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Posts posted by remos

  1. Oy... the first time they continue a LuNacy tender moment... the FIRST TIME... and they BLEW IT... Big

    Nex: Scenes 1 and 2

    1. Tracy opens by looking at him for a few moments, then tells him what he said means more to her than he can imagine - she knows how hard it is for him to say it. Some would say that she's stubborn but she honours her marriage vows - whatever they are (to which Luke smirks). But hitching his wagon to the mob is more dangerous than 3 heart attacks. He agrees they are a match made in hell. More about the danger of the choices he's making, then Sonny comes in and tells Luke he needs his time. I think Tracy says something like 'right on cue'.

    2. Luke says his timing is off, as he gestures towards Tracy. Sonny asks if it's a bad time. Tracy says yes. She asks Luke to walk away and commit fully to what he told her. He tells her he won't be emtionally blackmailed (Tracy didn't sound like she was doing that, but anyway...). He says he meant every single word he said to her, but he picks his own business partners. Tracy says fine, she's not putting any more money into his corps, then storms off. Luke says "Women, can't live with them, can't poison their martini glasses - again" (Last bit was said louder and in the direction where Tracy had gone.) Sonny asks what's happening. Luke tells him Tracy thinks association with the Zacharas will cause his death. Sonny says he hates to agree "But you wife is right". Luke doesn't look happy.

    Rest of the show is Luke/Sonny stuff then AZ coming into the bar saying he's sorry Luke had a heart attack. He doesn't remember what he did at Windamere, and he's there to talk business. Yadda yadda the world revolves around Lulu.

    Oh Lainey... Diane and Max with Sonny and Jason. Isn't this the day Guza was going on about being so funny he wanted another hour? That man is stupid and doesn't know comedy if that was supposed to be funny. All that happened was Sonny accused Diane of loosing the case because all she can think about is Max, so he's sending Max to Peurto Rico. Max stands up to Sonny saying he put his life on the line many times and has shown him completely loyalty over the past five years, but Sonny has got to keep his nose out of Max's personal life. Diane is amazed Max stood up for himself. Good for Max, but it wasn't funny.

  2. Two Tracy related threads on SOC and neither one of them are too good. Go forth and defend out girl, folks! These EWCBO fans get on my last nerve. Yup, of course since Luke told our girl he loves her yesterday, the EWCBO fans are coming out of the woodwork again wth "if she woke up tomorrow....." cr@p.

    NEWSFLASH Tracy, no one wants your husband....

    I can only have pity for Tracy Quartermaine wannabe Luke's love

    Catch you all later. Am litterally running out the door to school. Fingers are crossed for some sexy LuNacy today.

    Wow... ewcbo fans have their claws sharpened. I responded - then decided to take it another notch. So I started,

    Is LuNacy the only couple with their own song/theme music?

    Go forth and post!

  3. Morning all...

    Nex, thanks for the clips.

    MF, nice to see you out and about. Glad you are getting your LuNacy goodness.

    Addie, hope today is better. That trivia was interesting.

    Hooked, keep making friends!

    And on the boards this morning...

    From Lynda Hirsch:

    GENERAL HOSPITAL: After spotting Ian, Maxie sends a text message to Spinelli just before Ian grabs her. Jason and Spinelli arrive on the scene as Ian holds a scalpel to Maxie's throat, threatening to kill her. Ian admits to shooting Michael, but won't tell Jason who he was working for. Ian turns up dead. Alexis questions Jerry about his association with Ian. Robin, Patrick and Tracy walk in on Luke and Anna's drinking contest and find Anna hanging upside down by a rope. Robin is speechless when Anna asks Patrick if he is going to marry her daughter. Jax sees a disaster in the making when Carly decides to care for Michael at home. Carly explains Michael's condition to Morgan and is later devastated when she finds Morgan pleading with his brother to wake up. Carly breaks down in Jason's arms after he forces her to face the truth about Michael. While sitting by Michael's beside, Jason reaffirms his vow to stay out of Jake's life. Jason knows things will never be the same between him and Sonny in the wake of Michael's shooting. On the day of his surgery, Nikolas says goodbye to Emily.

    SNEAK PEEK: Luke is arrested.

    From soaps.com

    Anthony is set free and Sonny blames Diane.

    The first person AZ goes to see? Luke.

    From Wubs....

