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Posts posted by remos

  1. Thanks. Ms. Q. You saved me some painful minutes at the keyboard. In brief.

    Nex: scenes 1-4; first up in each scene. Anna/Luke only in 1, but you need the context.

    Sonny and Luke: history acknowledgement, finally they are remember that Luke went through this too.

    Yeah, might not have much Tracy, but it's worth the watch just to see JE almost lose it repeatedly. She can't keep a stern look to save her soul.

  2. Hey guys... sorry I couldn't come into the BR last night. My back was hurting too much. It's better this morning but still not great. I'm saving myself for the recaps and some serious Tracy today - don't know if we'll see her again before next Tuesday after today.

    I like that bit about her being around more this summer. If they are doing more with her - and she was usually on once a week last year - I'm just doing the math and thinking we might get 2-3 days per week of her. That would work! At least it's been recognized she has disappeared the last few summers. That's always a good start.

  3. Anyone got a "theme music count" for LuNacy? Wyndemere (in November), Haunted Star (in February), Haunted Star (in April). So, 3 total then? Or did I miss one?

    Yup... there's at least four

    1. You're damn lucky to have me - don't I know it (Wyndemere, November)

    2. See... that's what I'm talking about (HS, February)

    3. Okay... you can stay. But we do things my way *hand over the glass* (Q's, March)

    4. Tracy, I love you... I...Love...YOU (HS, April)

    But my gut is telling me there is a 5th time - I think LA or Nex caught it.

    And unless my ears are deceiving me, they've lengthened it by a few stanzas since the original playing.

    (Hair doesn't bother me, clothing I really don't care, I can never catch JE laughing in the scenes until after the fact, so I'll be the chick who calls the theme music....k?)

  4. ^^^ That is actually very funny. All encompassing and witty.

    As for LuNacy fans, TG leaving is not a shock, it's actually anticlimactic, so we will be happy if that's the down side. Seems our couple is closer to geting 'royal' treatment then anyone, 'cause they are working with a deadline.

  5. Hooed thatks for the spoilers! And that's right you be the Queen B at home to your husband. What nerve of him!

    Remos I hope your day has improved.

    I can't wait for those to play out.

    Thanks, Funny. It has imporoved somewhat - as has my back.

    But now the kids are looking at their baby albums and Zion is upset that he only has 10 pages full in his. You can see on Rusty's face that he's starting to realize none of the pictures include him (he doesn't even have a book)! My day might get worse, afterall...

  6. ^^^ Leo!!! I want Leo!!!

    Those sound great, hooked, and no I wasn't asking any of it. There are more of us every day, it seems.


    Hate to say it, but I think Guza is pulling it out of the fire. He's obviously a fan of LuNacy. I hope we get an intersting someone flirting with Tracy, and not Tracy flirting with them.

    Oh... what about Trevors.... she wouldn't give him the time of day, but I bet SM could flirt with her like crazy... AND if they are keeping him around they have to show more than just Trevor the ass.


    The 21st? All of this would be in the can by now, since they are taping two+ weeks out. Why hasn't one of the rags given that date. We aren't that far away.

  7. I don't think that stuff is right at all. First of all, LC ain't going anywhere? If she hasn't left in 31 years, why the heck would she leave by choice now??? Her leaving the first chance she gets in an out--don't buy that for a second. Jason would not be threatening Luke--I believe the other insiders from yesterday. I don't know if tht is the same person who even answered the other questions about the couples who are done, etc. Also, I don't buy that Tracy will be arrested and Sam bails her out. I know that SD was slated for some upcoming appearances, but maybe they pushed that back til sweeps was over.

    I would put my money on the earlier stuff about AZ arresting luke. Jason would not threaten to kill Luke. Maybe if TG leaves second to the last week ro last week in may, he will be back in september this year instead of October. I hate to say it, but I am almost ready for him to go already and come back earlier.

    I have had a really shitty morning. Major fight in my house. I might have to go find a kick boxing class or something. What started out great with sleeping in, etc ended up in a huge fight. My husband called me something in front of our friends who were over last night. I can tell this is going to be a great day around here. I've got my ice queen bitch hat on for the rest of the day and into the week I am sure!!!

    I just stopped at got my kids fast food from two different places (which ticks him off in the first place when I get them fast food and from more than one place even pisses him off more). We all pulled up, and of course he didn't say anything to not give me the satisfaction. So mature!!!

    I am on the warpath!!!!

    Sweet... want company???

    The weather the last few days has made my Fibromyalgia wild, some point throught the night the pain got into my back so I can hardly more. Mike is a pr*ck at the best of times, but he's been ripping on the kids because he resents having to 'pick up my slack', and they've been running to me crying all morning. Me... the one who can barely more has people climbing on me. He even yelled at them saying "would you leave the f-ing balcony door alone".

