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Posts posted by remos

  1. Remos you mean you didn't like the ending? Go read the other one unlocked if you arleady didn't. Too Many Interruptions part 4.

    No, I got through the entire early months of El, I'm meaning the new series "Forgotten Birth" you have listed the chapters up to #8 (I believe) but I can only read #1.

  2. Is Wednesday Tracy's only day on TV? (Tell me that's not so!!!!!)

    No Lainey, at least Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'm betting Monday as well. SM told about his interaction with Tracy after Luke/Trevor's gamble. Might not be until late in the day, but I'll be watching to find out.


    Yo, Funny..... where's the rest of Forgotten Birth. I'm in, now satisfy!!!

  3. halee, thanks for posting. Aw, loved Tracy with old Edward. You could really see her as a "daddy's girl" here. I hate how Edward totally just dumps on her all the time now. :angry:

    Funny, I had the opposite reaction. All I could think of is what a bastard he was to her back then. No wonder she has trouble with men. Why did Lila put up with Tracy being treated like that? Now at least Edward has his moments where he'll admit to needing her - then she was nothing.

    I'm amazed that the character of Tracy hasn't cracked under that treatment. Luke may be many undesirable things, but he's the only one who's bothered to see beneath the surface and knows she worthy of better treatment then she's gotten.

  4. Well, a few things spring to mind from that list....

    First of all, no one in the know is going to tell us anything about JE's return until closer to the time. I suspect we'll see her in 2-2 1/2 months. July is not 'immediately' before.

    Secondly, TPTB are even more out of touch than I thought. The way for Claudia's character to improve is not to shove her down everyone's throat, but to allow her to develop naturally. Fans are wanting to dislike her on principle because they know she is hogging the airtime and taking valuable story away from the beloved characters.

    Thirdly, again TPTB don't seem to understand the value of story. You can't tell 'story by committee'. Stick with a vision and run with it. You can't tweak this much along the way because the focus is lost and and the fans lose interest. One would think that the TMK story should be seen as a big cautionary tale in that regard.

    And finally, it seems everyone is out for themselves - either keeping their jobs or that elusive 'Emmy reel'. Is anyone at GH interested in tell a good story? Honestly, their flubs will be remembered much longer than any award winning performance ever will.

  5. Remos are you IgniteProject at Youtube??

    Just curious.

    OK it's not you, but I swear it could be you, by some of her comments on some clips

    Nope... but now you have be intrigued. You'll have to show me an example, because I can't find comments from her/him anywhere.

  6. Remos, I was wondering about the Tracy in July vs Jane in July myself. We've seen mid-July and late July mentioned as a return date. If they're still taping about two weeks ahead, maybe it's mid-July for Jane and late July for Tracy.

    Either way, it's Happy Birthday to ME!!!

  7. Hopefully I can get the breakdowns again, although we all know how much stock to put in those. So here is the thing...Claudia admits that to a delirious Nik on Monday I think. It didn't appear that Lunacy would get to be on on Monday from the continuation of the stories. But here is my theory...the storm is happening. The card game with Luke/Treavor has got to be on M or T cause Luke gets arrested on Tuesday. There has to be some time for him to get hauled in, Tracy to bail him out and him to have the police station scene. Perhaps because of the storm...they spend the night together and they make plans to leave. Wed. the 21st the storm is over and it is a new PC day so that is the day they probably leave. THe medianet photos show Lulu and Luke that day and Luke with the cash, etc.

    Didn't SM in his interview say he interacted with Tracy? Having them on all three days is the only way they can get it all in. They are pushing it to the wire as it is.

    I always see people asking have they ever even slept together before places!

    It's that river in Egypt thing.

    So I have spent today buying furntiure, watching my house get totally mutilated by the invasion of the giant media room being installed, and wondering why in the world I have this irrational attachment to a fictional character who I feel like a good friends is going on vacation for two months that I won't see!

    I mean hello???? I know she is a fake character!!! And this is a tv show, but somehow....my intellecutal side and my irrational JE fan side are not meshing well right now!

    Of course, there is no place else in the world or nobody else I would ever be able to admit this to but you guys cause I know you can relate!!!

    There--my confessional for the day!

