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Posts posted by remos

  1. Well my darlings, I am FINALLY home with all of you. I have never felt so out of touch in my life. It's one thing when you leave on vacation, but to be denied internet access for over a week is deadly - especially for someone such as moi!

    So, I have to read back, get my LuNacy mojo back in geer so I can update the Annals, and see what's what with the blog.

    Inundate me... what's been happening???

  2. HI everyone I'm on at the public library. I'm having internet withdrawals - it's pathetic.

    The guy working on my computer says it will be ready tomorrow, so I hope he's right. I'm dying here. I actually have to do housework. I miss you all.

    QT, please call. I don't know what's happing with the blog, though I do know that' it's in good hands.

    I only have half an hour - and I came here first, feel special??? Anyway, I want to read the thread and see what's happened.

    Hooked called me before she left for Spain, saying Wed & Fri. Has this been confirmed?


    I have to go. The library is closing shortly. Lainey, I will return with The Annals as soon as I can. QT, saw the blog. Thank you my sister. Sorry I've been leaving you holding the bag the last two weekends. You are doing amazingly well!!! Seriously, call me.

  3. Ms. Q, get up here. The girls are reading magazines and commenting on the bad hair on some of the boys. Sounds of 'eww', 'gross', 'that's disgusting' are quickly being followed by hair care suggestions. They're waiting for you, babe. I'm just not the one to comment on this.
  4. 7 girls, tonnes of junkfood, 3 boys who are enjoying the snacks... and I get to drop in to visit you folks. So far so good.

    I've got to say I'm impressed. I'm not sure if Dove USA is doing anything similar, but this is really well done. They are showing movies all night with 'self esteem' discussions in the place of adds, and asking girls across the country to text them. They've got a running tally line for text comments across the screen and one of our girls actually has a cell phone with her so she can text. Right now they are watching the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. I'm trying to get the times of other movies, but WTV (Women's Televistion - inspired your Oxygen channel I believe), and YTV (Youth Television). CMT is also involved but I'm not sure what they are showing. During the one break that I've seen, they have an author who most of my girls recognized, talkig about what can get in the way of self-esteem. Now personally, I don't think any of these girls have that problem but they all told stories of girls who do, so it does it home on some level.

    And I get to play on my 'puter.... happy me!!!

  5. Ohhhh... fleshing out Big D's character.. You go Guza!

    Give that girl a backstory, and a contract!!!


    So.. Tracy's defiance gets Luke's favorite tub torched, and that's a 'mini story??' Oy...

    Plot point in a mob war, my love, plot point in a mob war. Once the Star is gone though (and I'm not 100% convinced) what then? What will Luke do when he returns? Where will they spend time together? Will she finally get an office to work from and Luke bothers her there? I mean storyline wise, what's the point of blowing up the star? It's neutral turf and it the only high-end social setting for the characters. Then we will only be left with Kelly's and Jake's. Sonnybucks isn't large enough for anything.

  6. I'll try to be around later. Tonight is the night of the Dove Sleepover (it's promoted throughout the country and they are showing special girly movies with no adds tonight on a few channells). I could have 7-9 of my Guides here tonight, and I doubt there will be much sleeping. They are a great crew who need minimal supervision, so hopefully I can play with you instead. Sleep for me is obviously not going to be an issue - it's just not going to happen.

    I am holding out hope that we get more TQ then last summer - at least this time she's not being locked away with people needing excusing to see her. I won't be amused if they brought her back just to prove that they could.

    I do feel the responsiblity to make sure the other, dare I say 'real' GH, will be kept going in the Annals. I can guarantee you she will play the lead!

  7. Just wrong... so very wrong... and lazy.

    My positive spin: Okay, so she didn't like how he did things and she left for a change. They're still good and Lukey just needs to get the evidence so he can get back to her. Onus is on Luke now.

    But I agree. Guza has to take a meeting! Let me show him how it should be done. B)

  8. Hey TQ pals!

    From an insider this morning who was just giving scene specifics. All I could get...

    Gotta do my last ditch spoiler ho thing before I leave...

