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Posts posted by remos

  1. Well I'm glad someone was there to catch it today. The Diva asked if Tracy was going to be on and I told her I didn't think so. Sounds like I was pretty much right.

    Whoever said this summer is shaping up to be the same as last summer - different boytoy - was right. I bet you we could all quote Tracy's dialog without even thinking.

    But at least (and yes, this is a wardrobe comment from me) the outfit is someone summery. She does have 3/4 length sleeves and the dress looks fitted. I guess someone went shopping...

    Which begs from me another question... hasn't she had a lot of wardrobe assists of late? I wonder if we can actually look forward to some descent TQ this fall after TG returns. New wardrobe.... he's told to take all his vacation now so he's around through the fall.... conspiracy theory or real potential?

  2. Let me know when I am out of my misery, and I will read back.

    You're a great storyteller.... but that doesn't mean you have to give me a heart attack. I get enough of that in the 'real' world. This I do for fun. And Luke cheating on Tracy isn't fun (hence my little tantrum).

    Hmmm... but how will you know if you're not reading? The hints are in the chapters you are boycotting, my dear.

    And little tantrum? Please, you could give the Diva Q a run for her money.


    Tracy gets help relaxing...

    The Annals of Luke and Tracy...

    Here, this should passify you LB. It was always part of the plan, so you can read it in sequence or it can be a stand alone. Either way don't quit until you get to the ending... actually, this should be your mantra for my ENTIRE STORY!!! You threw in the towel much too early.

    Oh, and might I also point out that Luke didn't cheat on Tracy. He believed he was with Tracy. 'Cheat' suggests willingness and intent, and neither were the case.

  3. I will end boycott only after I am assured you have fixed mistake (or innuendo or whatever). If you are saying he didn't cheat on her.. tell me now, and I'll resume reading. Otherwise... boycott continues.

    Well now you're just challenging my abilities as a story teller - abilities that you've been praising all along. Where would the entertainment be if I gave the ending away? Every story needs a hook.

    This much I will give you - I leave for Guide camp tomorrow for the weekend and you will be out of your misery before then.

  4. Oh yeah.. it was fabu

    Although, I gotta tell you--- us old folks are forced to suffer through JoLu sex, but J-Lex sex they keep from us??!?!! GH is so ageist. God forbid we see anyone over 45 going at it. Pu-leeeezze.

    Part of me agrees with you, but part of me thinks they were all the sexier because we had to use our imaginations. You KNOW we wouldn't have seen as good onscreen as we get in our heads. Just think of LuNacy - even more sexy because it's look and inuendo.

    As for the young kids, all they have is the graphic. Can you see JoLu even attempting to pull of that dialogue - no way... they couldn't do it.

    Too bad your most loyal fan is boycotting your product until she knows how you rectify the GIANT, AWFUL, HORRIBLE mistake you made.

    Now Lainey, think this through for a minute...

    1. I am a Tracy fan first.

    2. Have I ever written anything that seperated them?

    3. What do we know exactly? Nothing except a little snippet suggested something to Luke that happened while he was DRUGGED AND UNCONSCIOUS.

    4. Have I ever let you down?

  5. Well for me it's quite easy, first, I have a season pass and second, I live 10 minutes away. My friends and I decided last minute to go after work. They close at midnight now that it's summer and Main St. closes at 1am, so we all decided to ride Space Mountain one more time before closing and it was way past mindight when we finally left. :) That's how I unexpectedly found myself there last night.

    Ah yes... this would be that independent life I keep reading about. I'd like to have one some day. It sounds nice.

  6. Remos, I am so loving your story!!

    As for this past Friday's clips, I know I said I would have them posted by yesterday night, but I unexpendedly found myself at Disneyland last night and got home past midnight, so I will try my best to have them up today.

    Thank you muchly....(at least someone who doesn't want to crucify me for chapter 26)

    And as a mother of four who desperately want to visit, how does one 'unexpectedly' find themselves at Disneyland past midnight?


    Okay, it's not much but Luke left a note in that Mexican bar for Lucky/Sam which ended "give my love to Lesley Lu, Barbara Jean and Tracy."


