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Posts posted by remos

  1. Okay, it's 3 AM, can't sleep. (Lainey???)

    Thanks for the clips, Nex. Guess you've got a vacation between now and... whenever... sigh...

    Was crusing around SD and found this....

    One for you Q.

    Tracy employs Luke at ELQ.


    Q: Will we see the ELQ offices again?

    A: Will we see the ELQ offices again?


    Q: what will they be doing?

    A: Luke will try to get into "corporate" life. He makes a mess of things intentionally but also makes it up to Tracy by landing a big "mystery" client that will be later shown.


    Q: A mystery client? Would this be Claudia??

    A: No, more dangerous.


    Q: Can we get some clues on Luke's ELQ client, or the name?

    A: It won't involve the Mob at all.

    how cool! As what? Will we see the ELQ offices again?

    You'll see the offices, but it only lasts about 4 episodes.

    Here's hoping this is legit...


    I see you, my insomnia sister!


    And she's gone...

  2. Yeah, Coleman was mumbling alot (must be all that extra facial hair - couldn't see his mouth). I couldn't make it all out either. He was definitly suggestive, taking about checking out his new bed and how she's finally come to her senses to come see him. All Tracy wanted was information on Luke. The "check back in an hour", was about information though. It was not about Tracy reconsidering.

    I wish we'd see more of her this week, too. My only consolation is that this next week and a half are considered the same day, so Tracy really can't get sober and focused on Luke in that amount of time. If she's not on at all next week, I'm going to be really upset. The only thing that will console me is if she is on a lot the following week or two, before Lukey returns.

    When is his return to air date, has that been written or posted anywhere?

  3. I think you're going to need Ms.Q's opinion about hair, etc. Hooked. Her hair seemed 'oomphy', but I'm not a good judge. JE always looks good in black with one alternative colour (or non-colour, as white happens to be).

    And I said you were old, remember (the person that's only 2 years behind - but still on the underside of 40 :P)

  4. im looking at TL's aboved banner. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. if tracy cheats on luke at least have it be with someone other than colemans slimey greasy mustache. YUCK. :angry: i'd take jax, jerry, or even scott. that would light a fire under lukes ass. then they could make up on v-day. :P

    After the Coleman/Tracy interaction today, I wouldn't worry about it, Funny. Tracy can't stand the guy. She's heartbroken but not that desperate.

  5. I need your opinions, what was your first thought on the banner? I meant it "Screw Luke," as in we hate him. Not the other. So I put in the (not literally) to make it help, but its probably still confusing.

    I'd take out the "not literally" and find a picture of Tracy hitting Luke or hurting him somehow. She is looking a little wistful in these pictures.

    AND, since we are a pretty intense group and know what you are talking about, don't worry about the double entendre. We know exactly what you are going for.

  6. Thoughts on today.

    Tracy and Logan: Tracy already knows Luke is gone. Logan was giving her a song and dance about Luke telling her to visit her mother. Logan is too funny (in a stupid kind of way): he's trying to convince Tracy that Lulu left because she wants to be a good daughter to Luke, even though "Daddy dearest" doesn't like him. Tracy's reponse (I love this), "well, step-mommy dearest doesn't aprove either".

    Logan and Johnny: If you dig deep enough in all the sh-t Logan was shovelling at Tracy, he was actually trying to prevent her from getting worried about Lulu so the three amigos can find her. There is caring there... twisted as it was. He knows Tracy would be frantic about Lulu and would want to do everything to rescue her.

    Tracy and Coleman: Man that guy is sleeze, and he's so good at it. Tracy came in to ask where her "pathetic excuse for a husband was", and Coleman comes on to her, talking about his new bed and trying it out. Tracy just looks at him and says "You are a pig". Later, when she returns the empty bottle, Coleman tries again to suggest they do the dirty, this time actually getting right into Tracy's space. She pushes him off, and Jax gets up to rescue her (so sweet).

    Tracy and Jerry: "Nice to see you again, Mrs. Spencer." "Nice for who?" Yeah, these two have definitly interacted before. I like the energy between them. Hope to see more.

    Tracy and Jax: Sigh.... it would have been so much better with the real Jax. The last two parts between them were sweet. Jax caught Tracy when she pushed Coleman away and tried to walk. Later, they are sitting at the table together, Jax with his arm protectively around her and Tracy with her head on his shoulder. (insert whine "I wanted real Jax..."). She comes around and Jax says he thought she had a board meeting (continuity people, that was why he was at the hospital and spoke to Dr. Lee), Tracy's response..."I thought I had a husband". Sad, so sad...

