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Posts posted by remos

  1. Laniey, remos...are we all having insomnia???? breakroom for like 10 minutes??? IT is 1:40pm

    Hooked, if only I could. Insomnia - mine and Rusty's. I was in the br earlier with funny, Nancy and tl... now it's 5:20, still haven't slept (but at least Rusty is), and I am here to write. Anyone want to join me now, I'm here....

    Oh, Lainey, loved the analysis. Problem with mountain tops is that you either stay there and die, or you keep moving up and down along the ridges. We're just in a bit of a low ridge right now... we will continue to move upwards again.

  2. GO TRACY!!!!

    Okay, wasn't sure if she was on or not. Two scenes, owned them both!

    5. Monica at hosptial walking to elevator. Tracy comes off looking like the 'cat that ate the canary'. Monica rolls her eyes and says she came to work to get away from Tracy. She filed the lawsuit and there is nothing else she can do. "Guess again", says Tracy with a smirk

    6. Why aren't you with Luke, enjoying each other and wondering where you should live in poverty? Monica asks Tracy. Tracy says the first thing she is going to ask for in the suit in the family home. Don't count on it, Monica says, as she was leaving she heard something about Tracy wishing Luke were dead, that should go over well in court. Tracy says she asked Monica not to operate on Luke but she did anyway. Mon says he would have died if she didn't, Tracy says no, you did operate AND he almost died. Mon says she doesn't have time fo this, she has a patient to see. Tracy says she doesn't and she can talk to Dr. Ford... as Head of the Hospital Board, if gives her GREAT pleasure to inform Monica that her surgery priviledges have been suspended. She can consult but not be anywhere near a scalpel. Then the zinger: Tracy asks if Monica "is just drinking in the evenings or if she's started drinking all day long. THAT should be interesting in the courts!" Then Tracy walks away triumphant.

  3. HATED IT!!

    Don't hold back, Lainey. Tell us how you really feel.

    Luke did play the ring thing for laughs. I'm going to choose to believe it was more incredulity. I hope they are on today, but with the S/C all day sex and Sam's hit-and-run, I don't know. To be a little fair to Luke (not much, by any stretch of the imagination), Tracy is knows for her Diva moments and grand standing. He was not prepared for her reception yesterday, and she didn't give it to him straight. He probably heard the whole bit about their wedding and his dalliances and thought "great, and we're back to that again..." I hope reality dawns on the boy soon.

    Hooked, if you look earlier in the episode when Luke is taking off his coat, you can see the ring pretty clearly as the light hits it. Funny is right, it is there.

    Going to Sonny for a job... you know there's more to it than that. In Sonny's world a "job" isn't necessarily a job, if you know what I mean. And Luke can't get the HS opened again. Tracy owns it and the money needed to get it going is frozen at the moment.

    They were all dumping on Tracy yesterday - Edward, Monica and Alice. If JE's contract was up, I wouldn't expect a backlash. However her contract is fine and Tracy isn't leaving this time. I think there is going to be a huge comeuppance and I hope I'm front row centre when Tracy "takes out the trash".

    All said and done, though, what the Q's did in hate, and the Spencer's did in ignorance was just plain mean. Where is the support for the woman who has bent over backwards for all of them? I'm so tired of this belief that Tracy's strong and she can take everything. I hope we see one scene where she acts strong then when she thinks no one is looking, she breaks down and Luke is there to witness it and comfort her.

  4. Spot Tracy some money? How do you think he's been living these past 3 years? He doesn't have a purse let alone strings.

    Kate was in front of the Brownstone set today... I was so excited.

    As for classic soap, you are so right. I didn't like this show at all, but I didn't turn it off either. They are setting it up - and remember what happened a year ago? Luke returned and put their marriage in HER hands. Now she's put their marriage in HIS. Neither one of them are going for the lawyers, although Tracy probably has her's on speed dial.

    BTW, thanks for the clips, Nex.

  5. I knew I wasn't going to like this show...

    1. Monica in living room getting a drink. Ed comes in and says that won't take the pain away. Luke walks in a says" Hello family in law, I'm home." "Not any more", responds Monica.