    NO ONE talks to my babies like that. Not even me.

    *thinking there is something with that name of theirs...*

  8. Morning all... This was on the IL this morning...

    How do Luke/Tracy end this go round when he leaves town?

    Will we ever see Stuart Damon again as ghost alan?

    Does Monica ever get out of rehab?

    Quote:LC has not taped in weeks. I think she will leave the first chance she gets. Luke leaves town after Jason threatens to kill him. Sam will step up to bail Tracy out. SD has not taped recently.

    ME: Why would Jason threaten to kill Luke? Jason is all about Michael's shooter and Luke certainly isn't hiding anything about that.

    Tracy being bailed out by Sam sounds great... but again... why? Unless it has to do with the money landering and Tracy is arrected or investigated for that too. This sounds more plausible than the bit about Jason and Luke.

    Unfortunately, the parts about LC and SD sound bang on.

    Hooked: I see you were all over SD about this one. What's the take?

  9. I gotta run cause we have company over, but an insider was just dropping stuff about the Crimson party, luke's exit date, etc. The crimson party is the week of the 19th. Luke is at the party, but he leaves after it. The party lasts about a week. Secrets come out, etc.

    Here is what I got from this insider! Sounds good hopefully!!!

    So Luke gets arrested and bailed out before the Crimson launch party, but leaves after the party...is that about right timeframe? Thanks!

    Also, someone dropped earlier that Tracy bails him out of jail and that she knows he leaves town and they leave on good terms. Does that sound right to you?

    Yeah thats about right they have good scenes coming up.

    Proper thing.... sounds about right.

  10. ^^^ I especially like the last one. ".. all the stops..." And we know Lukey can pour it on when he wants to. I just hope he leaves town with the rings on her finger and not in his pocket.

    Funny.... good to know... keep up the good work :D

  11. Please don't leave. Do you know why Luke gets arrested and who set that up? Who bails him out? And does he skip town right after that?

    Luke gets arrested for money laundering. AZ sets it up. Tracey bails him out and he does leave right after but it is with her blessing. They part on good terms and don't plan on it being a forever thing. Just time for him to clear his name.

    remos inserts "I TOLD YOU SO" here...

    This does make sense... and we're just a few week out so the spoilers are going to be more accurate. Tracy had to be on board for such a long stretch. Even the other day after Lucky said to leave town, she was suggesting it might be a good thing. And you KNOW Tracy will be working to clear Luke's name from home, so that involves her with the Z's. I think we might be pleasantly surprised by the summer.

    JE never says anything about her work, and openly has said it isn't her business - she just does her job and conveys what she's been given. BUT, we also have had the word that she has asked for more to do. That's very significant. I don't think she will be put away as much this summer, though I do expect August/September she will be MIA for a few weeks (it's not publically acknowledged, but that seem to be her vacation time). If JE has asked for more, even she has noticed that Tracy is lacking from the canvas. My gut is telling me that the upper levels are listening to the demand for more vets and to respect history.

    The other thing is that Luke will be here until at least the end of May. We usually get a two-three week warning as to his departure and return, and there hasn't even been a hint as to when he leaves.

    The party being at the HS is an interesting addition, but remember Carly put the kibosh on it being at the MC underwritten by Jax. I think everyone is staying out of Carly's way and on her good side at the moment.

    And I also want to remind everyone of the agreed upon summer activity. Once Luke hits the road we need one submission a day - doesn't matter what or how long, but at least one. Start stockpiling now so we aren't left empty. I have...

  12. Yes and yes Tracy will be there

    Woo hoo! Our girl is at the big party again. Probably nagging and whining! I wish she would get shot so Luke could freak out for her for once!

    That sounds so nasty... but I know what you mean. It would be good for Luke to have to worry about Tracy and see the consequences of his decission play out with her life instead of his.

  13. Hey right before I g to bed remos I know you asked me about the Trapped on the Haunted Star fic. Well it's now unlocked.

    Just bumping the thread.

    Thanks for the fic, Funny. Great way to start the day!


    Addie... that place where we're not supposed to go... last post #14

    I'm content with Tracy being Luke's wife.

    Well Ann we agree again

  14. Okay... in the world of Remos....

    Claudia and Tracy - always good. There are too many similarities between the characaters to just be coincidental. Until I'm proven wrong, I'm convinced she is Tracy's daughter somehow.

    Framed by the mob - I can see either AZ or Trevors doing that... but not Tracy. Not her style.

    I'm with you on Tracy and the Zs. I'm actually liking them more and more, and since SBr is Guza's pet (and Guza did give us LuNacy - choke, cough, gasp) I'm hoping for good things.

    I can see they are going to put Lucky between a rock and a hard place. Hope Sam is there to understand and get him through everything.