    I like Tracy's outfit. I really like she and LUKE..sniff. Man, it really makes me not want Laura back! How weird...I guess it's just the growing and evolution of Luke for me. If Laura had been on the show the entire time, it would be different but she hasn't been. awwwwww. Luke said I love you! wweeee!

  4. Found this on TWoP: Tracy does know why Luke sticks around, but she wants to hear Luke say it. Luke is clueless about women. That scenario makes more sense than how I originally interpreted the scene.

    No... I don't think this is it, at all.

    Perhaps Luke is clueless at times, but he's not an idiot. He saw right through Tracy and nailed it - she honestly doesn't get it. She thinks it's still a game with him and that sure, he might love her but he really isn't IN love with her. That's what he was trying to get across. That's what she doesn't know how to hear. She's not setting him up to verbally confirm what she already knows - she DOESN'T know.

    We know that Luke and Tracy are on tomorrow, and other stories are continuing tomorrow.... I hope they don't drop this scene. I want to see it's conclusion. To day we were left on the edge or our seats... I WANT MORE!!!


    New poll at SOC:

    Which actor/actress has been most overlooked for the Emmy's?

    JE is about to take the lead. Come on and help her.

  5. Okay... off to Guides. Each of the girls had to bring a treat from a WAGGGS country (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), and we've had Singapore Spring Rolls, Greek Hummus and Pita, American Apple Pie, and Irish Chocolate. The Diva - not to be outdone - is bringing French Escargot - pan fried in two different toppings. I am rasing Ms. Thing!

    Anyway, I can't wait to dish today's eppi in the BR tonight. See you then.

  6. Would be great if not for the fact that Tracy/Luke are so rarely written for these days that the writers forget what they have had the characters say in the past. Case in point: Luke has already told Tracy he loves her (more than once). Yeah, Yeah, they probably adlibbed all the I love yous, but the writers are paid to watch their product too, not just write it. Pathetic.

    To those of us who know and love these two today was nothing "new." Yeah, her facial expressions were GREAT.. but been there, done that. Oy.

    Yeah but Lainey, what was said was before he skipped town on her in January. That broke major trust for her. She's been playing the role of wife but still hasn't accepted him back fully. They had fun together on opening night, but it was sexual play - something she has said they do well regardless. Today was more of a meat-n-potato discussion about what really matters for them. She doesn't believe he truly loves her - she's settled and can't really believe anyone would want her. She's got 60 years of proof that she's not lovable. The joy was in how he said it today. Although we know it, and TG and JE know it... Tracy is a lot harder to convence.

  7. Okay... you have to hang on to the very end, but it's SOOOO worth it.

    Nex: Scenes 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 Nothing in previews

    1. Luke on empty HS, receiving another money transfer from JZ. Tracy walks in and says "well look who's hand got caught in the cookie jar". Luke looks over at her and smiles.

    2. Tracy is not happy. Luke says money laundering is easy and he could do it in his sleep. Lucky comes in and asks what's happening, as Luke hides the box with his body. Tracy says "Daddy's getting in trouble again". Lucky says he isn't here as a cop, he's here to warn Luke that AZ's trial is starting and there is a good chance he will be freed. Lucky says as much as he hates it when Luke runs, now might be a really good time to leave town. Tracy looks on.

    4. Tracy says things must be bad when his own son is telling him to leave town. Luke basically says he laughs in the face of danger, and Tracy tells him she's not interested in being the Merry Widow. She points out that he isn't as fleet of foot as he once. Luke accuses her of wanting to shut the HS down again (?) so he's totally dependent on her. Frustrated Tracy tells him it's not always about him. Sam comes in at this point and offers her services to Luke. Tracy is not amused.

    5. Sam campaigns for a job with Luke, telling him she knows all the games and can be a Shiller (?). Tracy throws insulting comments at Sam, which Sam ignores. Luke tells Tracy that this is a business deal and deals should be mutually beneficial. He tells her she can start as soon as the Star opens again.

    6. Tracy is spinning the Roulette wheel and accues Luke of being a hedonist and thinking he's immortal. Luke says he doesn't want to live forever, but he wants to enjoy what he has. Tracy says she gives up and won't nag any longer. He should just paint a bullseye on his back. But DON'T expect her to come to his funeral. Then she walks away.