    2. nothing

    3. Luke asks if they tossed his Pretty Pink Popsicle to the wolves. He'll follow right behind her says Monica. The she tells him about the lawsuit, where Luke says he'll talk to Tracy to get it all worked out. Monica says it's more than that, it's the will. Luke says if that's the case they'll just reshuffle the money. Monica says not good enough, they messed with her husbands Will, his last thoughts, his last wishes. Then she says Alan's gone, Emily's gone and now she wants Luke and Tracy gone. Lulu comes in happy to see her dad and wonders what's wrong. Mon says she'd know if she slept there regularly. Ed says her father and step-mother have been kicked out but she can stay and live a better life than with her father. Lulu stands defiant and says she'll go with her father (no mention of Tracy AT ALL).

    4. nothing

    5. Alice tells Luke he can stay with her wrestling friend then leaves. Lulu asks him why he did it, so Luke starts to talk about the Will. Lulu says no, why did you leave. He says he needed is freedom from the medical restrictions, and the people who care about him, Lulu asks. Yeah, he admits he needed his freedom from the "Hovering Hordes". Lulu says she can go with Nicholas or Logan, Luke suggests they go with Lucky, though that may be too inconvenient. "Inconvenient for whom? Him or you?" Tracy enters and she's not happy too see him - tone very angry.

    6. "Spanky, you look incredible. So great..." Luke starts. Ed and Alice come in wondering why she's back. She want the jewellery she inherited from her mother. Ed says she's not touching one bit of Lila's jewels to hock. Monica comes in asking why the "Litigious Cow" is in her house. She's calling the police to get her removed. Tracy says she's back to get the rest of her belongings, Mon gives her 5 minutes, then leaves with Ed and Alice. She turns to Luke and asks how he's feeling, acting coy. Lukey gets excited and says he's feeling great. Good, she says, then grabs him painfully and pushes him back on a chair. Luke is stunned and Tracy glares at him.

    7. Luke says that wasn't exactly the welcome home he was expecting. Tracy counters that this was not the marriage she was expecting. Then recounts their history together, finishing with her wish that he either divorce her or stay away for 7 years so she could have him declared dead because that's what he is to her. She takes off her rings (waaaa.....) and drops them into his drink (yes, he gets liquor). He looks at her as she leaves, then looks at the rings in his glass.

    Previews: nothing

    From what I can see, those mediapics were from today.

    Kate walked in front of the Brownstones - outside.


    Ah, you know me so well...

    Tracy hasn't given Luke any information. He hasn't asked why she wanted to pawn stuff. I think he's stunned that she's mad. So, we know nothing.

    Jax is back in town, however, and I'm sure he arranges the room for Tracy.

    Tomorrow is "Diva doesn't get to watch" day - Sonny and Claudia and lots of skin


    Has anyone else seen this?

    Monday (1/21) was the MLK holiday

    Final Standings

    1 Y&R 4.1

    2 B&B 2.9

    3 GH 2.6

    4 ATWT 2.3

    5 AMC 2.2

    5 OLTL 2.2

    7 DOOL 2.1

    8 GL 2.0


    Monday 2.7

    Tuesday 2.6

    Wednesday 2.5

    Thursday 2.5

    Friday 2.5

    It's just steadily going up. I hope TPTB are seeing this and taking note.

  6. Remos and Hooked I enjoy getting up in the morning and reading your early post while I have my coffee!

    So is Tracy going to have a moment of relief and happiness shine through on her face when she sees Luke, or is she just going to rip right in?

    Well, you're welcome, Halee.

    Oh...I really hope they play it like that, Halee. That would be all Luke would need to inspire him to keep fighting for her.

  7. Hooked, don't bother ducking down too far in those covers. I'm looking forward to SBr's return as well. I loved her Carly (and only her Carly). Someone was hoping that she might actually turn out to be Tracy's daughter - and it wasn't one of us (though I have speculated the same thing).

    The opening being a dud makes sense. Replacing TG in the last spot seemed awfully wrong to me.

    I'm looking forward to Tracy sticking it to Monica. It will be interesting to see which side Tracy plays if/when Monica goes for custody of Michael. Family is always more important to Tracy then internal bickering.

    As for the push/pull for Tracy/Luke, I'm really looking forward to that. Tracy has NEVER been on the receiving end of a man's romance for romance sake - just because he wants her. I really hope she forgives him early on, but keeps him at bay a little longer while she relishes the attention.

  8. What I wanna know is... If Alan is Tracy's concience, why does her concious always talk about Luke and how crappy he is? He seems more like a ghost in that respect like taunting and haunting her. I know he's bugging the crap outta ME when he starts with that stuff.

    Honestly... I think it's because deep down Tracy doesn't believe he really loves her, and she suspects Luke is up to terrible things right now just to prove he's 'alive'.

