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Posts posted by remos

  1. So this was on soapdish, but check it out stace...sounds like some false stuff but a girl can dream right???

    Luke and Tracy are gonna be moving ahead into a real and solid relationship. References to Laura and even the rivalry with Scott over her are coming to an end. Laura will soon be a memory.

    I don't understand why they keep saying the are "going" to be a real couple or "moving ahead" to be a real couple. They are a real couple, that's been shown over and over again, particularly this sweeps. As for the references to EWCBO, that song has been played to death. They've removed the wig from the canvas, and LuNacy are focusing elsewhere. LnL has been a memory for a long time - it's just their fans that want to believe in reliving the past, and trying to mine every statement on the show or in the press for their pro-LnL or anti-LnL messages. (I wonder if any of those folk actually remember that is started with rape, and ended in divorce long before Tracy came back to town...)

    At any rate, I don't think this spoiler is a matter of when, I think it's a done deal. They're actually dealing with a real issue right now, not a make-believe disease or mystery of some sort. I think we're good. :D

    OT: Can someone please tell me why it is that children getting cold medication all of a sudden recover for a number of hours, while I take cold medication and feel like a space cadet???

  2. Good review, Ms. Q. Much faster than I would have been able to do. Only want to add two things. In the first scene just before Tracy goes for help, she steps over him and kisses him on the forehead. Later, when the parametics enter the room, she's lying beside him with her head on his heart. It was very sweet.

    Even though Epiphany was a total b**th to Tracy, she at least acknowledged that Tracy was scared. Outside of Edward and Dillon, has any other person in her life ever made her scared for their survival? I don't even think Lila made her scared. Worried, yes, but not scared.

  3. Best warm fuzzy scene I've ever seen (even felt warm and fuzzy).... Luke suggested to Tracy that she get Ramone to work on her back, and Tracy pointedly told him the ONLY hands she wanted on her body were his, then kissed the inside of the wrist she was holding...

    Lainey, you'll love this...

  4. Greetings from Toronto.... weather is cold, kids and I are sick, Mike's gone for the week so I have to do everything, blah...blah...blah...

    Only bright spot is that 3 PM is coming, and I can't wait to see what they do with the 2nd heart atack today.

    BTW, I was perusing the web this morning, wondering what's new, and found a reference to a SOD article in the January 2/07 edition, where JE comments on her partnering with TG. I can't find it anywhere. Anyone have it (realizing it goes back a way, but always pleasantly surprised by the JE stuff collected by this board)?

  5. What a lovely way to wake up this morning, Ms. Q. Thank you.

    Soaps ALWAYS have that strong, older, "anchor" couple. It's part of the model. Neither one of them wants to do love scenes anymore -- put them together permanently and concentrate on their scheming and lying. Make them the dream scheme deam. (There is an alternative to your downer theory!!! Don't go negative. Resist the urge. Tracy will worry, but she'll pull back. She's a manipulator by nature, not a nagger. Geeessssh!)

    I'm going with Lainey on this one. They've done enough of the build-seperate-rebuild with this pair. It only take two, three at the most, degrees of seperation before they've touched every single person on the canvas. Even the experiment last Nov. sweeps (I refuse to call it a reunion), fell flat and LuNacy emerged the real couple. Right now they are establishing the depth of the emotions and their basic need for each other. Enjoy the ride, because they will eventually put these expressions on the back burner while they immerce themselves in one scheme or another. I honestly don't think there is a shoe anywhere near them, let alone waiting to drop.

  6. Someone on there was saying was that the moment that Tony Geary was stopped cold in his tracks because Josh Duhon was so horrible? Do you know that they are talking about Ms. Q???

    People on soapdish were commenting that TG was over the top today with his heart attack.

    I didn't notice Logan being any worse than usual. And my sense of JE/TG was the easy comraderie we always see. They so obviously love each other as people, and it comes through during their scenes. Just another of their overly suggestive conversations. And I love her slow smile - she had two of those today.

    As for the heart attack being over the top - that comment was made about the first one as well. How do you act a heart attack? I thought it looked alright. When he went down this time, at least he wasn't throwing something away, but actually turning to Tracy for help. It was "weirdly romantic", Colette.

