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Posts posted by remos

  1. Thanks Hooked... I'm betting Tracy returns because she hears about the Z mansion burning to the ground and LuNacy agrees one of them has to be closer to take care of Lulu - and it can't be Luke right now.

    And I'm here to announce we have lift off. Let Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures begin...

    QT and I have agreed that we will play with it a bit in-house before we start to advertise it on other boards. BSG has contributed the email addresses and passwords for posting as either Luke or Tracy. We can email those to anyone who wants to play at their 'voices'. All other characters will have to be figured out as we go. Annonymous posting is fine. Direct all technical questions to QT, she understands that part - I'm just the ideas chick.

  2. Taking a break from my all night studying for my final exam in anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism - UGH!! Wish me luck 'cause it's alot of cr@p I have to remember and at this point my eyes are crossing. I have to leave for school in 4 hours. waaahhh! Anyhoo, there's a new thread on SOC... go show the love for Mr. & Mrs. Hotness (LOL, I'm delirious)....

    "Hell no! My traveling companion of choice is you."

    swizzle stick, anyone? heehee

    Best of luck, TL. I know you'll do fine.

    BTW, I just clicked this link to SOC and guess who's picture was at the top...


    It's almost always ewcbo on anything referencing LuNacy. What a pleasant surprise this morning that it's not.

  3. AWWWWW!!! Two kisses and they walk out together! What more can we ask? Is there an ILY?
    only to Lulu, which I thought was sweet and appropriate

    Thanks Remos! Just one big---awww...we have waited for a payoff like this for so long!!!! Did mama look as pretty today as yesterday!!!

    You're welcome (and my kids are already talking about how they now get to watch Ben10 at 3:30 since 'Tracy' has left.

    She was beautiful, as ever. I would have liked the last scene to be longer, but it did it's job and they left very happy.

  4. Today's recaps...

    Nex: 1,2,4,6&7 have LuNacy; 3 & 5 have Lulu, Lucky and Luke with the two.

    Kisses: 2 in scene 7

    1. Alexis releases Luke while Ric and Mac don't believe her. Alexis says she doesn't consider him a flight risk, as Tracy looks at the ceiling. When Ric pulls Alexis off to talk, Luke tells Tracy "it's nice to have friends in high places", to which she responds "with friends like yours, who needs enemies".

    2. Alexis tells Ric that Luke won't run because he has Tracy, and he's got a heart condition. Ric can't believe she's being that careless with her career. Meanwhile Luke asks Tracy if she's disappointed he's not in jail. Tracy laughs and says a jail wouldn't hold him. She's just wondering what he did to AZ. Luke has no idea but intends to find out. "Of course you do, because getting arrested isn't enough, you want to get yourself killed." That won't happen, Luke assure her.

    3. Lulu/Lucky exchange at HS re: Luke leaving

    4. Alexis releases Luke. She cautions him not to leave town and he salutes her. Then turns to Tracy with a cheshire cat grin.

    5. Johnny tells Luke he had nothing to do with it. Luke believes him and tells him to take better care of Lulu. Lulu says goodbye and Luke tells her he loves her twice (it's very sweet). Then says goodbye to Lucky - he's glad Lucky isn't letting his job get in the way of his common sense.

    6. Luke is having a drink at the bar when Tracy walks in, and says "I see you found me". She says "it wasn't hard, a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime." Then she wants to know if he would have gone looking for her. What do you think, he asks. With a catch in her voice she says she doesn't want to know the answer to that. She's brought him money for his trip. He thanks her but says it wasn't necessary, then gets the briefcase full of money out from behind a seat and opens it. She asks and he confirms that it's Zacchara money - liberated. He says there's enough for him and a travel companion. She asks if he's taking the flexible Anna Devane with him. He says no, his only travel companion of choice is her.

