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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Agreed. Now, what do you think about that AP footage? I think it's makin him look pretty damn guilty, if you ask me.

    I knew he was guilty yesterday and the day before yesterday. Common sense says he is guilty, unless we are to believe there is this giant conspiracy were these dozen women --who don't know each other--all are part of this anti-Cosby cabal decades in the making. Yesterday you were on some illogical tangent about race politics, but this has nothing to do with race. Which brings me back to my comment yesterday about Whoopi Goldberg and her campaign to defend all celebrity criminals--the guy did it. The only way Cosby is innocent is if Robert Culp's ghost, jealous at the fame and fortune Cosby received and he did not, came back from the grave and possessing all these women to say these things. It's possible I guess, but unlikely. I don't know who all these ladies are, but Janice Dickenson is someone with her own minor fame and fortune, and she is not about to throw her good name away making a lie about a beloved cultural figure that people would not want to believe in the first place. There is no upside to that.

  2. This thread is wildly off topic and there does seem to be an attempt to drive one person off.

    It was beyond sick when she made it too.

    The only difference, to me, is that Michael Jackson was not a known pedophile.

    That's a little naive, Vixen. Everybody on earth knew it.

  3. Whoopi Goldberg is so detestable and disgusting, racing to defend every criminal she can find. 14 women now have come forward and she has questions for the women, and then on a women's talk show to imply there is something fishy because they didn't run right to the police...hasn't Whoopi listened to 20 years worth of Oprah lectures about how often women don't report it?

    First it was the dog killer, Michael Vick, and how he being the Eichmann of dogs was a actually a black thing, then it was her idiotic defense of Mel Gibson, and now here she is again. How many times must this woman be wrong before ABC asks her to shut up?

  4. He's a damn hypocrite if true. The first to pass judgement and talk down to people for their behavior and look at this mess?

    You are completely wrong. He's not the first. He isn't even the millionth to pass judgment, and that was his entire point. People can try to excuse everything as "culture" but if you don't think literally everyone who doesn't say "where you is?" is passing judgment on those who do, you're being a little naive. And that was his point. Nobody will ever hire a doctor who says "who you is" and he wants to see black kids grow up to be doctors. And this apparently was a great wrong on his part.

    As for the rape stuff, probably true, but that doesn't mean anything he said is suddenly invalid or wrong. People fought hard for Brown v Board Of Ed. , and what, they fought so future generations could not go to school and say "why you ain't"? If that's the case those people fought for nothing, and that is the tragedy.

  5. Another episode where the screen is basically black. So annoying.

    Yeah, maybe they are cutting back on light bulbs to save money or something. Other than that I liked the episode. Daryl and Carol are two of the pillars of the show and an episode featuring both of them together is a treat. They were going to be the romantic couple it seemed like and I don't think they shared two minutes worth of screen time in the past year. She has been saddled with waste of time Tyrese, and he had pretty light story and airtime. They wasted a week on Abraham and mullet man when the show would have been better showing more of Daryl and Carol, or checking in on Carl and Michonne.

    They make a formidable team, and neither one has to carry the weight for the other and each one can take out walkers and people. It seemed briefly like Daryl and Beth was a direction the show might take but this week reinforced that Carol is the one for Daryl (or should be). I am just slightly miffed that they need Rick's help here, because he will now steal all the glory and cool killing scenes when it should be Carol, Daryl and Beth.

  6. This episode was decent but not stellar. I like Ted/Wildcat and it would be cool to see him suit up but not sure the show needs so many heroes. I think the show may have messed up a little with the Roy thing. Colton Haynes is not a very emotional actor, and so his anguish and then plea to not be abandoned sort of fell flat. I don't see much difference between remorseful,"I killed Sara" Roy and last year's happy to be around his idol Roy.

    No idea who Cupid is, but I guess she killed Sara. New photos have emerged of Laurel as Black Canary. i don't think there is any hope she will be killed off anytime soon.

  7. NYC vs Texas? We are healthier in NY. While TX has family values NYers don't divorce as much as the so-called heartland. We are better educated, don't allow Jesus freaks to tell us what should be in text books. We don't all walk around with rifles and submachine guns, and we don't demand that all poor people go to back alleys with wire hangers.