    Do you know if they ever reveal why Tracy came back early? Is she in a fight with Luke or did she come back to watch out for Lulu or something or to clear Luke?

    They already revealed why Tracy came back early on Tuesday June 3.

    Cause she didn't like the Sri Lankan bar crawl? But she never said they were in a fight or anything, only Lulu did.

    They're not fighting. That's Lulu projecting and running her mouth about things she knows nothing about. It's really as simple as Tracy not liking Luke's version of life on the run.

    That's it???? That is just such crap. My version is SOOO much better.

  9. Happy Birthday MinervaFan!!!

    Hope you are having a great day!

    Ms.Q, I loved the new vid, great job!!

    Remos, yay for getting the front page of tonygrary.net!! :) My only question is if they are such a Jane fan why can't they spell her name right, it's Elliot not Elliott, I don't know why that drives me crazy but it does. :blink: I will like to point that the only link to a Luke and Tracy vid on that page is to my vid Accidentally In Love from like a million years ago.

    Well, perhaps in a few days to a week we should point out a more up to date vid for them to link - or several. Slowly, very slowly they have to be brought into the 21st century story wise.

    And the T thing... yeah, it bothers me too. Some people just don't pay attention to detail.

  10. She's a rabid LnLer, and the fan wars between the two haven't always been pretty. She's still feeling me out so I'm walking gently. The fact that she is so Jane positive is a huge step for some of them over there. They are on the losing end and aren't happy about that. I've made no secret of my position and she's welcomed me in three seperate posts and emails. We'll see how it goes.

  11. Happy Birthday MinervaFan!

    Hope you are having a WONDERFUL day!

    Here is a little video I finished a little while ago. Doesn't have the most recent LuNacy clips in it, but it's still full of LuNacy Lovin'. Figured I would post it in honor of Deb's birthday!





    Okay, sometimes I can stir the pot just to see what comes out. So, with obviously too much time on my hands, I signed up on TonyGeary.net - you know the ewcbo board in disguise? Well I invited them to see our Blog and gave them the link to the Leeza Gibbons clip, with some comment on how there was a serious lack of modern TG stuff on that site and that I was a Tracy FF. So here's what the administrator privately emailed me:

    I want to welcome you to the website and thank you for posting the interview with Tony and Jane. I have put it on the homepage. I hope you will come back and visit us. Please bring Jane fans too! I have nothing but the highest regard for Jane as an actress. Peace,Vickywww.tonygeary.net

    So, I thought that was rather sweet. She didn't deny her LnL preference but she didn't LuNacy bash, either. Perhaps we can enlighten them afterall. :P


    Yeehaw... I claim responsibility for their FIRST EVER LuNacy picture on tonygeary.net. Front page centre, btw. Check it out...



    Photo courtesy of ABC-TV Click on Tracy and Luke for interview

    Which then leads to this...

    Hey TG Fans!

    A wonderful new member Remos sent us this link to this interview with Leeza Gibbons! Thank you so much for sending us this! Welcome!

  12. oh BTW, on a brighter note.... I did catch up on your fic remos :) Fabulous!! Those sex scenes wow! They even made me blush a little and I don't blush easily. haha.

    Glad you liked them. No more until LuNacy is reunited, I'm afraid.

    I checked out the blog and am having a hard time figuring out where to jump in since I hadn't read it in so long. It's like trying to jump in to a double dutch rope :/

    Just jump in anywhere. There are a number of characters we haven't heard from in awhile, and since the blog and The Annals are closely linked, you're up to date on context.

  13. ugh poor tracy/jane living in groundhog day. ugh!

    Same lines. same scenes, same characters.

    Guess the episode: (Hint - there are no wrong answers)

    Tracy: Lulu I want him out of the house!

    Alice: Should I use the chicken cross thingy?

    Edward: Tracy this is your fault.

    Alan: Oh Tracy yada yada, (negative negative BS), Luke etc, etc. You, etc., etc.... (diarhea (sp?) of the mouth), blah, blah blah.

    Lulu: I am old enough to make my own choices. I'll move out.

