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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. The show certainly has gone off into new territory. Now they are in ninja land with mystic powers. That's a far cry from when the show first started and the big villain seemed to be Moira and a corporate conspiracy. One of the downside to sharing a universe with FLASH is why doesn't Felicity just call Barry and have him run over there and bring down that temple brick by brick, subduing every assassin before they even grab their sword? Then he could Firestorm for help, and Ras and the league are toast before the first commercial break.

    As for Felicity, I love her, but now that and Ollie have crossed that bridge I think it sort of ruins their relationship because where else now is there for them to go? To be Mr and Mrs Arrow? I don't mind Ray at all. He is pefect in a dorky way but he sees to no he is slighty off. His power suit really annoys me. He is not Iron Man and I don't know why the show did this. Hopefully his spin off series next year will fix this.

  2. I guess this show isn't very popular with this forum.    I think it's great.   It got slightly off track this season but now it is getting crazy.   Shame Colton Haynes left the show but I guess there wasn;t much left for his character.    Thea's story is suddenly taken a very interesting turn to say the least.   I also like how they keep this show and The Flash tied with Cisco being on this episod and Lance being on tomorrow's Flash (following last week's Felicity and Ray episode).   Flash took a while to get going but it is pretty good, but Arrow has the meatier story.



    This is pretty cool


  3. Couldn't care less about Cersei and her issues.

    I like Cersei's story. I imagine her machinations will be her undoing because she is packing the offices with people not qualified for the job. Her uncle was right in everything he said to her, but I don't see him becoming a major character. LH does a great job as Cersei though and the way she clearly thought Jaime was an idiot for stating the obvious "It's a threat". And you have to love her unending contempt for Margeary. She has contempt for pretty much everybody and heeds no mind but her own. Tywin said it best a couple of years back: she isn't to be distrusted because she is a woman, she is to be distrusted because she is not as smart as she thinks she is. She's plenty smart, just not smart enough to run the kingdom. If she were she wouldn't be packing her council with nitwits just because she can control them. Tywin never did that; he packed his council with the A Team of King's Landing schemers and sneaks.

  4. For once the best part of the episode featured Mhysa Khalisee Dany. Tactical error there, Mhysa. You needed to have a law for justifiable homicide or temporary insanity. This will come back to bite you.

    Loved Sam's speech. Strong episode all around and nice to see Bronn again.

  5. They're one of the main reasons I stick with the show. I really think the strength of characterization and performances make them stand out. I also love how serious Stannis is without having to be emo, like Tyrion, Arya, and sadly, even Brienne have become. This show often seems to think somber = a 12 year old goth girl.

    They bring the show down for me every time they are on. She is a fake witch too. She gave birth in season 2 to black smoke or some sort of monster and nothing ever became of it. That was a fake out plot development that went nowhere. Then she put leeches on Gendry's tesiticles for some reason in season 3 but nothing ever became of that. She talks and talks but doesn't actually do anything.

  6. Lores to me is this tertiary character who the show clearly will not spend time on unless the plot calls for it. Bronn was Tyrion's BFF for the first few years so yes he will get more writing than Lores, who is nothing more than Margeary's brother. Margeary herself isn't a main character so it shouldn't be that big a shock her support characters don't get much attention. It's like that wild woman who is tending to the MIA Rickon, she exists and we know her, but the show is not in the business of hanging stories on her. Or Rickon apparently, or Gendry, or the magical sister who is with Bran, or so many others who are on to flesh out the show and the world. Lores might eventually have a dramatic purpose, but that time clearly isn't now.

  7. Stannis Baratheon's style of upper management has begun to remind me of my eccentric boss. "Hurry, Jon Snow!"

    He is a tiresome grumpy drippy character and I never enjoy when he and his whole crew is on. He, his friend, and that witch girlfriend of his are all no fun to watch.

  8. I thought the premiere was pretty good. Cersei seems surprisingly upset Tywin is dead but I guess her problems with her father were not one dimensional, Not sure why we needed the flashback but the girl who played her did a good job. Everything else seems like setting stuff up, but Dany once again has the same old problems controlling her city and her dragons. I just never see where her story goes anywhere year after year. She just treads water with these incidental little problems that stall for time. Poor Brienne just missed another Stark girl, Stannis is still sort of a drip, and Tyrion is still traveling. I guess not much happened but they did bring us up to date on most of the characters.

  9. A lot of the criticism started after the Cersei/Jaime rape scene, which I do think was a horrible misstep, one that significantly lowered my interest in Jaime as a character. By the end of the season most critics seemed supportive enough again, at least of what they always like (rah rah Arya, Tyrion, The Hound, etc.). What it has never been cool to like (Jon's story), they continued to tut-tut.

