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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Strong episode. That fight was intense and Rick was like a wild animal. His rant at the end he was slightly unhinged even though the things he was saying were sort of correct. He went about it all wrong. I don't see how or why Deanna would let him stay especially after the incident with her son dying. From her point of view things went south once this crew arrived. I guess we don't know what it was like beforehand.

    Sasha lost her mind too, but again, she is right. There are walkers literally lining up at the wall trying to get in and these people are making casseroles. Carl and the girl? Eh, not really that important to me but whatever. Next week's preview is troubling for me because for the last two weeks I have had this nagging worry that Carol might be coming to the end of the line and there she is in the preview getting right into the middle of the situation. Plus

    Melissa McBride is a guest on next week's Talking Dead along with Norman Reedus and the show usually matches the guests to who had a significant episode, and Andrew Lincoln's earlier comments about saying goodbye to someone

    Interesting what is going on with the W situation. Maybe that will be the cliffhanger.

  2. A satisfying finale for the most part. I liked the flashback to the original kids, and how nice to have an episode of just the originals, but it was a weird choice to not include Quinn, Briittany and Santana except for one brief cameo which if you blinked you missed it. Nice way they incorporated Finn and I guess his absence was glaring. Weird seeing Will's first wife again.

    The second half was happy and sad but again, no Quinn, no Santana, no Brittany, no Puck. They all showed their faces in the finale (at least I think Puck was there) but I wish we got to see something of them. Sue becoming VP was just silly, but Will changing the world of Lima was very sweet. The finale was nice that they got every cast member ever to come back but I feel they went by the faces too fast and that almost none of them registered. Was little Puck there, or the Irish guy? I think I saw the sandal dreadlock guy, but what about the girl who was the star of the new teens who had the overweight mother? I guess she was there but the camera wouldn't slow down for a second. I wish Mike Chang got to say something, oh well.

    So now Glee is over and I think we have to give it its due in that the first two seasons the show was well done and really hit a dramatic height with the Kurt/Karofsky story. The coming of Blaine was a huge moment for Glee and turned Darren Criss into maybe the biggest star on the show? Perhaps. The later years the show dipped in quality. I forget what was happening in season 3. West Side Story I guess, and Quinn in the car accident. Season 4 is a bit of a blur. I am not sure what happened in season 4. Was that the split season? Then Season 5 was strict;y NY? I honestly have no idea what happened last year either. Finn died and everyone came home and nothing else stands out.

    If I had to pick my favorite performance of the entire series I guess I have to go with The Warblers at The Gap maybe, or when they sang Bills Bills Bills. I have watched some of the earlier episodes on Netflix, and stuff like the football team dancing to Beyonce is worth going back to check out.

  3. Palmer before hand was a much more serious character before hand. I think his relationship with Opal is when he became comic relief.

    Opal definitely ruined Palmer, but he had a touch of comedy fairly early on. He and Myra had a great comic relationship throughout the 80s and he then was affiliated with Mr U. Opal destroyed Palmer as any sort of lead. I hated that relationship from day one because it was obvious where this was heading. I guess the show felt they already had Adam and Palmer was getting up there in years and it was time to move him out of lead stories and more into wacky day player status.

  4. I am surprised Bibi won reelection. His outright admission he is against two states puts him in direct contradiction with the US policy and even if it is just a fiction all parties pretend to want, admitting it will never happen just makes it all a mess. What then is there left to discuss with the Palestinians and what is the US supposed to say to them? He needed to go. He has been around far too long and the guy is an obstacle for any sort of peace. Not that the Palestinians actually want peace but it seems tough for any Palestinian to have wiggle room for talks of any kind.

  5. Interesting episode. Those two back to back deaths were disturbing, watching the faces as they experience being eaten alive. I don't undertand Father Boring, and his nonsense ramblings. The guy is a useless character who appears now to only have one purpose: being deranged and mopey and paranoid about the people who saved him multiple times. Then hopefully he will die.

    This was Abraham's best episode to date and as long as he stays away from his irrelevant pain and personal anguish I can tolerate him. I must say I was shocked about Noah. It seems like he just got here and dead already? Easy come easy go I guess. The one I worry for is Carol because here she is again deciding someone needs to die. Her cold realism and ability to make decision is starting to morph into this dangerous, slight crazy killer ready to threaten or take out anybody. I guess it is good she went to Rick because the next step will be her killing people and Rick having to uncover the murderer. I really hope they aren't writing her into a corner.

  6. Good trailer if only for Drogon....

    That was really good but considering it is Dany, it probably is all editing tricks. Nothing exciting ever happens with Dany and it is tough to imagine this year will be an exception. She's threaten, she'll make speeches, and then the show will find some excuse for her lack of these mythical boats she has been searching for since 2011.

    Speaking of boats, I wonder if Gendry is still rowing away in that little boat of his. We last saw him in 2013 I think.

  7. That's a fair point. I guess they took the bait - either that or they knew this was going to be an issue no matter what.

    I really do wonder if she's going to decide not to run, especially with Bill's health.

    Why would she not run? If there was anything truly scandalous in these emails than someone received them and they could potentially leak out. Bill seems to be in decent health and he would be a great asset to her. There are no history making black candidates running this time to steal thunder away from a history making woman candidate, so she has the whole history caucus on her side. Who are the republicans going to send against her? If she runs I think she will win despite general resistance to older women by the US.

  8. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/hillary-clinton-email-press-conference-115947.html?hp=t1_r

    I swear it's like we never, ever leave Bill-land and Hillary-land. 5, 10, 15, 20 years. Nothing changes with these confusing scandals always made worse by incompetent, media-hungry aides.

