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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. I don't have a huge issue with profiling. If 100% of all terrorists who blew up planes were middle eastern men, then yes, airport security should be paying attention to middle eastern men. But in an effort to be fair, they pulled me and my old jewish mother aside for almost a strip search. Considering that as yet there have been no terrorist attacks by old jewish ladies, either before my search or after, I can safely say the attempt at profile blindness was ridiculous on airport security's part. They wasted their time, my time and their money searching someone that had a 0% chance of being a terrorist based on literally every terrorist attack on record.

  2. The fact that she chose to reveal this to Dr Phil makes me question her. She couldn't go to the police, she couldn't go to the NY Times or CNN, no, for her the place to share all was some shlock chat show starring a fake doctor. I can't take it seriously and could completely believe she is just an audience member who wanted to get on TV.

  3. Any thoughts on normalizing relations with Cuba? Personally, I'm glad to put an end to the outdated embargo but this isn't one of my hot button issues so I'm interested to see how others react.

    Everyone else can go to Cuba and apparently it is a nice tourist destination. My friends have been going via Canada for years.

  4. It's a great, great movie. Classic Hollywood's greatest achievement and better than most movies before or since. GWTW gets knocked but it has story that just doesn't let up for a moment. Of the cast Olivia de Havilland is still alive, but she must be closing in on 100 by now. She is truly the last of old Hollywood.

  5. Michael Tylo has turned up on YT during voice work for a kickstart financed "Nightwing: the series"  which is a fan made unofficial superhero web series.   Compared to the soap web series we have seen like The Bay or Venice, is it is exceptionally well made.   He plays the voice of the villain behind the mask and it is 6 mini episodes.   Nightwing is the name Robin, The Boy Wonder takes when he is all grown up




  6. Did Falcon Crest ever come out on dvd? I always consider that the step-child of the prime time soaps. I don't think anyone under 25 would have ever even heard of it. The Knots dvds must have done poorly or else they would have released more. I wish if there wasn't a demand they would do something like kickstart it or say they will produce 1000 dvds when they get 1000 pre-orders. There are now ways to finance things if you really want to get them financed.

  7. Ted Skackleford looks terrible.  His face is now skin and bones.  Joan Van Ark of course looks terrible but thats to be expected.





    I guess it sort of speaks to the lack of interest in the show that it' 35th anniversary was celebrated on a show most people never heard of on a channel most people would probably have trouble finding.   Sad.

  8. I'm giggling my ass off at the thought of Thirsty ass Janice Dickinson right about now, considering that Beverly Johnson is being considered THE credible accuser, even by Nancy Grace, when nobody made this fuss over HER.

    To be honest, I only knew the name Janice Dickenson, and even then only vaguely as someone marginally famous from reality TV. I have no idea what show she is on, but I would never watch it and I am shocked you are so familiar with her and whatever she is that she is famous for. I honestly dont know why you talked about her all this time.

    Anyway, I don't think Beverly Johnson broke the dam, the dam was broken weeks ago the moment it went on the front page and not the gossip page. And I don't know who everyone here knows, but since the story broke I have yet to meet even a single person who even pretended to think he might be innocent. It was obvious the guy was guilty all along the moment more than three people came forward.

  9. Great episode. Thea never occurred to me. I loved Felicity's reaction to Ray's big plan. The big finish: great fight scene and I believe Ollie died, but in the comics Ras is immortal and I bet his friend or Nyssa will use Ras' "Lazarus Pit" (where you take Ras when he dies to be born again) and put Ollie in it so he is born again. Cool fight, but of course when Batman had to do this exact same fight against Ras 40 years ago, he beat Ras. Arrow is no Batman.

  10. I love the theme from the early 80s.

    Of all the lavish (or outlandish, depending on your viewpoint) stories that unfolded under Paul Rauch's watch, which one(s) do you think were the best?

    I loved so many, but two that always stand out for me are Eterna and the two Bos. Eterna gets a bad rap, but it is straight up, unashamed, movie serial shenanigans from start to finish. The Two Bos featured the wonderful Lois Kibbee as evil Elizabeth Sanders and a death trap I loved: all the Buchanan men trapped in a room with sliding doors and walls sealing them in as poison gas gets pumped in to kill them.

  11. The second part of the team up I liked. This episode was the first time I found those two helpers of The Flash not so cutesy and pointless. All in all, I think the crossover worked well, and I don't know if it is possible but the shows should attempt some sort of blended recurring storyline that invites more crossovers.

  12. This was pretty good. I stopped watching Flash because I was finding it dull but this worked out nicely. I was shocked to see they had Ollie run into that girl on this show and not his own. She had his baby only he doesn't know it. The end with Ronnie was pretty cool. I thought it was going to be a two part episode, but I guess it is just back to back team ups. In any case I am looking forward to tomorrow, although I don't like that these four strangers now know who Ollie is.