    7. Luke continues to ask her to leave with him and have the "ride of their lives". She says like that, just pick up and go? He says yes, just pick up and go. Tracy turns and walks out on him and he gets upset saying "you're just going to leave?" She quickly returns with two packed suitcases and Luke is overjoyed. He pulls her into a kiss, then another. She laughs at him and asks if he's just going to stand there looking stunned or are they going to get out of Dodge? He takes one of the suitcases from her and yells "Yes", as they walk out of the HS together.

  5. Bumping the thread. Hoping we get at least two lunacy scenes today that are cute. Seems like a lot of luke saying bye to lulu/johnny, and lucky in there.

    I am still plugging away trying to get some confirmation of JE on the 3rd or that she is taping now. So far, nobody is spilling anything. I have a ton of errands to do this morning so I gotta get moving! See you guys later. Keeping fingers crossed for one last kiss!

    She's either in the building or she's not. She's either been seen or she hasn't. What's so hard about that?

  6. I watch GH every day regardless. Never missed a day I don't think in as long as I can remember. There was no scene ever of TQ visiting AZ. I can personally vouch for that!!

    Remos--no scenes were cut flirtation wise from what SM spoiled on the radio show. He said the "unlucky love thing" and also Tracy getting up in his face and his "ummmm" sound were how he was playing it flirty with her.

    I know nothing was cut out that SM talked about. I really liked the vibe between Trevor and Tracy - scary liked it. Not that I see him as competition for Luke, but it's been a long time since Tracy has had that type of personality to go toe to toe with. Even Luke, as great as he is with Tracy, doesn't bring that air to the room the way Trevor does. And as someone from another board noticed, now that a spark has been lit between Tracy and Trevor, SM isn't going to be leaving any time soon. Tracy needed someone else to play with - Trevor can keep pace.

  7. Hey guys, someone on SOC posted that Tracy went to see AZ in the hospital and it came out that they had once had an affair. Is this possible? We don't tend to miss anything LuNacy, but then I realized we are all on clips now and if there was one or two scenes un-spoiled it's possible to be missed. Can anyone vouch for this or disavow it?

  8. Well that sounds like a good day. Did they dance for at least a few secs? for a video clip?

    Stace? Hair, outfit?

    Yes they did. I was thinking it would be great in a vid. Before Trevor arrived LuNacy was smokin' today.

    The plastic straw threw me, though. Can't really see a CEO with an oral fixation - but they were playing it very suggestively so you never know.

    Okay... here's my theory-de-jour.... perhaps they spend the first two weeks making their plan and realize they would be more productive with Tracy back in PC finding out what she can and misleading the authorities while Lukey can hide and investigate better on his own. There has to be SOMETHING better than "Tracy couldn't cut it" or "Luke took off again".

  9. Today's recap

    Nex: 2,3,4 & 7

    Dancing, flirting

    Previews: Lulu saying goodbye to Luke

    2. ON HS, Tracy wearing the brown leather jacket, has her rings on. Slow night due to the weather. Tracy threatens to call the Board of Health to shut the place down for good. Luke calls her bluff saying she wouldn't play that dirty. Tracy responds that if she played nice she wouldn't be with him. He says she doesn't want a safe life, she doesn't want someone more intimate with his TV remote then his well put together wife. (He's leering hard all over her body) She says he's laying it on think, she's already wearing the ring. Luke finally sents the staff home and suggests they can have their own adventure.

    3. Candlelight, champaign, then Luke picks up the remote, clicks it on and impresses Tracy "Oh, mood music". Luke says something about being in the mood and takes her in his arms. She snuggles in to him as they start dancing. Trevor walks in and interupts, saying he wants the highest game in town. Luke tells him they are closed put Trevor pushes it saying he wants a high stakes game - the Alcazar piers. If Luke wins he gets the piers. If Luke looses he sends Lulu to the other side of the world. Luke understands the game and Tracy suggests he's on a roll. Luke ends up losing just as Lucky and the police come in. They have a warrent to search the HS and in the meantime are arresting Luke and Trevor.

