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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. While I couldn't care about Tyrese I thought the extended death sequence was interesting and well done. This is an ongoing show with no end in sight, why can't they take a 1hour detour into deathland? It might have been cool to have seen this for Merle or Shane, but the show probably didn't think of it.

  2. I had a feeling this episode would make Q and Chit happy. laugh.png I thought it was kind of a waste.

    You know what the biggest joke is? This putz went on for three million years about this phantom girlfriend who had a line and half of dialogue tops in the maybe two episodes she appeared in, and yet she didn't rate a guest spot in the hallucination! How classic is that? Even the writers forgot who she is.

  3. Wow, Harry Hamlin what happened to your career?

    Did HH ever act on anything after LA Law? I didn't care for this bizarro episode at all with the drones and hypnotism and whatnot. Sue's interest in Klaine is out of nowhere. The episode really suffered with only the few regulars too. WEHT Artie, Mike Chang and even little Puckerman. He was the only good thing about the next gen glee.

  4. It begs the question, as a soap fan how would you feel if YOUR favorite show was cancelled to make way for yet another talk show...one of about 500 currently on?

    I sympathize completely. I felt really bad for the P&G fans when their soaps went off the air. If GH went off the air I wouldn't replace it with anything any of the networks offered. I would just watch an hour less TV a day. I know I went into mourning when Lost went off and that was only on the air 5 years. Same when I ran out of episodes of Battlestar. To lose your soap must be horrible.

  5. You mean like Joe Wilson shouting "You lie!" a few years ago and being labeled a hero? Far right hysterics already throw tantrums all over cable news and get big money for it. I'm not sure why we need to have more of it in Congress.

    I am not that sensitive. I have watched The House Of Commons and they always give a good show. You could probably find old clips on youtube of Thatcher or somebody doing battle and being booed and yelled at. It's fun stuff and much better than the dreary american system where nobody is allowed to show so much as a pulse.

  6. I thought the only interesting part of the SOTU speech was when Obama said he had no more campaigns to run and then some heckling republicans started to applaud. You so rarely get to see actual human interaction and reaction from politicians and that was a breath of fresh air. There needs to be more heckling like they have in the House of Commons. Then Obama replied in kind with his dig that he won all his elections. Only worthwhile part of the speech.

    I have no idea who Joni Ernst is, but this woman is a minor league nobody who has no business being on national television giving speeches. She is a Stepford person with the most ridiculously fake and insincere way of speaking. She is like a parody of Elizabeth Dole as if Dole was portrayed by Jan Hooks. If I was a voter from that state I would be ashamed that this is what people will think of when they think of Iowa or whatever state it is she is from. Every year the republicans trot out one pathetic no personality shlock after another. That guy with the glass of water, Jindal, and now this woman. Whoever picks should be fired.

  7. You could contact SAG/Aftra and maybe they have some information about her? Or you could contact GH. Call up and see if anyone helpful answers the phone and can look up who she played?

    Twitter FV and maybe he could find out? You never know who would be willing to help. :)

  8. He needs to sit because he's a judgmental troll. His rationale for her being dishonest was because she's a stripper? That's not a legitimate reason to disbelieve someone.

    He may be a judgmental troll but his judgment got him to the right conclusion however he arrived at it. I realize this is a forum where everyone is under pressure to always say the correct thing at all times, or at least the thing that sounds like the correct thing, but sometimes you need nothing more than your spider sense to tell you what's right and wrong and true or false. I think back when this thread began it was alphan who was going on about waiting and seeing and innocent until proven guilty and this is about race and some cpnservative claptrap being used to say some quasi racist BS via Cosby quotes on race or whatever. And I said something like "yes you wait and see, until you've seen enough and I've seen enough". I didn't have to pretend to give Cosby the benefit of the doubt because I didn't have a famous supermodel to cover for me. I think I said he was guilty from when this topic first started using the very scientific theory of where there's smoke there's fire.

    Strippers: Some strippers are very nice people, but most people won't take a stripper as seriously as they would a nun. That's just a fact of life and if people are surprised by this they have to get out in this world and realize it isn't utopia. Whatever his rationale was she was dishonest so give the devil his due. Otherwise the posts here are really nothing more than

    A) You're wrong sit down


    B )You're right but we don't like you so sit down anyway

    and then isn't that just echo chamber hivemind bullshit?

    Sorry, this SON forum has a strong hivemind cliquish strain and that is always one of the things that annoys me about forums.