  7. Ready, set, random...

    I know Tracy has a bad back, but it all looked so awkward to me. Then again, I've never been in a situation like that, so what do I know? All that said, I do think it's kind of sweet that she caught him (or rather fell down with him in her arms). :)

    Yeah, but remember, he's 180ish pounds of dead weight, and she's perhaps 110 soaking wet. They're going to go down fast, but they can't hurt her in the process.

  8. Did anyone see it?

    Yeah, I was waiting for you. Okay, I'll do what I can.

    Only 4 scenes. Luke is now on the bed and Tracy is sitting on the arm of a chair near the bed. More of the same suggestive banter we've heard the last few days - she doesn't want him to die, he doesn't want to be babied. Tracy tells Luke he has to take better care of himself, he tells her he's fine. She comments that at least it happened in a good place, and not in some Sri Laken bar with an floosey that doesn't speak English. He tells her floosey's speak English, she's thinking "tart". I can't remember exactly the conversational order, but Tracy talks to him about running way from the past. He says he's been tied to the past for too long, and she's his future. She's his relief. Tracy tells Luke that if it's a future he wants, she'll share hers. Luke then comments why, with him gone she could enjoy a nice Cabana boy {and I've got to intercede, JE should get an Emmy for her facial expressions alone, her look at this was priceless}. Tracy tells him Cabana boys have their charm, looking aside as though remembering, but she likes her men more seasoned. At some point in all of this Tracy tells Luke she needs him.

    Logan comes in eventually to check on them, reassure them that Lulu is alright, then breaks the news of Emily. They are both stunned for awhile, then Tracy stands and says she doesn't believe it. Luke asks about Nicholas, and Logan tells them Nick found the body. Luke tried to get up to go to Nicholas, and that's when the second heart attack happens. Tracy grabs on to him and yells "No, no..." as they fall to the floor with their arms around each other. And that was how they were left.

    Previews have Tracy yellling out the door for help, while Luke looks like he can't breathe.

  9. Quick morning spoilers...although we sort of knew these already..but not the last one...but it figures as the segway for his next vacation...

    SNEAK PEEK: Luke disappears.

    But they didn't say when. He will me in the hospital or recovering at the Q's until then end of this month, into next. We might get a little holiday action. (Here's hoping)

  10. I don't think TQ is on today at all from what I can tell from Soapdish and it is 2:40. I think it is all Jason, Liz, Nik and Carly's reaction to em's death and Skate.

    Guess that person was wrong on the episode counts. But the massive heart attack happens on Monday supposedly. Surely they will be on tomorrow to set that up.

    Luke and Tracy are the first showing in the previews for tomorrow, so they're definately on.

    I am wondering if they are using that reshowing of the wedding-that-wasn't in their 14 eppi count. If so, and she's on the rest of the month, it will be accurate. Including that, she'll be 9 by the end of next week.

    From the preview, it looks like Luke's second heart attack is because he was moving.

  11. I'm baaaaack.... :D

    Don't know what happened, but I woke up this morning and all of a sudden my 'puter likes me again and I can play!!!

    Gotta catch up on the posts. Hooked, thanks for emailing me and keeping me in the loop. Ms.Q, those pictures were funny (once I got over the ick of Luke and Felicia). Would be good to see an undoctored one on that theme, eh?

    OT: Enrollment was wonderful last night. Got through everything. Now I only have the birthday party this weekend. How many days left to Christmas exactly....

  12. Tracy: What are you wearing and what's with the sneakers? And by the way, those assets would've been mismanaged.

    Luke: Having another heart-to-heart with the furniture, Spanky?

    [Alan chuckles]

    Tracy: Sweetheart?

    Luke: Hmm?

    Tracy: You've lived in the jungle.

    Tracy: Oh -- you were born in one.

    Tracy: What I mean is you've traveled to exotic places all over the world, right? Surely you know how to get rid of an unwelcome spirit.

    I was rewatching this epi. after you gave the date (hey, what else is there to do at 4:37 AM), and noticed that JE nearly lost it towards the end of the clip. What I wouldn't give to see some Lunacy outtakes. I don't think I could control myself if I was the one taping them and HAD to watch every moment. I wouldn't be surprised if TG keeps upping the ante with her, to see what she can take and what stops her cold. Too many times you see their scenes and she has a smile that is a little too big or a laugh that's a little too jovial for her character.

    BTW, TL, I watched Monday's episode on Youtube (Thanks, Addie) and Luke is definitely grasping for Tracy's hand.