    I read a few reviews for the new season, but stopped when every one of them had to include, "They're moving away from the books and that's so good and shows how brilliant they are because the books are so complicated!!!"

    I have never read the books but everyone I know that has are in lockstep agreement the later books are not as good and the 4th book in particular I think it is is the weakest of the lot. The critique is always the main characters in the series are mostly absent and you just have to muddle through this huge portion to get back to business. The TV show does not have that luxury in giving most of the cast the year off to focus on secondary characters people really aren't tuning in for, so they did fix it from almost every point of view possible that I can see.

  10. This was pretty good. I have no idea who the star is or what he has been in before, but he is better in the role than Ben Affleck. I only watched one episode but they did a good job of setting him up as this genuinely nice do-gooder living in this dirty world of corruption and conspiracy. I think the whole street vigiliante thing has some dated aspects to it. Both in here and Batman they have to create these worlds of rampant crime while the real NY is sparkling and reletively crime free. This is especially true in the area no longer called Hell's Kitchen where on the very streets they pretend to show here you will actually find Chipotle and Starbuck and gentrified bars. But they can't do crime stories about exorbitant condo prices so these 1970s era nightmare cities will have to do.

    Fight scenes were good, the crime was grim, the story is solid, the acting is good, the scenery sets the mood. TV show well done.

  11. Not sure if this helps you any - looks like she hasn't been in a lot.


    What did you think of this Nicole?

    That's the Nicole I was introduced to when I first started watching the show, so she is just Nicole to me. I think what was shocking was almost immediately after this murder mystery was resolved the show took a breath and then Nicole got it. I was shocked anyway. Nicole's death I remember just because there was a little creativity in it to the point of silliness. As I recall she was killed with poison make up. Something like that.

  12. OMG!!!! This is it, one of the most memorable moments I ever saw on a soap. I was talking recently about this in a thread a week or so back. It was so different the way they had her talking into the camera and then that choking out of nowhere. I have never forgot Nora Fulton or her death. The actress did a bang up job playing her, I wonder whatever became of her. I don't recall seeing her anywhere else.

  13. Some of those memes crack me up.

    A lot of fans don't care about Sasha. Other fans, like me, care a lot and want to see her stay around. There are some fans who will never accept anyone who isn't within a certain small group (like Rick/Daryl/Carol/maybe Michonne).

    Norman was on SNL last night, briefly.

    Yeah, Sasha to me just the next red shirt waiting to be killed off. She is better than Tyrese but everyone is better than Tyrese except that stupid priest. Sasha I think just had the bad luck of being saddled with Tyrese and consequently became "let me go to the bathroom while this is on" fodder. She got a promotion when Tyrese died so I will watch her but can't really care, and now my official eye glaze character is Eugene, Abraham and that girl who has no personality except she came on wearing short shorts.

    For me the problem with Sasha is I honestly don't know what she is so traumatized about. Andrea never behaved this way, Glen never behaved this way, Maggie, Carl, Lori, Hershel...none of them carried on the way this whiney brother/sister act have been doing for the last two years. I don't know what has her so upset? Is it Bob. They just inserted this trauma onto what was a blank slate, and expect me to care.

  14. Very happy neither Daryl nor Carol died. The writing was a little sloppy in parts. How did Glen survive? This was basically a Tyrese patented off-camera escape for something that would inescapable if on camera. Why didn't Glen kill that guy? How did Morgan beat off 100 walkers with a stick? Why didn't Maggie ever tell anyone that she overheard Father ass-hole talking bad about the group to Deanna? Carol and Rick had just decided Michonne was not on the same page, why did Rick offer to give Michonne his only gun? When Rick killed the two walkers how does he know there aren't others strolling the streets and rummaging through the houses?

    All that said, I enjoyed this episode. Daryl has his new BFF which is cool, because you have to question whether Daryl had ever known a gay guy before. The whols truck trap at the food depot was great. Sasha laying atop the walkers was cool, and the scene with her and Putzy Priest was well done.

    I can't believe no one died. Andrew Lincoln tweeted about how saying goodbye is hard, and Norman Reedus said to bring your handkerchiefs. I guess it was all subterfuge.

    Oh yeah, Daryl's whip chain three for one kill was the coolest kill yet any of our group has done.

  15. Whoever directed that was an ass man (or woman)...

    Seriously, you can see why the directing team of this era revolutionized soaps. That last shot is perfect - a quiet, simple-but-satisfied ending to all that yelling and hysteria.

