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Posts posted by remos

  1. Nothing went very well today. It seems as though my Grandfather had a heart attack last night while in the hospital. (He is still recovering from surgery). Not good. I went to see him, and he was unconscious but was responding to my voice. Now my weekend trip is cancelled, too. :( I need some Tracy to brighten my week.

    EDIT: Sleeping at my grandma's, she's a little stressed, talk to you all tomorrow

    Sorry to hear about your grandfather. You're in my prayers.

  2. Re SOC: I think it's fab that so far, 27 out of the 30 posts for the thread "Who should Luke Be With Right Now", have been in favor of LuNacy. I guess more people have been bitten by the LuNacy bug than I thought. As for the other thread "I Hope Luke...", it has mysteriously disappeared. hmmmmm.

    I noticed that too. Actually, it seems like anything that is pro-LuNacy gets taken down pretty quickly. Is that the case, or has it just happened with the few threads I've read over the months? That one about LuNacy having sex was gone in no time.

  3. Am I safe in assuming no Tracy today? *sigh*

    Yeah, and the previews were Sonny/Jason and the Eli Love concert. Doesn't look good for the rest of the week.

    I'm just going to envision JE somewhere, relaxing in cotton scrubs, with a very cold, very dry martini. If she's not on, I hope she's enjoying her time off.

  4. By PFO, do you mean like a private message? I didn't, but you would think I would with the button and everything. I need to stop my anti-Sam comments.


    Just came from soapcentral.com, and there's a cute thread about Luke coming back. 12 posts in, and almost everyone is screaming LuNacy all the way - and non of them are us! http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=281289

    Edit: why can't I hyper-link that?

  5. POSSIBLE SPOILERS (from anonymous posters of SoapDish - grain of salt and all that)

    Edward is in for a suprise. Does he need a padded room?

    Luke comes home to find that some shocking things have happened in his absence.

    Luke tells Scott to keep his bastard away from LuLu.

    Tracy remains conflicted about Luke, especially after seeing him and Skye rekindling some old embers as they talk about LuLu/Logan/Scott.

    Alan and Tracy cook up a scheme to bring a father/son together; they cook up a scheme to get Lulu and Logan permanently away from each other. What a better way then to have a DNA test done to prove that Scotty is really Logan's father. Luke won't like that his little girl is canoodling with his enemy's son.

    Interesting spoilers, but still all about other people. Wouldn't it be great if they actually could focus on each other - for at least one episode.

    BTW, got a PFO from HG yesterday, appears I'm on the 'bad' list. Don't know if it's going around or I'm just special. Seem someone took exception to my honest opinion. Oh well... ;)

    I'm slow off the mark today. Internet went down around supper last night, and it's taken me all morning to get it working again. Scary how much I depend on it, even being home all the time. Wanted to visit last evening. Perhaps tonight.

    Ms. Q, good luck today.

  6. Are you trying to scare me out of the profession before I even officially start? :P

    No (lol), but I realize I might come across that way - now that I've got more caffine in my system. Personally, I find the foundation years terribly exhausting. Trying to get kids to catch on to the 3 R's, and the frustration when they don't get something that seems so obvious. I start to get excited when kids get a concept, or question a concept. That "A-ha" moment is wonderful to me.

    Continuing, totally OT, have you ever read the essay by Dorothy Sayers, "The Lost Tools of Learning". She was at Oxford with C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. I highly recommed it to you and inyron (sp?), and you too, hooked. It talks about the development of intellect, and how to work with brain development rather than against it, amoung other things. http://www.classicalhomeschooling.com/html...f_learning.html I return to it frequently. Ruah is on the verge of the "Pert" years, and I can't wait!

    Now, on topic, don't think she'll be on today, but Wednesdays have been promising of late.

    Also wondering how they will deal with the spoiler that MF found, assuming it's true. That involves criminal activity, and Scotty's out for blood from both Luke and Tracy.

  7. remos, hope you're getting back into the homeschooling routine easily.

    Thanks, it's going well. Started at 8 this morning, and we actually got through the core subjects by noon - with all 4 of them. History and French this afternoon..... and I haven't yelled as much as I thought I would! It's all good.

    But I can tell you, there isn't enough caffine in my system to have as much energy for this as I should. Teaching is exhausting. My hat is off to those of you who actually do this professionally with 30 strangers.

