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Posts posted by remos

  1. A comment left on one of my videos on YT:

    Luke has never looked at another woman like he looks at Laura. Not Tracy, nor Skye. or anyone. They will always be eternal.

    posted by LukesotherLaura

    I almost gagged

    Gag... can you remove that kind of crap? I noticed another one (not sure if it was yours or Ms.Q's) about how they can't stand Luke with Tracy because ewcbo is his one and only.

    Ya know... no LuNacy fan has ever denied Laura... but those LnL people sure want to undercut Tracy.


    Hooked, you're on SD regularly... could you ask what dates are coming up. My TV is now having to be shared with Ben10 (action cartoon, for the uninitiated). It's just worth the lack of hastle to say "You can have it today and Friday, but Tracy is on Thursday so Mommy is watching". TIA, Luv

    And before you ask... yes, that was me.

  2. Yup... that covers it.

    And now a rarity from me: Colour Commentary...

    She's wearing my jacket!!! Happy Dance!!! (Yes, I mean that salmon one from last summer.)

    I can see the set up and why Luke "pulls out all the stops" on Tuesday. He's got one week for a lot to happen, so buckle your seatbelts.

  3. Hey all! I am so sorry for the delay but with my grandparents in town and me being tour guide I have been quite busy in my free time. But alass I finally finished editing Tracy and Luke's scenes from the past week late last night. :) So here they are in all their glory......


    Credit goes to both Geena and Trudy, edited by me.

    Hope you are enjoying their visit. And thanks so much for the clips. :D:D

  4. I'm playing a game now... how long will it be until I'm actually restricted or chastised for my opinions. I've said some pretty negative stuff about LnL but have never received a warning. Perhaps I phrase things is a way that misses their scrutiny, don't know, but I agree they are very biased. That picture alone makes me want to throw things some days.

    Don't you love our nice clubhouse? We don't have to worry about that here.

  5. Morning all..

    Nothing much doing here. My back is considerably better but I'm still not pushing it. Last night at Guides we had the girls throw a babysitting party for about 10 toddler/preschoolers. It was actually comical to see these girls in way over their heads. At least 3 of them have said they aren't going to have kids. Last week they were so convinced it would be idylic and orderly. Last night was the first time they have ever asked me if the meeting was almost over. None of the little kids seemed too badly tramautized, so that's good.

    Surfing around this morning. Nothing interesting. Another confirmation that Tracy is on today (yay). this was on Wubs...

    Tracy tries to run the Haunted Star her way with Luke away

    Sam and Tracy face off at the Haunted Star

    I'm think uh-oh... Tracy might understand corporate business but she doesn't know how to run a bar. Should be entertaining. Looks like Hooked is going to get her Tram fix, as well.

    SOC is obsessing a bit much. Now they have a thread about the possibility of Patrick/Robin taking over "Laura's House". I went on in the middle of the night to say I think it would be great to have an actually family living there and not keep it a museum. And guess what, up at the top was yet another picture of ewcbo.

  6. From SOW


    Lists the nods they got.

    Most Shocking Snubs: LW, NLG and CH. They noted MB didn't place his name in contention.

    TG says having 12 nods at this point in his life is very gratifying. He didn't expect it especially since one of the days he submitted is a comedy day and they don't usually get rewarded. He notes he submitted the day Luke went to hell and the material is really farcical. The other show he submitted was Luke in the hospital and doesn't want to have the operation for his heart. So the contrast is between the comic and the dramatic. Being nominated never gets old for him and he wouldn't mind winning for a sixth time because it's always nice to have a trophy.

    JFP says TG is an icon and it's impossible for him to not be good. But, as a mother tiger she was disappointed and doesn't want it to sound like sour grapes but she was surprised by the absence of more of GH's cast, SBu, LW and TC.

    I wonder which episode at the hospital it was...there were so many where he didn't want to have the operation. I hope Jane was in one of those.

    Considering Tracy was the main person pushing for his operation, I can't see her not being included. If he wins, he better thank her big 'cause she saved most of that storyline for him.

  7. I would expect we would get something nice from Dr. Phil Luke (since when do Nik, Sonny, Patrick, Anna all come to Luke for advice) tomorrow cause tracy is on for like two scenes with him. Hopefully she overhears him telling Nik that he will find love again or something. Luke has been doing a good job of making it clear he is no longer stuck in the past and that he is ready to sever ties--sell the house, talk about pulling plugs, etc...

    Lots of people were commenting that they can't believe if TG has so much control over dialogue etc that the wouldn't stop the dissing, but if truth be told, I think he is just as anxious as Guza is to put LnL behind him. I mean really, if TG really cared about keeping LnL on some pedestal, I am sure he would intervene--but he doesn't. Just like he intervened when he felt Luke should tell Tracy he loved her during the fake wedding.