    Great fight scene.

  13. Great episode for the most part. I think my favorite scene was Dawn and Beth vs the cop and when Dawn screamed for Beth to help. The actress who played Dawn was really good. I felt sad when Beth died because she was truly nice and it seemed like she was about to be rescued but then Dawn had to have a final act of malice on Noah. Still, better Beth than Carol.

    Father idiot I took his crying solo scenes as a sign to go to the bathroom. Completely worthless character. He is in competition with Tyrese and Abrahan for not only worst characters on the show, but perhaps on all of TV. Tyrese actually isn't ashamed to admit he let that guy from Terminus go? I would be.

    Nice to see Maggie get that scene at the end and the actress did a good job.

  14. I doubt this will be the end of Cosby. Keep in mind, Jimmy Page has the OBE, and he had a sexual relationship with a 14 year old girl. . Dr. Dre beat the hell out of TV host Dee Barnes, Sean Penn tied Madonna to a chair and beat the hell out of her,

    It's different. Sean Penn has the rep for being crazy, society allows rock stars to be drug addled messes who break laws routinely. Bill Cosby's persona was sainthood and sitcom dad, and you watch, society will not tolerate the behavior out of him that it would out of others.

  15. In the show's time, Karen only died a few weeks ago. Lori has been dead in the show's time for 5-6 months, not that that makes losing her any easier for Carl, obviously. Carl did have an extended mental breakdown after she died.

    Does it really matter? We got to watch Lori, Andrea, Merle and whoever for two years or longer so their deaths and the characters reaction to them resonate. One of the best scenes of the entire series was Daryl seeing zombie Merle. You say Karen died a few weeks ago? I don't even know who Karen is. Is that Tyrese's phantom girlfriend, the under five role? Be honest, do you remember anything about her?

    So, since the role was so inconsequential, it is foolish to devote so much time to characters reacting to her not being here anymore. She wasn't even here when she was here.

  16. What a dull episode, it was like a who's who of who is depressed. Tyrese was bad enough, but his sister seems to be dumber than he is. That's his sister, right? I honestly don't know why Rick would recruit these two losers and leave Carl and Michonne home. Then we have to cut to dull as dirt Abraham, who apparently has very durable knees. His pain is ridiculous. Then if that isn't bad enough it's time to check in on the perpetually on the brink of suicide priest and his bullshit. Not a single one of these characters offers anything to the show except Readers Digest depth one dimensional faux-angst. I still don't know what Tyreae babbles on about this great love he lost--a great love who appeared in one episode and got a dialogue and a half tops. The sister knew Bob maybe four episodes and yet this is her defining moment. Meanwhile, Carl shot his mother and you don't see him yammering on boring everyone he meets.

    I really hope all four die so the show can get to showcasing exciting or interesting characters, not refugees from some ersatz Oprah self analysis symposium of crap.

  17. I think he's guilty as hell but even if he weren't I wouldn't necessarily expect him to be threatening lawsuits. Defamation is almost impossible to prove and the bar is higher for public figures.

    That was how Lance Armstrong did it.

  18. That's fine but his place in history will still be tarnished. The first African American president....also gets himself impeached for no reason. Perhaps it doesn't matter to you but it does matter to me.

    Forget the political ramifications....I'm not arguing it's a winner for the Republicans (although I do think it would drive Republican turn out as well)

    Obama's place in history is secured: He is the first black president. Other than that he will not be seen as a terribly great nor terribly poor president. He tried to accomplish his agenda, he had terrible relations with congress, got saddled with a terrible crisis, and in the end he did the best he could. He won't be up there with FDR or Lincoln, if that is what you hoped might happen.

  19. I liked tonight's show. I guess the part that most interests me is Ray Palmer because I am a comic geek. There was actually quite a lot of comic easter eggs this episode, including Tatsu, the Japanese wife in the flashbacks. Anyway, Ray is such a too good to be true, fantasy character, but Routh gives him charm and sells it. Felicity is living this Cinderella life here with this perfect guy interested in her able to make any dream come true, but of course Oliver is her true dream. I also am interested in where they go with this ATOM exo-skeleton thing. In the comics he is The Atom, able to shrink to the size of an atom, but I guess that is too fantastical for this series. Perhaps he would have fit more in on FLASH.

    Great to see Nick Tarabay as Capt Boomerang (another comic villain). Tarabay was one of the best things about Spartacus. Not sure what the deal is with the new DJ, and Diggle and his homespun fortune cookie wisdom really is getting on my nerves. He is a walking sermon.

  20. I never said I should be on a jury. Juries are for courtrooms, common sense is for everyone else. According to the jury O.J. Simpson didn't kill his wife, I know better than that jury and I have no proof. You wait and see until you have seen enough. I've seen enough. If I am wrong, I am wrong.

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