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Posts posted by remos

  1. This is the rumoured new opening sequence...interesting...

    Maurice Benard

    Laura Wright - between her 'men', not with her husband

    Steve Burton

    Rebecca Herbst

    Greg Vaughan - guess we should be happy the Big Four has expanded to the Big Six, to include a Spencer

    Kelly Monaco

    Tyler Christopher

    Kimberly McCullough

    Jason Thompson

    Nazanin Boniadi - I know Scrubs fans won't be happy about this, but it's nice to see someone non-white being favoured

    Bradford Anderson

    Kirsten Storms

    Josh Duhon - well, guess this answers the "who will Lulu choose, question"; he has more chemistry with KS anyway

    Natalia Livingston - isn't she dead?

    Ingo Rademacher - not the husband....?

    Nancy Lee Grahn

    Sebastian Roche

    Megan Ward - hmmm, guess she's not as favoured as it appears

    Rick Hearst - nice to see him in this crowd, Ric might actually do something this year

    Kent King - hope they are going to do something with Lainey, she has lots of potential

    Sonya Eddy - okay, again the question, why Epiphany and not Bobbie? At least Bobbie has family and HISTORY

    Dylan Cash

    Leslie Charleson

    John J. York

    Jane Elliot - well, she's with Luke. That's all we needed to know... oh, and she's in the last grouping - good sign

    Anthony Geary - not so good, he's been bumped from the last position

    Julie Marie Berman

    Brandon Barash

    Sarah Joy Brown - I liked her Carly.... I really hope this isn't making a big mistake for GH

    Remember, it is just RUMOURED...


    For your reading pleasure...

    Confessions...the ninth


  2. Okay, Ravenbeauty for this coming week...

    Monica is served papers by Tracy for malpractice.

    Edward gives Monica the OK to kick Tracy out of the mansion.

    Neither of them are news, but at least we have a timeframe and some action for this week. If it all happens Thursday and Friday, though, I'm gonna be pissed - again, what was the point in leaving Tracy behind outside of setting up angst?

  3. Well I'm sorry call me a rat if you must, but I had to report that poster on SOC who called Tracy/Luke fans "Nazis".

    That was a horrible thing to say and I got an "infraction" for saying far less than that last month. I reported it and to my surprise Liz didn't just edit the post, she deleted the whole thing.

    Sometimes, they really take me by surprise, because honestly, I didn't think they'd do anything about it, surely not deleting the whole post.

    And yeah I feel like a five year old tattle tale but stuff like that is what drives people away permanently.

    You did? Good for you. That one didn't even register for me, but you are so right - it was totally inappropriate. Of the two groups, I'd say LuNacy was the LEAST fanatical.

  4. remos in SOC those pricks are talking about how they lnl fans want to be left alone in their own thread and dont want laura to be talked about. what the hell? like they dont come in our thread and hijack it? them fools?

    Aw, that's okay, Funny. I got my digs in. Besides, all they have is nostalgia and fewer supporters. I've lost count of the number of times I have read "I used to love LnL, now I'm all about LuNacy", or something like that.

    I need some Tracy to keep myself out of trouble.

  5. remos?????? what have u volunteered me for??????? lol what is this story im suppose to write that ILTQ suggests? what a hellish day in kiddie land ive had. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i need a drink as tracy would demand.

    Get your drink... you are supposed to write the following...

    ILoveTracyQ Posted Today, 12:09 PM

    So in my own little Tracy lovin' world....in all my creative writing classes, the number one thing we were told was behind any good story was asking "what if?"

    So, what if? What IF, Tracy looking so much like Diane (from behind or the side, certainly not the front) would mean that she would be mistaken for Diane or Diane mistaken for her?

    There's a story in there somewhere. *points to the fic writers* Ya'll know what to do......

    To which I responded...

    remos Posted Today, 01:43 PM

    Well.... my first thought is Lukey tries to jump Diane by mistake. That's your line of writing, Funny1...

    I'll write the Confession when he realizes he was wrong.

    Then ILTQ wrote...

    ILoveTracyQ Posted Today, 01:59 PM

    Yes, or Max tries to jump Tracy by mistake. Or...... for a more dramatic plot point, one of Sonny's enemies kidnaps Tracy thinking she's Diane (although I really don't know why they would do that, but I'm sure someone could think of a reason.)

