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Posts posted by remos

  1. Wonderful of Luke to say he wouldn't leave her, yet

    we all know he does, when he leaves her in Scotty's care.


    I'll be watching the clips shortly, but was thinking about this, Ms. Q. Knowing how Tracy keeps pushing Luke to be an attentive father, I bet he goes with her encouragement to find Lulu. Also thinking that AZ's threat to Lulu's life is what causes the heart attack. We'll know in two days. :D

  2. It's Monday morning, uber busy day for me. Won't get to see this afternoon until someone posts clips. Is today the day we expect Tracy to show? I watch through you folks who do the clips - you are SO appreciated my moi.

    Hooked, TL, BSG, enjoy your visit. One of these years I will join you.

  3. So happy the board seems to be fixed!

    Oh, Baby will hopefully be finished before 2008. (I said the same thing about 2007, didn't I? Oy).

    I'm glad it's fixed as well. It took forever to load.

    oh, btw sweetness, Oh Baby IS finished.... you just have to trust yourself

  4. From soapdish:

    My comment: Okay what parallels does the Luke/Scotty/Laura-Tracy story have? Does Scott decide he wants to steal tracy from luke too? That is the only parallel I can figure out.

    You are way ahead of me, Hooked, I still can't stop gaging at


    . I mean, have some respect, people. That almost suggests they are interchangable - which a un-trained monkey would be able to properly dispute. Luke and Scott may be fighting over Laura (though why has always escaped me), but Tracy has made it pretty clear where she stands AND sleeps.

    The next generation just doesn't hold enough interest.

  5. Still no suggestion that we'll see her this week, though, is there. <_<

    Anyway, bad Mommy me, enjoying my vino..... my baby needed two stiches to close the gash in his head. He's a little subdued, but not needing pain medication so far. Ah well, at least they didn't have to shave his beautiful, curly red hair, and he's fine otherwise - not even a bump.

  6. No Tracy, one Luke sighting - that I know of.

    BTW, I rarely agree with Carly's approach, but I was totally behind her today while Robin was trying to talk Jax into a "donation". Ewww, doesn't begin to cover Robin's MO, and Carly's right - Jax is her's body, soul, and sperm.

    Hooked, you have a life, read up a little - you're cooking up dinner! :P

  7. BTW, love seeing Tracy, but seriously, today's scenes were pointless. Luke and Tracy discuss Lulu. Tracy compares Logan and Lulu to Luke and Laura. Blah, blah, crap. Zzzzz.

    That ESP (end show promo) was her most exciting scene today.

    Thank you. I was looking at the show and thinking, that's it?? I hope they do something better tomorrow and Wednesday. I loved seeing Tracy, and there's no question that the characters are completely connected to have that type of scene, but enough about Lulu already.

    On a positive note, though, so glad Tracy pointed out the similarity between Laura/Luke and Lulu/Logan. Luke looked like he actually heard part of it. We'll see....

  8. Well, it's another bright and shiny Monday morning............

    Well, not so bright, and not so shiny..........

    But still Monday!

    Just before I get the kids to work, I was looking around at a few select sites and realized there is a real dearth of Tracy/Luke spoilers.

    I'm hoping that means their scenes are pretty contained within themselves, and not caught up in the seemingly endless mob/Jake/Lulu angst that actually seems to make the spoiler pages. [crossing fingers]

    BTW, while I was leaving church yesterday, the call came in for Last Rites for my friend, Ada. I don't know as of now if she is still on this earth, but I expect to get the word before the day is out. Thanks, all of you, for your wishes and thoughts. She is/was the kind of person everyone should have in their lives, and I was very privileged to be welcomed me into hers.

  9. Do we believe this?


    None of the Q's are dying, but you will see Alan enter Tracy's body. I kid you not.


    So Tracy is Whoopi Goldberg and Alan is Patrick Swayze?

    Insider (?):

    Tracy kisses Monica.

    I have the ? 'cause I'm not sure if that's the original "insider" or just someone pretending to be...

    That move is "Ghost", which Alan isn't supposed to me. Guza has said Alan is Tracy's conscious, so is defacto already in her body.

  10. okay guys...don't know who this person is on soapdish, but some good news for us if it is true...

    Read 'em & weep.

    Facts about sweeps:

    Well, the only surprise in all of this.......... :huh:

    .........wait, there is no surprise in all of this. Everything here tracks with how the stories have been developing, and how the characters have been positioned. Almost every acknowledged person on this board, is a writer or story teller, so like/dislike aside, you know these connections have story potential.

    As for the Lulu love, I'll admit it is a bit much, but you know as well as I do that TPTB are moving in the direction of her being the show's heroine. She's the daughter of the infamous duo, and she's got history with every character and family on the canvas. She's got baggage that could take a maid service years to unpack, and she's young enough to have many more years of love and angst ahead of her. Don't waste time getting your knickers in a knot, just realize that where there's Lulu, her step-mother might be, also. B)

  11. Okay, I'm officially NOT liking the new format for Savefile. It doesn't have any descriptions until you click in to the next page. Is there any way that can be changed, Ms. Q? Hooked's page seems to have description headings - it's just a lot fewer entries.

    I know I'm whining, but it now takes at least twice as long to find what I want to see. I just can't save everything on my poor 'puter. <_<

    So... I'm thinking, even if we don't see Tracy today, at least there should be some reference when Lulu sees her father for the first time....

