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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. I don't know where they shot Corto Maltese, but if I was Thea there would be no way I'd leave paradise for cold, grimey Starling City. This was a good episode, and I liked that they included another DC character, Ted Grant. Thea's pain fighting thing is a little silly though. Even if she could block out the pain, she would still have burns. Laurel is still a dud, as is daddy. I think it's good that they are sending Felicity over to Flash and it would be a good idea if they could keep the shows close the way The Six Million Dollar Man often ran into The Bionic Woman.

  2. Chad Coleman said on Talking Dead that Tyreese thought he killed the guy. I'm not sure whether that's just what Tyreese is telling himself, but I don't think he intended for the guy to live.

    I thought he sad that he the actor thought he killed him, and was perplexed/surprised/amused that it turns out he hadn't. There would be no way the actor would know Tyrese hadn't killed that guy going by the dialogue and scenes.

  3. Tyrese is the worst character on the show. Carol shot the wrong people. He's useless, he can't even tell if he killed a guy or not, and I guess doesn't notice the body vanished. All the show can do is come up with these ridiculous, impossible to film epic battles where he magically battles off dozens of walkers only to turn up alive. He was a dud from day one. His sister or whoever the heck she is is more than a dud. She has been on the show two years and I can't even tell you her name. I am unclear about what her function is on this show. It took Beth a long time to get personality, Carol too, but Tyrese's personality is just so tiresome I wish he would just get bit already and off my screen.

    I know nothing about criticism of him based on racial stereotypes, and I don't even see what stereotypes he embodies, he is just a dud character and the show should cut its losses.

  4. So gross!

    So I take it Bob was infected earlier in the episode? It wasn't clear, but why else was he outside crying alone.

    That's what it looked like, but how could they not notice him bleeding all night long? Bob is a character I don't really care much about. He appeared out of nowhere, got one episode where he was an alcoholic, and then is basically "Extra with lines 1". The female soldier who hangs out with the red headed guy is Extra with lines 2.

    I don't know how Bob was so calm. I would have thought having your leg chopped off without anesthesia would be painful enough to scream yourself into insanity, but he seems remarkably calm.

  5. One thing I heard on Morning Joe the other that struck me is how Joe and Mika claim that Mitt Romney isn't worried about Chris Christie and doesn't think he can win. Same for Jeb Bush and Bushworld. They both don't think Christie has the temperament or the ability to make it all the thru the primary or even the general....

    Chris Christie can't win. The guy has an unlikable personality and except for Richard Nixon how many unsmiling sour pusses have been elected in the TV age? He is also obese, of which there have been no obese presidents in the TV age. He is also from NJ, a state republicans don't like because it is not in their base of the south. They only went for Romney because it was the weakest field any party ever put forward and there was no one to choose.

    The republican field is pretty pathetic. You have Governor Oops, no personality Jindal, a bunch of Jesus freaks, and the elder statesman of the party: the guy who was Speaker and got run out of town on a rail. Add to them you have the Queen of all republicans who spends her spare time white trashing it up as a wrestler at parties, and finally the last Bush who doesn't seem all that excited to run. Hillary would have any of them for lunch. Probably the one she would like to run against is Rand Paul, the isolationist radical.

  6. Why is there even a rule about a fan? Who thinks of these things??? The other guy comes across as juvenile and petulant, and I could see this costing him the election because who else but a true believer would ever vote for such a jerk?

  7. Nice too see all the Merlins back on screen, even the dead ones! I am not all that excited with where they are going with Thea. So now he is a trained killer too? It sort of diminishes Sara, Olliie and the League of Assassin when now everyone and literally their sister can make the cut. Still liking Brandon Routh but I am patiently waiting for the show to do its spin on the Ray Palmer story as all comics fans know it.

  8. Great episode. Carol picked up right where she left off last season and is still the best character on the show. I love how non-chalantly she told that guy "we're friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat." Tasha Yar didn't have much chance against her either. The last scenes with the reunion was a rare happy moment for out crew. A little surprising how they got done with Terminus after only one episode but maybe their leader will resurface looking for dinner later this year.

    Not too many people had a lot to do this week. Tyrese and yet another magical unable to be shown take down of walkers bores me. The guy who was talking about how the government has ways of stopping this all seemed interesting.

  9. Holy Hell! They didn't mess around with this premiere. The last minute is a total WTF but clearly the whole season will be spun out of it. As for the rest, Brandon Routh finally is ready to play Superman. He has the Clark Kent awkward kindness thing down cold in the mode of Christopher Reeve, it is just a shame he played Superman way too soon, because he is ready for that role now. Ray I think will work out well for the show, and I assume Felicity will fall for him and make Oliver jealous. As for Oliver and Felicity, well the show went there with them but it was right with what they eventually went with. The Lances are still boring (well two of them anwyay) and Diggle was never my favorite character so we shall see what fatherhood does for his storyline. Roy looks ok in costume and I know he had super strength at one point but I don't recall when he learned to be an expert fighter. The Canary...speechless. Obvious frame job, no doubt by the League.

    Oh, and interesting that the Barry scene inserted in here actually falls into the middle of the Flash episode. I think maybe the intent was Arrow premiere before The Flash.

  10. Whatever happened to the actor who played Tom Hartman? I forget his name, but he had been married IRL to Meredith MacRae of My Three Sons and Petticoat Junction fame. They had a daughter together.