    Alan was also making a face when she said she kept the family financially afoat, when anyone watching can tell you that was the God's honest truth.

    Alan is more Greek Chorus than anything, and Tracy has shown over the years that while she is full of steal and bluster, deep down she is really insecure.

  9. I so wanted to hug Tracy today.

    Poor ole wounded girl takes a swipe at Monica because she's sad and abandoned.

    What happens?!?! She gets a chunk torn out of her side.

    Poor.. poor.. poor Tracy.

    *Hugs Tracy*

    *Kicks drunken Monica and stupid Edward* (I don't like you two these days!!)

    I'm with you, Lainey. Just tell me where to come with the ball bats.

    BUT... Tracy did say that she kept the family afloat financially. I was SO proud of her for saying it. It's absolutley true.

  10. Today...

    1. Monica is in the study with moving men, telling them to take it all. Tracy comes in wondering what is going on, why her things are out on the lawn. Monica says she's having an exorcism.

    2. Tracy says Monica can't throw her out of the family home, Mon says it's her home and she can do what she wants. Mon leaves telling the movers to get out the taisors (sp?). Alan asks Tracy why she is surprised, she knew she would set Monica off. Tracy tells him Mon almost killed her husband, to which Alan responds that her husband ran off and is probably doing as many of the 7 deadly sins as he can fit in with his bad heart. Edward walks into the den and Tracy asks if he knew Mon was going to pull this. Edward said he heard rumours about it. Tracy tells him they can outvote Monica. Mon returns and says what a good idea, who wants Tracy gone, and both Mon and Edward raise their hands. Tracy is shocked that her father would choose someone over his daughter. Edward says she deserves it, stealing ELQ from him (when did that happen, btw); withholding his medication; forcing Alan's Will. Tracy says that's ancient history why bring it up now. In the meantime Monica walks over to the desk and grabs a legal paper. Tracy asks what that is and Mon says she should recognize it (didn't get what it was, sorry).

    3. *had to get Rusty's socks and missed some* Monica is gloating about the papers. Tracy says it's worse than a Eugene O'Neill play, only thing missing is more liquor. They go at Tracy again about forging Alan's Will and how she cheated Emily out of everything and now Emily's dead. Tracy gets indignant and tells them not to blame Emily's death on her, she's not responsible for that. Tracy continues to say she can kick Monica out of the house, but she wouldn't even be able to afford the house without Tracy. Tracy says she is the one who has financally carried this family and fixed all the messes (Go Tracy!!!). Everyone rolls their eyes, of course. Tracy then looks at Monica and says "what if I did change that Will". Monica is surprised and says "you're admitting it". No, Tracy says, but how about a truce.... *I had to leave at that point*

    4 & 5. *not home*

    6. *came in through the middle of the scene* Tracy is at the desk at the Metro Court. Card after card is being declined, clerk says she can pay in cash for tonight, "who carries cash?" she asks. Then wants to talk with Jax, who is out of town. Put it on ELQ account, notation on the account says she can't and all her assets are frozen. Tracy looks horrified. She's hiding her face so no one knows it's her.

    7. nothing

    Previews: nothing


    Oh, she's already in the sage green outfit with the fur collar. Looks like the rest of this week is one whole day.

    btw, those who are watching this stuff. Was Tracy wearing that 'boxed' jacket last week for her whole 90 sec? I'm wondering so I can get a timeline. I think it's only been 4-5 days since Lukey left - tops.

  11. Argh... I can not wake up this morning...

    Are we expecting her greatness on today? I hope so. Unfortunately my kids have piano lessons at 3:30, so I won't be able to do a recap (at least not much of one). Sorry Staci.

    Totally OT, Shiloh has been nursing a Tamagotchi for 8 generations now, and he's run out of names. So the boy this morning was named "Lukey", and the girl next week will be "Tracy". When asked where the names came from ('cause he's growing up in a world where boys are named Cairan and girls are named Solara), I told them they were from GH. He only said, "cool" and walked away. Oh... the world I live in...

  12. another magazine scan...


    Wonder what the new ally to get his legs back, and Tracy literally kicking them out from under him!

    Thanks, Hooked. I'm more intrigued by "the spirit is so, so willing, but the flesh is weak".

    Lainey, I LOVE your theory!!! And Spin in Spencermaine, along with Diane in Tracy's legal corner... be still my beating heart!