    7. Tracy is at the bar pouring herself a drink, saying that Luke doesn't care what happens to her or Lulu. Luke says Lulu is making her choices, sticking around JZ and will have to grow up and figure this out on her own. As to Tracy and the Star, she doesn't care about the Star, she just wants to keep him financially dependent. Tracy looks at him and smiles, and says that is incredibly insulting. Why doesn't he just go away and not come back? Luke tells her she just thinnks he comes back to drink her father's booze, live in luxery and eat Cook's blueberry pancakes. Tracy says he's never denied that. (Their music starts...squee...) He tells her he can live without the pancakes and he's lived in tents and the back of a car. He doesn't need any of that stuff. Then he walks away from her shaking his head and saying she just doesn't get it, she really doesn't get it. He turns back to her and walks towards her saying "I love you, Tracy.... I - LOVE - YOU". She is stunned.

  8. Morning guys. Well the emmy nom were announced. I am LMAO that nobody on GH got one except Tony Geary! And he has to thank his lucky stars he had JE kicking his butt to show up and not phone it in with her! She can make anyone sparkle.

    From what I heard, they didnt even have a blue ribbon panel this year deciding. Someone leaked they just voted for their favorites without watching all the tapes. TG only wins on sentimental value--he had NOTHING emmy-worthy this year. The only thing I can think of was his speech to lulu explaining the rape that he might have submitted.

    The only good news is if he wins, maybe he will thank Jane! But I don't think he will win!

    Surely to heavens with this and three tanked sweeps in a row (I don't have high hopes for May), TPTB will make some significant changes. Guza obviously can't do the job.

    Off to the Guide Store. Hopefully I will be back before 3 PM and I really, really hope our wait has been worth it.

  9. Wtf was Diane doing defending Luke?!?!?! (Don't like that AT ALL. Diane needs to stay OUT of Luke's world)

    Wtf was Tracy doing hanging around the place like the town drunk or the local gambling groupie?


    I don't understand why they put Diane in that scenario. Makes no sense to me. She's not Luke's lawyer. I guess it's good for CH, cause it's allowing her to prove her diversity and her worth -- so MAYBE it'll lead to a contract for her --- but I still don't like it. Don't like it at all.

    Oh, I don't know.... I thought the Diane bit made sense. Diane has a habit of stepping into the muck when she thinks something in unjust. She was there, and she was trying to intervene with her friend Alexis, not simply the DA. Her comment that "she tried", now that seemed lame.

    Tracy behind the plants was a bit much, especially the way she watched Luke and Diane flirt. I'm getting tired of the "Tracy is jealous" thing. Her husband flirts but he has never followed through (I'm convinced the 'skin-diving trips' are more ego than substance). She needs to get comfortable in her marriage to a scoundral - that is Luke Spencer. She was pre-heart attack. She might have looked passingly smug, but Luke wasn't bothered by it - he looked right at her as he began to clear the room.

    The breakdown for tomorrow don't sound great, but the website they originated from (soaps.com) was the only one that didn't have the ILY for tomorrow anyway. All they really say is the characters that are on and one tiny thing about them. The breakdown for today didn't include Ian going to Kate about money or Sonny seeing Luke, but they were both pretty significant plot points. I wouldn't fold yet.

  10. Thanks for the heads up on Tracy being on today remos, even if she is window dressing.

    I need an opinion.....I was thinking about just adding all of her scenes for the week in one large clip instead of each clip being about a minute each. Let me know what you all think and I will do what the majority says. :)

    I think if we keep getting fluff like we've had the last few months, that makes sense. If tomorrow is as full and good as we're led to believe, it might have to be a stand alone.

    Was Dax on?

    Don't have time to troll SOC, and CaziGirl not up yet (how did I live before Cazigirl!!??!)

    I've wondered that myself by times.

    I didn't see Max or any reference to them. Diane alone to the best of my knowedge.

  11. She's on....

    1. Luke is on the HS, lots of people around enjoying the place. Johnny walks in to talk to Luke, Tracy comes up behind them and asks why Johnny is interested - Luke is supposed to run the business. Luke clumsily gets rid of her (go play the tables, new Bourbon shipment so drink on the house). Before she goes Tracy points at them and says she'll be watching. Luke and Johnny are discussing a money laundering payment.

    2,3,4,5,6 - Sorry, gone dropping the screamers off at piano

    7. HS empty, Sonny warns Luke he's going to retaliate. Talk about Lulu and that Luke has no role in it.

    Nothing in previews.

