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Posts posted by remos

  1. From serial drama

    Could they be any more obvious about trying to convince us of how sexy Claudia is? She might as well walk around with lightbulb nipples like on those horrible truck mudflaps, with an "open for business!" neon sign above her crotch. Except that would be too subtle for this show.

    LOL! I love those girls!

    Hmm... yeah.... the Diva's only comment was "isn't she cold?" At least she had a coat on yesterday.

    I'm still holding out hope for Claudia. I think SBr is better with the good actors and not the overexposed three. She is showing Claudia to be very versitile, and the whole OTT Sex Kitten thing has been toned down considerably. She is trying to play Tracy, but she certainly wasn't comming on to Luke the last two times they spoke alone.

  2. Oh... and in the irony of the world of ewcbo

    (Funny, I know you'll appreciate this one)

    The "Does anyone not like Luke/Laura?" thread has been closed, and the last few comments have been erased. Those included another poster suggesting (tongue in check) that the original question was "Blasphemy", and the one I made about ewcbo lovers having no sense of perspective when it comes to even the slightest comments being made about her. They like to dish it but they sure can't take it.

    *Doing my Tracy smirk and chuckle*

  3. That Tracy/Scott/Luke spoiler does sound SOD-ish and so does the other one. IIRC, when it is Sweeps, SOD clumps the characters into groups and then provides a brief "what will happen" underneath the character names. Unfortunately, things tend to get changed last minute or blown out of proportion...

    Example: Fall Previews for 2005 - Luke/Tracy/Lorenzo/Skye - Skye and Lorenzo join Luke and Tracy on a HUGE adventure...

    Found this post from me from 8/06 with regards to the "adventure..."

    That all said, it's always good to see Tracy making magazine spoilers even if they are somewhat inaccurate (remember Tracy's broken leg... and collapse into Edward's arms...) and/or misleading (adventure...what adventure? Tracy getting tossed into motherhood in a huge way...well, perhaps 4 episodes was kind of huge for Tracy...)

    Now that I'm done being bitter, I do want to thank you remos for bringing over the spoilers. :) I love getting Tracy spoilers after a long drought. Let's hope more spoilers involving LuNacy and Scott keeping popping up.

    OH... don't be such a wet noodle. She's mentioned TWICE. Afterall, she is Guza's favourite Q (no comment's - we all know what he thinks of the Q's in general). And wither Luke goest, she goest also.

    Positive, people.... POSITIVE


    Holy Spoilers, Batman....

    From the IL on SD

    Lulu grows resentful (Me: About what/who... could be interesting)

    Edward asks Tracy for a favor

  4. Tracy spoiler!!! Tracy spoiler!!!

    This was on SD and reputed to be in the newest SOD. I'm just repeating I haven't read it myself...


    The Haunted Star lands smack dab in the middle of the mob war. Tracy tries to stop this and Scott will be involved.

    The Q's

    Monica's in rehab, but she is not gone and, true to form, Tracy is unable to behave herself for too long, so her conscience, Alan, will pop back up

  5. I am travelling.. just googled Diane and Max on YouTube. Pretty hilarious. His acting today was actually better than Friday. She's so good and yummy! Flove her. Hey, Hooked, can you post a link to CH's message board, please? I have it book marked on my home computer, but I can't seem to find it via google. Why is that? hmmmmm..........

    Was Luke on today? I don't really wanna watch the whole thing if TQ wasn't on. Lemme know.



    Nope, Nada, Zilch, Zero...

  6. Well, the Shrew has been told off three times this fine PC day. Kate, Luke and now Johnny yelled at her and told her she was playing games and it wasn't her business.

    Lainey, Diane, Max and Alexis are funny. Could have done without her walking out holding her underware while Max was fully dressed, but at least there wasn't any of that regret bs.

    I won't state the obvious absences.

    All in all, not a bad episode. Lots of history recounting. Do you think TPTB are actually listening for a change?

  7. Just wanted to share this... it was a post I put on SOC about women of class. I just love it for the comment at the end.


    Originally Posted by Remos

    According to Oxford....

    Class: Distinction, high quality

    Decorum: Polite dignified behaviour

    Propriety: Fitness; rightness; correctness of behaviour or morals

    Women of class and decorum do NOT use their bodies or sexuality to give them power. They use intellegence, manners, etc. That is the dividing line in this discussion, I believe. And isn't it interesting that it's the women of the older generation, those who are educated and professional whom everyone tends to place in the category of "Class": Tracy, Diane, Alexis, Kate, Lila, Monica, etc.

    The Mob women: Sam, Carly, Lulu, Claudia, are seen as "class-less"

    Those growing into their 'classiness': Liz and Robin, and the majority of the women in the hospital. They are all quite capable of Decorum.