    80s GH was extremely well directed and far superior in that department to all the other soaps even to this day. That aftermath shot with first Tiffany and Emma, then pan to Rick and Leslie and finally what looks to be a crane shot over to Dan and Ruby is beyond anything seen on soaps before or since. If the shot called for tracking on a dolly or a crane, or overhead, they just did it.

    This clip is not able to be embedded but I love it, the ending is so well done and it is one of my favorite GH scenes of all time:


    The ending when it goes silent for a beat is perfect and then the crowd shot. There is no way any soap could stage this scene today. The money is just not there for quality production values.

  16. What a kickass libertarian Rand Paul is!


    No wonder his daddy's supporters are deserting him in droves.

    Ron Paul may be a crackpot about many things but he was a true believer even when it would cost him. Last time around he made all those republican debates entertaining by taking every one of the others on on every topic. Rand Paul is not as brave because he probably feels he has a realistic chance of securing the nomination, but he doesn't. His cause would have been better served sticking to his guns, getting that decent double digit share, and pulling his party towards his positions so perhaps in the future a libertarian might have a shot.

    But alas he genuflects to the christians and the so-called values voters. More bible thumpers are the last thing this country needs. There are already way too much as it is.

  17. I think Lori was written out earlier than planned because of fan negativity. I think "Caryl" and "Bethyl" were baited for fan reaction too.

    In the case of Michonne, it's not just about whether or not she will be with Rick, it's why she needs to be defined by his story or being his protector. This is creating a negative situation where she is some type of enforcer compared to noble victim Jessie. It redirects people from thinking of Michonne on her own terms, and instead seeing her as Rick's betrayer, or Rick's keeper. It limits her significantly.

    I think you are looking at the show with far too strong soap couple glasses. I don't see any of this. For the longest time everyone I knew thought Michonne was lesbian and loved Andrea. All week long I have been discussing the show with those of my friends who watch it, and have yet to even hear once any mention of Jessie. Most refer to her as "that woman who cut his hair" or "that girl he likes". She is a minor concern, insignificant I think to most people except whathisname who has to talk about them on Talking Dead and the writers. She has been on three episodes, why do you give this character such weight?

    People think of Michonne on her own terms already because she has a cool sword. Don't underestimate that sword's appeal. I really think if she did not have the sword she would have been written out long ago but the sword is her great and main selling point. Daryl has his arrows. These things matter to people whether we like to admit it or not. What makes a character cool to people and therefore popular? Swords is a good an answer as any.

  18. To me, Rick, Daryl and Carol all feel very isolated from the group

    But the group is really just there to offer support to the stars of the show. Yes it is an ensemble, but the characters that are the shows bread and butter are Rick, Carol, Daryl and Carl. Perhaps Michonne now too. I really hope I am wrong about Carol being the next to go, but we shall see.

  19. Pretty good interview on the fight scene.

    (as always try to ignore the comments)


    My favorite part of this episode was the Sasha/Michonne/Rosita sequence, which many others, of course, dismiss as pointless. I like that it wasn't just a "girl power!" scene, but a way to show how broken Sasha is and how Michonne is struggling to cope herself, trying to reconcile who she is in Alexandria to the colder person she was for so long. Nice to see Rosita integrated into the group as well.

    For me Sasha's problems are pretty inconsequential. She is just a half step in front of Eugene and Abraham when it comes to how central to the show and the main stories she is. That may be just a by-product of her not being Rick, Daryl or Carol, but this is really her first storyline other than her mourning the true love of her life, the guy she dated for all of one episode.

  20. In Deanna's defense, this wife beater happens to be the only doctor or surgeon on earth for all intents and purposes.. It sucks but in a very Carol way of looking at things the group must survive and this guy has the most important skills of all. I could see why she is loathe to lose him. Had he not been a wifebeater I am sure everyone would agree his survival would be of paramount importance and certainly just as valued as an architect. When the human race is on the line and you see your group as the last front holding down the fort for civilization, what do you do with your only doctor when he goes bad? Once he is gone who will teach the future doctors?

  21. The actors who played Rory and Marley were asked but had to back out due to other commitments. He was on tour. She was filming the Supergirl pilot for CBS

    Its too bad the show didn't ask the guest stars back. Would have been nice to have Holly Holiday or to see Kate Hudson' Cassanda at the Tony's. I thought both were excellent on the show, and Hudson especially really worked her songs. They brought back Carol Burnett (whose voice is fading) so they could have done something with some of the others.

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