    HellaGood...There were A LOT of new posters that registered very recently, and they weren't all Tracy fans either. I can see why the game was closed.

    A few of us did it for Tracy, but quite a number did it for Sam - some of you were saying. Oh well, in the end Tracy was still on top. The comments for the closing of the game, however, were a bit much. There seems to be a marked lack of decorum on that board. That alone had prevented me from posting in other sections.

    How's the shoe shopping, Ms. Q?

  8. RainbowAv3_slow.gif


    Or should I forget it and just use one still shot?

    Great, the slower one is perfect.

    My company has gone - great weekend. It's really fun to find out how much your life parellels a friend's, when you haven't really seen each other for 18 years. Our daughters completely fell in love with each other, so the next generation of Mount Allison allumni are well on their way.

    I'm around this evening, catching up on writing, avoiding my housework, usual Sunday fare.

    I voted this morning and was amazed by how much our girl has lost in that game. I got a membership for HG to help out with this game, but I think I'm with MF when this is over. It's so obviously being rigged - and I don't want to be part of it.

    Hooked, I agree with you about sales like that. It often isn't worth it to join the crowds. I don't know if they do it down your way, but they also mark up prices before these sales here, so that the "sale" price isn't really a sale at all. I'll pay my taxes and get my healthcare, thank you very much!

    Hi Lady A, nice to see you post. I'll behave myself and NOT ask you what my weather will be tomorrow morning. B)

  9. Guess who wrote a fic this morning? It's short and sweet and introspective and stars--ta-da- ALMOST ghost!Lila.

    100 Situations #53: That Human Frailty URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/91360.html

    Wow, you are amazing. I could hear Lila - and my mother - in this. Fabulous job!

    EDIT: Remos--Elphaba and Fiyero are characters from the Broadway musical, Wicked. Fiyero was Glenda the Good Witch's "fiance" (she strong-armed him into it) who was really in love with the (not-so) Wicked Witch of the West (Elphaba).

    Ah.... I get it.

  10. I'm at work. No TQ today?

    I'll be in and out this weekend. One of my university friends arrived with her kids, on their way back home to Calgary. I'll check in if I can.

    BTW, if you like Diane, she's great again today. Wade through the whole mess of the favoured 6, and the scenes between Diane and Kate are priceless. Couldn't see the whole show to see if it continued, but I laughed my head off when I saw them the first half-hour.

    Alas, no TQ. What's the word for next week?

    Care to elaborate on the "spidey senses?" I'm a little confused. :huh:

    Spiderman - when he senses something's going on, but can't quite figure it out. Okay, my boys are little. I see much of the cartoon arachnid-man. Can't even remember where my brain was this morning when I wrote that.....

    One of these days I'm going to have to figure out how to quote from multiple posts.

    So, do SOD and SID do the "cone of silence" thing when it's really juicy? Oh bother...

  11. Missed you guys. Remos...you around today? Maybe I can catch you guys this afternoon.

    Hey luv, yeah, I'm around. Baking cookies, cleaning clothes, making beds, fun fun fun!!!

    Just to mention...in SID and SOD for the 21st and 28th week there is NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION of GF. Not even their typical teaser or photo, etc.

    This is nice to hear, 'cause you know, if there was any confirmation of that rumour, it would be blasted all over the place - especially by the queen of no subtlety, herself.

  12. Welcome back hooked. Glad to hear you're home, sorry to hear your battered.

    What's your take on Tony Geary not mentioning Jane Elliot or Tracy in ANY interview since October/November?

    Yes, I realize he hasn't been asked, but TG knows how to handle the media; if he can mention a Laura/Scotty/Luke triangle, why can't he mention Tracy and make it a quad? And why when asked about Genie, it is not the usual "would love it, but it's between her and ABC" but rather "Would love it. Luke gets to be real when she's around. It's way past time for her to return..." (taking quotes from the thread linked below)

    Yes, I've been hanging out at SOC (BSG, gottahavelusty dissected our posts, LOL). Lainey, MinervaFan, nex, etc: Here is the link: http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.p...9119&page=5

    I was just there, this chick really took every paragraph apart. Wow, she was driven. Bless you who can take her on. She's really trying to reduce LuNacy to nothing more than a blip on the screen on the way to a reunion and retirement of LnL and TG. I truly hope we are no where near that terrible ending.

    TG is notorious about leaving JE out of his comments. He didn't even thank her in his 2006 emmy win, only RC, even though he's been paired with JE for most of the year. Spidey senses tell me there's something deeper here.

