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Posts posted by remos

  1. Another possible spoiler:

    One woman receives a love letter from the man she loves.

    Well... considering one is leaving on great terms and the word is the other isn't - I've voting for our girl. Nice touch if it's true.

    EDIT: SoapNet has Tracy listed in "Mother's Day: Evil Stepmothers." Link. She's 7 of 8.

    Some pretty interesting company n'est pas? But she's the only one acknowledged to have heard under it all - awwww.

    Ms.Q I totally get what you're saying! LOL Do you guys think they lost their spark?

    hmmm.... no, the spark is fine. I think they've been sidetracked by a no-win argument, though. When they are really raw to each other, the spark is undeniable.

    I was over to that other site and saw what was being written. Soap viewers are so fickled. They talk about no couple having a payoff anymore, but they also want instant gratification. The two are mutually exclusive. Sure the argument between Tracy and Luke is getting tired - but even they know that. The payoff, however, if going to be huge.

    Oh... and another thing... Tracy is right!

  2. hooked, no worries! Am so jealous of your weather! It's 47 degrees here, very windy, and rainy. It's gross.

    I don't like the wording on that "abandoned" spoiler... He's not exactly abandoning her if he goes with her blessing, right?

    What's SH, by the way?

    Perzackly.... she's not abandoned... but it's still sad...

    "SH" is Safe House - Liason site of tristing


    That was really sweet, Ms. Q... thank you...

  3. Remos, you were right!

    I love that phrase.... I should have it framed.... so glad that LuNacy is geting the golden treatment. I can't wait until this week begins to play out - and I understand the concern about the haze. Perhaps between the two of us we can do a decent recap :P.

  4. Found on the IL at SD...

    Luke will uncover a secret before leaving pc but keeps it to himself

    Lucky and Sam will take a ride together

    Tracy spends her time running the HS

    Spinelli and Maxie get closer than ever before

    Jolu will prove to be a team unstoppable

    When Luke returns he will have an old friend in tow

    Monica starts to rebuild her life

    The Quartmaine mansion is broken into but something is left not stolen

    Some of these are long term, and given the accuracy of long term I'm not holding my breath. But in the meantime they sound interesting.

  5. This talk about work reminded me that I will be there on Tuesday!!! I totally forgot!!! I can't watch the LuNacy live!!! :(

    But, but, I can fast-forward the commercials (and the scenes I don't care about) when I do watch. Always a bonus. :D

    Drat... I was hoping you'd be around for back-up 'cause I'm afraid I will get lost in the moment. And for the record I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

  6. It's all about Lunacy this week. We have to rearrange this week's schedules if we must. :lol:

    Remos I'm with you on this one. I would do the same. I think I might, my coworkers better not come in my class this week, esp. tues. Better yet i'm gonna lock them out, so they can't interrupt my concentration this week. <_<

    Good for you. I was feeling slightly guilty (just slightly) cause most of you have to be at work and don't have my flexibility. I got over it, though.

  7. And by the way, Marlon Brando used cue cards too!

    Oh.. Marlon Brando was legendary for that. Used to piss off his leading ladies - wonder how JE takes TG to task on that one....

    Hooked *kissing your feet for the good work you've done* those are WONDERFUL!!!! And almost a whole week of LuNacy being romantic and connected? That's almost too good to hope for - it might just carry us until the end of May... might...

    BUT *stepping on her platform so she can be heard about the excited chatter*, once Luke leaves our Summer of LuNacy Festival 2008 begins. Hope you are primed. Here are the rules:

    1. Once a days someone has to submit something.

    2. Submissions can include fic, vid, email, text message, phone conversation, or anything else your imagination can come up with that shares a bit of Luke/Tracy interaction.

    3. More than one submission a day is very welcome.

    4. The Festival will continue until the day Lukey comes back on our screen.

    5. Subject content is totally up to the creator, as long as it involves Tracy and hopefully Luke, it's good. For anyone wanting a Trash flashback or any other combination, I leave it to your judgement.

    6. Fics can be presented in their usual way (LJ or FF); if you don't have an account but want one many hear can tell you how

    7. Vids can be presented in their usual way. #6 applies here, too

    8. All short contributions (text, email, phone call, etc) can simply be posted on the thread. I would suggest you limit it to 2-3 paragraphs though, so it doesn't become overwhelming.

    Any questions?

  8. Ya know... even him asking her is huge. I hope she really waffles on her decission before saying it's best she stays.

    And logically, Ms. Tracy Quartermaine is not exactly able to live life in the shadows and stay out of sight 'cause Luke will actually be a wanted man. Mrs. Tracy Spencer is not that fully developed enough, yet.

