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Posts posted by remos

  1. I totally thought of you Remos--you pegged it exactly...Tracy would be the worst person to comfort Monica in a grief situation with her two boys alive and well. I felt bad for Tracy today. She was totally trying to be supportive to Monica, to keep luke calm, to get her point across to Lucky and to stay in control for Luke who feels totally out of control.

    Not to mention that Monica was there to give a second opinion on Tracy's husband - in order to keep him alive, when the same illness killed Monica's husband. Tracy's mere existance is a walking slab of salt in Monica's wound, and it's not Tracy's fault. :( Tracy put in her years of pain waiting for her family, while watching Monica with hers.

  2. You're welcome Colette. All of her scenes are rather brief, but I liked them, which seems to be an unpopular opinion on other sites. I don't remember the last time I've seen so much Tracy HATE. :o:(

    Ah... yeah.... where did all of this come from? It's really nasty. This amount of hate is usually reserved for Liz, Sam, Carly and Lulu..........

    Oh wait, I get it, she's "popular" and they've finally figured out Lunacy is here to stay.

    (Isn't this roughly the equivalent of boys teasing you because they like you?)

    Thank you so much remos and Ms.Q for the recaps! I have to say I was worried I was reading the live thread over at SoapZone and the people there were just reeming Tracy out for yelling at Lucky, and I got worried it was going to be bad, but you guys put my worry to rest, thank you.

    Don't believe those posts. She barely raised her voice today, and that was simply to get Luke's attention. She spoke to Monica and Lucky directly and appropriately. Lucky, in the hospital room of a man who's had 2 heart attacks and has nearly died, throws a chair across the room that bangs into the wall - and Tracy didn't yell at him at all, just spoke sternly. She knows they're all hurting.

  3. Hi all... Ms. Q will probably get the recap before I get this up, but there are a few things that really stood out for me today.

    Monica is really pissed. She's just steamrolling this one through - and it's nice to see, rather than caving in to grief. Tracy was honestly trying hard to be supportive, and Monica just shoved it back in her face. I knew it was going to come up that Tracy had all her kids and Monica had none, but I didn't expect it the first scene they had together since Emily's death. I felt for Tracy in that scene, what could she say? Nothing - which is what she did.

    TG is playing the almost-dead Luke very well. I was shocked during the first scene today - he really looks ill. I liked that he was angry about being lied to about Lucky. He has nothing right now but his anger, and Tracy was able to look him in the eye and tell him he could trust her to do what was best for him. She's also interacting well with his kids (Lulu AND Lucky) which is nice to see. They are defering to her, as they should. Her place is established.

    You could feel the raw pain and worry in the last scene with the two of them. There's a reason Tracy is a successful business woman - she cuts through the crap and gets to the heart of the matter. We all know that everything Luke told her on the island was true, and her bringing it up as a way to prove that she knows he wants to live, was straight to the point. They left us hanging, though. Wonder how that conversation continued....

    I don't usually comment on her appearance (your venue, Ms.Q, not mine), but I honestly think the laughing Tracy of Wednesday was absolutely beautiful. The frowning, worried Tracy of today looked tired. Given her laugh lines, I imagine Wednesday is closer to the real JE.


    Okay.... Ms.Q didn't get their first. Here is the recap *flexing fingers and beginning to type*....

    First scene has Lucky visiting Luke. Luke awakens and sees Lucky, telling him how sorry he is that she is dead because Lucky/Emily had been friends since they were children. Lucky asks what he was talking about, that Luke must be confused with everything that happened to him. Luke assures him that he's clear on this and Emily is dead. Lucky is in disbelief.

    Second scene still with Lucky/Luke. Lucky stands and throws his chair against the wall. Tracy comes in and tells Lucky that his father has had two major heart attacks, and angioplasty (sp?) and is in need of by-pass surgery. He shouldn't be upset. Luke says the only thing that's upsetting him is that "someone" lied to him about where Lucky was. Luke is really angry and yells at Tracy that he thought he could trust her. Tracy calmly sits down on the bed beside him, strokes his hand and tells him he can trust her to do everything she can to keep him calm and alive. Luke's not having any of it. At this point he tells them he isn't having surgery. Tracy gets up and tells Lucky he should leave Luke to rest. Luke angrily says Lucky can stay, then softens and says to Lucky "if that's what you want". Lucky looks at Tracy and says she's right, he will leave so Luke can rest. Can't remember if there is further exchange, but Luke isn't happy.

    After that we see Monica come off the elevator and ask for Luke's file. The nurse at the desk offers her condolences, and Tracy (who is sitting in the lounge area with coffee), looks really startled that Monica is there. Monica barks at her, why shouldn't she be there. She's the head of Carteology (sp?) and reviews all cases. Tracy kindly says it's too soon after Emily to be back to work, that she should be home. Monica then proceeds to bite Tracy's head off, saying what does she know about pain/grief, she still has her children, but Monica has lost all of hers. Tracy can say nothing.