    Anyway, no time to speculate. I'll be interested in what any of you have to add.

  13. Hi. My name is Ms. Q, and I have an obsession with Tracy Quartermaine's Wardrobe.

    I have a good wardrobe video too, remos. ;) Just haven't uploaded it to YouTube, 'cause it wasn't as "fun" as the other one. Will upload it to SendSpace later tonight hopefully, but off the top of my head, I like...

    The teal blue, satin jacket

    The dark blue jacket

    The white/flower print jacket

    The green business suit (skirt)

    The hotel fire ensemble

    Her hostage crisis outfit (even with the fur)

    The pastel colored business suit (skirt)

    The burgundy blouse with the black slacks

    The red jacket (she wore it on the Haunted Star with Luke)

    The red business outfit that she wore with Skye once upon a time

    The black business ensemble she wore with Dillon at GH once upon a time

    Her red pajamas that she wore with Dillon/Georgie

    The ensemble she wore when discussing her abortion with Lulu

    The light, blue short jacket

    The Olive!Tracy business suit (skirt)

    Her black outfit for Lila's memorial

    Her white jacket/gray pants in the "Take me, I'm yours" scene

    Her "Happy 39th Birthday" jacket

    Her white tailored jacket with the black slacks

    Her green "Dragon Lady" jacket

    Her gray business suit which we haven't seen since post-Hotel Fire

    Her recent classy pink blouse, with the dressy, black skirt

    Her jacket when Luke said ILY

    Her red, metrocourt blouse with black skirt...

    Wow...I'm nuts. :lol:

    Okay, okay, stop already.... I'm having clothing fatigue.... (you like the pink ensemble I like, right?)

  14. Was putting some clips on SaveFile and came across something. I edited it to make it more fun. :)


    Thanks for your input, remos. Part of me doesn't believe TPTB will end LuNacy just like that, but I didn't want to anger the LnL fans too much, so that's why I posted what I did. :)

    I wondered, Ms. Q. You don't sound like a LuNacy defeatest to me.

    BTW, I saw the mvid..... is there any outfit you actually like? Just asking.....

    Also, a question to one and all, since I am trying to get caught up with past clips, etc. I'm trying to put together the chronology of Luke helping Tracy get ELQ. Now, she was CEO before the Luke/Helena money transfer thing, right? How did Alcazar bail out ELQ, to get hold of it? How did Carly fit into all of this? Al gave Carly the ELQ shares in their divorce settlement, which she held over the Q's. The point that really confuses me is how Carly got half of the hotel, while Tracy got ELQ back. Did Luke arange for Carly to give those 30 shares to Tracy directly? Do any of these questions make sense?

  15. BSG, you have my support at SOC! The page finally loaded, and I put in my 2 cents. Now, friends, if need be, please back me up! :D SOC scares me sometimes, and I'm not even sure if I made sense. Oh, gosh, I hope I made sense. :huh:

    Just read it, Ms. Q, and it makes great sense. You are very eloquent. ( Is there a spell check in here, anywhere?)

    I don't think it would be that cut and dry, though..... Hopefully, if (and it's an unverified if) the catatonic one does return, it will just keep the drama high for LuNacy. Something JE and TG have been campaigning for for almost 30 years is not going to be thrown back off the table for the periodic appearances of GF. TPTB are not that stupid, look at the two sides of this waring already, and it's only rumoured that she returns. This can keep the tension and drama a lot higher - and more passionate - than anything else they've had on the screen for years. They might be dubbed TIIC for many reasons, but they must be able to smell the potential blood in the water.

    I won't be happy if GF returns, but I'm going to love JE in whatever they throw her way.

  16. I headed over to SOC to take up the cause. I'm counting on ya'll to have my back when the LnL fans get mean!

    Thanks for the clips, nex! I've been away on vacation and having laptop problems. So it's nice to be home (with the other laptop!) :) I can't wait to watch!

    Welcome, KyE!

    Okay, let me just say right now that I love you women! Why this should matter so much, my logical brain can't answer, but it does.

    Secondly, no Tracy today, sorry. And boot-to-the-head Lulu..... telling Coop that Scott wants the paternity test. Not pleased. Would it have been so hard to add a line about Tracy driving this one? Apparently.

  17. Quote:

    Originally Posted by Skip's Girl (On SOC: Vet Returning?)

