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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. I've heard Hero several times on the radio recently. I can see how that song has lasted--the whole female empowerment theme; that song practically defines that genre. 

    I wouldn't have thought to call that topic a genre, but if it is I can think of a couple of songs and one in particular that eclipses in fame anything Mariah Carey has ever done and has the ability to stay on the rader as the decades go by.  And again this is a song everyone knew and knows, from the diehard disco fans to the diehard disco haters of the 1970s.


  2. LOL @ the idea that Mariah's 90s hits were obscure especially since radio played them to death.

    I don't know what radio stations you listened to, but they weren't the same ones I did. Which is sort of my point. One of the, or perhaps the biggest songs of the 90s was maybe "I want it that way"? Do people agree on that? You didn't even have to listen to radio to hear it because it was played in the radio at every store, out of many cars and so on. It was inescapable. "Every Breath You Take" was similar in the 80s, along with all those Madonna and Michael hits, and songs like "Girls Just Want To Have Fun", "Oops I did It Again" around 2000, or that dreary Celine song from Titanic.

    As others have mentioned, only Mariah's christmas song has stuck around. These songs were number one I guess somewhere, but perhaps they were so targeted demographically as to not register outside her fanbase? I literally have not heard any of those songs and couldn't even name you one of her albums. In contrast, Santana's "Smooth" was everywhere all the time and can still be heard today.

  3. I've never heard any one of those songs in my life. Are you saying they were as pervasive as "Material Girl" or "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" or "The Real Slim Shady" or "Bye, Bye, Bye"? Was it really as well known as even "That Don't Impress Me Much", "I'm Sexy And I Know It" or any other mega hits? I could rattle them out all day long. Were they as popular as "Gangsta's Paradise" or "You Light Up My Life?" I just don't see how in the pantheon of number ones this is up there in popularity with "Blurred Lines" or even "Somebody That I Used To Know" which I don't even think went top 10 but managed to get out there anyway.

  4. As we near the 25th anniversary of the release of Mariah Carey's self-titled debut album (June 12), a look back at her biggest Billboard Hot 100 hits.


    Vision of Love (1990)

    Love Takes Time (1990)

    Someday (1991)

    I Don't Wanna Cry (1991)

    Emotions (1991)

    I'll Be There (1992)

    Dreamlover (1993)

    Hero (1993)

    Fantasy (1995)

    One Sweet Day (1995)

    Always Be My Baby (1996)

    Honey (1997)

    My All (1998)

    Heartbreaker (1999)

    Thank God I Found You (2000)

    We Belong Together (2005)

    Don't Forget About Us (2005)

    Touch My Body (2008)

    I don't think I have ever heard any one of these songs. I'll Be There I know what it is because it was a remake, but these number ones were number one where? We hear top hits, and going back however many years from "Every Breath You Take" in 1982 all the way to "uptown funk" this year and going back to the Beatles and Elvis and "I Will Survive" and so many others, when a song was a hit everybody heard it to the point you couldn't avoid it. "Livin La Vida Loca" "I Want It That Way" "Thriller"...real hits blasting from every car, in every store, on every station.

    I googled "Vision of Love" and can safely say I have never heard that song before in my life.

  5. Sansa started to change season 1. She started out being this silly girl even lying to protect Jofftey but by the end of the year she was thinking maybe it was time to kill him. Season 2 saw Sansa display her inner strength when it was she who calmed the women down at the battle of Blackwater and prevented everything from turning into panic and chaos--while all Cersei could do was drink. That was when Sansa proved she was strong, not when she died her hair black. You guys have this unfairly narrow view of what is strength, as if you are either Brienne or Cersei or you're nothing.

    As for the rape, well, she'll wind up a widow I'm sure so this just is one more reason to kill him. I do find the criticism that this is the worst thing he has ever done ridiculous. That is such a "women's pain to the front of the line" way of looking at things. This guy chopped Theon's penis off? He skins people alive and breaks their fingers one bone at a time while ripping their nails out, and sends people into the woods so his dogs can hunt and maul them while they run in fear. None of this happened to Sansa.

    Sansa has been shining since the very beginning, and thats why they changed the story to include her. They didn't want to writet out one of their main characters, and I don't blame them. Losing Sansa would be a critical hit for the show.