  15. I am with Ms. Q--I cannot get past this haircut! I hate it.. Still. Sorry, but you gotta understand the hair thing--Ms. Q and I have a long-standing hair obsession! Kind of like my shoe-obsession--you either get it or you dont! LOL!!!

    *nods in acknowledgement* DON'T

  16. From SD just dropped...

    When Tracy meddles, Luke's rebellion will get him in trouble with the law, trouble that requires an escape

    Well, you knew the set up was coming. Wonder how Tracy meddles....

    remos, you just keep posting on SOC. You are on a role. :D

    So, does this mean I don't have a life? (probably)

    BTW noticed that thread for ewcbo that we're not allowed to enter, isn't getting much action...mwahhahhaa

    hooked, 5 days in a row is good, but can we go back to Thanksgiving? The story was better (pauses), and so was the hair - haha! Sorry funny, I couldn't resist!

    January, I believe. I know it was at least 4... could have been 5. Otherwise it was the Heart Attack stuff.

    And ditto on the hair - get over it..

  17. Today's recaps...

    Nex: Scenes 4,5,6, and 7

    Previews: Anna asking Luke if he has a rope; Robin, Patrick and Tracy walk in on them and Robin yells "Mother!!!"

    4. Tracy walks back into the HS and catches the tail end of a conversation wher Lulu tells Luke she will having nothing more to do with Johnny. Tracy says Hallelujah, and now she can help convince her father to do the same. Lulu tells Tracy that her dad makes his own decissions and Tracy is on her own, then Lulu leaves. Tracy asks him again to get away from the mob. Luke says they should be making love, not war. Tracy points out they are already in the middle of a war. Luke asks why she has so much problem with this, she was married to the mob a couple of times - she knows how it goes. Tracy then asks why he's making her beg, just get out of it.

    5. "For once can you put your safety above your pride". Tracy begs. Same arguement about him getting out of the mob. Luke says he's not going to be a coward. Tracy points out that there is a huge difference between being safe and being a coward, and he hasn't saved the world in a very long time. Luke is insulted and says he could save the world again if he had to. Then he asks her when she started needing a safety net. They continue arguing, then Anna walks in drunk, asking if this is still the best game in town. Luke says she's a welcome diversion. Tracy is not amused.

    6. Tracy says the city shut down the casino so she can't play there. Luke says he'll open it for a private game. Tracy looks directly at Anna and tells her to leave. Anna replies "easy tiger". Luke steps in to tell Anna to ignore his suddenly conservative wife and asks what she wants to play. Tracy tells him fine, but don't expect her home until late. Anna looks on and comments that Tracy is angry. "She's always angry, that's part of her charm", Luke replies. Then he rips off the cover on the Roulette wheel and asks Anna what got to her. She tells him she's about to meet her worst nightmare.

    7. Tracy shows up at Robins and says "Grannie Goose is at the Haunted Star coming on to my husband. Do you want to muzzle her or should I?" Meanwhile Luke and Anna talk about having kids and Luke says kids tie you down and grandkids hold a mirror up that no one should have to look at. Anna is so pleased - he does get it. She loves Robin and is happy for her and excited that Robin is having a baby, but it's what happens to her in the process that she's not happy about. Then she asks Luke for advice. He tells her to be herself, only more. They start their game of strip Roulette, both drinking away.

    My comments: History references all over the place. Someone was doing their homework. Still getting tired of the bickersons, though. I want some touching and kissing. This arguement is going in circles and won't end.

  18. Hey, remos and addie. Just wanted you to know that I didn't abandon you at SOC. I couldn't find you. Maybe it's getting too late for my brain cells to process properly. Yeah, it's not computing anymore for me tonight. Think I'll call it a night. It's a night! Talk to you tomorrow. :)

    Fair enough. I'm just waiting for my head to clear. Tomorrow.... thanks for being such a great tag-team member today. B)


    Here's my newest fic An Adventure in waiting

    Good job. I can definitely see the evolution in your work. Keep it up!!!


    Okay, this is what happened after Tracy stormed out of the Star today...

    Confessions... the Seventeenth

  19. Okay... I've revised my first assessment of today. I've just been watching the clips from Cazigirl (love her), and I guess the writers didn't drop it as badly as I first thought they had. Tracy does say ILY, and they are cute together - in their typically LuNacy way. I guess I was holding out for some touching... and upon review I noticed that she was playing with his hand when she told him she loved him back. Still... why the hell did Sonny interupt?

    Hopefully we have something tomorrow. You're right, Hooked. She would have to see them tomorrow if she's going to Robin on Monday. So far that insider that said she would be on Tuesday through Friday has been right.

  20. SID Polls (From SZ)

    Should Tracy forgive Luke and take him back?

    87% Eventually

    13% NEVER!

    Also.. about the Anna/Luke thing. One of the larger mediapics does show him with his shirt unbuttoned. Wonder if he'll have a scar............

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