    They head to Luke's room and she tells him she's there to offer another opinion. Tracy has her back up now, and Monica says she has plenty of other patients to see if they don't want her. Luke tells his "wife" to listen to what the good doctor has to say. Monica returns to Luke's side and tells Luke his heart is a mess, and he needs the surgery or he will die.

    After Monica and Tracy leave, Luke gets fed up and starts to pull out the needs and remove all the medical equipment. He gets out of bed as Tracy walks in to him and asks him what he thinks he's doing. He says he's getting out of there. Tracy, holding him up, says on the island he told her he loved her, that they needed each other, that she was the smartest thing he ever did. If even a fraction of that was true, please get back in to the bed so he can live. That's where it ended.

  4. It is coldy, nasty, and rainy here today again. Can't wait til the kids go back to school tomorrow after being off an entire week. It has been nice sleeping in, but will be nice to get everyone out of my house again tomorrow--:)

    It's actually not too bad here. The Grey Cup is being played in Toront this year (that's the Canadian Football League's big prize), and sounds like they are having good football weather. Not my game. I'm waiting for Monday morning as well, although for us it means swimming lessons and gym class. We usually go to homeschool group on Monday afternoons, but this week we are leaving at 2:30. Is that bad? I'm planning my children's outings tomorrow around my soap schedule. Oh well, something more to tell their therapist when they become adults!

    Last evening we were at a Shooters party - and it was GOOD. Today, not so good, but I hope to be around for the rest of the evening, if anyone wants to meet in the BR.

    Those spoilers about Alan and Tracy have been on for awhile, but I guess with Emily's death, they need to have some connection with Alan's reaction. Wasn't it also suggested that Tracy was alone in Luke's hospital room during his surgery, and Alan was with her? Was that spoiled, or was that our speculation (I can't remember now).

    Hooked, I know you try with the insiders, and you can't get blood from a stone. :P Lets just hope someone who knows something accurate, will respond soon.

  5. Okay.... topic change.....

    Anyone find any new spoilers? I've been all over and I can't see anything written that goes beyond next Wednesday. In fact, if we didn't know the scene list for next week, there wouldn't be any expactation of TQ at all. The only consistant spoiler is that Luke gets a visit from Lucky, and less frequently, that Luke disappears.

    Here's my hunch around that little bit. I think it's with great reluctance that Tracy leaves Luke to go to the funeral, but family obligation and all.... Anyway, Luke is alone on Tuesday's last scene, so I'm betting that's when he leaves. Wednesday's scenes are with medical staff and Scott (how he got in on this one will be interesting), and I wouldn't be surprised if they find him and get him back to his bed. Then when Tracy arrives after the funeral, they're be hell to pay. He's GETTING that surgery.

    But then what? Hooked, how do you ask the insiders about Lunacy? I see every other character being talked about over there, but not our girl and her hubby. Still nothing about TG's Christmas vacation - and if they've taping three weeks ahead, they'd know the specs. about this one.

    We've been so over indulged of late with information about TQ and Lunacy, that now I feel I'm being starved.


    Ms.Q. I feel your pain. I remember having to do sermon evaluation endlessly my last year of grad. school. It's painfully hard - especially when you can't actually tell someone they stink, it has to be "helpful" critique.

    TL, good luck on the paper. What's this one about? You might have told me, but my memory is a sieve.

    MF, her "Angelica" years were not the best. Those were the severe 80's, and they definatly dressed her character to have a metaphorical edge - while "Hope", "Kayla", and the others had big hair and big gowns, all soft and flowey (not a word, but I'm using it). So glad we're in the here and now with JE/TQ. She's beautiful, the clothing is acceptable, and her character is allowed to be multifaceted.

  6. Ms. Q, Posted a comment to youtube about your lovely vid. Unfortunately it wouldn't accept my original comment to that poster. Gee I don't know why it would accept "YOU ARE AN ASS!!" hee hee. Not even when I used symbols in place of the letters. Oh well.

    It took it. I saw it there. Wondered if that was you, TL. Laughed my butt off, when I saw it.

  7. The SoapGods hate me.

    First, I get accused of being "nasty" on SOC, when I thought I was being polite, all things considered.

    Question: Why is an LnL fan entering a pro-LuNacy thread?

    And then, I get a comment on "The Way I Am" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4tidp3wucs ) stating "Great video, but I hate Luke and Tracy together. Laura is the ONLY ONE for him."

    Oh sweetie, the Soap gods don't hate you... and you're loved by the "priesteses". That LnL fan has had something up her ass since the beginning of November sweeps. Apprently we are only supposed to view history in a pro-LnL way, and those of us who watched, but NEVER got the LnL thing are supposed to be stupid. AND anything pro-Lunacy right now is tearing apart GH history. Man, our minions have been busy, haven't they?