    All the scenes were short, but they were a lot of things happening. Jason was with Max and Spin, wanting to know about Z's condition, then saw Z at prison hospital, then back to Liz's and the fire. Sam knows Joe Smith (owned a garage on the edge of town, bank forclosed, mortgage payment used for health coverage but insurance company not offering it.); Sam tries to keep Liz out of it by sending her away. (Hope this comes out in Sam's favour with Lucky). Spin is so funny today. Max finally gets him awake, then watches while Spin does this strange stretch between reaching for his coffee cup. Max wonders what he's doing, to which Spin responds "realigning my chakras".

    Ed. note: My baby's growing up.... he just said "Okay, mom" rather than "Oh-tay, Mom"... a sob just stuck in my throat...

    Lulu was industrius but not annoying. Epiph. basically told Ford to STFU. ER was hoping with bodies including Edward and Monica - who offered to treat the pregnant woman herself if Joe would only give up the bomb.

    Oh, and Diane mention, Lainey: Max wants Spin to check out the Litigator website to see if they should be celebrating when she returns.

    Well... that's it for Tracy for another week at least....

  7. God, I can't sleep...


    We are on the same page, Halee.

    I'm being emotionally abused, too!

    And I also want it to continue.




    Is there an AA for LuNacy Lovers? There should be. Anyone wanna start one?

    Gawd, no!!! That would mean we are trying to get over this codependent relationship, and I'm so invested in the rollercoaster.

  8. Morning all.... guess this is the day, eh... I hope we get some positive LuNacy interaction before Luke pulls his crap (although the mediapic showed her hand on her hip pose, so I'm not sure what we'll get). I'm guessing that Tracy is talking to Coleman when Luke makes his break - which is why she isn't there to stop him this time. And Skye helping him out? Hello, are you STUPID? The man isn't in the hospital because he stole some candybars and doesn't want to give them back.

    The mention of JE and SR... hmmm.... interesting. Those two could chew up scenery in their sleep. I know SR has been one of the names agitating for more stuff, perhaps we are going to see the heavy weights get into more story together (god knows we've suffered through the light weights for years).

    Funny, I'm going to go with your timeline theory. I hope Tracy gets his ass back within a soap opera week - and that the idiot is too weak to fight her.

    knh, here is the link for the entire TQficaton. Try to get in this way: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/

    Lainey, totally OT, just wanted to tell you the upside of having 7 kids in the house: today I was served homemade apple cinnamon pancakes in bed. (I get breakfast in bed on average once every 1-2 months)

    Cutie Frank is coming today, so I probably won't be around much this afternoon. I'll try to get to the BR tonight.


    Wow, I've passed 300 posts (not counting the ones on SON2). Cool.

  9. Eh... we know Luke is getting out of town somehow, and it's good Skye knows that Tracy would kill her. That Skye is so stupid, that I'm having a hard time believing.

    Upside is, if he goes with Skye, it's easier for Tracy to track then if he was going with one of his "associates".

    Okay, I'm really feeling a Confession coming on with that tidbit. So, where does Skye take him, Llanview or Pine Valley? (I can do either.)

  10. Anyone else getting whiplash between SON1 and SON2?

    Okay, saw these on SD this afternoon, but I know they come from another source based on layout.

    GENERAL HOSPITAL: Tracy covers her worry with anger when Luke disappears from the hospital.

    SNEAK PEEK: Tracy searches for Luke.


    No Tracy thus far, but Diane and Alexis appear to be bonding.

  11. Also missjane, I noticed all of the Trucky touching today too. I have this feeling that Greg really likes Jane (get your minds out of the gutter, I don't mean it that way), he always has this big grin on his face whenever they share a scene.

    Thanks for the clips, Nex.

    I wouldn't have even thought about 'that way', I think he likes her a lot. He must just be tickled that he can now get scenes with those two legends - and I swear his development of his 'acting face' (i.e. facial expressions conveying more than words) is coming from her, 'cause she's the best. GV really comes alive when JE is in the scene, even more than just TG.

    I'm wondering how Lulu and Lucky are going to treat Tracy when Luke takes off. A few months ago I would have expected instant amnesia, now I'm not so sure.

    I don't know if I will make it into the BR tonight. My arms are aching so I'm going to soak for awhile.