    4. Luke is brought to the police department and tells both Lucky and Alexis that they know he was framed - he isn't that stupid. Tracy arrives and demands a bail hearing. Mac says he's being charged with RICO charges (Cdn, don't comprehend...) so he won't be getting bail. Tracy gives Luke "the look" and he turns away.

    7. Mac goes over the evidence. Luke says he's not "mob central" and that he's been framed. Ric asks if there is anything on the Zacarahs/Trevor. Alexis releases Trevor then Tracy geting right in his face and threatens Trevor to "hurt him in ways that haven't even been invented yet". Alexis also releases Luke saying pointedly that she knows he ISN'T a flight risk.

  10. The Diva is asking why I'm so disappointed if Tracy will be back on the screen in two weeks. I'm not sure I know myself except that I was really excited that Tracy would be gone at least half the time with Luke. This just isn't the same. Again I ask WHAT WAS THE POINT????

    I really hope these next two days shed light on it.

  11. Well, I'm not sure how to seperate the wheat from the chaff, but I do know a return from Tracy on June 3 will change all intentions form our summer blogging/story writing.

    Why would anything be mentioned at all? All fingers point to TG and his telling the press that not only was Tracy going with Luke but Jane was going with Tony. What was the point? You're right Hooked, she's been off longer with narry a mention.

    Perhaps something in the dialogue these next two days will give us a hint. Until I feel more solid about whether we go back to plan A: Summer of LuNacy Fic, or plan B: Luke & Tracy's Excellent Adventures, I just want you to know I'm not making any moves.


    RS - comes back in early July for a rockin dual role.

    JE - She returns home on 6/3 to find ShrewYawn in bed together.


    SR is off for two weeks to participate in a documentary set in the troubled Sudan region of Africa. Sources say scenes were pretaped.

    Something else that puts me off about this is the name "ShrewYawn". No other character in the entire post has their negative nickname, or even a nickname at all (with the exception of Spinelli who's called 'Spin'). I'm anxious for one of us to get the mag to read for ourselves.

  12. Okay.... SOD says she's back? That's only two weeks off then what was the point of her leaving? And if that's the case, she would already be back in the studio taping.

    As with everything, I'll believe it when I see it, but it's going to put a crimp in a few things if she's only gone for two weeks. I wish we could have comfirmation of these things before we start L&T's Excellent Adventures, 'cause it could throw everything.

    And personally I'm annoyed. Why tell us she was leaving with Luke? Why tell us Jane was leaving with Tony? Why say anything if she's only gone a fortnight? July I can get my head around. June 3rd is just wrong.

  13. Good morning all....

    If anyone is going to SD, please avoid page 100 - it's been porn spamed and it isn't pretty.

    Anyway, the British writer we were hoping for is going to AMC. Out of all the ABC soaps, that one's at the bottom for ratings so I guess it makes sense to help them. Just means we're still stuck with what we've got (damn).

  14. In my mind, there has to be, right...? Luke would definitely plant one on her when he discovers she's been planning on coming with him. At least I hope so. I'm looking forward to seeing their escape. I hope the TIIC make it a fun scene.

    Oh yeah... at least one.

    She gets in Trevor's face for him, she bails him out, and she lets him know she planned to go with him the entire time. For his part he begs her to be with him. There's got to be at least one kiss in there.

  15. Yeah, I love JI, but I agree with you about the depth that there was in the old scenes with DL and JE.

    Even JE said he was her real "Edward".

    I totally lucked out last night. The family had seats in separate rows and the row behind the mom and the little baby was totally open, so the dad took the other two kids and left me with an empty row to sprawl out on. It was heaven. I rolled up my jacket for a pillow and slept the entire trip home. B)

    See, flying with kids isn't all bad. :D

    She lets Luke go on and on lovingly trying to convince her to go away with him only to reveal her bag was already packed.

    Oh, I love that!!! Can't wait to see it play out on screen.

    Can anyone tell me if Tracy is on tomorrow?

    I believe she is but please dont hold me to it as things get changed every other day.

    Good enough. I figured as much.

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