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Posts posted by remos

  1. :P

    For me it's the SAME thing. haha. I don't like it, and I can't do it. What do you mean phone convo or email?

    Let your imagination flow freely. Imagine Lukey emails Tracy a quick note, what would it say? Or leave a text or voice mail. We've got the entire summer to play with this. I KNOW you can come up with something!

  2. remos, LOVED your fic!!! I 6th your motion. heh heh. Wait.... that doesn't mean I have to write fic does it? 'Cause I can't write.

    Yes, you can write. And yes, you have to contribute... I've given lots of room for your imagination to wander. Create a phone conversation or an email. We don't need a saga, just a contribution. You can do it... I KNOW you can!

    (Not being able to do something and not liking to do something, are not the same thing.)


    In my offical capacity as title holder of the "Miss Positive" crown, and in my almost daily task of talking Hooked (and others) off the ledge... It is my duty to remind you of important facts, and to move the following motion:


    SD should be renamed "BS"

    And whereas...

    Three things are true in life 1. Death, 2. Taxes, 3. TG's summer vacation

    I move the following...

    1. That we suck it up, buttercups, and accept that LuNacy will be having their summer break soon.

    2. That the metaphorically suicidal stay away from tall structures (I'll have vacation time too, ya know).

    3. That we initiate a Summer of 2008 LuNacy Fanfic Festival where EVERY DAY someone has to contribute a piece to the collection in one of the following categories...

    a. email

    b. letter

    c. phone call

    d. gift

    e. "Tracy goes to meet Luke" story

    f. mini-vid

    g. other creative suggestion

    4. That said fanfic contributions must be a minimum of one each day, but no maximum number will be stipulated. Thus when 10 people want to contribute in one day, they are welcome to do so.

    5. That a counter be set up to count down the days until LuNacy will again grace our screens. Based on previous years, the counter will initially be set to coincide with Canadian Thanksgiving, and adjusted accordingly once we have accurate information as to TG's return.

    6. That this process will need to be initiated by the mover, and to that end the following contribution has been made to set the mood and further clarify the requirements: Confessions... the fourteenth.

    Do we have a seconder?

    Calling for the vote.

    All those in favour? Against? Abstain?

  4. I knew you would be the voice of reason Remos! I have got to stay away from SD. I was perfectly happy. And in reality, when this person said that about tracy and luke not sharing scenes it was at least a month or so ago. Yes, Luke has had some scenes without her, but they have had some together. Whatever, I am trying to focus on the fact that she said JE is not leaving (yet). I have some "friends" checking this out hopefully. Mabye this poster didn't think we realize they have to make up a reason why TG has to leave this summer. I think in a way they were trying to undo the closeness that happened during the Heart Attack stuff to make it more plausible that he would take off on her for so long.

    You're thinking too much, darlin'. Remember.... our best stuff is NEVER spoiled.

  5. Morning all... I just couldn't stay awake to chat last night. It was a great weekend, but also a long weekend.

    Hooked, I'm not bothered by this in the least. If Tracy was ONLY with Luke, we would get nothing this summer b/c they can't do the Shadybrook thing twice in a row.

    Now, as for baiters, I fully expect them to be there. That board is 3/4 fiction. Honestly, what we've gotten from there is pretty lean. Unless someone has given actual dates with their information, it has usually been false. And we get off easy compared to Scrubs and Liason, where the baiters/fiction is heaviest.

    We just have to sit back and enjoy the ride... and pump up the fic writing to fill the gaps. B)


    Oh QT... Just looked at the banner (wondered what all the fuss was about). LOVE IT!!!!! Perfect!!!

  6. Okay so a bunch of stuff being said right now...the timeline doesn't sound right though...might be all BS

    So I wonder if TG is leaving early this year for his summer break and takes off during May sweeps after some type of scheme with Anna. Last year he didn't leave til almost mid-june.

    For the last time the Anna/Luke scenes are no bg deal. They last one or two days at the most. Nothing more than them commisserating about them getting old.


    Anna and Luke, cheat AZ out of lot of money. AZ finds out about it and when the heat gets too much Luke goes away (TG summer vacation). Anna promises she will stay behind to protect Lulu & Co. Anna will be in town depending on FH's schedule

    when does this happen? Anna's only around for 5 episodes and 3-4 of them air this week and next week.

    Anna is back on Thursday this week. For about 5 or so episodes. Maybe she'll be back during the summer.

    So all this cheating AZ out of money takes place in the next three weeks or so (those medianet photos are from the week of 5/5)?

    (no answer)

    Timeline might be a bit off, but I did read some while back that FH was actually staying longer than originally planned so we shall see. The one thing that does jump out at me, however, is if Luke runs to hide where does that leave Tracy - his most available and visible vulnerability? It's nice that Anna wants to protect the Shrew, but Lukey is leaving a lot more behind than her.