    We don't deny science, we don't sneer at people who go to college, we don't execute everyone including seemingly jaywalkers. We don't seek to deny everyone healthcare. Our crime rates are the lowest in the nation. We see Sarah Palin is the freak that she is, not someone to emulate.

    Why anyone would choose Texas is beyond me.

  8. Dull episode. I FFed huge chunks, the Abraham flashbacks and the dark scenes. I just don't care about Abraham and wasn't the slightest bit curious about him or his past. Eugene? Eh, his reveal didn't throw me much because I don't feel Abraham's pain no matter what it is. I felt sorry for Maggie and Glenn, who now have to walk 15 freaking miles back home.

  9. I believe I read that many economists say one of the reason the economy is what it is is that Obama's stimulus just wasn't big enough so it didn't do all that it could. I was reading the country was at its boomiest when the highest tax rate was 70%. There is no actual factual data to show that low tax rates lead to boom times. The whole concept of job creators is a myth, as taxes have been cut to the bone for years and yet unemployment was still sky high.

  10. I'm an Asian who voted for GOP. The number one reason is that the GOP rejects Affirmative Action, which hurts Asians the most. Also, Jesse Jackson recently made statements how Silicon Valley should stop hiring Asians in favor of blacks. I find that Jackson and Al Sharpton are always making statements like this. It's like they are picking on Asians for being successful.

    49% of Asians voted for the GOP this time, a huge turnaround from 2010.


    Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are race baiting hate mongers. I don't blame you for voting against them. I am not asian, but if leaders of one party said that crap about my ethnic group I wouldn't vote for them either.

  11. Well, this was a good episode. A Felicity centric episode is something not done before and made or a good show. I wouldn't want to see these often, but once a year sure. The end twist was certainly twisty. I have to think when whatshername came to town two weeks ago she somehow brainwashed Roy into thinking this.

  12. Wait Max, you--a republican--are complaining about deficit spending? The whole Reagan religion is built on deficit spending, creating deficits out of whole cloth all so tax breaks could be given to the rich. George Bush Sr. called it Voodoo Economics, and for the past 35 years this has been the very foundation of conservative economic thought.

    The debt is up but that isn't going to come down til surpluses start coming--something we had under Bill Clinton but republicans decided what was needed was yet another round of tax cuts, turning the surplus into deficits presto chango,

  13. That's true but it still doesn't change the elections. The reason for the results is due to low turnout. Had those people who voted in 2008 voted in 2014 the results would be different. And I am not praising Obama or the democrats. As Jon Stewart said they are a bunch of pussies.

    Obama has been a lame duck since the last election. Ultimately as time goes on people are going to forget as the ACA stabilizes and more people enroll. But by that time Obama will be long gone and off booking $200,000 speaking engagements and writing his autobiography.

    The younger people seem to vote for things rather than against. The democrats didn't run on anything because they were all afraid to be seen with Obama. Obama had some accomplishments but you would never know that listening to Obama and the democrats. The federal deficit has plummeted but the democrats never once tried to fight on the economy. They refused to do or say anything about immigration so as not to endanger democrats in Tea Party states (as if that would help any democrat in a tea party state). They were ashamed of Obamacare because Obama left them no choice, and 2014 was the year of foreign policy disaster after disaster and so democrats couldn't even run on that. All they could talk about was social issues and women, but the country didn't really care about that this time out.

    2016 the democrats will retake the senate and keep the house. The real problem for democrats is they seem to have abandoned state wide and local elections, or at least not make them a priority. The republicans true strength is they control the offices that draw up the maps, and those people gerrymander the districts as they need to. Until democrats start taking back state legislatures and governorships, they will not take back the House.

  14. ^^

    My point exactly. The people who would have made a difference in the election like they did in 2008 didn't bother to vote. But people would rather blame Obama for the defeats versus lack of interest and low voter turnout.

