

  5. Ms. Q did the banner & Avi. Thanks!

    Re Anna: Hmmmmmmmm. What do you think? ;)

    What do I think? I'm thinking no brainer.

    I just did Holly. We need Robert - think you're up to chanelling him?

    Off to bed. I'll see what you loveliest come up with in the morning.

  6. Loved my Dax today!! CH is determined to win my heart while JE is away (she won't, but let her continue to try!! ;) ).

    Love the Blog!!! I have bookmarked it. So fun!

    Hey Funny, please PM me when you finish your series.. I read the first two, and I think they're great.. but it's gonna drive me nutty not knowing the next chapter. So I'm going to read them all when you're complete. Looking forward to it!!!



    Oh...oh.... LOVE that new banner and Avi. Excellent!!!

    btw - did you do Anna?

  7. Loved the fic remos. Glad to read someone else's fic besides my own. Great job. And just for posting a fic of your I'll recipricate that with one the new part of my fic in the br later tonight.

    Is this going to be a one-fer... cause I've got a second fic (the fluff I've started) in the hopper.

  8. Quick poll: I have a SD friend who was thinking the Luke & Tracy excellent adventure is so cool. SHe is a radio show host of the In the Zone with Soapking (Jen/Soapqueen). She is a big Lacy fan. I mentioned what we were doing to her in PM and she might want to participate! I was hoping maybe we could get a plug on her show about it. Maybe one of us could call in! It is a blog over the internet type radio show that interviews GH stars, and other daytimes stars.

    Lots of people from soapdish listen and call in.

    I know we were waiting to see how this would all play out, but do you think it is okay for me to send her the link to it to check it out? She used to be an insder at get all the breakdowns and she does hear stuff from time to time. Totally Lacy fan! Let me know what you guys think.

    I say go for it. It's developing nicely.

  9. Morning everyone... I see Spinelli commented on our blog yesterday. Good stuff. Lukey braved the cyber waters this morning.

    Funny, that story is in the process. His nibs had the audacity to interupt me last night, so the mood was broken. I'll pick it up, however. It's not like I thought it would be - Tracy is talking to me and giving me a different story to tell (only in a group of writers can I say that. you know what I mean and my sanity isn't in any more peril than usual). Once I get the feeling back I will finish and post. Is that good enough to get more of yours?

  10. Okay.. Wasn't gonna even watch today.

    Figured I was done until June 3...

    but I had it on in my office and OH. MY. GOD. -- Max and Diane were so flippin' cute!

    He asked her to go away with him this weekend. How adorable was that?

    CH's facial expressions are ALMOST as good as JE's... almost. ;)

    yeah... so much for my GH Vacation... I watched Cazygirl and though you'd like that.

    you know, I like Nadine as well, but Claudia/Nik have possibilities. There's something there - and I generally hate Nik. Perhaps Claudia will redeem him for me - TPTB probably never saw that coming

  11. Remos you're so demanding. Patience patience. You don't want it all at once? Do you? :P

    Yes. I have told you the way my mind works. Once I start a story I have to know the ending. I'll enjoy the ride but I won't rest until I've read the final phrase. Are you doing this to torment me???

  12. I love the blog Remos!

    So someone explain to us how it works and how we post an entry.....and the parameters. Unless that has been done already--I have not been reading back today and I have to leave for a party tonight.

    Okay... here's the jist...

    Go comment and call yourself whatever caracter you want as you post.

    BSG has made email addys for Luke and Tracy, and I'll email those with their passwords if you want to write in either Luke or Tracy's voice.

    We're going to work out the bugs before we tell others outside the LF about it


    QT, you said you had two voices in your head. Why don't you start us off and see what you can see?

  13. And....*deep breath*.....I am starting another fic...not too sure how this one will turn out, the first one was just one draft and posted, I didn't think about it too much, and I don't want to think too much about this one, but....I'm not entirely sure yet where I'm going with it, but I do have at least two different ideas, actually, three....LOL.......

    Good for you!!! Honestly, it's like swimming or riding a bike - intimidating at first, but then it just becomes second nature.


    Okay, there are lots of you here. QT has beautified the blog. Go comment:

    Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventure

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