    Secondly, why would Luke want to steal AZ's money? He has the Star back and he has Tracy back. What would the point be?

    Now, on the positive side, the earlier he leaves the early he returns. I'm still predicting at least 6 weeks, though. He hasn't seemed to leave before June in many, many years. And Anna being the catalist is perfect - she's the same kind of adventure junkie Luke is, Tracy has known her for years and feels comfortable with her, and there has never been anything between Anna/Luke except love and hate of the same people. She's a safe one to usher Luke off the screen for TG's summer break. It could be really fun to watch.

    Remos, welcome back!

    Thanks, Queen Tracy. Nice to be 'home'.

  7. Well, I'm home (and silly me forgot to logout before I left). The trip was great. Always wonderful to see my siblings and their kids. This is my family - and I like them. Inlaws - not so much...

    I'm glad I didn't miss anything Friday, but I would have liked to see a continuation of the HS opening with more LuNacy. Oh well... what we got was some of their best this year, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

    Hooked, loved the fic. Another great way to get them righted again. And the spoilers sound good. I wonder how we'll be able to see that "Luke really loves Tracy". As ?? said (I'm too tired to go back and actually find out who said what), we already know that Luke loves Tracy. But it's always fun for other *clearing throat* groups to be reminded that LuNacy is the real deal. I'll miss LuNacy, but as long as they have Tracy actually doing something (and not locked up or generally MIA) this summer, it will be fine.

  8. Thanks for the scoopage, hooked. :D

    By the way, I have magical powers. I created a new thread at SOC (ostensibly about Spinelli, but with Tracy motives) and within *one* minute, it was merged.

    Truly remarkable. <_<

    I was advocating Alice as Spinelli's long-lost mother. My thinking was that wherever Spinelli goes, story follows. So, if he's living at the Quartermaines, he's living where Tracy lives...

    As it is now, there's nada in development that would give Tracy a story when Luke takes off in a few weeks.

    Hmmm... Alice and Spinelli.... that would be an interesting combination.

    I think they are trying to have Claudia and Tracy in the same realm, which would be story for Tracy during the summer.

    Loved all the one liners today (and thanks, Ms.Q so very, very much). I came in just after the last LuNacy moment. And they have Tracy knowing Kate on a first name basis, and Diane greeting them quite warmly. I really, truly hope there is cause for Tracy to interact more with Diane. Those two would be great. I don't want them close like Diane and Alexis, but sociable none the less.

    I have noticed they aren't isolating Tracy like they did last year at this time. Everything was about the crap around the ewcbo, so we knew what was coming. This year there is no hint about what will take Luke out of Port Chuckles, and Tracy seems to be getting more facetime with characters who will be front and centre during the summer months.

    Time will tell... I guess.

  9. Sorry I missed you, halee. Just saw your message. :o

    Only a little LuNacy today. The bits we got were cute, though.

    Do tell... I missed them all, and I won't be around tomorrow.


    The only recap I've seen says this...

    The Haunted Star is hopping and Luke couldn't be more pleased. Tracy is by his side good-naturedly ribbing his enthusiasm.

    Cute and teasing... and Cazigirl doesn't have anything.... *sobs with despiration*

  10. Well the bottom line for me is that we KNOW Tony is leaving in May/June for his usual four month stint (at least we assume). We know they won't make Luke and Tracy go off together; and I would 1000x rather him take off for some adventure (if he at least tells Tracy or it seems plausible having to do with helping Anna or even something mob-related) than you know who!

    Okay I am just going to try to enjoy today and tomorrow and the weeks to come. Not too long ago I was majorly upset thinking JE was leaving in May. At least that doesn't seem like now. I gotta go lay with my little one, but I will be in the br soon thereafter! I will post a link.

    I agree. TG will be on vacation regardless. The only two things we can hope for is 1) it's on an adventure with Tracy's knowledge if not outright approval, and B.) that Tracy's been mixing it up enough with other folks that she will have something to do while he's gone

    stick a fork in the ewcbo


    Oy vey.... this was on SOC so I though I'd share. I've also included my response. (It hasn't happened yet, but I'm sure the moderators would like a reason to slap me.)

    Originally Posted by Orlando viewpost.gif Just go to the one website and type in Luke and Laura's wedding and think of 30 million viewers. That is what she can do for the show. All those people loved her. If 1/10 of those folks came back, GH would be doing great!

    All those people didn't love her. Those number aren't a reflection of Luke and Laura, they are event numbers. Just like the Superbowl gets more viewers than the regular season and the Olympics gets more viewers then any of the world events during the ensuing years. All those people were watching what Newsweek told them to watch. Compare them with the wedding of Chuck and Di (which had just as much staying power), rather than regular viewership, and you'd be more accurate.