    Yeah we can relate - scary that. I've been accused of obsessing myself. My defense: I'm with children 24/7 - if I didn't have Tracy and the Lovefest, I'd be a drug addict or alcoholic by now.

  8. Thanks remos.

    If that's true, it better not be like the "Lucky goes to Tracy for help with Luke" spoiler. Poor Lucky was offscreen!!!

    Unfortunately, this could just consist of Tracy and Luke coming down the stairs, saying, "I had a wonderful night last night."

    Well to be fair, GV was on personal leave and they had to adjust the story accordingly.

    Maybe it was a negotiation: you do the dreaded bedroom scene and you'll get two months off to spend with Tony, deal?

  9. Just saw this on SD...

    The nurses at GH will get a kick out of Robin's baby blog but Patrick will not be amused

    Luke and Tracy spend a night together

    Claudia and Nic will have a truthful conversation

    Spinelli gets the upper hand

    Trevor has a uninvited guest show up with revenege in mind

    Lucky and Sam have an exchange

    Morgan asks about Michael which makes Sonny crack

    Since the rest has been confirmed by other spoilers/insiders, I'm wondering how involved this will actually get. This might just make up for the cut scene - maybe this is when he asks her to leave with him..

  10. You win the positivity crown this morning BSG.

    You know my spoiler ho duties will be coming to a much needed hiatus after Wed. when they leave, but you know I won't let you guys down with my persistent quest to find a return date for our girl

    Someone this morning called "Off to the ballgame" from SD

    If you are still around, I am taking a poll, trying to get an answer...do you have any idea of when Tracy will be back this summer or if she will indeed come back?

    She is coming back in July.

    Off to the ballgame...

    We're counting on you, Hooked.

    Okay... now the real question. Tracy is expected back in July, or JANE is expected back in July? There is a difference.


    I know this isn't new...but I just like the was it's worded. From SZ:

    Luke faces prison time for money laundering. He decides to take Tracy and give the authorities the bum’s rush.

  11. Hi everyone...

    Hooked, that sounds great. Surely they will give us something worth savouring before they hit the road. I'm still excited that they are going together, and now knowing that it was part of the plan all along gives me a warm fuzzy.

    I see from SOC that everyone will be on a GH vacation - hope someone will be around to mind the store so they can tell us when to return.

    I couldn't stay awake last night. So what was decided about the Blog?

    Totally OT and following Hooked's lastest issue with her son and the school - why are they giving letter grades for PE? Honestly. Sport along with Music are not one of the 3 essential subjects and excelling at them comes from hard work but also talent. It's unfair to put that kind of pressure on a child who doesn't have talent in those areas or sports the class doesn't cover. Would they letter grade yoga or rock climbing? The system is so backward.

  12. I am SOOOOO livid right now! I just talked to my son's PE teacher over his progress report grade. He had an 80 in 8th grade PE. He said the reason was that on his bi-weekly mile run grades he had a 70 and a 50. How unfair is that that because of his physical ability to not run fast, which he cannot help, he is now almost getting a C in PE to ruin his whole average? I mean who cares it is middle school, but still. His participaton and dress out grade is 100. I hate this damn school system. Sucks!!

    I am so pulling my middle son out of PE now and putting him in the karate thing for next year that is the alterative, because he is even a slower runner than my oldest son.

    Sorry OT. Just had to rant!

    I'm sorry you are enduring this. Your son has had a very tough year. My personal opinions aside, school is just evil for this age. Rant away - that's your baby.

    I noticed that person who posted about Tony being so nice to invite his co-stars to his home like GF, GV, etc. But clearly he had to tell ABC SID that Jane was coming with him!! I am sure they only interviewed TG and not JE.

    Are you kidding? When JE found/finds out he blabbed, she will probably hit him and tell him it's no one's business by theirs. She had a fit when the media wanted to release that her mother had died, saying it was no one's business but hers. She's certainly not going to share their traveling information. It could only come from him.

    Is it just me, or has it seemed that anytime TG is interviewed of late, he brings JE into it. She doesn't reference him at all, but even when he only has a minute (like that phone call interview) he talks about her. Personal 'tendencies' aside, I think Tony loves Jane almost as much as Luke loves Tracy.

