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Posts posted by remos

  1. My bit of bathroom insight today (I tell you, me and Hildegard, we understand each other), is that a lot of these issues would be resolved if they would just shift the focus in this couple from Luke to Tracy. TG's leaving is so glaring because Tracy is put on a shelf until Luke returns. If Tracy can accept that Luke leaves 'cause that's just him, then fine. But in the meantime, get her a story of her own. That way, as Luke comes and goes, Tracy maintains her life. The writers should have something where Luke fits into Tracy's life for a change.

  2. Well.... all I can say is that I HOPE it's along the lines of Luke being incredibly frustrated with how his recovery is going, and he just can't take Tracy looking at him as a patient anymore. He wants to get better so he can be her husband again, and so that she looks at him as her husband and not a heart patient. I hope to god all the build up of the past 3 months won't be thrown away completely. TPTB seem to be making real changes in how they are telling stories, and trying to keep them authentic. TG is known for wanting to keep Luke authentic, and has been contributing a lot to the LuNacy story. Luke taking off because he doesn't want to be seen as less-than, has a ring of truth to it. I just hope to hell they don't butcher LuNacy or Tracy to do this.

    Folks, I can feel my LuNacy muse packing her bags. If they really f*ck this up, I can't make any promises.

  3. That is absolutely appalling. They couldn't come up with something better than that? It lend creedence to TG being gone for some time, but hurting Tracy like that after she opened her heart to him, after she's been there for him throughout everything? If they're wanting to shut her down, they are certainly going about it the right way.

    (Any possibility this insider if full of it?)


    Okay, I've just been over the SD. I saw that anonymous poster in the main part, but no one has taken that tidbit over the the IL. Sure it was legit? The Alexis' attack was carried over, but not the Tracy stuff.

  4. I wanted to know if anybody wanted the Alexis and Diane scenes from today, because I can edit them if more than one person wants them. Just let me know and I can get cracking on it!

    remos, I am liking all of your Confession ficlets. :)

    Thanks, Nex.

    Tell you what, if Lainey really wants the clips, and you need someone else to make it worth your while, I could see it again. But only if Lainey wants them. I'm good either way.

  5. (I'm not sure which board is being read. There is stuff posted on SON2 today, though none of it earth shattering.)

    Confessions... the fourth


    I want to give credit to Hooked, who gave me the idea in the first place...


    No Tracy. Nothing in the previews. But the show is 4 for 4. Again balance, vets (saw Scott, finally), hospital, safe house, police station, Carly's, Kate's, Kelly's Alexis'; airplane scenes were hilarious. Diane and Alexis are truly the intellectual Lucy and Ethel of GH. Carly now knows about Jake, Kemo is looking puffy, Michael took out a classmate. Another history nod (that's one a day, at least). I don't like not knowing when Tracy will be on, but it is allowing me to see some rather well written GH.

  6. Wo Saw this exerpt from a Tristan Rogers interview that mentions TG and JE...

    Tell us as an actor, what kind of an actor is Tony Geary?

    Tristan: As an actor he is always in the moment. That's the reason we do the sort of improv we do because he is "there". But it goes further than that. He has that ability to take a shallow scene and give it depth that it doesn't have. Jane Eliot is the same. That's why they are so good together. It's been interesting to watch how he has evolved from the 80's to now. The journey has been a rich one.

    They are good together, indeed. This is the endgame, my friends. No reference to ewcbo coming back to help his exit anymore!


    Wow Remos...that was just perfect! Love it! I love these short little confession vingiettes...

    Oh and remos...TAKE A NAP more often (LOL at the Tracy to Luke: You had a heart attack: Take a Nap quote)

    I would LOVE to take more naps... my life just doesn't allow it.

    So... what does it say that I get LuNacy ideas in my shower and during nap time. Think I need something else on my subconscious.

  7. **Edward and Tracy take the brunt of Monica's behavior, and surprisingly, Tracy understands her pain.

    I wonder if this is more of the "humanizing" stuff. I thought for sure the next interaction we would see between the two would involve the proverbial fountain re deux.

  8. But as Remos said tonight...we will know soon enough! One week from now we will either be bitching and moaning about how much we hate this show and hate luke for leaving and feeling bad for Tracy, or we will be like okay...we got some great lunacy scenes and stuff...far better than we had hoped for...and we have at least Jane til Tony comes back!

    I think it is a good sign actually Ms. Q that she didn't leave with him for months (if the part that she has been taping is true) because that would much less likely mean that she is going to recurring.

    Anyway.. it is so late and I need to go to bed!

    You're overanalysing, luv. Tracy being around (assuming she is) means they are giving her something outside of Luke, which means more focus on TQ as a person and not an apendage. We can't lose, if that's the case.


    This came to me this morning....

    Confessions... the second


  9. Now, now remos, she has at least one scene with Luke and at least one scene with Logan too! ;) And oops, hooked beat me to it!

    Opps, I forgot the Logan and Tracy one.... one with Luke? I'll have to go back and refresh my memory. (I don't doubt you, I doubt me.)