    Thanks Nex, as always :D

  9. I had to come up here to take my online Irish Final.

    Hope you did well. Last of Irish... Cinnte!

    So I guess no one else saw that Luke wasn't wearing his wedding ring when he went to visit nik since no one replied to my post.

    Oh... Sorry to leave you hanging like that, luv. I went to look as soon as you said something (can always hear "once in a lifetime, too" over and over again) and I couldn't completely tell. But I think you might be right. I'm convinced that's a wardrobe opps - nothing Luke has said lately would suggest he wants to take his ring off. And it would have been acknowledged onscreen if it was a plot point.

    Even before I read this follow-up, my feeling was that the surprise would be very LuNacy-friendly. I'm thinking Lainey has the right idea.

    *Crossing fingers* oh, I hope so!!! There has definitely been a building towards something huge - a great payoff is coming, I can feel that for sure.

    Hooked... I bow to your superiority when it comes to spoilers. You da ho!!!

    Ms. Q... Tricky? Moi???


    This on SOC for this coming week and next... Not new... but... you know....

    Luke turns on the charm to win Tracy back.

    Luke is arrested for laundering money.

    And on SZ, not anywhere near as eloquent as we've seen... and a week early...

    Luke flies the coop, to avoid incarceration, leaving Tracy with the Haunted Star.

    Tracy versus Sam, equals fireworks.

    The cops converge on Luke on a matter of money laundering.

  10. Hey...taking a break from my parents to check in....those spoilers from SD were from SON I think Remos so should be true.

    yup, sounds right

    My take--Like the impassioned plea or whatever--hope that implies passion!!

    If only.... sigh...

    Can't wait for Trucky!

    Might have to wait. There's debate whether he was actually back in the house when these scenes were filmed. It might be implied Truky (and hopefully not cut altogether)

    Also, the goes on the run with Tracy by his side, I think means with her blessing right?

    Probably... but I like the way it is written. Wouldn't it be great if they actually did leave together. Ya know, nothing to say she didn't start the run with him to give him an alibi, and then she returns for damage control and to run the HS.

    Ms.Q, thanks... that was the right place

  11. Okay... spoilers... (on the IL of SD from an ABC source)


    Lucky asks for Tracy's help in getting Luke to realize the Zaccharas could destroy him. Johnny and Lulu forge a plan to make it appear as though they are a couple to catch Anthony in a trap.

    What to Watch

    Luke makes an impassioned appeal to Tracy


    Tuesday: Luke is arrested for money laundering

    Wednesday: Luke opts to go on the run with Tracy by his side

  12. From SD...

    Monday May 12th:

    Sonny feels betrayed by Kate.

    Robin and Patrick give Nikolas his prognosis.

    Lulu and Johnny come up with a plan.

    Jax comforts Kate.

    Alexis finds Jerry with Claudia and is jealous.

    Lucky goes to Tracy for help with Luke.

    Trucky! Yay! And that means Tracy Monday and Tuesday at least!!

    Ah.. Hooked... you can tell when you're back on the case.

    Tracy - TRUCKY to be perzact. I love those two together.

    Honestly, we've got 7-8 days left with TG on screen, and I think we are going to have a whole lot. Think about it... we have to get from "Go to Hell" to giving him her blessing and agreeing to watch the Star. Things have to start moving and 1-2 eppis are not going to do all of that.

    Doesn't Luke get arrested on Friday next? That's at least 3 days (since she bails him out).

  13. Morning or should I say afternoon guys!

    Remos--You changed yoru avatar!!! Woo hoo! Still think her in that salmon jacket from Shadybrook with her oomphy bob haircut is 100x better than this hair, but I will let it slide cause it is growing out! LOL!!

    That's exactly why I changed it. I love that jacket - and just suck it up about the hair already...

    Anyway, I am totally rambling right now....I have had way to much coffee this morning and am all over the place! I will resume my spoiler ho duties now and see if I can find out any more info!

    Ho away... I didn't find diddly

  14. This was on Wubs... assessment of yesterday's show...

    Tony Geary and Jane Elliot are perfect as "the vet" couple. Too bad TG has a ba-zillion vacation days. Ingo's leaving for his holls too...(that's british for 'holiday'). What about TG and Tyler? whoa... Geesh, I actually had a bit of tears in my eyes. Cassadine/Spencer talk that didn't involve threats. WOOT!

  15. ^^ and don't forget that Luke has now said he's faithful to her - twice. Imagine what Tracy will be like once she lets those words really sink in. NO ONE has ever said that to her or done that for her. My friends, that was even more meaningful to me than 'once in a lifetime, too'.

    Listen... it's the wee small hours of the morning, and I've been waxing poetic about LuNacy. If anyone is over at SOC, I'd love the back-up.