    I said a year or so ago, and I still believe it today that once Obama said if you like your doctor you can keep him and that turned out to be untrue for many that he was toast. Once that happened nobody would listen to him and he would be white noise blathering away but to the skeptics all they would hear is "Blah blah blah lie. Blah blah I am a just another politician"

  15. Calling a conservative moderate is ridiculous. Compared to Sarah Palin sure they sound reasonable, but a whack job is a whack job is a whack job, and anyone who denies climate change and dodges with bullshit answers like "I am not a scientist" isn't qualified to lead anybody, let alone a country. I am not a doctor, I still if someone is coughing and sneezing that they are sick. The Media just wants a story and here they are saying the democratic party is in trouble. Two years ago they were saying the republicans will never win again. In two years when the republicans lose they will be back to saying that. You take them far too seriously. They will say anything to create drama so you tune in. Just wait til, give it January 10th and the first whiffs of abortion measures start flying, and talks of repealing Obamacare start up, then it will be back to business as usual for the party that believes the earth is 6000 years old.

  16. The GOP lacks any clear front-runner for the nomination, and there's no spinning the fact that the GOP primary will be murky free-for-all. But the Democrats are in a weaker position for 2016 than most of them are willing to admit. Much has already been discussed about Hillary's problems (including her tendency for gaffes and the fact that many in the far left do not trust her). But if the Democrats are supposedly so strong when it comes to presidential elections, then why is Hillary the only Democrat with any chance of winning in two years? The logical thing to conclude is that it is because everybody knows that a Biden, Warren, or O'Malley nomination would be disastrous for the party, even with their much envied demographic advantage.

    Biden I don't have much faith in as a candidate. He has tried twice to run for president and failed both times. Warren is sort of like Paul in that the true believers love her but she is not in the mainstream of current political thought. And who? Some obscure governor nobody ever heard of? The democrats have a problem in that Hillary and Obama sucked all the oxygen up leaving very little room for new dems to come along, but sooner or later they show up. If not by 2016 then by 2020. He's a little old now, but Jerry Brown would be a good president I think, and I wonder how history would have changed if he had won in 76 and not Carter. He has done a good job in stabilizing the state, is an improvement over Arnold and I guess his greatest fault is he can't make it rain. I wish he would run.

  17. Nobody likes a sore winner--which, IMO, is far worse than a sore loser--and I'll never forget all the nasty, obnoxious gloating some on the left chose to engage in back when they emerged victorious in previous elections. Politics is always cyclical.

    On a scale of one to ten, this only means a four in terms of importance to me. While it's great that that the reprehensible Harry Reid is no longer Majority Leader, I am tired of the GOP always doing so well in midterms, only to fall short two years later (see 1994 and 2010; this problem even happened all the way back after the GOP triumphed in the 1946 election). But I do think that the Democrats are underestimating just how much of a liability President Obama could be on Secretary Clinton's presidential chances in 2016. Hillary needs to be far more skillful at separating herself from the president--without alienating the progressive base in the process--than the Democrats were this year.

    I honestly don't see why they field as their nominee. The only serious thinker they have is Rand Paul, who honestly has views and takes them seriously, but his views are radical and no one will vote for him except the true believers.

  18. And then after electing all these rethugs who will come in and fellate the gun lobby, upon the next school shooting all these red state fools will be on TV wondering "why us?" with tears (when they are not secretly sending their daughters to Paris for abortions they pretend they are against), but at least they go to church!

  19. I disagree with you there, since we aren't some monolith responsible for other people's votes. Vast portions of the country want the abortion bills to start flying which is the exact reason they are voting for the Republicans in the first place. This is still a deeply religious country (and some of our immigration policies are ironically insuring we stay that way for years to come). The rest of us will be stuck in the dark ages, but I don't see why we deserve it.

    From the four corners of the country, the American people has allowed itself to be bamboozeled by the party of school shootings. There is nothing left to tell the people and it isn't just in Hick HQ, USA where all republicans yearn to live or something, but it is in NJ where their republican governor was getting 70% approval ratings even as he was one of the "a gun in every bassinet" crowd and who now pretends he has no opinion on global warming and says "I am not a scientist". The American people seem to believe we are not a society as a whole, but many individuals who coincidentally live on the same land mass. So "if my neighbor gets sick, !@#$%^&*] him because I am not coughing up a dime" is what the people want. That's what republicans are selling and apparently thats what a majority of americans seem to be buying, as well as a school shooting in every state. Not quite a chicken in every pot, but the NRA does what it can.