    ALL IN UNISON: You are just mad at Luke because he dumped you and ran off.

    Hey they could use Charlie Brown's teacher's voice for all the Q/Tracy related scenes "wah-wah-wah....wah...wah..." and we would know what they are saying! How about that. hmmm.

    Her jacket was stylish, the cut anyway. But I don't like boxy things on her and the print was atrocious!

    It's such a shame you don't feel comfortable being honest and sharing your opinions, TL. Really, you should work on that.

    Remos, you are officially Goddess of The Fan Fic.

    All hail The Goddess!!

    Someone gin her up a crown or something (pretty please).

    Oh my... thank you for the Coronation.

  14. Relax, it's all a front. Follow the blog - that's where the true story is happening.

    Something I didn't mention - she's still wearing the rings. If it was so disgusting that she had to leave, do you think she'd keep those babies on since they've been so recently returned? And a Sri Lankan pub craw - pulease. That didn't even sound plausible coming out of her mouth.

  15. Today's recaps

    Nex: 1,2,4 & 5

    Lainey: DiLex 3 & 4

    Sightings: Bobbie and Coleman

    1. Johnny and Lulu wake up in bed together, "I'm home and if your father calls... whoa!" She sees them in bed and covers her eyes.

    2. Tells Lulu to get rid of Johnny. Alan is in the room and she wonders why he's in Lulu's bedroom. He tells her to mind her own business because Lulu is a consenting adult. Tracy argues with Alan and Johnny asks Lulu who she's talking to. Lulu says it's her dead brother, don't worry about it. Edward and Alice walk in wondering what Tracy is yelling at, see Lulu and Johnny in bed and they order him out. They tell Alice to do her reverse chicken thing on Johnny while Lulu starts listing all of Alice's accomplisments in the ring. Alice is quite flattered that Lulu has paid attention and Tracy interupts, saying Lulu is just playing her - get Johnny out. Lulu again says she can be with whomever she wants and Tracy tells her she alone makes the decissions in this household. Tracy orders Lulu to get dressed and meet her downstairs, then storms out of the room.

    4. Alice, Alan, Tracy and Edward are in the den awaiting Lulu. Alan tells Tracy Lulu and Johnny are in love so she should leave them alone. Edward says Tracy is only mad at Lulu because Luke dumped her again. Tracy says she wasn't dumped, she left. A Sri Lankan pub crawl was not her idea of a proper way to live. Alan tells her she just wants Luke to call her so she can apologize, but Tracy protests that she has nothing to apologize for. Lulu and Johnny come in and Lulu tells Tracy not to take her anger at Lulu's dad out on Lulu and Johnny.

    5. She will move out if they don't accept Johnny, Lulu tells them. Edward and Alan blame Tracy for being a bad influence on Lulu - first she brings Luke into the house and now Lulu is bring her own deadbeat home (kinda lost on them that Lulu came because of Luke, but oh well...). Then Edwards gets grandfatherly with Lulu and says they have already lost so many to the mob, Jason, Emily and Michael. They don't want to lose her, too. Lulu again reminds them that she's old enough to make her own choices. Johnny's manners kick in and he apologizes for being in their home without their permission. They have every right to ask him to leave, BUT he will not leave Lulu. Lulu smuggly says if he can't be there then she will move out and turns to walk out with Johnny. That is not well received, either and everyone turns on Tracy and tells Tracy it's her fault that Lulu is doing this.

    MY THOUGHTS: What was the point? Honestly? Did this entire day need to happen - no.

    :( SpinMax is dying a quick death.

    :) Naudia seems really evenly matched and they are bringing out good stuff in each other.

    :D Diane went off on Sonny and told him he was selfish.

    ;) Bobbie told Carly to concentrate on Jax, not Jason.

    :o Jerry told Jax that Jax was a quitter, that he pretended to make lifelong committments but caved when the going got rough. Ran down Jax's entire marriage history and told him it wasn't like a corporate takeover where you got to keep the good stuff and dump the bad. Jerry rocked today and someone finally called Jax on his ish for a change.

    <_< Patrick is having blog envy

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