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Posts posted by remos

  1. Now you see, they came by here first (don't know how they found me. I'm STILL in the middle of nowhere), and whispered in my ear. Thought I'd pass it along. The "horizontal" is actually "vertical." She was sitting on a stool in the kitchen while he pampered her this evening, making their goodbye dinner. When he handed her a tomato to chop for a salad, the ordinary suddenly became extraordinary because they are so rarely like this, and they may never be again. The realization hit them both at the same time, and suddenly a fire was lit that was more passionate and desperate than the first time. That is because it could -- quite simply-- be the last.

    And right now her body aches almost as much as her soul...

    Just thought I'd pass it along.......... ;)

    :lol::lol::lol: Thanks for the tip, I'll be awaiting their story (especially now that I know some of what happened this evening).

  2. Thrilled! ('Cause I am LITERALLY in the middle of nowhere. I see cornfields outside my window). I have to work, but I don't want to work.. so I keep checking in here.

    Glad to know I have this talent that motivates you. I will cherish it (and use it often ;) ) HA!

    Sigh... I'm trying to come to your rescue. And you already know I would do almost anything for you. ALMOST...

  3. I agree with them remos. Let Luke make her fever spike back up!!!

    QT said you'd be relentless now...

    Okay... it's in the frame of mind, though. Let me do some focusing on David and Frank, remember Peter and Mark (and forget about Mike) and I might be able to do a little something... we'll see...

  4. Exactly!

    Come on... Sex in that big bathtub during a "cool down" session. He was so afraid he lost her..

    She's so grateful for his care...

    I know you see it.

    I know you feel it.

    Perhaps someone else needs to write it....

  5. Hey I'm in a hotel room in the middle of nowhere...

    Gosh, wouldn't it be great to read another chapter of the Annals tonight (and wouldn't it be great if it was hot and spicy).


    Gosh, Remos, I love how your stories are unfolding.

    Don't want much, now, do ya? She's just getting over a freak fever. Give her some time to recoperate.

  6. remos how was the Red Cross training today?

    David was enjoyable. The rest I could have passed on.

    I did the "emergency childbirth and miscarriage" presentation, that was fun. The instructor said he's never had anyone do it as well as I did. Guess it pays to know your subject matter.

    Anyway, it's done, 100% and don't have to think about it for another 3 years.

    Looking forward to Tracy this week, but really hoping they don't do something stupid like the had a big tiff and she walked out in a huff.

    For anyone who's wondering, the Blog and The Annals will continue after Tracy returns. Creativity - that's what we do!

  7. You notice.. she doesn't like to kiss. There is sex going on there, but no kissing. JE has this thing against kissing. Still does. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    It's only recently we've seen "good" Tracy kisses.... it's like she turned a corner around the time of the Black & White ball or maybe around the time Luke came home to Ramon....

    Perhaps it's all in the 'who'...

  8. I hate my parents. I HATE them. Now my faux-mother has called my father. He's now called and screamed at me, and done all of their usual [!@#$%^&*]. Mother is now coming up here just for the day apparently to "straighten me out", and informed that I have to take her to my jobs and to school just so she can see that I'm really working and going to school. She also says I have embrassed her for the last time, and that I'm now to call her every morning and at noon so she knows what I'm "up for", and that if I don't call her, she's to assume something is up and that I'm lying again and up to something. She all up in arms about this telephone business, nevermind that she's a grown adult who I know for a fact is capable of operating a telephone, and since the phone works both ways, she could have called me. I'm also apparently a snotty, selfish, self-absorbed little brat who "lies" constantly and who has never loved her.

    All of this because I changed my mind about working at a camp for 2 weeks!!! and now of course, Izzy and Lucy have called her behind my back apparently and told her that I called in sick the other day, and she's all AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

    Since she's so damn fond of pointing out that I'm not her biological daughter (thus placing me lower than her "real children"), then maybe I just won't be her daughter anymore. I just won't speak to her if this is how she decides to act.


    If you can do it financially, it might be the time to declare your independence.

  9. With great trepidation I step into the spot of the vacationing Hooked...

    Lainey, heads up - latest SOW: Feature Interview Caroly H and Derk: Show me the Funny

    This from the IL in SD. I know it's not Tracy but many of us like Claudia and considering the characters, Tracy is going to have some involvement.

    That's right, Claudia and Nikolas say "I Do". The Prince will protect the Mob Princess, after all she does save his baby sister from an unspeakable crime at the hands of Logan.

    And hot off the presses at Daytime Confidential:

    I am seeing more and more that when Tracy returns, she's running the Star. Sam is also SPOILED to be working the casino with Tracy. Will Sam be feeding Jason information? Tracy should still have to deal with the Zacchara's and we may get a glimpse of Tracy's mob roots.

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