    I would also argue that while we have many women of Class, we don't have a SINGLE woman who acts solely with Propriety. (They are often too boring for words.)

    Very good analysis!!! fitting for a Tracy fan

  8. Was just over at SD, and the only thing coming up is for the 3-4 couples they always talk about. It would be nice to see something other than Luke's name - although that was only once or twice.

    I wonder if TPTB are actually succeeding in keeping May under wraps. The insiders are claiming everything else is fiction. Don't really care - I just hope LuNacy has a role in everything. If they keep TQ down through May as well, we have next to no hope of having her around for much during the summer. Still everything she does is about Luke and Lulu. Someone needs to get Guza to pay attention to what he is wasting....

  9. Good for you Hooked! That sounds awesome!

    I was listening to this ABC daytime podcast just a few minutes ago and they were talking about GH's 45th anniversary, and everyone picked Luke/Tracy as their current favourite couple and all they agreed that if Laura came that they would want Luke and Tracy to stay together. they also called Jane Elliot divine! Just thought you guys would be interested!

    Cool Addie!!!.... btw, who's 'they'? Obviously intelligent people.

  10. Okay Lainey, this is for you...

    Diane arrives at Sonny's and notices Max has been drinking. He blames himself for not following Michael to the warehouse and not keeping him safe when it really mattered. Then we discover that Diane has been keeping up a good front, but she blames herself for taking large cheques from Sonny for every time she got him out of a legal situation and brought him back to his kids. Max is rubbing her back as she tries not to cry. Then she looks up and pulls Max in for a kiss. Max wraps his arms around her and pulls her down on top of him (she looks so small compared to him). Next scene is Alexis walking in on the after the deed, and all three screaming at being caught in this situation.

    Diane has a funny line about her cheques buying her a large closet of shoes.

    Unfortunate thing: it's "the" couch - you know, the one Sonny always 'entertains' on. Gross on a few levels.

    No Tracy, but we knew that. Claudia was tolerable with Scrubs, but she really rocked when she went to apologize to Michael. I've been pretty good at seperating original-Carly from current-Carly, but I've got to say... SBr's face when LW yelled "get away from my son", was priceless and it just seemed bizzare.

    Monica in one scene. She forgave Jason.

  11. ^^^ Oh please... you know it means choosing the 'bad boy' rather than the stable Baldwin.

    It would be cool to see her have a breakdown, though. Especially with everyone jumping on her lately. Guilt could abound. Ewcbo was not exactly known for her mental stability.

  12. I went to my first critique group today for my children's story. I was a bit intimidated because these other women have been at it for a while. What I submitted was basically done without much research or any real knowlege of verse/rhythm, etc. I have done no research to speak of, where I know these woman have. It was hard to open yourself up to people in person like that. They however, LOVED my story. THey loved the issue, the problem the resolution, the rising action, etc. The only problem was my meter and rhythm were off. They could totally picture it as a picture book. The best compliment I got was one lady said her 10-year-old asked to read it in the car on the way to school cause she saw it and loved it. And I would never have thought it would appeal to a 10-year-old. I am totally fired up to do some serious editing and revising. This was the red-head boy story. I came up with a title literally on the fly this morning, and that was their favorite part--go figure. Sometimes the things you dont' really give much thought are your best stuff!

    Oh Hooked, that's wonderful :D:D:D . I love that poem. I get an autographed copy for my red-headed boy, right???

  13. This was on SD this morning. I thought it was interesting for what it DOESN'T say...

    Current Pairings or almost couples and possible changes being tossed around if ratings don't improve










    What would stay the same



    Possible changes












    Our couple may not be the focus (and I think we've all pretty much accepted that), but they aren't on the list to blow apart and re-paired, either!

  14. Remos great morning treat before I go to work. Mucho Thanks!!!! Can TIIC please give Lunacy some desire back in their eyes? We haven't seen it since.... who knows.....When Luke kissed her at Kelly's.

    Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    I started a new thread on SOC for you Remos! About Claudia shoudl be Tracy's daughter! Go forth and post!


    Yay!!! I posted. Thank you for starting this. Lots of people talking about Tracy on SOC right now. Love it!!!

  15. Remos, when you do the recaps here would you mind including the Diane scenes, please?! I'd be grateful. Thanks!!

    I'll do my best. I like Diane too.

    Somebody clarify the Tracy scenes for me today. I have always believed Tracy really cares about Lulu. So the question is: why was she really trying to buy out Claudia?

    She says it is for Lulu, but she's sorta lying about that, right?

    Isn't it really because she's worried Luke will nail Claudia?