  13. I noticed that nomie in the Jane/Tony thread (nomie is an LnL fan) had to mention that TG invites apparently everyone in the western world to Amsterdam, so therefore his invite to Jane is just business as usual. (they didn't say it that way, but had to of course mention JZ, GV and GF had ALREADY been there )

    UGH. Sour grapes, much? <_<

    Yeah, I saw this and had to roll my eyes. She could be there every summer for all we know - it's not as if 'tell fans my plans' is EVER on her to do list. I just think it's interesting who says what to the press. And good for GV... at least that poster didn't say GF and JJ - you know, Luke's 'real' family.

    Anyway... our girl has the shout out.

    How are the technical plans coming for the blog, QT? What have you found out?

  14. After all the nasty things gottahavelusty has said about Tracy, Lacy and JE?

    I refuse to take any good will from that poster seriously. *shrug* great for them if they mean it, and if they don't, eh either way. I'm not going to acknowledge the comment, because I truly don't think it's sincere at all.

    I have glimpsed over at SZ just to see if anyone is talking about JE going to Amsterdam, and I don't think anyone is. I felt for sure it would have been a topic of discussion, but I'm thinking maybe they don't know yet? Hmmmm.

    I guess I should be glad, cause no doubt someone would pop off with something that would ruin it.

    Don't look a gift horse.. yadda yadda... Point is someone who isn't even fond of LuNacy has 'declared' that ewcbo is past.

    The BR isn't letting me in at all. I'm taking the hint and heading to bed. Chat with you tomorrow.

  15. I don't know if I'll make it into the BR for long, but I gotta tell ya.. I LOVE this chick/buddy....

    (Gottahavelusty)Don't think about what's been cut. Think about what you have and will continue to have. I wouldn't be at all surprised if everyone at GH agreed that Luke and Tracy should end up with each other once TG retires.

    You will probably wind up as the only fanbase with a married couple to leave the show together.

    Does Guza love you, or what? smile.gif

    (Luke)Not meaning to hijack the thread, Lol, but I wouldn't go that far. I love Luke and Tracy just as much as the next person. But last November proved that Tony and Genie still have it. I am a LnL fan, but I am also a fan of each character separately. Laura doesn't need to be paired with Luke or vice versa. But given the right situation and right sl, I wouldn't say anything is over. JMHO

    (Gottahavelusty)Oh I would you see. Maybe because I'm not invested but I know the losing side of a debate when I'm on it.

    The show has gone to extraordinary lengths to rewrite a lot of LnL history - with Luke's conversations and Lulu's comments - and they've done that for a reason. Just like the magazine articles. That's all done for a reason. So someone has decided LnL isn't a payoff for them anymore.

    Honestly, if I were an LnL fan, I would cash in my chips. Because really, there's nothing worse than pining away for something you're never going to get. It's better just to call it a day.


  16. This was the last quote on the matter... and my response... (hope you don't mind me speaking for all of you)...

    (Luke)When was there a Luke/Tracy/Laura debate?

    Why was there one to begin with? Laura's not even on the show

    (Gottahavelusty)Oh sorry! It was in the other thread - the one about Jane and Tony going on vacation together.

    Combine that blurb with the way the show is pushing Luke/Tracy, I think you can safely tell LnL fans to pack up their tents. Show's over lol.

    (Me)Oh behalf of LuNacy fans everywhere... WELL CAUGHT!!!

    (Gottahavelusty)Congratulations smile.gif You are probably GH's only winning fanbase lol.

    But be kind to the remaining LnL fans who are still waiting in vain for their ride off into the sunset-- the one that's never coming.

    (Me)I like you... and we know we've been lucky (even though they cut the scene we've been waiting MONTHS to see).

    Tracy doesn't do gentle - but we try

    Yeah, how about that...we won. Seems too easy, though... ;) But, hey, we'll be too busy with Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventures and cheesing about how darned sweet it is that Jane and Tony are such good friends. It's such a nice, dorky feeling. :P

    Does make you feel good... doesn't it!

  17. Where there's a will, there's a way, remos! :D I will start looking into that today.

    Oh, and guess who's photo is pasted on the top of our Jane and Tony on vacation thread. <_<

    Oh I know... pissed me royally.


    ewcbo has always boasted that she has an open invitation to Amsterdam...

    TG bosted that JE is going with him....

    Na na and boo-ya!