  13. I thought it was really well done today. No hysteria, no theatrics, just a woman who's used to being the strong one, being strong for the man she loves.

    It was telling that the only time Tracy lost her calm veneer was when Emily asked her where the pills where. Something Tracy could actually do, and she started panicing a little. Other than that, she just sat there with one hand on Luke's shoulder and the other holding his hand. Twice saying she didn't want to be a widow.

    Today I was again reminded by what consumate professionals these two are. With all the yelling, screaming and emoting from the other storylines, these two again said more with looks and touch then the others with their pages of dialogue.

    It will be interesting to see how they proceed from here with Tracy taking care of Luke.

    Today Emily rightfully told Luke, she wasn't surprised by the heart attack, telling his that if someone keeps abusing their body, eventually the body fights back. Tracy then picked that up and said most people treat their bodies like temples, while he treats his like a garbage dump. That earned a look of acknowledgement from Luke.

  14. PLEASE, someone come clean my house!!!!! I want to scream...... pine needles in the Lego bin, and it's been how many months since last Christmas..... urghhhhhhhh

    Okay, that's out. Welcome back, Hooked. Can honestly say it is significantly quieter when you are not here.

    Looking forward to Monday's show. I really hope they give some good stuff to TQ, and not just background fluff.

    Didn't notice the necklace thing until you mentioned it, Hooked. They are so bloody comfortable with each other. It's like they leap-froged from enemys to "frienemys" to comfortably married, in no time. Smart. Mature. Waste the BS on the 20-somethings - the 60-somethings have done that route already.

    The laugh mentioned above (knh?), was definately her "I'm not comfortable with honest emotion directed at me" laugh. She did the same thing back in July when Lulu told her how much Luke really did care about her. This chick has been hit and beaten in the heart so many times, it's a miracle she's opened herself to the town con at all.

    Can't wait to see the ILY spoiler come through. It's gotta happen (it's been awhile for both of them), just hope they do it justice.

    I'll try to be in the BR, but I've GOT to find the floor in the kids room sometime before the end of the decade.



    Does Nikolas attend Emily's funeral or is he shunned because everyone thinks he killed her?


    He shows up and is asked to leave.


    Who asks Nikolas to leave?


    Edward, Tracy, Monica and Ned. Luke finally tells him it would be best for him to go and he does.


    Expect another actress exit from General Hospital around the new year. This should be a surprise.


    Robin Christopher


    Expect a veteran character to finally get a story arising out of Emily's death.




    What's in store for Luke? Is it just comedy sickbed stuff with him being cranky about taking medicine and eating right?


    Pretty much. There's some nice Luke/Tracy stuff and Luke/kids stuff but afterwards? All for !@#$ and giggles as far as I can tell.

    Stuart Damon, who was fired in February from his 30 year stint as Alan Quartermaine on General Hospital, will be joining B&B as Stephanie's new doctor.

    What do we think?

    Personally, I think they all sound probable.

    #1&2, you know the Q's like to circle the wagons when one of their own is hurt, especially if they think the other person is the reason. Luke's the kind of guy who would deliver that message - always seems to be left to the husband of the daughter (at least is seems that way in real life).

    #3, all her leading men are gone, and they seem to be floundering with what to do. Doesn't seem much left at the moment.

    #4, they've just given her a shiney new 3 year contract and suggested a new love interest. Gotta do something with her, especially with the promise of revitalizing that family.

    #5, that one's been circulating of late. They seem to swoop in and pick up the much loved but under-utilized-until-axed character/actors of late. Wouldn't put it past them to score this coup - and they seem to know what to do with older actors in general (until our currently watched but much maligned show).

    BTW, thanks for letting me vent yesterday. I felt ridiculous and relieved afterwards. Ridiculous because it really is silly to get so caught up in a tv show. Relieved because I'm pretty sick of those loyal to the EWCBO picking Tracy as their target.

  16. I know it's just a show, and these are just actors doing a job, but heavens to betsy, what's with these LnL/GF hardliners? I was there the first time around. I WALKED OUT, it was so boring. They all harken back to the "good old days", well those days were when Laura was doing everything Luke's way. Notice that no one waxes sentimentally about the days after the returned to PC to settle down (not even Luke himself).

