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Posts posted by remos

  1. From wubs..

    **Tracy's home! She and Sam spar over running the Haunted Star.

    I didn't see Tracy smacking down maxie? Did I miss something. I better think of someone safe to post on the blog as that won't cause controversy.

    It was subtle in the post from Mom today, calling her a 'certain infiltrator'. It isn't a smackdown in large TQ glory (I don't know that I could pull that off), but it was meant to insult her.

    Two flubs, and they did no harm. There are tonnes of others.

  2. I think I should refrain from blogging today after causing so many problems yesterday. Good thing I am going out of town this weekend, so I can't mess anything else up for a few days!

    NO!!! Don't think that. You, as always, are the canary. By doing what you did, we were able to close some holes we hadn't thought about. You posted how many yesterday, and only two caused consternation? I'd say your ratio was pretty good. Keep posting. Tracy just slammed Maxie so you might want to do a rebuttle.

    Other stuff

    Tracy is back but not Luke, JE returns on June 3

    She'll try to be a mom to Lulu

    Luke is out of sight but not out of mind.

    From SOW (I think the week of the 9th this means)

    Next week:

    Claudia makes Lulu an offer

    Alexis ask Sonny to sign away Kristina

    Sam gets a mysterious message from Luke

    Hopefully this is about the HS

    Interesting... I wonder who's sight and who's mind... I really hope they keep Tracy in contact with Luke (that's what's happening in our version, I can assure you).

    Article Hottest Stories: Claudia wants Lulu gone, basically Johnny moves into the Q mansion when his house burns down, Tracy catches them in bed and Claudia wants Lulu gone so she can be number 1 in Johnny life.

    One more thing....Logan is supposed to die soon and go out with a bang. JD was let go.

    Saw this coming. I know there is a hate-on for the Z's in many places, but the more they interact with the Q's the better, as far as I'm concerned.

    I'm predicting Scotty won't be around much longer, either. He hadn't been seen since the replacements were in charge in January.

  3. Morning all... just bumping the thread.

    Hooked, as always you come through for us. After seeing so many interviews where JMB was asked about her 15 seconds with ewcbo, it's nice to see her acknowledge that JE is her actually co-star. It's a right and proper thing to do for JMB to prop JE for a change.

    Some serious blogging yesterday. Good job. All references to ewcbo have been removed. I think QT and I should just say it out loud, with the exception of the nice slap Helena did on her, I think the characters of Trevor, AZ, Mac and the feds, and ewcbo should not find their way into the blog. We are trying to keep hidden from the first four and ignore the fifth.

    Spanky is getting her 'Tracy' back. There was a lot of fodder for my post this morning. LOVE IT!!! You folks are really jumping on board with this. Please keep it up. It's only good if we are all working on it together.

    And while some of you were sleeping this morning, a secret loft had some early morning activity...

    morning with The Annals...

  4. I LOVE the blog. I was reading it during a meeting at work lol and I started laughing and all of the other like 20 people in there started to stare at me like I was crazy (it was kind of like that episode of Mary Tyler Moore where they're all the funeral for that clown and everyone else is all serious and Mary keeps laughing and everyone turns around and looks at her). Sigh lol

    That's hilarious, baby girl. I'm glad you are enjoying it. It certainly is fun to write and everyone has been doing their part.

    Hey everyone, QT and I are just about ready to start posting the link to the Blog in other places. Hooked, are you ready to advertise? Any last comments/questions/concerns???

    Blog Information

    I'm just talking off the top, and QT please muzzle me if we haven't agreed about something. In order to keep the integrity and quality of the Blog high, we are not going to open it to outside 'submission-by-character'. If outsiders (does that sound elitest or what?!) want to comment they are welcome, but they will NOT be invited to participate. This is our LuNacy group effort and we don't want to go behind and clean up character submissions which - for lack of a better term - suck. We are sounding in character, and in order to keep it a blog/site which will attract attention, we have to keep it sounding in character.

    IF (big IF) need be we will limit the access, you will all be reminded of the two email addresses bsg created for this purpose. You can still add submissions in character, but you would have to log in first. Again, that is a big IF and only if the blog gets overrun by people trying to water it down. Until that happens, every will remain the same.

    So, go forth and post. I see some of Tracy's past is coming back to haunt her. There are so many characters that can comment on this thing that the sky's the limit. QT and I are watching it, all day every day.

  5. As mentioned, I've retired.

    But I will "Beta" whatever you write, as long as you give me NO credit.

    Come on....... you're so prolific lately........