  11. hooked, those SID scoops seem accurate this time. :( Hopefully, Tracy gets to mix it up with Anna as well. It seems that once LuNacy were paired, Guza started bring back veterans (i.e. Robert, Holly, Anna) who took screentime away from Tracy - first, with Monkey!Virus and second, in the Markaam Islands.

    I remember being so jealous 'cause when Luke and Skye were together, they always had screentime together, but a little while after LuNacy are paired, he starts going on adventures with Robert, Holly, etc. For the record, I like Anna and Robert - I just don't want Tracy losing face time on GH. She barely has enough the way it is...

    Well, time for bed. Here's hoping for another awesome LuNacy day tomorrow.

    Oh, but there is so much difference this time. First of all Luke and Tracy were married, but LuNacy really hadn't started yet. Secondly, the vets share history with her too, not just him. Thirdly, Skye and Holly are not in the mix anymore... Anna is kind of in 'kid sister' role.

    The spoiler doesn't bother me in the least. We all know Tracy has been trying to keep Luke on a short lease (she said it out loud today B) ), and he's been fighting it. There's nothing new there. They have to come to a place of understanding where Tracy relaxes a bit (not in her nature) and Luke compromises (not in his nature).

    One thing I do find quite interesting is that that one sentence was thrown out in the midst of paragraphs for all the other characters. I wonder what's really behind it.... hmmm....

  12. I noticed that, too, as I was just about to post and got an "invalid thread" message. It's only a few hours old, not that they need an excuse to delete Tracy threads at SOC. ;) I started a new one, though, and if they delete that one, I'll just start another new one...

    Yeah, I noticed that as soon as I got home. NOT amused.

    Oh well, when one is plucked others spring to life. Their obvious bias is funny. Tracy is still the winner!!!

  13. Maybe he will put them back on her finger VERY soon, like after he get's lucky after the HS? heehee. Did anyone else notice that Tracy looked a little tipsy as she walked away in their last scene?

    Oh yeah.... I guess she's drinking Luke's drinks for him.

  14. Oh... forgot to mention. Today Nadine and Layla were at the Roulette wheel and Nadine wasn't sure how to bet. Ric comes over to them and says "I see red". So Nadine bets on red and wins.

    I think I saw something recently that said "Tracy sees red". Perhaps she wins at Roulette.... wouldn't it be romantic if her winnings are her wedding rings back.... sigh...

  15. Today's recap...


    Scenes 4,5,6 & 7 Nex

    Kisses - 2

    "Spanky" - 2 (One a complete "Spanky Buns")

    Rings - His still on, hers still off

    4 - Luke walking Tracy around the club, showing her the preparations and talking about the evening. He also tells her she isn't playing on the house tonight, she has to pay like everyone else. She assures him she will be watching him instead, making sure he follows doctor's orders. She doesn't want him to die, and the kiss. They call each other 'sweetheart' though this exchange and Luke does his usual 'everyone's going to die at some point'. To which Tracy responds "that same old song". He looks at her playfully and says "Spanky.... Spanky Buns... if anyone is going to die tonight it will most likely be my business partner", looking over her shoulder at Johnny.

    5 - Johnny says he wasn't responsible, Luke says Sonny will get the shooter and whomever started it. Tracy says great, she should probably be more concerned that he's the victim of a mob hit rather than heart failure. Luke gets excited and says "aren't you feeling tingly?" Tracy turns to stand in front of Luke and gives Johnny the same Lulu speach.

    6A - Luke welcomes everyone to the reopening, Tracy takes his glass and drinks it while he says he's pacing himself.

    6B - Tracy walks over to Luke and asks if she should have him on a leash and collar (because of his drinking). He asks if he should be on his knees as well. They laugh suggestively and kiss again.

    7 - Claudia walks in and begins flirting with Luke, who flirts back. As she leaves, Tracy walks over and punches Luke in the back. "Hey, heart patient with a bum leg." Tracy says as long as he remembers that, then walks away. Luke looks after her and smiles contentedly.

    Nothing directly in previews, but the opening continues.

  16. Someone on SD said this is from SID...amonst a list regarding "love is in the water in PC..."

    Luke loves being a player in Port Charles again. Tracy doesn't. Will they overcome the demon's of Luke's past?

    Oy--GMAFB!!! Please no more laura!!! At least they are mentioned as part of sweeps stuff...

    Even if there is a shred of truth to this, there is a lot more to Luke's past than ewcbo. She wasn't his 'demon' she was his 'angel'. Relax... she's not coming back.

  17. That is funny Remos! Michael Sabatino (Jagger) was the hottest thing around! I would so rather see him as Sonny!

    That's not Michael Sabatino... he was Lawrence Alamain on Days, is is married to Crystal Chappel.

