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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Now it's said he molested a 15 year old girl in 1974

    Bill Cosby loses latest legal bid to block sexual abuse lawsuit


    Bill Cosby lost his latest bid to fend off a lawsuit accusing him of sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles in 1974, as the California Supreme Court on Wednesday denied the comedian's petition to review the case

    This one sounds like it might not be true. Adults attracted to and molesting children don't just do it once out of every fifty assaults. A 13 year old does not fit his pattern.

  2. Hasselbeck was the reason Rosie was a smashing phenom first go around. Those two toe to toe brought great tv. In fact the big rosie versus Liz feud was one of the highest views of all time. Rosie was a total bore second go around a very dull panel and her fights with Whoopi were very painful to watch. Hasselbeck is the third longest View co host behind Barbara and Joy. She was on 10 years.

    I agree, Rosie thrived wth Hasselbeck as a foil, and the same in the reverse. The two, I have no idea how they actually feel about each other, were a good team for TV. I am no expert on The View but I am assuming the problem with Wallace was she was too calm, too busy to care about pop culture frivolities and not stupid enough to make outlandish comments on subjects she doesn't actually know about. They will bring in someone who will bicker and fight as they basically go for a WWE for housewives. To be an accomplished professional that isn't an actress is not something the View needs or wants. Am I correct in saying that most of their hosts now are washed up actresses who have no special knowledge or reason to be speaking about topics except they are C List celebrities? I doubt Lisa Ling would fit in on the show as it is, or even Meredith Viera.

  3. I didn't realize that Whoopi apparently said yesterday that the execs were on her about her fighting with the audience about her Cosby opinions last week. I'm sure she was forced to eat crow because her job was (finally) on the line.

    Here Deadline's take on the entire affair, where they somehow created a setpiece where Dan Abrams came in to "explain" the law to Whoopi Goldberg so she could then do her mea culpa. I don't care why she did it, I just care that she got told.

    Here, also, is John Oliver's hilarious takedown of her from Last Week Tonight:


    John Oliver left out he defense of Michael Vick.

    Whoopi Goldberg is exhibit A that being famous is not qualification enough to host a talk show. She has as much credibility on any given topic as Sarah Palin, maybe less. The View, if it had any respect for its audience, would get rid of this woman since she is perpetually wrong on just about every topic. They should feel a responsibility to their audience even a little, but then again the sheep that is her audience deserves no respect. When she was yammering on about innocent til proven guilty and this being America, those ditzy women in the audience applauded her. Why? Why did they applaud her idiocy? And here they are now applauding her changing her mind. So in effect, the View's audience are basically trained seals who will clap on command for even the dumbest host.

    So much for she bring the only one in the room making sense. She stopped making sense I guess according to some circles.

  4. It's clearly not just about money.

    My theory on the Cosby wife is she was comfortable in her life, and looked the other way all the years when it came to cheating. Now she is old, there are no more marriages and for good or bad that is who she is with and she loves him, so she is justifying and rationalizing. It isn't money I don't think because she would probably get any divorce settlement she wanted, and at her age how much does she really need?

  5. I'm actually stunned that none of you see any kind of conspiracy going on, seeing as how the two biggest black male entertainers in history have been torn asunder by allegations. you don't think this is instiutional racism trying to make sure that there are ZERO black male role models in the world?

    Someone made attacks on Louis Armstrong?

    Since day one you have tried to inject a racial component to this case where there isn't any. Race has literally nothing to do with this case, any more than it had to do with Michael Jackson.

  6. I adore Whoopi. The only one in the room who makes sense.

    She makes no sense. In fact, she is the only one in the room who makes no sense. Her complete lack of sense is so overwhelming that you obviously don't believe this post you made here. In fact, in previous posts you came to the conclusion he was probably guilty and now you read about this testimony proving your hunch right and you say the one person desperate to defend him with all the certainty and loyalty of Baghdad Bob is the one making sense? Other than posting just to get a reaction from people, what thought process could possibly bring you to that conclusion.