    Perzachly... TG is so over LnL - and it's obvious. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he crafted some of that dialogue himself. It's easy to blame Guza (holding the poor LnL fan poopsies hostage), but truth be told the message has been consistent from Luke. That was the past, Tracy is his life now. I hope we do get Tracy overhearing Luke tell Nicholas that there is love after loss. More people need to hear that - no just LnL fans. Is that expected tomorrow? I though Nicky was having surgery...or does Lukey visit him in the hospital?

    BTW, SOC has pulled the Queen of the Slapdowns link. Tracy was handsomely ahead. Wonder why...

  8. If you mean Laura, the one thing (THE ONLY THING, apparently) that GB and I agree on is that Laura is a big bore. No, I think GB just doesn't think much of Tracy, which is okay by itself, it's her love of characters that aren't any better than Tracy (Carly, Spammy, Maxie, Claudia) that boggles my mind.

    I don't think she sees their faults, at least, she doesn't see them AS faults. If that makes any sense.

    Really... hmmm.. I thought she was one of the remaining three LnL diehards. Shows how much I actually paid attention. :P

    Hey TL... all we needed to happen was for the rest of the country to get home from work. Tracy has pulled ahead of Maxie by almost 10 points, and it's only 5 ET.

  9. So, Nik and Luke previews tomorrow, I read...I guess I should be saying YAY for cast integration, but I am saying "Boo to Tracy being limited to Luke and not vice-versa."

    I guess Nik wants advice on moving on from the one who makes it worthwhile or something...What are we expecting? A LuNacy jab, an LnL jab, something that will make all fanbases happy???

    Unless Luke was to say Tracy was just a game and Laura just woke up, the LnL fanbase wouldn't be happy regardless. And since we know both of those are untrue, I'm voting to piss off the LnL crowd for $500, Alex.

    whatever. It's not that I'd ever deny Tracy is mean...it's just certain people saying Tracy is mean with her smackdowns....and ignoring that the very nature of the smackdown requires meanness.

    Actually, the nastiest thing about Tracy came from Greenbutterfly, who seems to think the only way to hold her 'angel' to the light is to destroy our girl. The irony, of course, is that none of us feel the need to defend Tracy 'cause she can stand on her own. It's fun to watch the butterfly quiver, though...

  10. Remos, I just voted in that poll. Can you believe that Tracy and Maxie are like neck in neck? PUH-LEEZ! - Maxie is an amateur compared to our girl. ;)

    Another thread at SOC asks for 3 fave couples on the show and our couple is barely represented. Go forth and REPRESENT!! :)

    What are your top 3 fave pairings on the show right now?

    She's pulled ahead, 31 to 26. It seems to be concluding that Tracy is the Queen and Maxie is the Princess or Lady in Waiting. All the others are in the dust.

    I've been watching the other one on and off. Not fareing well, eh.... I just need a third...

  11. Thanks Lainey...

    From Lynda Hirsch:

    Alexis warns Luke he'll be convicted of money laundering.

    Lulu and Johnny enter into a dangerous game when they activate their plan to make Anthony believe they're a couple.

    Spinelli turns to Patrick for advice on how to attract women.

    SNEAK PEEK: Claudia is shot.

    (Did I get everyone's favourites? There wasn't any Dax.)

    From the IL at SD:

    *Tracy has had enough

    *Luke is unable to get out of a legal mess

    *Sam gets a fresh start

    *Tracy and Sam don't see eye to eye

    From Wubs.net (not new, but it's nice to see the consistency):

    Luke's laundering ways gets him arrested

    After Luke jumps bail, Tracy runs the Haunted Star

    Looks like Luke will be arrested, jump bail and go off with Tracy's blessing.


    New poll at SOC:

    Who is the King/Queen of Verbal Smackdowns?

    Go forth and do your duty...

  12. Awww Remos--I loved Confessions 18!!! I swear, I got done reading it and was thinking "Gosh I love GH" almost thinking that actually happened on the show!! I could totally "hear" their voices!! If nothing else, Lunacy has provided us frustrated authors with some really good material for intensive character study! It will serve us well at some point in time--there was definitely some grand design in all of us meeting somehow!!

    Oh..oh... I feel to cry... that was the sweetest compliment anyone has given me... *hiccup*

  13. Two different insiders said she is on for like two scenes or so on TH both with Luke. So unless they get cut....hopefully we will see them and it is a new PC day tomorrow so change of outift for our girl!!!