    Oh, I sooooooooo agree with you on this. Hope springs eternal for me that true, soul deep love conquers all. Isn't that what soaps have been all about since day one? I've been watching GH from day-one, BTW, and never saw anything like the phenom that Luke and Laura were and are, if given half a chance. Most couples on soaps just give me the feeling that they are temporary, and interchangeable. No matter how sad it was at times, you knew Luke could never love any woman the way he loves Laura, and vice-versa. I find that inspiring.

    You might have a good omen from TG's interviews before he left on vacation. He practically did a media blitz saying how much he wanted Genie back, while saying nothing about Luke & Tracy's "relationship". In fact, he hasn't said a word about Luke & Tracy's "relationship" since GF's departure last November. That's almost a year. His last big interview was with Kin and the only thing he mentioned in regards to love interests was about Genie and the Luke/Laura/Scotty triangle.

    More than anything else, that probably gives you a good clue about the future of things


    After one very late night (great conversation, btw), and too early a morning (thank you, Rusty), I was perusing SOC to see what the latest gab was, and stumbled upon this. Not something I want to see before my morning coffee. I'm not sure why it is bothering me so much - it is only fictional characters - but I want to scream. Anyone with a membership there have anything to re-buff with? http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.p...9119&page=4

    I'll take that coffee, now....

  18. Did anybody watch live today? Recaps, s'il vous plait?

    A "blink and you'd miss it" kind of day. Let me put it this way.... one of the mvids that you or Ms. Q creates is about as long, if not longer.

    I know there's etiquette around colouring the font, but it hardly seems worth it.

    Tracy and Alan arguing/talking.

    Scott comes in, Tracy accuses him of wanting Logan & Lulu in order to lure Luke out.

    Scott blusters.

    Tracy challenges him to take the DNA test.

    Scott blusters.

    Logan arrives, and Tracy offers the same challenge.

    Logan blusters.

    Lulu arrives, and is told of Tracy's challenge.

    Lulu asks Logan if he wants to.

    And that's it, folks....


    Opps, sorry, forgot the most important parts: Hair was oomphy, I believe: make-up great; beautiful, as usual; wearing brown pants, and a jacket. Not my favourite, but I'm not the best person here to comment on her wardrobe.

  19. EDIT #2: nex, I typed out another post at SOC and then saw your new one! LOL. You're such a hall monitor. :P Again, classy post and excellent points too! I wish I could be as "cool" about this as you, but alas...Orlando and I have a "long history" of arguing over this topic. It could be the next Spencer-Cassadine feud! Haha. I'll try and be good now.

    Personally, I agree with your posts at SOC, Ms. Q.. Tell me something, you who have been writing and reading longer than I have. Were the pro-Laura voices this loud and obnoxious before it was announced GF was returning last fall? I've seen many of them who even admit they never saw the original shows, just tapes of them. How are they getting so fired up over someone who is a throw-back to past era? I know soap fans are known for being loyal, but some sound down right pathological.

  20. LOL! I made up a whole bunch of the hair names just 'cause it was easier than saying "that day during Laura's custody trial, where Tracy's hair was medium length but sadly lacked oomph, etc." Or "that day when Luke and Tracy were in Miami where she kissed him and told him to take a bus, and her hair was kind of short and looked sticky, etc." :lol: As far as the "kiss names," there are variations...Some of us use different names. It was much easier to keep track when could count the number of LuNacy kisses on one hand.

    The funny thing is I know exactly what you're talking about... sad, but funny....

    And wow...Tracy needs to be onscreen like yesterday. Look what our conversations are coming to! :lol:

    She wasn't in the previews. I know that doesn't mean anything, but I will be glad when she has a real story again. Propping Lulu is mind-numbing. While she's in SB, everything has to be so contrived. She can't just be interacting with people, they have to have a reason for seeing her. Any legit. spoilers as to when the sojourn in SB is going to end? I don't think I can take it if we have to stay here until Luke rescues her.

    Speaking of Luke/TG, don't know if this pattern holds true (and it might be wishful thinking on my part), but I was looking at the dates of clips over these past three years. When he was on until July, he returned in October. But, when he was last seen in June, he's next on in September. Isn't it a 13 week break? Couldn't this vacation be coming to an end? (I'm wanting more than Tracy worrying about something Lulu's gonna do anyway. Even if it's a lie, tell it to me anyway.)

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