    Whoopi Goldberg sounds like an idiot. The audience that applauded her defiant stand against logic are imbeciles. I also don't understand the posts here about how finally now people lost all respect for her. I don't know how anyone had any respect for her. This is the woman who defended Michal Vick--the Adolph Hitler for dogs--and said killing and torturing animals is a black cultural thing. Mel Gibson was another of her causes, and yet now finally people are losing respect for her? Where were you guys when she didn't mind dog slaughtering? She is a professional devil's advocate who thinks by saying this nonsense she sounds reasonable and mature, but she just sounds like a [!@#$%^&*] idiot.

    I honestly don't know why this person is on a talk show when she is so stupid she shouldn't even be allowed to talk on TV. Her words damage impressionable minds.

  7. Cast members from SOAP (as well as BENSON's Rene Auberjonois) gathered on Hallmark's Home & Family to honor Robert Guilliaume.


    I'm having a legitimately hard time deciding what I want to believe happened to Robert Mandan's face...

    I am going to guess he or was very ill. The shape of his face and body changed, and there are people older than he is who maintain a resemblance to themself. If you said chemo wrecked his body I'd believe it. The reunion is on their site, and his voice isn't strong either. None of them are looking too good. Robert Guillame is 87 according to wikipedia and he is in decent shape, older than Mandan. Katherine Helmond I guess it is refreshing she didn't stay glammed up in retirement. It's so long ago but Guillame was a major major TV star 40 years ago. After Benson he didn't seem to click in anything else. None of them did except for Billy Crystal, and then a few went on to sitcom success. The woman who played Mary Campbell I don't know that I ever saw her again, same for Eunice, Corinne, and the Tate son. Dutch went on to a long time recurring role on Battlestar Galactica in the 2000s.

  8. and Donald Trump is trying to take several pages out of the Huckabee handbook. He knows he doesn't have a shot at being President but that is beside the point. Like Huckabee, he will seek to fatten his coffers by building a 'base' in hopes of getting lucrative speaking engagements and a pundit's chair where he can spout nonsense and have an audience actually listen.

    I'd wager that very few of the Republican candidates right now believe they have a real shot at the Presidency, and they plan to follow the Palin or Huckabee route to financial enrichment.

    I doubt that. Trump doesn't need lucrative speaking fees or fattened coffers. He says $9 Billion, others say $4 Billion. He is running I think for the same reason he puts his name on everything: ego.

  9. I feel really sad about Nadal. I love him because just when it became boring and predictable with Federer beating everyone he came along and made Tennis thrilling and created real drama and rivalry. Tennis five or six years ago was top notch, especially their Wimbledon match, and now with him out and Roger old, Murray a choker...it looks like it is back to a boring sport with not many suspects able to challenge Djokovic.

  10. More mish-mash from googly-eyed Walker. Everything from this man makes me very uneasy.


    Walker's calls for constitutional amendments is harmless singing to the choir. He must know that changing the constitution is almost impossible so therefore he might as well demand it all he can. I feel sorry for these republican candidates because time is passing them by and they don't know what to do about. Apparently polls show 60% approval for gay marriage by the american public, but that isn't who will vote in their primaries. Then there is a distinct change in views among people under 40 and over 40, but the over 40s tend to die at a faster rate than the under 40s. There primaries are held hostage by fundie zealots that are completely out of step with everyone else, and now you have Jeb Bush forced to say he doesn't think Jim Baker knows what he is talking about with foreign policy because as conservative as Baker is, he still isn't conservative enough for the republicans of 2015. Reagan would probably have been called a liberal and weak for willing to deal with democrats.

    All along I have thought Chris Christie could not win because he is obese and belligerent. Nothing has changed in that regard. The only shot the republicans have is Jeb Bush, but I don't see how he can win as long as he is unwilling to say W was a disaster. He is unable to reject the Iraq war and people are not going to be so quick to want another Bush starting another war because he was listening to neo-cons. Plus, he has some positions not in line with republican zealotry.

    While the country is resistant to older women, I don't think it will pass up the opportunity to follow up a black president and gay marriage with a woman president. The conservatives are losing the culture wars badly, and all the shouting white men in the world won't change that. They're so out of the mainstream that even the pope is too liberal for them. Of course he doesn't know who any of them are and doesn't care, but they have boxed themselves into a corner where now they tell themselves that it is they--not the pope--who is defending religion and morality.