  20. When the country votes in the republicans and the abortion bills start flying, the country will get what it deserves. That's what coming: conservative doctrine nonsense and investigations up the wazoo. Considering the republicans had six years to come up with a health care response to Obama and yet can't tell us still what they would do when they replace Obamacare, it is safe to assume the next two years will be more do-nothing congress doing nothing but even less nothing that before.

    That said, the democrats came up with some pretty lousy candidates this year--that woman who refused to admit she voted for Obama at the very top. I don't know who she is but she should not be elected. If a democrat is ashamed to admit to voting democratic, then that is not the profile in courage we are looking for in our leaders. She should take her mealy mouthed non responses back to wherever it is she came from.

  21. I've never watched Arrow, so I'd never seen Felicity before, but I freaking love her, I am already reading people say she fits better on the Flash than Arrow. I loved her and Barry's kiss at the end too. They are more suited than him and Iris

    Felicity is great but she works better on Arrow where her computer nerd prowess stands in stark contrast to literally everyone else who is capable of taking out ninjas. Plus, her awkward shy yet sexy thing goes perfectly with the abtastic and bicep blessed Arrow because she is about as unphysical as it gets while he is total physicality--and yet they work and both pine away for each other.

    Felicity exposes the weakness of this show--the lack of a Felicity. They have no supporting characters on this show who just come to life, the way Arrow does. Arrow had so many characters who just grabbed you from their first scene, but Flash has none. That surfer computer guy and the girl really add nothing to the show. As Felicity said, the Arrow team took time to build, and this crew got together instantly. The lack of story for these characters before they became team Flash makes them fairly dull. On Arrow we had many episodes of Felicity before she ever learned who the Arrow was and that worked to Felicity and the show's benefit. Arrow is the better show by far, and you should give it a try.

  22. I hope Glenn is not off the show. Maggie I don't really care as much about, but Glenn was always cool in my book. The chuch scene was really well done, you don't often see such frank onscreen violence from the heroes. Bob? Eh, he was barely a blip on the radar. Whatshername who liked him? Can't really care about her broken heart either since we got maybe three minutes of her and Bob together spread out over a dozen episodes. Tyrese? When he came in to talk to her I had to go for the FF.

    Abraham...dud character played by a dull actor. I don't understand how this character made it onto the show, as he has no apparent personality I can see. That girl who has been with him every week, does she even have an opinion on anything or even a name? Why Glenn would leave his crew for this gang I don't understand. And Abraham was a bit of a dick. Here Carol saved his life and he has no inclination to help save her. His dream of Washington Glenn has to know is probably a pipedream considering what Atlanta looked like the first episodes of the series. Washington has to be as overrun as everywhere else.

    The most interesting part was the ending with Daryl. I don't think that is Carol or Beth with him because that wouldn't be cliffhanger worthy. I guess it could be Beth in shellshock over her experience and afraid of her own shadow thus Daryl trying to bring her in slowly, but that doesn't really make sense. He wouldn't be lurking in the shadows. It has to be someone new because there is no one lurkworthy to bring back.

  23. I find myself FFing it in places and don't enjoy it nearly as much as I do Arrow. It is like they tried to do in one episode what Arrow did in two seasons: create the supporting cast who work as his team. These characters formed Team Flash in five minutes so it is all so abrupt. Does anyone care about his budding attraction with that female with the dead fiancee the way they do Oliver and Felicity? On Arrow we got to watch Oliver slowly form his different friendships with each and every one of the supporting cast. On Flash, Barry was best buddies and equally buddies with each and every person from Iris's father all the way down the that wacky but goodhearted computer genius assistant of his. And the romance of Iris and that cop is also too much too soon.

    The show's ok, but Arrow is where it's at.

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