    Toss a bone to the one who has her own section in you comment section!!

    A 'bone', hmmm? Alright. Let me see what I can find out. I'm not privy to everything, you know.


    The [!@#$%^&*] just came in to tell my my typing was keeping him awake. Someone give me a way to get pooka shells so I can shove him out an airlock!

  6. This kills me.... :P:P:P

    Above I said that I googled 'luke and tracy dancing', and the first hit was the story I wrote last night - big ego boost for me. The second one (and I'm still laughing) is for a vid on youtube about Luke and ewcbo dancing, and the comment is "Let's hope Luke and Tracy never dance, because it would be the ultimate betrayal." :lol::lol::lol::lol: etc, and so forth, and so on...

    Hooked, thanks for the link. Ex. Adv. has a new look. Is QT good or what!

    You have a comment section? Hmmmmmmmm...........

    In my own mind... gotta have something to fall back on when a story bombs.

    You write what they tell you, eh? Have they told you about the wild, athletic sex they've been having? It's always been fevered and passionate, but the extra element of fear has pushed it over the top. It's crazy, unbelievable and mind-blowing, don't you know? Surprised they haven't blabbed to you yet. Hmmmmmm.......

    Yeah, I've had the inklings, I just don't have the talent to do it justice. You, on the other hand, could bring this baby home.

  7. -Tracy is set to come back to the scene in June. She has a few run ins with Trevor over the legal trouble Luke is in.

    This sounds promising.

    Hey guys, something really amazing just happened. I was googling trying to find if anyone has a screencap of the dance last week, and just entered "Luke and Tracy dancing", and guess what came up on top - The Annals dancing story. How cool is that!

    BTW, anyone have that screencap? We want to put it on the blog.

    Yeah what you said. And I can't believe you said the word AIN"T today!!! Gasps. shock. oh my. :P

    The Oxford Dictionary, page 15.

  8. Yup, he couldn't wait for that topic to be overwith. He was being interviewed with Jane, not the past. I lost count of the number of times he either praised her or defered to her. If not a huge crush, it's definitely a Mutual Admiration Society of two. Personally, I'm thinking big time crushing.

  9. You can totally tell that they love working together and that TG is more than a little over LnL. :D

    They adore each other. You're right, it is obvious. And TG wanted as little connection to LnL as he could get. More and more I'm convinced - endgame ain't gonna be ewcbo.

  10. Love the photos, LadyA.

    I was trying to decipher the caption at the bottom of the one with a very young Jane...

    JANE ELLIOT, above...brainy, articulate...a girl who knows how to make her dreams come true...is ????? to the top fast. While still in

    Maybe this is a photo from a soap mag when she was a teenager working on A Flame in the Wind. I wonder if the "while still in" where it cuts off is "while still in high school".

    It was the 60's... she's 'zooming' to the top fast. Yeah, it would be nice to see the rest of it.

    Lady A, I will add my self to the list of those impressed with your finding skills. And Hooked, you always get the best/most sane contacts through SD. I would love to see those number breakdowns to see what "high" means.

  11. Greetings all...

    Whomever is doing Lulu on the blog (I'm not asking, I like the mystery) is a hoot. I love it!

    Hooked, just wanted you to know I finally cleaned out my inbox today, and of the 873 emails I deleted, over 200 were from you. Are we verbose or what! (70 odd from Mike, 180 odd for homeschooling and 120 odd from Girl Guides, just so you know how you placed).

    Lainey, I'm going to have a page in my comment collection dedicated to you. You make my heart and head swell. :D

    Glad all of you are enjoying the Annals as much as the Blog itself. I just write what they tell me.

  12. Thanks for all the compliments. I'm glad you are enjoying The Annals.

    Lainey, if you ever get inspired - or need someone to vet something else you are doing, please let me know. I understand the ebb and flow of this stuff. You are just too talented to let that part of yourself get lost completely.

    Funny, keep it coming. I'm really enjoying it.

    My blog buddies? Where art thou? I know some have popped in through Sunday. This is a group effort... just a reminder.

    QT, what are you doing up at this ungodly hour. You aren't usually one of the insomniacs around here.

    Hooked, I'm glad your company is leaving tomorrow - you're missed. Are you having girly fun?

    Through the night...

    Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures

  13. anyone around for a chat tonight? 8:30 central time ish now

    Putting the screamers to bed. I'll be in shortly. BTW, Hooked, I think I do hear that kiss during the dance.


    Lainey, I see you. That thing still isn't working - but at least I'm getting deeper into it before it blocks me. I'm still trying.

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