  12. Its moments like this that I think that I must have been switched at birth. There has to be some other child born at Royal Perth Hospital on the 15th of December in 1986 who is living with my real parents right now and having a nice happy life while Im here with the lunatics. My mother has now announced that she'll never be able to look at me and think about me the same way again, and says that Im back to my lying, manipulative, distrustful ways, and that Ive disappointed her. She says that I have had life experiences and that Im lived all of these places and blah blah blah. She was going on and on about how she raised me up and all I wanted to do was scream that they didn't raise me up, they dragged me up and dragged me all over the places and right into the middle of their constant chaos and crap. No one is helping me or defending me. Its all apparently my fault. I've turned myself into the victim and Im making them all look bad and lying about them apparently. IM JUST SO MAD AND HURT AND UPSET RIGHT NOW. I just want to scream. Maybe she can just adopt Izzy since she's wonderful, perfect, a gift from heaven, and she's the daughter she's always wanted and they can just all be one big happy family. Hell maybe they can also adopt Lucy and Zeke's other friends Hannah the crack addict and Jenna the slut, and oh maybe 100 orhpans as well since they are all apparently better children than I've been. Then maybe they can just let me be since Im a "bad", distrustful, unthoughtful person.

    Its moments like this that make me remember why when I was younger I would lay in the bed and dream about who my "real" parents were and when they were coming to get me away from the crazies.

    I always wanted another daughter. Come on up! You'll be a product of my teen years, but it's physically possible. :) We both lived in New Brunswick, so I can take you 'home'.

  13. I am just in my happy bubble right now saying "la la la la" to everything else! I decided to get out of dodge on SD before someone bursted my happy bubble. Now I'm off to Whole Foods to get a few things and then to sit outside, try to write and enjoy this beautiful day...before my MIL rains on my parade the rest of the week. I just found out she is not sleeping here tonight though so that is good I can still chat tonigh!

    Go to your happy place... Hooked.

    (and you didn't fib, you are having company)

  14. Yes, we've seen it. We're also critiqued it and pointed out all the errors - we just can't find a way to inform SOD about their mistakes.

    All those days.... I'm not sure if I prefer her average of 2 days spread over 5 or 10. Four days in a row and nothing for an entire week, or 2 every week.... why do we get crumbs???

    I'm here with my pen - though the screamers have Piano this afternoon so I won't have everything today. Tomorrow it's penalty of death if anyone wants me at 3 PM!

    A crucial point of observation, my friends... If Alexis is closing the HS today, and Luke gushes all over Tracy tomorrow, the likelihood of Tracy pushing Alexis to close the Star is quite remote. One day later Lukey would be pretty mad. We shall see, of course, but I hope it isn't one of those situations where Tracy takes matters into her own hand with noble intentions, and ends up alienating the person she's trying to protect - seen a lot of that over the years with her boys (husbands and sons).

  15. Okay... Remos is starting her day on an emotional rollercoaster...

    Pride - loved that Award, Hooked. Brilliant...simply brilliant

    Mourning - Ms. Q.... honestly... tears...

    Expectation - might she be on today?

    Annoyed - why does Luke have to try to win Tracy back.. again..

    And now I'm off to start my r/l day...

  16. Okay... not sure how to read/take this one...

    From SOD (Record this)

    May 13th: Sam makes a surprising discovery, while Luke turns on the charm to win back Tracy.

    SOD agrees with Guza about Mikey's hit and the story value. NL it gone. CH thinks Alexis and Diane are gold.


    D'oh. Sorry, didn't see Hooked already posted.

  17. From some anon on Luke leaving...

    I think he has about 9 more shows before his summer vacation.

    Does he leave with Anna or on the run?

    I'm not 100% certain; I don't ask much about Luke. Sorry. I just heard that he disappears and Tracy gets "livid".

    That FU&*%$ better say bye to Tracy. Doesn't sound like it from whatever this person knows!!!!

    She better be livid about the situation, and not from finding out that Luke left without telling her.

  18. You know really pisses me off. None of these questions I ask make the IL. I think I need to start putting them there myself, cause otherwise, the Tracy stuff would never make its way to light!

    I hat that the search feature doens't work anymore!

    I've noticed. Seems unless you are interested in Liason or Scrubs, you're SOL.

    Thank you for digging through those annals. They can be nasty.