    "Surprise Visit" - From The Missing Scenes.

    Featuring Tracy, Ned, and Dillon (some Epiphany and Luke).


    Wow, Ms.Q. That was exactly what was missing. (Now we only need Bobbie, and it's complete.) Thank you

  8. Hey Ms.Q..... I've seen your latest on SOC, and was wondering the source for:

    Luke: Oh, Tracy, you nymphette. Back for more? Shall I get the neckties, or should we play with duct tape tonight? You wouldn't happen to have a nice, little leather-print teddy, would you, with some long --

    Tracy: Oh -- I'll be decoding my Nancy Drew ring.

    Luke: Could you decode in a wheelchair and try and blend in with the geriatric patients?

    Luke: Where's your sense of adventure?

    Tracy: It doesn't include knives and guns!

    Luke: Tracy, calm down. Just relax and trust me.

    Tracy: Ooh! Trust you? Now I know I'm in trouble.

    I don't remember these.


    Wow, my 150th post... and I don't even remember passing 100. Heavens I'm a mouthy thing....

  9. Read what lies beneath she talks about it being a marriage that will last cause it is one that shouldn't work on any level, etc...match made in hell, etc. Also that Tracy will let it take whatever form it needs to take to keep it together...she has low expectations of it...etc.

    There was an article from either 05 or early 06 with Jane and Tony and Tony said this pairing was the direct result of him asking for it...and Jane was all like "Well I asked too!". It was cute. I think Ms. Q has that one. It was a few pages long. Talked about Tony's first audition for GH and how it was with Jane for the part of Mitch Williams....about their personal history together, etc...

    You're right, I have seen "What Lies Beneath", it's on JEOnline, and I've read the 05/06 article (it was cute). It's this Jan. 2/07, that has me intrigued. I can live without, but if someone has it...

  10. remos, what's the title of the article? I don't have a lot of stuff from 2007. I do have an article called "What Lies Beneath," but that's April 2007.

    Is what you're interested in on this site? http://www.jane-elliot.com/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=22

    Not on that site, I've already checked. It was an interview with JE (short, long, don't know), where she spoke about her pairing with TG, and how they have both desired it forever. Going so far as saying it would last forever because it was a "match made in hell". None of this is new, as we've seen it in other places before. What intrigues me is that this part was quoted on an EWCBO list, with the comment that JE sounds "very possessive". I just rolled my eyes and have been wondering what the whole bit might have said.

    Oh, and I don't think I've seem "What Lies Beneath" either. Would you.....could you..... please.....

  11. Guess all we can do is enjoy the next three days of Lunacy goodness...and yay!! TQ has changed and washed her hair and got a blow dry--ha ha! That white formal blouse was looking a big haggard already!

    Meow.... I think it's quite romantical that she's still in her partywear and sleeping in the hospital room with him.

    What are the mags saying, anyway? I never buy them or read them anymore. You're right, this close to TG leaving there is always a date given. Nothing is in writing? Hmmm......

    I think you're right on the "Luke disappears" spoiler as well. I think he walks out of his room to physically get away from the stress of his health crisis, and someone (hopefully Tracy), will find him later that day or the next. There was also something about coaxing Alice, and Tracy putting her foot down. You KNOW Luke is not going to take this lifestyle change well - which will make it all the more enjoyable to watch.

    Speaking of the mags, that reminds me....

    Staci, oh Staci.... January 2, 2007 SOD, luv, have anything?

  12. Don't know if it means anything (and can't remember exactly where I saw it) but when I was in SoapDish earlier today, I saw something posted within the last 48 hours that TG was going to forgo his winter vacation to continue this s/l. It was listed with "grain of salt", and I take it with a shaker of salt, but there might be something more about that, hooked.

  13. From TV Guide Canada

    JE is at #10 on a list of 30. The GH'er above her is TG at #1.

    GH'ers listed under her are SBu, NLG, and RiH. Ex-GH'ers include JW (ex-Frisco) and LK (nu-Lois).

    I don't agree with a certain one of those, but am still glad to see Jane's name.


    Not that I ever read the Canuck TV Guide, but I'm impressed that my fellow country-person is so intellegent when it comes to noticing the greats in soap land. I would have put JE higher on the list (wouldn't we all), but all in all a rather astute list. Some of the names are arguable, but they've got the top listed (just not necessarily in order).

  14. You know what the real problem with the Thanksgiving episode was, don't you, it was only 60 minutes long. Take away time for comercials, etc, and it was probably closer to 42 minutes. What we want would have taken easily 2 hours (not that I would complain at that). Then we would have been able to see....