  12. I cannot wait to watch you guys!!!! :D:D:D

    But I have one question for anybody who has seen today's show. I know that they were in three scenes but does anybody know what segments they were in?? I only ask so I don't waste my time downloading from whatever website has the clips posted first, of course this is like the first time Favorite-Moments.net didn't have the clips posted immediately after the show aired, so now I have to wait in anticipation...........just my luck! ;)

    From memory, skip 1, got to 2, certainly 3, possibly 4 or 5, by 6 I think she's left, but Luke punches Scott, and I don't think there is anything in 7.

    (Tell me later how I did, ok?)

  13. Forgot to spoiler-out the last post. Haha oops...

    remos : sorry for the bad recap! I came home, fastforwarded on the DVR, typed real quick, and was off. (The warts are dissappearing! hooray!) I didn't see your post until now! It didn't want to let ya'll down so I tried to sum it up as best I could.

    No let down here. I get to see it live (well, as live as taped TV gets). I just know you do a better recap than I do, and I feel for the office folk at 3 pm.

    All in all, a great episode, 3 not-too-bad recaps, and Lunacy doing what they do best - without the drain of EWCBO.


    Okay, now I have to work on back-to-back posts and quoting more than one post at a time....

  14. remos, what I mean is, I don't get how she could've been with Ramon the entire summer when 1) he was away and 2) she was in Shady Brook. The dialogue confused me. It's like the writers changed their minds in the middle of the script...or something. I don't know, but I have to go do some real life things now. :( Catch you all later!

    That's what I was trying to get at. There was no Ramon this summer, and they both knew it. It was banter. I've had these conversations. I was actually impressed by how "real married" the conversation was. The writer for them today was on the ball.

  15. As usual, some questions/comments...

    So, the summer was a long one for Tracy (cue her relationship with Ramon), but then, a couple seconds later, Tracy tells Luke about Shady Brook. First of all, Ramon's been gone a long, long time, I thought, so he wasn't around during the summer. And second of all, Tracy spent the summer in Shady Brook. Did Ramon supposedly visit her there? None of this makes sense. Oy.

    I actually thought it made a lot of sense. It was friendly married banter - when you're so comfortable with your spouse that you can joke about someone on the side. We're getting too hung up with "Ramon". The way they left it yesterday had major "ick" factor, but today everything was turned into a private joke. It works. It's good. Lainey won't barf.

  16. I am sure Colette will post a recap soon!

    I hope Colette comes in with a better recap than this, but I've got to say, I laughed my way through today - and yesterday I wasn't laughing.

    Luke quizzes her on Ramon, and she bluffs her way through about it being a long summer (this board doesn't do it justice, you really have to see her face while she's doing it). Then they get talking about Scott, and he asks if she did Scott as well. She says emphatically no way, she wasn't making that mistake again.

    Apprently Luke didn't know about Tracy/Scott, because he's shocked, and again - her face when she mentions the desk is hilarious. Luke is incredulous (sp?).

    They get on to Scott - Logan - Lulu, and then Luke goes balistic, yelling at Tracy about why didn't she stop it. Tracy gets BACK in his face and says she tried, and Lulu is HIS daughter, why doesn't HE deal with it. Then storms out. Luke's face shows that Tracy's got him on that one. No where near the devastating "Luke yells at Tracy", the spoilers had suggested.

    There is kissing, face touching, and the closeness we saw when he left in June.

    AND, the thing that impressed me, is that the story is that Luke returned to Tracy BEFORE he realized he's free. Important story point, from my perspective.

    Colette, do better please....

    Sorry Ms. Q, she looked good, just can't describe it

    And someone, please, tell me how to put this in "spoiler" mode, please...

  17. The slap was good, and a long time coming. It was one of the few things that wasn't spoiled or cliche in the episode, I thought.

    About Ramon, didn't the earlier conversation between TQ and Alice refer to him being gone for awhile and was now back, so I'm thinking she got hinky with her masseur - but not necessarily of late.

    Speaking of the ring, I was intending to look for it when Luke started his massage (my sons had other ideas). Was he wearing his wedding ring today?

  18. Hi all,

    Thanks for the Thanskgiving greetings. It was a great day - it was truly profound to hold one person yesterday who was at the end of her life, and today snuggle with someone who was 2 days old. AND my turkey and gravy were amazing, if I do say so myself. Thanks also for your words of concern about my friend, but her life is truly a celebration. She is a profound woman of faith, and her opinion is that she wins whether she lives or dies. I'll miss her, though.

    So, is there supposed to be any Tracy before Wednesday, or do we have to wait?

    BSG, I feel you pain - literally. Five years of braces caused it for me.

    Nex, I don't know about the Rainbow Bridge anymore. I know you used to be able to walk over it years ago. I do believe the last time I was in Niagra Falls, I saw some people on the bridge - and that was post-Twin Towers but pre-passports. Right now you don't need passports to cross by land, so I would imagine that as long as you could show which country you belonged to, it would be fine. It's well known that the better view of the Falls is from our side, so tourism would have howled over closing the bridge to pedestrian traffic, I would imagine. But honestly, just don't know.

    Hooked, glad you're back, sorry about your figurines. Not the way you want to end a vacation.

    Minerva, sorry about the changes in your office. I hope something more positive will come from all of this.

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