  19. Okay, some insider is answering me...anon though so not sure...

    Insider: Can you say how Luke leaves when TG takes off for summer? Do you know if Luke/Tracy stay married? Thanks

    Yes they do stay married, but tracy is jeolous of Anna. Anna on the other hand doesn't see it that way, all she wants to do is mess with Zaccharas mind, and the helps she needs to do that is Luke.

    Now.. this makes more sense to me. Tracy being jealous of every woman Luke pays attention to makes complete sense. Anna to not think Tracy has anything to worry about, also makes complete sense. Wanting Luke's help to play AZ, again complete sense - and it gives Luke a reason to leave Dodge without intentionally hurting Tracy. I'm actually good with this. Just want another statement that he will come back to her and lost of emoting before he leaves.

    Also gives Tracy something to play if Anna is sticking around town. I'd also like Anna to tell Tracy that she doesn't have anything to worry about - that Luke is completely committed to her. So many have told Tracy that Luke is just playing her - it would be nice for someone to say Luke is only interested in his wife.

  20. Ha! That will go over well with Tracy. It seemed they jumped into TQ forgiving Luke really quick. The Haunted Star scenes seemed really random. I am not complaining, of course, and I really wish things would stay that way without Luke's rebelling crap.

    Does have the odour of a spoiled child about it...

  21. She is one of the few legit posters on SD. I think she was saying that luke, tracy, anna fans would be unhappy about luke whooping it up with Anna and tracy being jealous, etc. I think that is all she is saying.

    Perhaps... but I hope this is just a tempest in a teapot. They might as well stick a fork in LuNacy if they aren't going to have them close before TG leaves. It was one thing when they were just building them up, but now that they have pledges their trough is countless ways, it just lacks any real respect for the couple or credibility in the storytelling.

  22. Oh well - like clockwork [!@#$%^&*] starts right before 11. I will tell you this SD, Liason is fine, Sarah is being pushed hard to have her character rehabilitated (no romance) - and yes it will be mob heavy. Steve and Mo and LW need to tread a little more lightly with their demands in the future, as TPTB are starting to hold them more accountable to their "promises of ratings". No info on Ingo, KMc and JT are getting antsy but they are happy; NS2 I know nothing about but hope that people have learned fromtheir mistakes. JE, FH and TG have things coming up which will most likely not make people happy but if the alternative is no screentime then I think they will have to deal.

    I'm sorry, but this sounds off.

    1. We've been told not to trust anything more than 3 weeks in advance because no one knows what will happen, and TG's vacation is more than 3 weeks away.

    2. SB, MB and LW held "accountable"? That sounds ridiculous - their performances are only as good as the material they've been given. Actors can't be held accountable for 'winning' fans any more than they can 'losing' fans. The entire genre would colapse if it were that myopic.

    3. The bit about JE/FH/TG and being unhappy.... we've been told by other sources that LuNacy is happy long before TG leaves.

    4. FH isn't going to be around long enough to cause that level of trouble for LuNacy. She's already had 2 or her 6-8 performances, another on May 5th, and she spending most of her time with Robin/Patrick. The number just won't work. If she's coming back for a summer storyline that's great, but TG is never around for the summer.

  23. Thanks Lady A and Ms. Q for the link. That was a fun interview and I've never seen it before. I soooo understand Jane wanting to be with adults and people she could physically look up to.

    I noticed the side step with the question "Who do you want to work with?" After 30 years she'd probably given up hopes of working with TG. And lo and behold, within the year they would be together...

  24. Okay Remos--Jus want to clarify that this wasn't a "hooked freakout". You have to be soapdish saavy in prying info out of people who are insiders...you have to ask questions in a certain way! It is a sad state of my life, that I have become SD saavy!

    Hey, hey, hey... I did NOT say you were freakout out. I know what that looks like and I haven't seen it for awhile. :D (Always good to clarify these point, though...)

    I agree about the striping. Everyone makes a big deal about FH's body, so they are probably finding some silly story to capitalize on it. TG doesn't even like doing love scenes where he gets covered in blankets - can't imagine he's take off more than his outer shirt for this one. Perhaps shoes or socks.

    Ms.Q, haven't read Oh Baby! yet, but will. I love that vid - it gets better with each viewing. Glad to see others are appreciating your work and our couple.

    Funny.... #13???

    I just awoke from a nap (the nap was my idea, the waking was not!) so hopefully I will be around for a chat this evening. I'm still practically voiceless but I don't get 'sick time' for my job, so onward and upward... I miss all of you. It's obvious when we have a week sans la Q.

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