    Maybe they want her to defend THEIR mob boss and figure scaring her into it is the best way to go...

    And that's what it's been like today in the Land of Tracy!

  6. 90 seconds. 90 SECONDS! An entire week and we get 90 seconds.

    One day the week before and 90 seconds.... why wasn't it written that Tracy and Luke left together? They aren't using her at all.

    They better have her on almost every day next week before he returns. (I am so not amused.)


  7. Yes, or Max tries to jump Tracy by mistake. Or...... for a more dramatic plot point, one of Sonny's enemies kidnaps Tracy thinking she's Diane (although I really don't know why they would do that, but I'm sure someone could think of a reason.)

    Maybe they want her to defend THEIR mob boss and figure scaring her into it is the best way to go...

    I'm bored, what can I say?

    Then start writing. You obviously have some ideas.


    Wow, look at these numbers. Monday was Tracy getting drunk. GH is definitly making gains since the scabs took over.


    Monday 2.5

    Tuesday 2.4

    Wednesday 2.6

    Thrusday 2.6

    Friday 2.4

    That's a solid 2.5, where last week was 2.3.

  8. So in my own little Tracy lovin' world....in all my creative writing classes, the number one thing we were told was behind any good story was asking "what if?"

    So, what if? What IF, Tracy looking so much like Diane (from behind or the side, certainly not the front) would mean that she would be mistaken for Diane or Diane mistaken for her?

    There's a story in there somewhere. *points to the fic writers* Ya'll know what to do......

    Well.... my first thought is Lukey tries to jump Diane by mistake. That's your line of writing, Funny1...

    I'll write the Confession when he realizes he was wrong. B)

    And I've updated my avi, for those of us that like her hair!!! (I saved the pink one, Ms.Q. I love that, too)

  9. I see nada.... Orange, yellow, gold... something like that

    Hooked does have a way of keeping things hopping. Hope she'll have a good flight and a good weekend.

    I'm doing my best to find spoilers, but there just isn't anything new. I'm hoping her goodness will be on this afternoon and get things hopping.

  10. I don't see a "Yes" anywhere.

    Every once in a while someone will get this bb ewcbo over there, but it's usually easy to ignore. This one was just too glaring for me. (Or maybe it's morning, I'm ready to rumble! :D )


    .... and so far no one has posted after me except someone who agrees with me. Perhaps this one will go away, too.

  11. I don't know that it was done on purpose. Who know. When Diane is supposed to be on, I'm sure Lainey or I will let you know - if we know beforehand ('cause we will be happy).

    On SD they had a breakdown of the final montage for Valentine's Day. No LuNacy. But I'm not upset. It's probably too soon for Tracy to forgive his sorry ass, anyway.

    BTW, was just at SOC, someone has started an 'ewcbo will save the world thread'. I finally broke my vow to keep from commenting on that drivel, but this was just too retch-worthy to ignore. Hope I'm not encouraging those who want to worship the goddess angel, but it makes me sick to my stomach.

  12. I DO!

    I DO!

    I DO!

    Oh god, that is almost too good to be true.

    I agree with you, Lainey. As soon as I saw that spoiler I thought of you. I can't WAIT to see that one. It makes sense, really. Alexis is DA and Tracy has never been a fan of hers, so she's out. Scott is too much water under too many bridges, so he's out. Diane it is.

    There are certain combinations with Tracy that I love to watch, or can't wait to see...

    Tracy and Spinelli

    Tracy and Lulu (I do like the child, no matter how over exposed)

    Tracy and Lucky

    Tracy and Maxie (I want to see mini-Tracy-in-training)

    Tracy and Diane

    and of course, Tracy and Luke

    And with any luck, we will have all, if not most, of these within the next 6 weeks. For the first time in ages I'm actually looking forward to Sweeps!

  13. Megan ward got a new hair cut too...stupid looking bangs as well...her great bob is over. Must be the year to get rid of the bob in 08! Liz got bangs, Kate got bangs, Tracy got bangs and new yucky hair cut....who is next on the bad hair cut list?????

    Kate's looks awful - what you'd expect in high school. Liz and Robyn are at least young enough to kinda carry that think-bang look. Tracy's is the most radical and the bangs fit the rest. It will grow on you, Hooked

    So, when you leaving us?.