    You think Scott will appear ms. Q? We haven't seen him in ages. Guza totally lies in those mag interviews for spring right? Isn't Ghost alan supposed to pop back in soon? *taps foot waiting patiently* cause where alan goes Tracy goes!

    Jury's still out on so much of that. I'm finding myself waiting to give Guza the benefit of the doubt.

    BTW, Ms. Q and ILTQ, I've added. I was one of the first to respond. Personally, I'd rather tussle about LnL and ewcbo then this crap-fest about Luke not caring for Lucky. I'm amazed it got by them today. Anyone keeping count on how many times - and in how many ways - Luke/TG has said LnL were good, but they weren't compatable... but LuNacy, on the other hand, is perfect!!!.

  14. Okay... riddle me this... do Americans have any sense of humour and sarcasm??? (Outside of you lovely folk, of course)

    They are over there on SOC saying that Luke is so terrible that he would kick his own son out of the house for money. It reminds me of the Ramone bit last summer. Is everyone so literal?

    Just yesterday someone was saying they love Cdn. TV because it's so comedic. Do ya'll have anything naturally funny or is it all late night TV celebrity character assasination?

  15. And it's happened...

    First Luke offers to sell Patrick Charle's Street, because it's just sticks without Laura there.

    Then he says no matter how much two people love each other, they will destroy each other if they want different things.

    Can you hear the howling in the distance?


    Anyway, I bet he won't be taking off five months now...I am betting on four. I somehow have a feeling he will be back in mid to late Sept. Maybe I am being optimistic!

    This sounds like a reasonable timeline. He can't take any longer off at a stretch - the absence would be impossible to work with.

    His contract is up Feb. 2009, I believe.


  16. I believe that arrest date comes to us from SOD through SD, Hooked...

    And GV's too old for a Mrs. Robinson thing... he's merely May/December... and we have to share...

    Mrs. Robinson would be BB or BA

    At any rate, early to leave... early to return... start compiling those summer contributions...

    Hi Deb...nice to see ya...


    What does Luke tell Patrick?

    That not everyone was meant to settle down and have a family. Luke explains how you can pretend by going along but even thought two people love one another when they want different things in life in the end it tears them apart. (meaning lnl I assume).

    I love that Luke keeps saying this. I know that LnL diehards will raise the flag once again and say Guza is trying to destroy their couple, but I think there's a message there. TG has been trying to put those years behind him for a long time. It's not that Luke didn't love Laura, it's that they were fundamentally incompatable.... duh...

    edit again

    I see on SD that again we have confirmation that Tracy bails out Luke and he is gone by the 21st (which is apparently the day the storm ends... this is a sweeps thing).

  17. Lunacy alert for this week...if the person on SD was correct tonight with the breakdown info...

    Luke is on tomorrow with Claudia and then patrick

    Lunacy is on together on TH of this week . Not too shabby. Four days of Tracy last week and two this week.

    And next??? Anything beyond the 13th?

    Do we have a confirmation on TG's exit date yet?

  18. Cool! Thanks!

    How do you know? They weren't in previews.

    And "datage"!?!?!? What's that??

    Sorry, I've exchanged Merlot for Advil. My back is better, but my head is cloudy.

    Max and Diane go on a date. Can't remember where I saw this... SD perhaps... Soaps.net...

    I'm with you.. I found myself wondering "what the hell is up with that!??!?!?!" :huh:

    Big picture... it was funny, Anna and Luke are not the world's more accepting grandparents (add Grannie Tracy to that list), and life goes on. At least we saw JE today and not just Tracy. Tracy was annoyed, JE could barely keep a straight face.

  19. She also called him "baby" last December - also something she wouldn't have said before. I think they are trying to draw the couple so close that they are picking up some of the mannerisms of the other.

    For his part, Luke is using larger words in proper context. It's not just one way.

    The boxers were great - and too large for his skinny white ass...

  20. Oh Hooked... watch JE's face when you get the chance. I don't think they cut a good scene - I don't think they would have been able to get through it. She didn't look mad at all, she looked like she could barely keep from laughing out loud. And then Luke leaned on the swing to ask if she wanted to get on the "Trying Flapese" and she could barely keep her face still. I seriously doubt there was a cut smack down anywhere.

    She got drunk with Coleman when Luke left her. She wasn't pleased with his behaviour today - to be sure - but this was a completely different calibre. The "seeing green" spoiler wasn't about jealousy at all. Green was the colour Luke and Anna needed to strip off a layer of clothing. And Luke's boxers - :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: At one point JE looks at them and she can't stop a smile.

    When I was at SD the complete information from SOD wasn't listed, just the things that hadn't been mentioned before. The party has already been talked about so that wouldn't qualify. I wouldn't worry.

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