    Also, re: Alexis getting attacked. I read that the original plan was to get rid of NLG, kill Alexis, and have Diane inherit her spot. But due to the incredible backlash of TMK and these deaths, Alexis is getting attacked and Jerry comes to her rescue. Claudia is behind it, I believe, and not the TMK. As far as I know, NLG isn't going anywhere, and they are loving her love/hate relationship with Diane, so they want to keep with it.

  12. I didn't get to watch it all, and only saw the first half. Luke bribed a maintainance guy for a uniform, then snuck into the elevator first chance he got. At some point Tracy caught him and forced him back on to his floor. Cassius was there with a wheelchair. Tracy couldn't understand how he could bribe anyone, and Luke responded that you shouldn't underestimate a good cigar. Luke wondered how Tracy found out he was going to try that, and Tracy responded not to underestimate a weekend in Las Vegas - the maintainence crew had a pool going and she had offered the trip to the winner. Luke said he was going crazy and wanted to get out of the hospital, Tracy assured him it would happen in good time. Then he said she couldn't keep him there, that he could check himself out, and she said "wanna bet", and called someone. Turn out the one she called was Lucky, to come arrest his father for posession of cigars in a smoke free zone. Lucky told Luke that Tracy could press charges as long as she had proof, to which Luke harrumphed ('cause we all know there's proof). And that's when I had to run out and get the Diva.

    Diane and Alexis.... Lainey, I really want your opinion of today. I think they just keep getting better. The rock/paper/scissors thing was hilarious. Carly is being her idiotic self. Liz tried to take Sam down. Monica told Epiphany she could talk to her, because Monica certainly knew what it felt like to lose a child. Skye gave Ric the waterfront properties and warehouses, saying that Lorenzo gave her enough money for 10 lives. We even got a skyline shot of Sam's apartment. I tell ya, 2008 was the turn into some descent story telling.


    Remos...you around for a quick chat? 3:55pm central time?

    Sorry Hooked, still not prepared for this evening. Just wanted to duck in for a few minutes. Later?

  13. I liked the confessions part 5 too remos! I'll see if any other confessions pop to mind today!

    We gotta keep the thread going ya know---we are always the top thread on SON! :)

    I'm glad you liked it, Hooked. Meet with your satisfaction? I've written enough now that I'm getting my own personal favourites. It certainly is an excercise in concentration.

    Today might be a quiet day, but we can keep the TQLF up at the top. We did it on our own yesterday, Hooked.

    (My son just brought me a half-smushed chocolate brownie.... can't you just FEEL the love...)

  14. Wow, this place is quiet today. R/l obviously taking over.

    SD has gone to members only, so I'm off the SD express. Hooked, it's all yours.

    I'm hoping to see some Tracy on our screens today - it's been almost a week.

    Rach was travelling today, so I hope she got there safely. Let us know when you're moved it!

  15. Okay, I'm really disturbed with myself, but as soon as I knew Lukey was only to be away for a month, my muse started unpacking. Add to that the winds of suggestion that blow north from Texas, I give you....

    Confessions... the fifth


    (And if you missed any of the previous ones, the links can be found here: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/)

  16. Well, glad we could entertain you... I guess.

    I wouldn't bother with today. Carly stormed around town pissed that Jason hadn't told her about Jake. Sonny still has big blinders on when it comes to Johnny. We're not sure if Sam is playing Lucky or is genuinely sorry she does some of the things she does. Alexis and Diane entered the biker bar. And Skye told Ric why it would never work between them.

  17. Just saw the 411 for the rest of the week into Monday. Nada on Tracy and Luke, but I saw Edward and Monica on Friday/Monday. The fire at Liz's, Carly finding out about Jake and threatening to take him from Liz, and the bomber at the hospital, got the shout-outs.

    So, I'm guessing if/when Lukey goes, it isn't catastrophic.

    I'm only guessing Wednesday thru Friday because we've got those scenes of Tracy with Logan, Coleman and Luke. The Coleman outfit is different than the other two, and Friday is reported to be TG's last 'airday'.


    Anyone have the latest SOD? Apprently it's saying Luke will be back in a month.

  18. Hey!!!! I'm not a loser!!!! I have 7 children in my house, a husband that insists on being unhelpful, and a TQ "interest".

    Oh....oh...and the drum set is actually getting on my nerves today.... and the whiney pre-schoolers.... and a clingy toddler.... and.... and... and

    (Gawd, my life sounds dull!)

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