    Yup, forgot how many pictures of Liz and the fire there were, I didn't go back enough pages. Lukey has his arms crossed, don't like the looks of that.

    funny, you mean this? "Ohhh, ooh Luke, huhhh, ahhh, don't stop...Ohhh, Luke, you are so GOOOOOOOD! Huhhhhh!" :lol: For those who were not in the breakroom, this is what I transcribed from the June 1, 2005 episode... I did not just type that up out of nowhere, LOL.

    Stace....wow.... this is not something I ever thought I would see you write/copy. We are having an effect on you! :P

  10. Another insider supposedly said she had only heard about TG and RC leaving next week. So again...who knows.

    We are assuming that Luke takes off again. I wonder if they are actually just going to have him home, recuperating. That would keep Tracy on our screens, and mean that TG won't be gone for 3-5 months. Everyone on the planet has heard about RC and TG leaving, that doesn't mean much at this point. (Well, perhaps not the planet, but definitly the GH universe.)

    I'm beginning to think more and more these 'insiders' are talking out of their asses. Those rumours we heard a few weeks ago made it sound like JE approached them with the recurring possibility recently. Now someone else it giving another timeline for a different experience. About the only thing I believe at this point is that JE and TG are firm that they will not be put on recurring, and TPTB are smart enough not to go there.

  11. Luke is an IDIOT. No Tracy today, but here he was, sneaking another cigar. Lulu came in and interupted him, and they chated a bit about Johnny. Then she left with Logan. Luke was about to get back to his cigar when Lulu walked in again, saying she forgot something, and took the cigar out of the flower arrangement and the matches off the table (out in the open, no less). That boy needs to be slapped down, hard.

    Tracy was mentioned. Luke says one cigar and she has a fit (or something like that - Rusty fit again). Lulu reminded him that Tracy really cares about him and is going to do everything to see that he recovers.

    Nothing in the previews either. Georgie's autopsy photos came in, so there blows my hope that they spirited her away after she played dead to out the TMK.

    Interestingly, Lulu was kidnapped today. She's supposed to be held for two weeks, and yet TG is off the air as of next Friday. Curiouser and curiouser.

    Maxie went at Felicia, then smashed a whole pile of dishes at Kelly's. Piph was a work, but left to ask Jason to find out who killed her son. Dr. Ford came by to offer his condolences and told her to take as much time as she needed. Sonny had a restraining order put on him by that critic, basically kicking him off the island of Manhattan. Lucky, Mac and the boys in blue think they have evidence that Johnny is TMK. Ric is babysitting the girls. Trevor is playing hardball with Jerry/Monreau. Again, balanced, moments of pathos, moments of comedy, stories moving. We saw mob, hospital, the police department and Kelly's. Not as good as the last two day (how can it be without Tracy), but still everything was there. Even a history mention: Carly said the boys bought Jason a antique globe, and she was remembering how Jason used to talk to Michael as a baby, telling him all the places Jason wanted to take him.

    Funny lines:

    Spinelli coming into Sonny's office to find Jason, Carly, Elizabeth and Epiphany "I see you're entertaining a most eclectic gathering."

    Diane going to see Kate in NYC, finding Sonny there: "Oh, business and pleasure, how convenient. You can either go home or go to jail."

    I'm putting this on both SON1 and SON2, since we can never tell from minute to minute which one is actually in operation.

  12. Hopefully it will stay up, this is tres frustrating!

    Today I've got to call the comment line. Two amazing days - WITH Carly, Sonny and Jason, but they weren't overwhelming. Storylines progressed, many cast members were seen, vets were present, history was acknowledged (and ACCURATE), a little humour, a little pathos, a little emotional wrestling. All in all, 2008 is starting off very well.

  13. Morning all,

    Just bumped all the Tracy threads at SOC - there are currently 4 of them. Along with 1 dedicated to the Quartermaines, and one or two about Luke in the hospital. Interesting one about Tracy Spencer vs. Tracy Quartermaine. I've already weighed in. I'll be interested to see where that one goes.

    And the nicknames are a toss between Spanky and Wife.

  14. Wow, is SZ bitter tonight. The numbers are up for the week of Dec. 17th (only soap that has higher numbers, btw), and they've got something snarly to say about that. Today was perhaps the most interesting, well balanced episode I've seen in ages, and they've got to rip it apart (their comment about Tracy: Wierdness.."Your heart belongs to me" :/ Um..no). Bitter, bitter. I hope TPTB don't go there for their sense of the viewership.

  15. Hooked and Nex, that's what I wanted to know. I must have played it about 10 times as well, and I couldn't swear to it being Kate. If it had been Tracy, I would have been upset, because that would mean she didn't leave with Luke. I'm good, now.

    Oh, btw, when you watch Luke slapping Tracy's butt, replay and watch Lucky's face - I think his expression is even better than Tracy's.

  16. Scene 1, Luke is visted by a man who brings him the cubans inside a newspaper. Luke says he just saved his life. Tracy walks in and LUke says, "I can't believe they traded him to the Nicks". She looks very suspicious and asks who this man in.