    Oh Lainey... you are going to LOVE DiLex. The are such kindred spirits. My favourite line from Diane about Jerry: "Don't turn your back on him - metaphorically speaking."

    My fabourite Alexis line: "There are no words - and I'm very articulate."

    And there's some cute, suggestive Dax as well.

  7. Speaking of the serious lack of Tracy, is there any indication that she will be on this week at all? Dates?


    Oh, actually there was a Tracy reference yesterday (or Monday, not sure since I watched both eppis back to back on youtube). Ric wanted to talk to Johnny about Tracy and he told Lulu to stay because she might be able to exert influence on Tracy to get her to back off the running of the Star. Ric is wanting it for his puppet master, as you know. Lulu basically told him the Z's were the reason her father wasn't around and she wasn't about to help them with Tracy. Johnny smuggly said that's why they hired Ric so he can do the dirty work, Johnny wasn't going to do it.

    Me, I'm thinking Lulu influencing Tracy... yeah right :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: etc, etc, and so on....

  8. I should just ship Lulu off. You wouldn't care would you? :P I'll throw her in there, ugh!!!

    Nah.... you have her as a 12 year old with lots of potential to learn at Tracy's feet. Besides, it might be interesting if Daddy's little princess had to compete with Daddy's little princess.

    You've done a lot of male bonding, now it's like to bring on the X chromosomes.

  9. OHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I kinda knew what you were up to! Good job though can't wait to read the next!

    Yeah, I know. It just had to go there, if you know what I mean.

    Finally got to yours today - nice. Can't wait for more. They are so sweet together. Will Lulu and Dillon react as well as Lucky and Ned?

  10. Jesus, Remos.

    Remind me not to click on your $hit while at work.

    You're SOOO going to get me fired.


    Well it came with a warning. It's not my fault you did... whatever you did.

    And considering your implied reaction yesterday, you might want to read this one at home. It will also get a response - though for different reasons...

    Yet more Annals...

  11. Ahhh... the vid was wonderful, Ms.Q. Just fills the spot!

    Okay, now I have sound, but still can't keep anything bookmarked. ugh.

    AND, my online bank doesn't recognized the new platform so I can't see how much money I don't have. This could take awhile....

    Lainey, The Annals are moving up my to-do list.

    SFD, another thunderstorm is moving through. Last one had hail, this one has tornado watches - for Toronto of all places! I'm shutting down, but I am around. I will try to be back again tonight.


  12. ugh.... can't get sound (the vid looks beautiful, Ms. Q... hopefully I will get to hear it sometime soon)

    So, my sympatico account can receive emails (had 215 actually) but shuts downs as soon as I try to send.

    Technology is not making me happy..... but at least I'm back, and Tracy has posted on the blog courtesy of moi, come on in, the water's fine!

  13. Can you hear my explitifs from where you are??? I love that someone fixed my computer for free - I really do. HOWEVER, he took away everything I had done to personalize and gave me back 2000 and not the XP I had been using. So I have to redo everything. I can't get my email to work at all, so I'm MPing some of you my new gmail addy, please share it around. QT, I'll also send my phone number. I really haven't a problem with people using it.

  14. Ah.... love the cyberhugs

    It's the same 'puter, but he's updated the anti-virus and spyware to such an extent that I can't access youtube - my second home after you folks. So, there are still kinks to work out.

    I had to divest my brain of LuNacy anything this past week, or I would have gone insane. Thanks to Fibro & CTD, I can't write longhand, so I haven't written anything since I left you. But I PROMISE (a Tracy promise, not a Lukey promise) that I will have something for you soon.

    And I've seen QT consistently bumping the thread.... wow, Hooked and I really do make a difference around here.

    I feel so behind in everything. I did get to see Tracy this week, and while I loved what Lucky had to say about Luke's love for Tracy, again I am left with 'why did they bring her back - just to prove that TPTB could pull JE in?' I'm not seeing anything that's so great it can overcome the fact that she's not with him. Have to think about how I will make The Annals work all this out....

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