  14. You are not a loser. You are, however, very thorough.

    Nope, she wasn't on today. But Alexis was, and she was too cute playing with her hair while she spoke with Jerry.

    Gotta say, Lucky and Sam with Jake, Cameron, Molly and Christina were really cute, too.

    There's always tomorrow, and lets hope next M-W have her on to establish her position before the boy returns on Thursday.

  15. More summaries....some new stuff here...freaking Edward gives Monica his blessing to evict Tracy...Knew he would take Monica's side. Gonna be our girl against the world! Hope at least Lulu stands by her and maybe even Lukey (even though she says she doesn't want him too)

    What I dont' get is if Tracy wants Luke out of her life (which we all know she really doesn't but is hurt and angry), why would she be suing Monica on his behalf???

    We knew Edward was going to be on Monica's side, the old bastard. He's always treated Monica as his daughter and Tracy as a corporate raider - unless he's needed something, of course.

    At least we know that Monica evicted her from the mansion (which she can do and it's about time... Tracy has the family, she should have a home of her own), but Edward hasn't destroyed her place as CEO of ELQ. That's more important to Tracy than the mansion was. Her family - the Specermaines - will support her, I have no doubt.

    As for Tracy saying Luke is "dead" to her... whatever... watch her ring finger, that is the true indicator. If she takes those rings off, that will tell us how deep the hurt goes and how much work Luke has to do to get them back on her finger. Perhaps the spoiler about proposing hasn't happened afterall. Those rings were still on her finger on Tuesday.

    Tracy is only suing about the surgery being botched. Wait until she finds out Monica was drunk (and you KNOW she'll find out).

    If Lukey really thought it was over, he wouldn't try so hard to win her back. Spoiler say he does everything he can, and Luke can be pretty creative. I hope it's good, and mushy, and public, and everyone knows that after 6 decades Tracy Quartermaine is finally getting celebrated for who she is!

  16. That doesn't mean she is moving out with Tracy though I don't think...just that she moves out to support Tracy. Wonder where she will go? I hope Tracy says "you're coming with me!"

    Now, now... positive thinking.... positive thinking... "solidarity" doesn't suggest walking out the door than going in opposite directions. Besides, where is she going to go?

    Nic is having a mental breakdown (Windamere is out)

    Lucky is now with Sam a good part of the time, and home with the boys other times (Lucky's house it out)

    Leslie lives in a small apartment/condo (never seen)

    Bobbie's Brownstone (never seen)

    Carly's house (aleady quite full)

    Now, as for the options she might actually consider...

    Logan is starting to realize she loves Johnny, so moving there will be too awkward

    Jason's was only payback, not a real possibility

    With Tracy is the only real option for her. I'm guessing that it is the MC or a penthouse somewhere, with Lulu in tow. Besides, we need some good TraLu moments - and for Lulu to take her side with Luke.

    If it's the MC, I hope Jax just gives her the room - something more to piss Carly off ;)

  17. Holy Hannah... are we in for a ride....

    More from SD

    Tracy announces she is suing Monica for malpractice in regard to Luke’s botched surgery. The get into an argument and slaps fly, much to the amusement of the staff and Alan.

    Monica kicks tracy out and warns she knows she and Luke forged Alan’s will.

    Lulu joins Tracy in movingout, as a show of solidarity.

    Luke returns and Tracy says he is dead to her and arranges to have Monica suspended until the case is resolved. Monica takes foolish and maybe deadly action.

    I think Tracy doth protest too much... If Lukey were "dead" to her, she's take off her wedding rings and not be sueing Monica for malpractice because she'd have lost interest in it completely.

  18. Didn't Robert Scorpio used to live there too?

    After Tracy is was unseen for awhile. Then it became the home of D.L. Brock (remember, Bobbie's husband who used to beat her). They it went to Sean Donnelly who had that really cool secret computer room for the WSB. After that it became Sonny's.


    I just bumped a number of threads at SOC, and I lost count of how many of them had to do with Tracy. It's almost as though the posters at SOC have reawakened to her, and are coming out of the walls. It's amazing!

    Funniest thing, though... 88 posts about her hair, and counting. And that's before the "Tracy Looks Fantastic" thread. What is it about this woman's hair that gets all this attention? Ms.Q and Hooked, you are going to have to explain it to me.


    Over at abc.com, I bumped Hooked's thread... 70 posts there about Tracy's hair :lol:

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