    4/16 Jason and Spinelli find a clue that leads to Ian.

    Lucky speaks to Sam from his heart..

    Its opening night at the Haunted Star!

    4/17 Sonny is looking for someone to pay.

    Robin's pregnancy interferes with her date with Patrick.

    Luke gleefully reopens the Haunted Star.

    4/18 Johnny knows Claudia is full of it.

    Jerry and Ian huff and puff at each other.

    Jax worries that Carly's denial regarding Michael's prognosis could

    have a negative effect upon Morgan.

    Luke enjoys being back in the game but Tracy has a bad feeling

    about his Zacchara partnership. ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE LUKE!!!! SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT!! (THIS IS ME, NOT GHH2)

    So... Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sweet. But I'll be travelling to a family do on Friday so I won't get to watch (or do recap). Nex, I'm counting on you!!!

  18. yeah her name is Philippa and they're going to call her Pippa. Im just glad its not Claudia cause then I would like 'ahhh Claudia Zacchara!!'

    Interesting. That's the second Philippia named Pippa I've known to be born in the last two months.


    This was on SZ this morning. Cesar Faison write provocative posts with no factual basis. I thought this was amusing, though...

    With the news Ethan Erickson (ex-Percy, BUFFY; ex-J, GL) is playing TempNuPatrick while Jason Thompson is off for reasons mysterious, who do you want for some of the other big characters if they ever need to be replaced, even temporarily? And who is your favorite temp recast?

    Luke: Roscoe Born, totally! But then he has to come on as a Spencer brother!

    Sonny: Michael Sabatino.

    Carly: Sarah Buxton if Jennifer Bransford isn't available. ETA: Oooh, never mind Buxton! Melissa Reeves, totally!

    Lulu: Jennifer Landon

    Robin: Alyssa Milano.

    Jason: Grayson McCouch. Although I suspect TIIC would just let the show go dark if Steve Burton is ever unavailable, LOL.

    Liz: Amelia Heinle is on Y&R, so I'd have to say Ashley Bashioum.

    Tracy: Once upon a time it was Christine Jones, but it'd be great if GH could lure Beverlee McKinsey out of retirement again.

    Claudia: Martha Byrne. Also Melissa Reeves.

    I think everyone else has either had a temporary replacement already (Gideon Emery, Susan Diol, Nick Kiriazis, Chris Beetem, etc.) or is barely on enough for there to be a crisis.

    I think it's interesting who he included in the "big characters".

  19. ^^^ I'm familiar with the video. First time in 8th grade. Last time in 12th grade. Might have seen in in 11th grade. Not sure. I loved the "I'm just a bill" one...LOL. "I'm just a bill; Yes, I'm only a bill; And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill." :lol: But I thought "Conjunction Junction" was lame...

    But for the record, in a political science class in college, I could have gotten 10 points extra credit if I memorized the Preamble word for word. And the Schoolhouse Rock song totally messed me up 'cause it goes "We the people - in order to form a more perfect union..." when the actual Preamble goes, "We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union..." Just a little warning - haha. :D

    (I had the right version in front of me and counted words and everything, but when it was time to write it, I couldn't get the song out of my head... And yeah, no extra credit for me. Haha).

    Ah.. the joys of being a Canuck... that FF in our house :lol:

  20. LOL yes. But I am so pissed now cause I was all set to come pop in the br, and my son just remembered that he had to memorize the preamble to the constitution by tomorrow (he had a week to do this and left it in his desk). He asked me if I remembered it. I started to belt it out in song thanks to schoolhouse rock! You guys are probably too young to remember that (except for a few of us) but that was the most educational power of TV at its best during Sat. morning cartoons!

    I will try to be there soon!

    I'll have you know School House Rock is part of our homeschool routine. Kids sing grammar and science all the time! It's FABULOUS!!!

    Okay, now I'm off to the shower. I'll be there soon, too.

  21. How about BR tonight around 8:30 central time? Anyone game?

    Remos--I have calmed down. Husband issues!

    Is he still breathing?


    Okay people, where are you? It's 10 ET/9CT. I'm going for a quick shower then will be back. His nibs needs the 'puter (why he can't work from work, I'll never understand), so my time is limited tonight. Be back in a few...

  22. Okay TQ fans--we need to have a positivity chat tonight in the breakroom! It has been a while, and we need to send out those positive lunacy vibes out into the universe.

    Sounds good to me...

    Remos--I need to talk to you

    So talk already.... PM? BR? LF? email? Skype? (mine's down, but thought I'd add it for effect). As a point if interest, 100 years ago the telephone was still a novel invention. Now look at us!

    I've been Spring cleaning all day - trying to drive this nasty bug out of our home in the process. I've looked for more Playmobil hair, Lego arms and Dinkies then you can shake a stick at. I need some grown-up time!!!

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