  9. White people in Dallas are suing because they feel that gerrymandering has led to a situation where the interests of the minority - in this case that means them - aren't represented.


    They're probably right but gerrymandering is a double edged sword. In a perfect world these districts would be sensibly shaped areas and the demographics would fall where they may. Texas doesn't want that so these white republicans are caught in a trap of their own making.

  10. BItch, that's one person. Sit your crusty ass down.

    He was right and everyone else was wrong. Outside of not being part of the group think, why would he sit his ass down?

    That woman was not the only one who lied. The accusations against Cosby are true, but not all these women were his victims and some just want to be on the news or whatever.

  11. Seriously. He's one of those people that I often agree with, but because he is such a condescending jerk I want to take the opposite position.

    I love him and find he is usually right. He has this common sense look on everything which often breaks things down to uncomfortable simplicity.

  12. The "liberal" mainstream media continues to hound the White House for not sending a high level administration official to Paris for the march. GMAB. I think it would have been nice to see them there, but I don't understand the controversy. At all.


    Every country sent their leader. Even if he didn't want to go, sometimes you gotta. How come Saudi Arabla and Russia can send someone but America can't? This has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative because even liberals like Jon Stewart are pointing this out. The adminstration f-ed up here, not Obama. They probably didn't even tell him it was happening and didn't realize everyone was going.

  13. I felt sorry for the girl who was not allowed in the Warblers, but I do think the Warblers allowing in a girl would destroy their harmonies and the uniformity which is their whole appeal. Her voice would not work with them.

    As for the show itself I guess it is time to put it to bed, but back in season 2 I loved it. The initial Kurt Blaine story was excellent.

  14. Scalise scored 76% on conservative ratings. By comparison, Ted Cruz scored 95%.


    There are moderate republicans: they're called democrats. Do you realize that Nixon was a supporter of ideas incorporated into Obamacare. Bush Sr called Reaganomics Voodoo Economics and he was forced to embrace it to remain a viable member of his party? The republicans became the party of deficits, unending war (what Bob Dole once referred to a 'Democrat Wars') and a marriage between church and state.

  15. RIP Mario Cuomo.  It was often said the reason he didn't run for president was because of not quite savory mafia ties that would have come out, but he was a good governor and one of the few to eloquently disagree with Ronald Reagan's ersatz economic theories.


  16. It addresses the republican point that "Byrd did it too". He did and he was revered. I am all for hanging republicans out to dry and a good scandal is just the trick, but whoever it was that made the defense about Byrd had a point.

  17. The guy was obviously a Klan sympathizer but that republican who brought up the hypocrisy aspect is on the money. I love Bill Clinton, he is the smartest most capable guy on earth but it wasn't that long ago he was claiming to be part of the traditional marriage crowd that was against what we now call a gay right. So was Hillary, so was Obama, so was a huge portion of the electorate that voted for Obama. They all had no interest in civil rights when it was gay people who were looking for them. Obama, Bill and Hillary all changed their tune so we forget about it and move on. This guy claims he does not think like the klan does and we should pretend that is good enough until the next shoe drops if it ever does.

    And if the media really wants to hunt down politicians with Klan sympathies they should take a good look at Ron and Rand Paul, not this nobody.

  18. Ceding to Florida, New York Falls to No. 4 in Population

    After years of staving off population challenges from the Sunshine State, New York has finally ceded its position as the nation’s third most populous state, falling to fourth, according to figures released Tuesday by the United States Census Bureau.

    The numbers, which reflect population estimates for July 2014, show that Florida now has about 19.9 million residents, overtaking New York and its 19.7 million. (California and Texas remain in first and second place, respectively.)

    That makes me sad. NY used to be the biggest state in the country and now for politics it's electoral vote are about as exciting as Indiana's.

  19. I don't know why people would be clamoring to go to Cuba when they can just go to Puerto Rico. I think it should be our 51st state.

    I am dying to go to Cuba. I guess mostly because I want to drive around in a 1940s car and pretend I am a character in a black and white movie. There is a romanticized notion of Cuba that sort of reminds you of Hemingway or men in white linen suits in a casino while a glamorous showgirl is singing a song. It's all fantasy but the fun is chasing the fantasy. In Cuba I want to wear white linen and smoke a cigar before nazi spies try to kill me or something. I have spoken to people who would fly to Cuba back before Castro and they said it was literally like living in a movie. Everyone got glammed up to go to the casinos.

    Puerto Rico has no romantic fantasy attached to it, nor does it have cars from the 1940s.

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