  18. Okay so how freaking adorable is this???


    JE is going on vacation with her TV hubby to Amsterdam and taking a tiny break from Hollywood!

    Too bad they don't give her a date for returning but a tiny break sounds good to me.

    Guess she does leave on the 21st and that person who said she is still in studio was wrong. Love to think about them hanging out together and how they must be such great friends in real life!

    That is really sweet. I'm thinking that he 'would have missed the top of his game' is probably a

    reference to working with JE, 'cause he's praised her in every interview he's done in the last few years.

    They need a new stock shot, though..... something in that salmon jacket with her short hair...

  19. I'm torn on this.

    Trevor is icky. Wayyyy disgusting and appalling and annoying.

    But SM can act..... and I love to see JE with good actors.

    Oh...don't misunderstand. I agree with you. He's slime, but he couches it with so much finesse that I can't help enjoy him. Tracy would see through him in a New York minute. I just think the Black Widow and Mr. Lansing would be fabulous to watch - and I think Luke should feel uncomfortable for a change. We haven't seen flirty Tracy in a long...long...long time.

  20. Ryan (soap king on SD) who has the Blogtalk radio show interviewed Stephen Macht who plays Treavor tonight. SM said he loves Jane and Nancy and was so happy he got to have scenes with them. Apparently there is a scene he told Ryan about that is Treavor and Luke playing cards and he bets the piers in the card game. Luke loses. Tracy walks in at the end of the game. I guess she threatens Treavor or says something to him like "you have no idea of things I could do to you" and he is like "oohhhhhh" and flirty with her. Then they get arrested. This must be on either M or T cause we know Luke gets arrested on Tues.

    This sounds so good. I like the idea of Trevor flirting with her more than Anthony. AZ is a nut and a glorified punk, but Trevor does come with some class. He might be a snake but he'd be throwing it in there with the best. He could give Lukey a run for his money!

  21. Okay someone on SD supposedly has the ABC SID magazine early.

    They said it says:

    JE is tagging along with Geary to Amsterdam for a vacation.

    Now that is funny and fun to think about isn't it? Could be fake cause people are so freaking whacked on SD that they make up fake stuff from mags to bait people into getting upset.

    Why not??? ewcbo has boasted for years that she has an 'open invitation to Amsterdam'. She can't be the only friend he spends time with there. And I would imagine he has a lot more to share with JE than with GF.

    Ok, HUGE question that needed clarifying b/c I need to know.... JE is accompanying TG or TQ is going with LS. Big differences with those statements. Plus, as much as this group is pretty split as to whether or not they think those to or one of the two are gay, let me just say that I, for one, think they make the cutest couple EVER and so that is where my mind is going with that quote... they they are oh so cute and taking a vaca together.

    My conspiracy loving heart can go there with you. Not a problem.

    Now for the show. I haven't seen today's yet but let put a positive spin on the last 2 since a good many people think we got jipped. If really great writers were doing their jobs I think we would have been jipped too, but seeing the way things have always gone with our faves and the fact that they can step in sh-t and make diamonds they can simply be making the same old crap into something better than it would normally be, but I say we give credit where credit is due. TIIC, while they may not be producing great writing, they are giving us much of what we have been asking for for a LONG time, and all in recent months. Luke has declared his love over and over. He has said that he loves her (at the very least) as much as Laura and he doesn't want anyone else ever. He has or will be asking her to run away WITH him. And last but not leats, she kicked him to the curb and is making him work to get her back. Like I said, the writing may not be fantastic, but they are certainly giving us what we wanted. And if none of this is what people want to hear b/c, yes, the shows are still disappointing (I'm not saying they aren't, just looking at the silver lining) than to you I say this... becareful what you wish for... or at least VERY very specific!!

    Drat... you're right... I hate to be interupted mid-rant by logic... Just think if we were Scrubs fans or Liason fans... We actually have gotten 98% of the goods and we're b*tching about the last little bit. No other couple has even that much at the present (also JoLu is coming up fast on the inside).

  22. Remos--still no kudos for my positivity???? You wound me woman!!!

    It is with deepest regret that I made an oversight of such magnitude. I bow to offer my most profound apologies and desparage that I have caused you pain. You accomplishment was indeed impressive and I should have acknowledged it in a more timely manner. Please forgive my callousness.

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