    I also don't know the woman who played "Mary Hartski" but she sure had the look and mannerisms of Mary Hartman down pat, even making the same faces that Louise Lasser did. Great stuff.

    Greg Mullavey? I was coincidentally thinking about him the other day as I ran across MHMH on youtube. He is an actor I don't think I have seen since the 70s and so I just expected him to be young. He's older now, 75, and looks it. He is someone I just associate with the 1970s, be it Mary Hartman, Mike's smarter friend on All In The Family, or whatever random guest appearances he did.

    Appaerently he had a recurring role in B&B as Father McEvoy in 2000

  11. Watched the pilot online (couchtuner)

    Pretty good show. You don't need to have seen his Arrow episodes to pick this show up, as it starts before the Arrow story and then picks up after. So you could watch the first ten minutes of this show, pause it to watch the two Arrow episodes, and then come back to finish this. Gustin was a good pick, as he comes off very likable. They pretty much copy the Arrow formula and he ha an insta-team Flash inside of 30 minutes. The supporting cast I don't have much to say about yet as they are just your typical supporting casters (the genius nerd who invents gadgets, the girl who doesn't realize our star likes her, a not quite mad scientist, and a few other characters you could slap a label on easily)

    The action sequences looked good and Green Arrow shows up to say hi (there will be a crossover in a couple of months). The costume looks better than the 1990 version. I recommend the show and it is a perfectly fine partner for Arrow, and I would say better than Gotham (which has aspirations of greatness whereas this one just wants to be a good show by duplicating the Arrow formula).

  12. What a frustrating joke on everyone. So RetroTV airs The Doctors, only nobody lives where Retro TV airs! I tried searching and apparently it is some dying network slowly losing all affiliates but it is in Los Angeles. I saw no torrents for this show at PirateBay, so I guess soap watchers are not as quick as sci fi junkies. Maybe some sort of live streaming site can be found tomorrow if not for retro TV then for the local station itself.

  13. I find this court refreshing because it turns conservative BS on its head routinely. For decades these republicans have pretended they respect the constitution and are so-called "strict constructionalists" but that was always just code for yes on guns/no on abortion. Now the five most powerful republicans in the land don't even try to hide the fact that their job is to get more republicans elected any way they can. I imagine a hundred years from now their decision on Citizens United will be deemed one of the worst court decisions ever right up there with Dred Scott.

  14. This thread has yet to discuss the upcoming vote that threatens to undo the world order. Will Scotland break up the UK and if so what happens to British nukes, the oil, the pound, the Queen, and everything else including the impact on Nato, the EU and the precedent for other territories in perhaps Spain and Canada to follow a similar path?

  15. I'm terrified of that group ever being in power, even for 2 years. Once they get power they don't let go. They have too much media power and too much money as it is. Even when they controlled all bodies of Congress and the White House in 2004, the media still made sure the public blamed Democrats.

    Barring a miracle they are getting the Senate. Obama will be a lame duck who people will start to ignore as they take their cues from the democratic nominee. I think the most realistic hope is Obama just makes sure he vetoes every insane republican proposal and they wait til 2016 when the map favors the democrats.

  16. What a nightmare!

    We've had parliamentary elections here in Sweden today, and the results spell chaos! The Swedish Democrats, a party with its origin in racist and neo-nazi movements have received 13% of the votes, the reigning right-wing parties have all lost a lot of ground while the left-wing parties have only made minor gains. It's going to be very difficult to get a functioning government. Neither the right nor the left wants anything to do with the Swedish Democrats, but at the same time the four parties that have governed Sweden the last 8 years are very unwilling to co-operate with the Social Democrats. It's a complete mess, and I think we're in for a bumpy ride.....

    I forget who it was on this forum that was basically telling me I was delusional when I said antisemitism was on the rise in Europe. Europe is a festering mess of right wing wannabe nazis just lurking waiting for an opportunity to come out and play.

  17. Obama is such a tone deaf speaker and he never fails to unimpress. He has no ability to convey passion of any kind on any subject at any time. "We will be vigilant" is not quite "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" or even "There is nothing to fear but fear itself". The thing that elevated Churchill above all other speakers is he always knew when to stress a word and sound out some conviction. "We shall fight on the beaches...we shall fight in the hills" simple and to the point and drives the point home where "We will be relentless" does not. It's a hollow promise he knows is false because he cannot go into Syria. I don't see any way for the US to get at Isis without going into Syria and that is not nearly as easy as going into Iraq. The US and Iran need to bury the hatchet and unite against the greater enemy.

  18. I don't think the Rick Perry thing will amount to much with voters. He is being accused of something that doesn't make for a sexy or simple headline like "he robbed from a charity" or "he traded favors for drugs". The voters in Texas will rally to him I bet.

  19. I think Hillary must feel that Obama's foreign policy achievements will be deemed iffy at best and she wants room to say she is not him. Yes, he got Bin Laden, but after than his achievements are few. That's not to say she could have gotten much more but there is no way to prove he couldn't. He's probably pissed but Hillary and Bill are probably the only two democrats who don't need Obama's approval to say what they want to say for their own goals. I am sure Hillary weighed the pros and cons of her statements and decided it was time to break away from Obama and his perceived sinking ship.

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