    Or maybe it's a little bit of both? I dunno.

    The whole scene seemed "odd" to me.. she was clearly coming off as concerned about Lulu, but all of us know that wasn't her number one priority. Or was it? I dunno.


    I think it's a combinations of Tracy being scared for Luke, jealous of Claudia and worried about Lulu. I think her motivation is so mixed that everything is legitimate.

    TIIC left the scene hanging. I don't think there is anything with Tracy tomorrow, but I will watch and hope to be pleasantly surprised. In the meantime, I fixed our problem.... see my post above!

  16. Did she yell a luke for telling her pet names to Claudia or something like that? I thought someone posted that.

    Nope. Didn't even flinch.

    Nobody seems to know about sweeps at all. Also, the good side of Tracy/Luke/Claudia being involved is Claudia is the new it girl so it is good to be associated with her.

    Apparently JFP has been pretty ticked at leaks and is plugging them hard. The last two sweeps were spoiled to death so everyone knew what was happening and they weren't very good. Hopefully something interesting will happen this time that is worth the secrecy.

    Remos--as much as I would LOVE for claudia to be TQ's long lost daughter, I am trying not to pin any hopes on it. However, it would be very ironic huh if Claudia tried to seduce her mother's husband (ala first carly did to bobbie) to get back at her! Now there would be some creativity on TPTB part huh?

    Until someone tells me I'm wrong, I'm sticking with this one. The storyline potential is endless - including the ick of Edward flirting with his own granddaughter. Now TELL me tiic wouldn't do that?

    I was kind of hoping for a birthday mention today, when Luke asked Tracy, "Do you really want to do this now?" Was thinking he might say something like, "Do you really want to do this now? It's your birthday. We should be celebrating." Wishful thinking, I suppose.

    Yeah... but it would have been nice. At least he listened to Tracy's argument and voiced it in his tyraid at Lulu. AND Tracy saw him do it.

    ...Especially Robin's, that was uncalled for. And, geez, Tracy is not some old maid here... TIIC needs to calm down with the grandma remarks...

    Now see, it didn't bother me at all. I thought it was totally in character for Claudia. Now, if they want to keep up with the grandma comments they should bring her grandchild[ren] on to the canvas!

  17. Today's recaps...

    Nex, #1,3,4 and 5 (#7 is Jason telling Monica)

    The vets continue... Mike and Coleman sighting (okay, he's not a vet, but you know...)

    Tracy tells Luke she didn't expect him back so soon. Claudia turns to Luke and says Tracy is trying to pay her to get lost, but she's not interested in leaving Luke's sphere. Tracy looks caught and uncomfortable.

    Luke walks past Claudia and looks at Tracy, "do you really want to do this now, Popsicle?" Claudia is amused "You call her Popsicle?" "When she's really bad I call her Spanky Buns". Claudia is suprised and asks Luke what Tracy calls him. "Delusional" Tracy answers. Then she turns to Luke and asks him if he wants Lulu lying in a hospital bed with her skull split open instead of Michael, because that will probably happen is Lulu stays around Johnny. Luke looks intense. Tracy is angry.

    Tracy continues and says Lulu is a headline waiting to happen. Luke says they can't get in the way of Lulu's choices. Claudia says it's just a cover for her jealousy. Tracy then walks past Luke and gets into Claudia's face "You are a bug on my headlight, something sticky on my shoe..." Lulu walks in and asks what's going on. Luke says they are talking about her favourite subject "you". Lulu tells Claudia she told Sonny that Johnny had nothing to do with Michael's shooting. Claudia is unamused and asks why Lulu is telling her. She says she thought Claudia would like to know, and she thinks Sonny really heard her. Claudia flatly says "Thanks" and leaves. Tracy looks over at Luke - point proven.

    Lulu tells Tracy no one should interfer with her dating and her Dad will back her up. Luke agrees and Tracy walks to the other side of the room in frustration. Luke says Lulu is free to date whomever she wants. Dating is dinner and a movie, perhaps sex. Dating is NOT spending all morning trying to keep peace between two rival mob factions. (Luke is yelling at Lulu by this point.) Dating is not getting in the middle of a mob war. She will be next if she keeps this up and that this obsession with Johnny is just stupid. He didn't raise his kids to be stupid. Lulu is taken aback for all of one second, then says "Well that's okay because you didn't raise us". Tracy looks on from the side of the room amazed that Luke is actually yelling her argument at Lulu.

    And we're left hanging again.

    Monica and Jason have a really nice scene at the end.

    Diane and Alexis were hilarious. Diane wants something "sweet & sticky" to drink, and that is the gag that continues through with Coleman - whom Diane fantasizes about sleeping with.

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