  11. According to StarTiger. com, an autograph website, these actors/ actresses have appeared on GH:

    Rita Rehn

    Michael Evans(ex Douglas Evans, Y&R, ex Jeffrey Martin-Sahim, CAP)

    Mike Diamond

    Wendy Allyn

    James Bartholet

    Karen LaVoie

    Taaffe O'Connell

    I'm trying to find out more...

    New characters I'm working on...

    6/8/15...Butch... Jerrome Bodyguard

    6/12/15...Hank... police officer

    I don't know how reliable that is. I googled a couple of these names and one is a male porn star.

  12. Yeah, Jon's not stayin' down.

    If that last sequence doesn't win Lena Headey an Emmy I don't know what will.

    I doubt it. This show has had people on since the very beginning deserving of emmys and because it is a fantasy show they get passed up. Charles Dance should have won one long ago for Tywin, and the kid who played Joffrey should have won four in a row. Every critic and every article for years and practically worldwide it seems was in lockstep agreement that Joffrey was the best and most hated villain on all of TV. How is it possible the actor was good enough to inspire worldwide love to hate status, but not good enough to be nominated? Meanwhile actors on shows nobody ever heard of or saw get nominated.

  13. They killed my husband! F*ck you Game of Thrones!!!!

    I can't believe the show did it again! I was just staring watching and not believing what I was seeing. He was supposed to be the eventual star of the whole story who along with Dany saves everyone. It pisses me off they keep on killing the good guys off leaving us with wars between Child burners and skin flayers as the people we are supposed to choose between. Stories need heroes, and they just killed theirs---again. It sucks.

    I don't know who it is time to root for, I guess Jaime, the hero who pushes children out windows. He got some bit of redemption with Brienne so maybe we can watch him get even with the Dornish who killed his daughter. In other news, it will be fun watching Cersei get even with everybody in that whole town. She's evil but they're fanatic nuts and have it coming, Her Franken-mountain I assume will have a whole list of people to settle with. Sansa and Theon: the show is unclear, it looked like a suicide pact but I am gonna say growing up there they know where to jump to land in a pile of snow. Arya's killing Ser Meryn was great but now she's blind? Her friend isn't a friend worth having. I am not sure who Dany was surrounded by but seeing how she ditched her ring, I am guess it isn't her old Khal Drogo crew.

  14. I knew that's how it would end for Shireen.

    The tragedy of Stannis is that he's a noble, just ruler in some ways, but ultimately he became a middle aged man who is hidebound, bamboozled, and deluded.

    I don't see anything noble about him. Didn't he chop off his friend's fingers for some grouchy reason? The guy was always the least dynamic, stick in the mud character on the show who needed to be written out. Now he is the guy who burned his own daughter alive.

  15. I hope Ramsey carves the cold, dead heart out of Stannis. However, the Lord of Light has power and Stannis did make the sacrifice. I think he might win his battle against the Bolton's at least. I was surprised that Shireen's mother is the one who tried to save her. I think she was basically insane from losing all of those babies (keeping the bodies proves that). She latched on to a cult to give her life meaning, but at least at the end she came to her senses. I wish Shireen had at least seen her mother try to stop it.

    Dany's scene was good tonight. This show needs more dragons, but I guess the CGI or whatever they are using is expensive. People seem to think she left her crew to fend for themselves, but really, the fight was over.

    I wonder if Oberyn's mistress is going to kill Jaime.

    Hey Q, your giant survived!

    Yes, I wonder where he will sleep.

    I think the daughter did see the mother trying to help her which is why she switched from calling for her father to calling for her mother. Stannis is just a waste of a human being. He isn't sadistically evil like that Bolton psycho but he is just so cold and perpetually miserable. If he has to kill his own family to get the throne, why does he even want it? The other brother was a much nicer guy, it's a shame he got killed. I don't even know how he wound up in the same family as Stannis and Robert (who was also not going to win any personality contests)

    I can't believe next week is the last episode! This year got off to a slow start but the last few weeks have been one winner after another. Which reminds me, whatever happened to Varys??? He was in the first episode or two and was completely forgotten about. Which double reminds me that in season one Jon Snow joined the Knights Watch to find his uncle...did he ever find him? And is Renly STILL rowing? And where is Rickon and Hodor?