  6. I could cheat and explain what I know about him from the comics because the show has heavily borrowed from the comics when it comes to the Reverse Flash, but there is no guarantee the show will follow the original storylines it is borrowing from currently. You can google "Professor Zoom" for a complete history of this character, as well as "Flashpoint".

  7. What a great finale. I am not entirely sure why Barry didn't save his mother other than he told himself not to, but between that scene and Eddie and then the cliffhanger at the end this finale is the best hour of network television I have seen all year. The Flash started out weak but wound up becoming better than Arrow.

  8. Poor Sansa! Clearly she will have to light the candle in the top window in the near future so the northerners and Brienne can dispose of the Ramseys once and for all. Littlefinger's real goals remain unclear. He had to get the Ramseys to marry Sansa so Cersei could see this as a betrayal and name him Warden, but what about his backup plan of Stannis naming her Wardeness? I thought he might have actually had honest affection for Sansa but that seems hard to justify given tonight.

    Cersei's schemes against the Tyrell's were interesting as it wasn't actually Loras she was after, but Margerey. I don't see this ending well for them in the clutches of that fanatic, and Tommen is clearly a king in name only. The whole Arya story is interesting but a little confusing Is it they are able to adopt the faces of all those dead people?

    I love the Jaime and Bronn story. It's high adventure in cool costumes and great fights.

  9. I thought this finale was the weakest so far. Season one had the earthquake and season 2 had Slade and his army of whatever they were, but this was sort of blah. A poison in the air but we didn't even see them stop the plague, Ray's technology happened between commercial breaks. The Ollie Ras fight was a little anti climactic because this was the maybe third time they've battled this year. It was all okay, just nothing super exciting. I am very happy they fixed the Ray being Atom and not Iron Man problem. As far as comic book easter eggs go, I am going to assume next year we will meet Green Lantern because A) he is going to Coast City the home of Green Lantern, B ) he suddenly is a pilot and Green Lantern is a pilot, and C) on the Flash last night they mentioned how a Ferris pilot went missing--which is just how Green Lantern begins. We shall see.

    Barry showing up was cute but it does show an underlying problem in that whenever this gang is in trouble they can just call him to save everything. And there is no way he would decline to save an entire city from death because he has to get back to his own show. That was just a necessary way of getting rid of Barry before he could save the day before the next commercial break. I did like Ollie's cameo on Flash and it was sort of odd how it was Ollie and not Barry who had the big fight with Reverse Flash. The new Atom show is coming so we shall see how now three shows work together.

  10. So no Dany is the type of Queen that feeds men alive to her dragons? Complete horseshit. This never happened in the books and it's completely against her character.

    But this isn't the book. In the internal logic of this TV series did it make sense for TV Dany to do what she did? The books are not a factor. This is like how everyone knows in the books Batman has Robin sooner or later. In the Christian Bale movies he did not. You just have to move on. In the Avengers it was Ant Man who created Ultron, but Ant Man does not star in the Avengers movies so they had someone else do it. As long as it makes sense for the movie, it is what it is.

    At some point you may have to say to yourself you don't want to like the show, are predisposed to not liking it, and are seeking out ways to criticize it. You are not alone in this thread doing that. I love the show, and the stories are finally starting to come together. Sansa and Theon haven't been together since season 1 episode and yet here they are. Dany has never met any Lannisters and here comes Tyrion. Jon Snow is slowly stepping up to lead everyone. Is is the best season? No. Is it still better than all the trivial sitcoms and doctor shows and cop shows that get churned out on the assembly line year after year? Yes.

  11. The fact that she has the most successful Vegas show, the fact that this song is #1 on the Hot 100, the fact that she has more Twitter followers than almost any current pop act (save maybe Taylor Swift), the fact that Billboard just voted her as the most successful/influential act of the 2010s, and the fact that her last album, though her lowest selling, still managed to outsell Gaga and others with NO promotion whatsoever on Britney's part, pretty much proves she is far from "irrelevant".