    Bravo Tracy, telling Luke off...

  16. I believe it was the scabs, too, remos. First, there was the insinuation that he had cheated during the time following his escape from the hospital. (At the HS, he asked Tracy if "the details" would hurt any less.) Then, at the Q's about how it had been "many months". Tracy retorted that it was only because he had been flat on his back in a hospital bed.

    Pigs must be flying because I'm starting to really like Guza.

    Oh, and how good was it that we saw Tracy, CEO of ELQ.

    So, this summer we get Multi-Tasking Tracy. CEO of ELQ, head honcho at the Haunted Star, and hopefully several vignettes starring Tracy, Queen of the Smackdowns.

    *waving to funny*

    Oh... from your wordprocessor to the soap-gods ears.... This would be so good, and so deserving.

    And yeah, we're getting a few flapping pork-rinds up here as well. Scary this...

  17. I doubt anyone was worried about Anna posing any threat to LuNacy. Just in case...

    Rick Springfield is coming back to GH for a summer storyline. I didn't read any details, but with Anna coming back as well, it seems a likely scenario that they will revive their relationship.

    Hoping for some snarky smackdowns by the Goddess of Smackdowns...that would be Tracy, of course. ;)

    Anna is Tracy's smokescreen. She always recoils into her shell when she's hurt and tries to deflect the real issue. Luke is telling her what she wants to hear but she doesn't trust him or his words. That will only come with time. They had it up until Luke left in January - and I'm more and more convinced that was the Scabs and Guza would never have done that. Since TG is leaving early this year, I bet we are going to have some great LuNacy coming together over the next two weeks.

    I do hope she gets a chance to smackdown Anna this summer, though, just to see her do it. And I want Anna to be contrite.

  18. Yeah, remos, I'm feeling cautious and protective of our LuNacy, too, as the deadline is bearing down upon us. You know spoilers, though. They're designed to either shock, scintillate, or scare us into watching. Presenting them in terms of the conclusion wouldn't accomplish their warped purpose.

    Logic... alright... I acquiesce...

    I believe that Tuesday will be another good LuNacy day, and things will be headed in the right direction. If Tracy is going to be running The Haunted Star, and that one seems confirmed, she would be doing it as Luke's wife only since she doesn't have a financial interest it in anymore.

    Agreed... and she's still in charge of ELQ, so she'll be busy. That was a question we had.

    We know that the "I love you, Tracy" from a year and a half ago was strictly TG with advance permission. I'd bet that TG helped along today's dialogue some, too.

    The writers seem to really like LuNacy, though. So, I think just about everybody is looking to the future. Those who aren't "just about everybody" are still a pain in the fanny, unfortunately. ;)

    They do like LuNacy... with good reason, of course. The LnL crowd is so desperate for a shout-out that their girl is above the crowd. They don't seem to accept that she isn't in the same category as a Lila Quartermaine or an Alice Horton or those Grande Dames. Ewcbo was just a lucky kid who accidently got locked together with the new hot shot. She couldn't hold it on her own much beyond what she was doing. I would almost feel sorry for them if they weren't so blatantly hateful.

  19. SOC is remarkable civil this afternoon. No big flip about ewcbo/Tracy. The concentration is on Lukey visiting Nic.

    They must have all run to SD, Hooked, 'cause the nasties on SOC haven't been out like they have in the past.

    Thanks Staci! See--I totally think there was a scene cut the other day after Tracy found Anna. Because before that, luke was living at home. She must have had a scene were she bitched him out and told him to sleep there or something!
    That would be a HUGE thing to cut out with no reference. Perhaps you're right, though, because just as the Anna stupidity was happening, she told him she would be home late - suggesting that he shouldn't wait up for her.

    Scenes sound good. I heard JE looked gorgeous and natural today!

    Beautiful... and my favourite jacket!!!

    I got the SOD and SID at the grocery store today. The claudia/luke/tracy scene got quote of the week about the popsicle, you call her popiscle exchange. The same photo of Lunacy was in both mags from Luke's return 1/31 with the fur jacket and them facing off. The poll results were in with the 87% she should take him back.

    I tells ya... they've got to build on this threesome - long lost daughter!!!

    The SOD had the same photo with saying Can't miss 5/13 Luke tries to charm Tracy back.

    I'm a little uncomfortable with the word "tries" in there. I wish is was more definitive.

    I do think we are going to get a nice ending for them this time. Seems like the fight....the charming back and then the goodbye with her blessing. I really hope so! Luke has never talked about loving her this much and to other people and to her, etc.

    I would really like a breakdown of how much is scripted to tell fans Luke really, really loves Tracy, and how much is TG telling the fans to get over the past and join him in the present.

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