  13. remos TL you areound to chat for a quick few or is it too late? 11pm central

    Sorry hooked, I was in the breakroom last night, then Rusty wouldn't settle so I laid down with him. By the time I woke up again Mike had shut the computer down and it was 3 AM. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my insane days, but perhaps sometime today for a quick chat.

    Glad you're "home" (as in back on the LF, don't know what you're doing in TX).

  14. Morgan won't be dying. Those higher up don't want to deal with the potential fallout from that type of story. The morality police are well in hand, ironically enough. You can sleep around all you want, but an HIV woman can't intentionally get pregnant... you can shoot all the adults you want, but a child will always survive a gunshot wound.

    What a world, what a world...

  15. Thanks for the recaps remos, I can't wait to see this! :D I will have the clips up asap.

    Ah Nex, it's a pleasure to tag-team with you :D .


    BTW, new medianet pic has Monica talking with Bobbie, which could be about....

    A. Tracy, Luke and that whole mess

    B. Monica's drinking and the car accident

    C. Their mutual Grandson and his out of control behaviour

    Wow, there are actually possiblities!

  16. Three scenes and she's wearing her wedding rings!!!

    1. Monica is at the elevator taking a drink out of her 'water' bottle. Tracy comes off the elevator with a public official in tow. She hits him to serve Monica the papers. He asked if she is Monica Quartermaine, and before Mon. can answer Tracy says she is and takes the envelop with papers out of the man's hands and shoves them at Monica. Mon asks what they are, and Tracy says she is suing Monica for malpractice in Luke's surgery. Monica looks stunned.

    2. Monica says she's kidding as Alan comes behind Tracy and askes if she really wants to do that. Tracy turns to Alan to get him to leave her alone. Monica says Tracy is really just mad because Luke ran off again and she wants her pound of flesh. Tracy says with the scalple Monica wheels that it's probably alot of flesh. Mon shoves the papers back at Tracy, and Tracy shoves them back. Monica says if Tracy pushes this she will have her back in Shadybrook talking to the furniture. Tracy says "been there, and Daddy won't do it because he needs me to keep ELQ afloat." In fact, Tracy continues, Monica did the same surgery on Alan, maybe she killed him. Alan says don't go there, as he quickly walks past and leaves. Monica slaps Tracy, forcing her to whirl. Tracy gets her balance back as Monica storms into the elevator. Tracy follows saying "okay, that's it, I've taken as much of this as I'm going to take. Elevator doors close on them as the nursing staff watch and chuckle.

    3. The doors of the elevator open and we see Tracy on the floor with Monica on top of her. They realize they have an audience so Monica back away and Tracy gets up. Monica says Tracy forged Alan's will and now is suing her grieving widow. "Which I almost became, and I'm not going to see another person become one too", Tracy counters. Monica tears the papers apart and Tracy says go ahead it won't change anything. Tracy turns and walks away. The nurses continue to stare at the two of them (all of them too young to have seen Monica and Tracy in their heyday).

    Hair looked great, a little more swept off her face and away from her eyes. Even the Diva was excited to see the rings (though she doesn't understand why). Black outfit and Tracy looks madder then hell.


    And while Monica and Tracy were acting like teenage Trailer trash, two other women stepped up to the grown-up table today. (And they are characters I don't particularly like. Go figure...)

    Kate: Told Sonny he was in love with Connie not her, he was always trying to force her into someone she was a long time ago while having no respect for who she's become and that's just not fair.

    Sam: Told Liz she was falling in love with Lucky, and that their relationship had nothing to to with Liz or Jason - it was just about them and who they were to each other.

  17. Morning... hope this is a Tracy day.

    This was on SZ thismorning. I realize it's not new, but it's comforting to see the same theme in the spoilers lately.

    Tracy drop-kicks Monica with a malpractice suit and the intent to put her on suspension until a trial.

    Monica and Tracy have a knock down drag out battle with much of the hospital personnel as witnesses.

    Monica kicks Tracy out of the Quartermaine mansion. Edward doesn’t protest, either.

    Lulu follows Tracy out the door, to support her stepmom.

    Three sheets to the wind, Monica takes to the wheel. (Elizabeth, Carly and Nikolas also take to the wheel, and they’re all unsteady.)

    Luke returns from whence he traipsed off, but nobody gives a damn.

    Tracy gives Luke a cold shoulder, and the ole heave-ho.

    Luke works overtime to win Tracy’s love, and attention, back.

    Luke rediscovers the thing that makes him feel alive, via a new buddy.

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