    - Bobbie stopping by the hospital to see her brother, and wish he and her sister-in-law a Happy Thanksgiving

    - Dillon and Ned stopping by the hospital to wish their mother and step-father a Happy Thanksgiving

    - Edward stopping by the hospital to wish his daughter and son-in-law a Happy Thanksgiving

    - Tracy and Luke sending their greetings via all of these people to their various Thanksgiving dinners

    As for TQ not being "home, with her family", well, as an old married shrew, I can tell you I think she was more "home, with her family" in that hospital bed then she would have been anywhere else. TQ is not becoming any more Spencer than LS is becoming Quartermaine. They are family to each other, with grown children who can fend for themselves.

    Anyone up for a snowball fight? Once we're finished with the pizza at Hooked's, the brownies from NYC, and whatever other merriment you folks are having, come join me - it's really coming down out there....

  15. "Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....."

    Greetings from the snowy North, and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you south of the border. My kids are going out to shovel, and I'm wrapping Christmas gifts. We have a tradition in our household that on the first snow fall, the kids get a school break. It's good all the way around. (And I have to find something to pass the time until Monday, and more LuNacy)

    Nex, thanks so much for the clips. I will be downloading them shortly. I loved yesterday and the connection between the two of them during the closing montage.

    I don't know about them falling flat or anything missing - quite the opposite, I think they've found something. For the past almost three years, they have been playing LuNacy for laughs a good portion of the time. The con that backfired and was a lot more real than either party thought. What we've been seeing the last few weeks is an actual mature storyline. They are in character, dealing with real life/death stuff, which neither has really dealt with, and certainly not as a couple. Tracy's husbands have always ended in divorce, and EWCBO is a turnip. They are playing a situation that has only happened to Edward (who's lived with a heart condition for awhile) and Alan (who died from it). They younger characters are still having the over-the-top drama and relationship betrayal, not their body's failing. Tracy, due to her family history, is all too aware of what could happen and knows outside of throwing her weight around, she is really powerless. And Luke is facing his own mortality for the first time, knowing that he can't get himself out of this one. It's poignant, it's palpable, and it's the different kind of storyline TG and JE have been wanting. It wasn't lost on my yesterday that during the closing montage, they were the only family that didn't need words or sound. They are being very powerful with this story, and I can't wait to see how it continues to unfold.

  16. Lalalalalalaaaaa. Not hearing you, Remos! :D She was flashing him, giving him something to live for. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. Wait'll you see how she gets him to eat the bland, healthy meals he gets in the hospital....B)

    Oh, well, now that I can buy. Tracy giving Luke a view I find quite possible (if unconsciously, considering she was scared he would die). JE getting exposed unintentionally, not so much.


    (you know it's a slow day when.....)

  17. Just an observation. And did I miss it, or did no one notice her shirt opened completely a couple of times on Monday to reveal the white shell underneath? Completely inappropriate to notice something like that while Luke is dying, but hey, I am who I am.

    I went back to have a look ('cause the kids are actually doing their school work without complaint, and I've got time - wow). I hate to break it to you, MF, but all I saw were the flaps of her shirt collar whip around her a few time. Clevage yes, open shirt, no.

  18. I liked Lacy, but.....if having Lacy means Tracy is going to act more like a Spencer than a Q, I'm done. I don't want Lacy if it means she's going to neglect her remaining family. She should have been there for her family today, at least a few minutes. I hope we get those scenes, because in the MediaNet pics it doesn't even look like Tracy is sitting with her family.

    That's just wrong. :( And it makes me so sad.

    I didn't get the impression that Tracy was picking the Spencers over the Quartermaines. She was a worried wife focusing on her husband and not really thinking about her dead niece. Good, bad, indifferent.... point is she's waited a long time for Luke to come into her life, and she wasn't about to leave him. She will be there at the funeral, we all know that. And honestly, if the places were reversed, where do you think Monica would be - in the hospital with an ailing Alan or with Tracy while she deals with a dead/ailing Dillon. Well, we've been there and they did that (sort of). Monica was Alan, just as Tracy is with Luke. It's the right place to be. And next week we will even have Monica coming to Luke to help keep him alive - arguably for Tracy.

    I'm just hoping we have a scene where Monica tells Tracy she's lost everyone close to her, and for Tracy to hang on dearly to those she has. That Monica wouldn't wish her loss and pain on anyone. Even a basic acknowledgement that Tracy, after years of being treated like the family pariah (regardless of how much she's done to protect them), still has her husband, her children, her step-children and her grand-daughter.

    Oh... just thinking about the above, as a trained grief counsellor, I can tell you that Tracy would be the last person I would recommend to comfort Monica right now, BECAUSE she still has it all.

  19. Thanks Rach, guess you were the only one home this afternoon. Sounds good. I can't wait to watch (but I have to until our lovely Nex gets the clips up.... drumming fingers.... waiting patiently....)

    So, what's your opinion, was it "must see" because of our girl, or they entire crew?

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