    Maybe I am looking at a different hot 100 but tht Wiz Khalifa song is currently number one, followed by Uptown Funk (a really, really catchy tune and maybe the song of the summer)


    As I said, her die hard fams may disagee, and that is who her twitter followers are, but she is too old for 14 yr olds, hasn't had a breakthrough hit in years, and the fact she is hiding in Vegas where all oldies acts go I think just illustrates my point. That's like saying Billy Joel is a current major artist because he sells out Madison Sq. Garden. Where are her hits, hits being those insscapable songs that defy charts and are heard everywhere? Uptown Funk is one, Hit Me Baby One More Time was another, but what was Britney's hit these last ten years that anyone knows anymore or is heard anyplace? Where will anyone hear this "song" unless they go looking for it?

  12. OMG sad.png I don't know what I was expecting but something with some sort of melody would be nice:

    Maybe it'll grow on me. It seems like that kind of song. But still....

    That song is horrible. It isn't even a song. Britney stopped being relevant years and years ago and she doesn't even have the voice to become an oldies act. She started out with a bang but except for her diehard fans has she had any mega hits that made a dent on the pop culture in the last ten years? She has no singing talent, is too old to appeal to teens and just has nothing to offer. It's sad really. Her teen pop peers either proved their staying power musically (Timberlake and Christina), hit the nostalgia circuit (BSB) or tastefully receded into obscurity (all of NSync except Timberlake). She doesn't have the sense to give it up.

  13. Cersei sure went out of her way to get out of this marriage. It never even dawned on my that this is why she even bothered with this. Her son seems like such a nice kid, it's a shame he is surrounded by these people. I like the Bronn/Jaime story, they make a good team and t seems Bronn is just a character that would work well with anyone. I guess the most interesting scene was Stannis and his wife discussing Jon Snow, and Stannis throwing out this comment about Ned not being the type to fall for some slut, or whatever the term was. I guess that is clue enough that by the time the last episode airs it will be Jon who will be king. Just my theory.

    Whatever happened to Jon's uncle, the reason he joined the watch in the first place?

  14. The media is always out to catch the Clintons in something. This will be of no consequence to them, just like the previous 500 scandals the media tried to sell. All you have to do is see how the NYT got into bed with that Clinton bashing book author to see they want a story and don't care where they get it. Clinton scandals sell I guess, and the democratic party as zero story or drama. They have to come up with something or they have nothing to cover.

  15. This is a show I'm really struggling to pick up again. I finished Season 1, then never got around to watching it again, and now it just seems like a lot of work to go through two full seasons (of 22+ episodes).

    Is it any good? Does it maintain the quality of the first season, or do things change drastically?

    It seems as if one season of 13 episodes would be good for a show like this, something akin to Marvel's Daredevil.

    Season two was really good. I think my only real complaint with the show it is picks a villain per year and sometimes you can get tired of the villain but the year isn't over.

    I enjoy season three too, but it is a little different from the previous years.

  16. Lol the Sansa twist is predictable and absolutely illogical considering all the things Littlefinger has shown her. if it doesn't end with her slitting Ramsay's throat then it will be a joke.

    I do believe Littlefinger told her this marriage was about revenge, so we'll see,

  17. I love the Sansa twist. She is truly the strongest character on the show because she never stops enduring, and just when you think things can't get worse for her they do. I have a feeling though she will find a way to make the Boltons pay, and it will be great to see her reaction to the new Theon. I am going to assume there will be a dead Bolton somewhere down the line.

  18. I have the last episode of the Edge of Night on my youtube channel


    I also had original videos that I have done-tributes to Sky and Raven, Mike and Nancy, and the Women and Men of the Edge of Night

    I also started my blog the Monticello Times https://monticellotimes.wordpress.com/the-monticello-times/monticello-times-stories/

    I write about the trials and tribulations of the current and former residents of the city of Monticello from The Edge of Night

    Also, I will solve the mystery of Wonderland Lane in it

    Cool blog. When is that photo on your page of Forrest Compton and Ann Flood from?

  19. I believe PD signed a "two year" contract that began this season, but he didn't air that much this season. He probably just agreed to come back for one and the "two years" was a ruse so people wouldn't guess Derek would die this season. I had a bad feeling at the end of last episode but once I saw that Shonda was credited as the episode writer, that it would be a big episode, and that Derek would die. Poor Meredith. sad.png So much death in her family. I'm not a MerDer shipper but I liked them. Next week's ep looks even sadder with everyone finding out.

    The NY Post reported days ago that PD was deemed a diva and SR was not going to have any more onset problems. This was PD's Drake Ramoray moment.

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