    Scene 2, Luke introduces Ernesto, who saved him in a lot of scraps in Latin America. The two men feed off each other with obviously false stories about adventures, Tracy not really buying it. Ernesto is a musician, Luke tells her, who used to play at Luke's Club. Then Luke turns to Ern. and tells him Tracy does a mean Mumbo, "Show us your moves, Mama", he says to Tracy. Tracy's having none of it. Lucky and Lulu walk in as Ernesto is leaving. Lucky says he must be feeling better, he's getting some colour back, to which Tracy responds, "Yes, which means you're up to something".

    Scene 3. Tracy says "No smoking, no drinking and no fatty foods", as she moves closer to Luke and turns towards Lucky and Lulu. Luke takes the opportunity to swat her on the backside. Tracy yelps then glares as him. Then Luke starts that steak is fuel, booze is gas for his engine and cigars are his exhaust. Lucky picks up the metaphor and tells him he's got to stay in the "garage" until he is totally put back together. There is more bantying with the car metaphor, then Luke says if he can't be himself they might as well sell him for parts. Tracy asks who else would want him but her. Lulu says they hospital gave him a healthy meal. She lifts the top and Lucky/Tracy/Luke all say "eww". Luke says "cover it, cover it, cover it". Lulu asks if he wants company, he says he doesn't need a minder. He isn't going to botch his recovery. Tracy looks at him, unconvinced.

    Scenes 4-6, nada

    Scene 7, Tracy is looking under Luke's bed when Cassius and Leyla return him from having tests. She needs looking around the room and into the bathroom. Luke tells her he would help if she told him what she was looking for. She responds, contraban. That he's not living if he's not sneaking. He says he's trying to stay calm, otherwise they'd have a big arguement about that. Tracy looks at him and does her pout face (I haven't seen that since the Ashton years), and says she doesn't want to lose him. He pats the bed to get her to come closer. Once she sits she tells him she wants them to grow old together. Luke assures her there's a lot of life in his heart, yet. Tracy tells Luke he had better take care of his heart, because it belongs to her. She then gets up to leave and leans over to kiss him. He pulls her head closer while they kiss. She offers her check, then kissing him again. Pulling away, she says she'll leave so he can rest. She asks if he needs anything, water? He says no, he's fine. Tracy turns back from the door and says ILY. Luke looks at her and says ILY, too. When she's gone, he reaches for the water jug, pulls out the cigars and matches, and lights up. After two puffs, he coughs and grabs at his heart.

    Preview: Tracy's back and tries to shake Luke, goes to the door to yell for help. Luke flatlines and goes to pergatory.

    Diane: Diane is finding out about Sonny in NYC lockup, she's in Sonny's office with Spin and Jason. Suddenly she realizes a letter is addressed to her, opens it and it's the litigator of the year award. She hangs up on NYC, forgetting all about Sonny. Spin offers her his congratulations, and she hugs his head to her breast. Then she starts obsessing about having to buy clothing and leaves. With Maxie later she is trying to find the perfect outfit. Maxie looks frustrated, as Diane goes on and on about what she needs, saying she really needs a counsult with Kate, but due to her shortsightedness, Kate isn't here with them. Maxie doesn't know what to do, so just leans back in her chair. Later it's Diane getting Spin out of trouble, and notices the health inspector has a designer scarf. The two bond and they get Spin off of charges. Diane asks the inspector her opinion about award receiving attire.

    Alexis: Less flighty then Diane, every bit as excited. Jerry offers to excort her, but she turns him down. She calls Maxie in for a fashion consult, then tells Maxie she understands how difficult it is to lose a sister. Maxie's still really pissed at Flea.

    Overall opinions: Wow, someone is listening. We had LuNacy, Lucky, Lulu, Liz, Epiph. Regina, Cassius, Nadine, Layla, Jason, Carly, Max, Spin., Diane,Nik, Em, Jerry (who gets an office, btw, what's up with that when Tracy doesn't have one?),Skye, Ric, Alexis and Maxie. Maxie was with Diane and Alexis. Alexis was with Jerry, Maxie and Ric/Skye. Jason stayed in Sonny's office. Spin was with Max, Diane, health inspector, Jason. Nic and Em were there with Lulu. Carly with Alexis then Jason. If they are trying to get more balance this way, good for them. Lots on today, lots happening. Lots of laughter, some serious stuff. I'll leave it to Ms. Q to do colour commentary, but I laughed a fair bit, so I can't do the dialogue justice.

    I haven't edited diddly. Typos are on purfus.

  17. Let me first start by saying I HATE WALMART. It started with this woman saying to me "one more week and your free of them", while pointing to my kids. Grrr. You don't have to know I homeschool, but sh-t/f-ck/damn, don't insult children IN FRONT of them. They aren't that stupid. That was before I got inside to all the mouth-breathers who stock GARBAGE on their shelves and try to convince children they have a great toyland. 2 hours to find 4 measly things my kids could be interested in from the aunt and cousins for Christmas (gift cards are wasted on the 12 and under).

    Grr... breathe....breathe... so...okay.. got that out...did I mention I hate Walmart?

    Okay, not for the topic de jour. Stace, are you able to recap, or do you want me to? Starts in a few minutes.

    Lainey, since we've both got Diane luv, I'll include her stuff as well.

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