    I arguably have a bias - I actually like the one who can act, not the blond wanna-be. It's almost to step on sacred ground to think anything negative, or even neutral about GF/Laura. Why can't we be allowed to just enjoy the scenes with the characters who are actually on the show. It's not as if GF left big shoes to fill.

    Venting.... I know.... It's just a show, and I'm sure the actors left it behind as soon as they left the stage.... but honestly, can someone PLEASE tell me what was so all fired amazing about LnL that deserves this level of legionaires?

    (Okay, getting down from the soap box......)

  17. The weird thing is, JE and TG are playing the characters as if they are enormously and crazy in love... and yet, TIIC won't go there with the words because of this GIANT Laura cloud hanging overhead.

    I hoping that with new (replacement) writers, they will deal with this and correct the oversight, AND that TPTB are merely waiting the appropriate amount of time with GF's recent announcement that she's through with soaps (took long enough to get the hint, chickie) and is moving on.

    EDIT: I was just watching Nex's clips (thanks again, Nex!). Nobody has mentioned how she seems to be using the black blanket to hide her clevage. She seems to be pretty uncomfortable with the plunging neckline. Watch a few times, whenever the blanket drops slightly either JE or TG pulls it up.

    This did strike me as well, but I'm not sure why she'd feel that way. The whole "Ramone" thing shows a whole lot more flesh. I was just so glad they were snuggled in bed - hopefully ushering in a whole lot more of these scenes. They were certainly comfortable enough with each other - and with Scott watching them.

  18. Thanks Nex...

    I'd forgotten that Tracy kept leaning in for Luke to kiss and nuzzle her ear and neck, even moving her hair to accomodate him. TL, your kiss count will be practically doubled by the end of November, if not before.

    BTW, why is everything on Youtube so dark?

  19. Good post, Ms.Q. You remembered a lot that I'd already forgotten (don't ever have me testifying for the defence! B) )

    One of the things I found outstanding today is all the words spoken between Luke and Tracy. Usually, in a scene, JE and TG convey most of it through looks and body language, but today they actually said everything they've been saying and acting, for awhile now.

    Perhaps it is with overt statement to the fans of EWCBO - stick a fork in it, it's done already. Move on.

  20. Hi all,

    Well, todays scenes were short and to the point.....

    Luke and Scott argue, finally Scott leaving the room. Luke turns to Tracy and says he's glad they are finally alone. He picks up her hand, starts kissing it, and telling her how much she means to him.

    At this Tracy laughs and says it's just a bad back, she isn't dying. Luke assures her his words are long overdue. The problem with Scott is that they've been fighting for so long Luke doesn't even know why. He does know, though, that it take too much time away from what's really important.

    Tracy says something to the effect that she knows he's always love Laura, and Luke counters with "that's not love, that's denial, and the time for that is over". He's not going to waste any more time with Tracy, not acknowledging how he feels. She makes him feel alive and gives him a reason to come home. She was the smartest scam he ever pulled.

    Tracy tells him she had resigned herself to a life with mergers and paperwork, but he has made life an adventure again. She tells Luke he is a lot of things, including infuriating and fabulous. She says she always hates it when he leaves and who he spends time with when he's gone, but she's always happy/grateful when he returns.

    Lots of kissing. They practically make out when Scott returns to the room.

    Then Luke says he's leaving to find the booze since Scott returned empty handed, and Tracy points to her face saying "does this face look stupid, you're going after AZ". Luke doesn't deny it, and off he goes.

    And just when I thought that was the end of Tracy, there was a short scene with Scott where he yells at Tracy about Luke only using her. Tracy calmly tells him she isn't living in the past, and neither is Luke. The implication being that Scott can't seem to get with the present.

    No ILY, but lots of touching and kissing.

  21. Nada.... zip.... zilch.... not even previews.

    One funny moment:

    Spin knocked Lulu over the head with the butt of a gun. Not Lulu so much as Spin's reaction.

    Actually laughed out loud with that one.

    Em is reminding me of those women in 1940's movies - just standing around screaming while the love of her life is being killed. Ya know.... 21st century...... feminism...... women's lib..... the vote for heaven's sake.... DO SOMETHING.

  22. i am on my phone so i cant delete the quote. I have a doctor's appointment during the show today and i am getting my hair cut right after so i wont be able to recap. :(

    I'll do my best.


    Half way through and no Tracy. But God, is this show boring...

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