  16. The end was really cool with the dragon, but I really thought the dragon was gonna get killed. Perhaps it is time Danearys takes her show on the road because this town seems to want nothing to do with her. Stannis wss always a creep with no personality but he crossed a line tonight I don't see how he can cross back. His wife is a total imbecile but so is he for even going along with this. He has to wind up getting killed because no way does a guy like this go on to win at the end, Now sure what to make of the whole Dorne episode. Nothing really happened of note, so why did we spend all that time there? The three daughters got hyped as being something important but they all turned out to be nothing. Frustrating we did not get to see what is happening with the Kings Landing crew but I guess that is for next week.

  17. Forbes March



    About a year into his new life, March got into the firewood business, splitting, kiln-drying and packaging hardwood for a discerning urban clientele. (He earned his upstate street cred by accidentally chopping off a finger.) “The Catskills are situated 90 miles from what is arguably the largest consumer market in the world,” he says, “and in Manhattan you can sell anything if it’s the best.” His gorgeous wares can be found in the hearths of Roosevelts and Williamsburg hipsters, and he also counts 70 city restaurants as year-round clients.

  18. I wonder if he is going to start a plague or assassinate one of Dany's enemies? I don't know, but they must have something up their sleeves or he would be dead already.

    I guess they could send him in as a living nuke against the white walkers, but seeing how Jon's sword is the newest only thing that can stop them you can sort of see how this might end where it will be the dragons of all things that save humanity when it is time to start forging new swords pronto. If that doesn't work I imagine the dragons will figure into the climactic battle in another way. There has to be a reason why these dragons were placed in the story to just perpetually reside in the background. Somehow when it all comes to a head and Dany and Jon are the ones fighting to save the world, her dragons will be the secret weapon somehow. If not, then I can't really see why Martin bothered to include them.

    As for Ser Jorah, I guess he will eventually get a heroic death set to dramatic music, and Dany will learn a lesson in something bravely fighting back tears. Other than that, I can't see why this guy is still on the show.

  19. Intense! I felt bad for that giant even though he wasn't the nicest guy. He is brave. He walked into the water but the show wasn't clear where he was going or what happened to him. Maybe he is tall enough to walk all the way? I thought for a second the show found a replacement woman for Jon, and I am glad they decided to not be so unoriginal.

    I don't understand Cersei's uncle. He may not like Cersei but he has to know what is at stake here regarding the legitimacy of Tommen. How come he is not rescuing Cersei? As for Ser Jorah, I am sort of losing interest. He's dying, let him die in peace. What of any significance can happen here at this point? Arya's story has also lost me. Not sure what to make of this as it is painfully slow detailing her change to master assassin. It's interesting in theory, but not really worth devoting so much storytime to.

  20. Hastert is done. I doubt any prosecutor would go after a House speaker unless they were sure they could get a conviction. The rumored allegations are sordid and ugly and the type that just the accusation is enough to wreck your name. It's amazing with this in his background he even accepted the office in the first place and the the higher profile you are the farther there is to fall. Why even go into public life with this hanging over you?

  21. Mariah is greater than JLo. Has she had a hit song that I forgot about or album?? Mariah has had much more success than JLo….they don't compare

    I disagree on that. JLo has a level of fame that goes beyond music thanks to her beauty probably mostly, but also the public's fascination with her celeb romances. She has like a Zsa Zsa or mini Elizabeth Taylor kind of fame which is why when she goes to the Oscars the media obsesses about what she wears and never forgets her dress from ten years ago or "Benniifer". I honestly can't think of too many stars who have long stalledt singing and acting careers and yet still seem to still be on the A list. She'll probably still be presenting at the Oscars ten years from now too because of her looks and fame which doesn't seem to need hit records to thrive.

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