    James Carville said it best when he went on Andrea Mitchell. He said the media has two rules, one for the Clintons and one for everyone else, that nobody did anything illegal, and that Mitchell and media take their cues from right wing talking points. He also said there was little to gain by responding to this scandal because no matter what the Clintons say it will never be enough and that years of every -Gate imaginable manufactured by the media shows that the Clintons have very little to gain indulging the media or republicans.

    I read another essay that said the Clintons know all they have to do is stonewall until a new news item comes along and the media forgets this one. The Clintons having secrets is old news, and the media needs new news.

  9. Michonne IMO, who is more level-headed than Rick and Carol but open and willing to change, not utterly traumatized and scheming the way they are. Michonne is clearly positioned as the voice of reason, who Rick and Carol are currently shutting out. They do have to be strong, but they can't be nuts.

    I disagree that Michonne is more level headed than Carol. I don't think anyone can be more level headed than Carol and she is so level to the point that her cold logic and ability to see anything and everything as a problem with a solution that she is borderline nuts herself without realizing out.

  10. Holy F*ck, Carol!!

    That was weird. Carol is truly the most hardened of the group, and mentally the toughest going all the way back to season 2 when she needed a walker to practice c-sections on. I liked this episode because it was about how the core three are going about their business and it seems it is Daryl who is the one being seduced most. That he didn't want the gun was telling and I think he really wants to make this work. Rick is being more obviously seduced but he is honestly experiencing the personal drama of being there. Carol though is different in that she is not honestly interacting with any of them, not allowing even a moment to be truly in the moment. She would never allow herself to honestly interact with anyone the way Rick and Daryl have, and I have a slight worry for her on the show.

  11. Which is part of the problem.

    I don't see it as a problem. They have a complicated private life but that doesn't impact their abilities. He is better than she is at doing stuff but she isn't bad. If it took 200 girlfriends and a hundred political schemes to make Bill Clinton into Bill Clinton, then it is great he did all that. There is just nothing left to say about them and their secrets. Everybody knows the Clintons will always have an angle or some shady aspect to everything they do and most people accept it and don't seem to care.

    People should vote for Hillary to backdoor Bill back into a position of influence. They were always buy one get one free, and he knows his stuff.

  12. Same here. I'm a Hilary supporter and I'll vote for her because she's a street fighter who isn't afraid to play dirty but the idea of another Clinton vs. Bush leaves me cold because people will just keep rehashing Bill and George.

    I don't think there is any downside to rehashing Bill. The only people that cared about Monica Lewinsky were those that hated Bill anyway. Clinton has enjoyed a high popularity rating since the day he left office andHillary should have Bill out front and center. Also, I don't see a downside for Hillary in rehashing George. Extended discussions about Dick Cheney's presidency can only help.

  13. I took a break when it was announced that Slade was returning; I am over him and have no interest. I caught up and the storyline is becoming a little convoluted. Why would Ras want Ollie to take his place? Based on his ability to lose a fight?

    Anyway, Ray and his ATOM suit doesn't work for me. The Atom isn't Iron Man and I am going to need to see serious shrinkage to get on board with the rumored Atom spin-off coming. Nice to see the one true Beastmaster.

  14. This was a good episode and I like how it gave unsaid yet clear as day insights into the core, older characters. Daryl doesn't need to say why he is uncomfortable, of course he would be. This is not any world he would fit in even if he was guaranteed safety. Carl looking at these kids wanting to play video games and not wanting to become weak was great. The two best for me were Carol and Rick. Carol pretending to be Susie Homemaker is so typically Carol. The enemies ignore her at their own peril because when all is said and done Carol is the most dangerous of all of them. So if the eventual baddies go after Rick and Michonne, it will be Carol who gets the last surprise in.

    Rick's shave was great. That scene reminded me of Lucy Coe a little, and just watching him shave was great. This entire episode was almost an anti-soap: you don't need characters narrating every thought to show what's going on upstairs.

  15. Brainwashed hick kid. He doesn't even know what he is saying and some of his sentences don't really make sense. I love the bit about how the dead journalists Isis killed in Syria have a constitutional right to be journalists. In Syria???

  16. This was a really good episode. I loved that whole driving through walkers sequence and the running through the walker forest after. The character stuff was good too, and I liked how Michonne remembered to ask the questions. The new guy seems like he will be a good guy because they bothered to show that he has a relationship. If he was a villain I doubt they would have bothered. As a villain the important thing is how they impact the group, whereas with this guy we got a scene about him and his boyfriend that had nothing to do with the group. Therefore he is a going concern for the show and I assume his BF will die in short order.laugh.png

  17. This man just gets more and more disgusting, delusional, and pandering.


    Giuliani is trying to stay relevant even though we are almost 15 years out from 9/11. The only thing I have to agree with Rudy on is Obama's anti christian comments trying to create moral equivalency so everyone won't notice that all these horrible things in the world are being committed in the name of islam. "A Thousand years ago christians did it too, so people who live in glass houses..."

    Ridiculous. For starters it was a thousand years ago, the expiration date long expired, and at some point you expect some sort of enlightenment to kick in even in the Islamic world. They are Islamic terrorists, burning people alive and decapitating them in the name of Islam, shooting cartoonists for Islam. Why does Obama want us to pretend we don't know this? When the mainstream media trots out the "everybody does it" moral equivalency BS for republicans benefit it is lame, the same holds true for Obama trying to pretend we have real world christian parallels to Islamic warriors killing everyone in their path. Beheadings, burning people alive, killing people who won't convert...they are all strictly Islamic things in 2015. Obama was not only tone deaf, he was an idiot when he said that comment.

  18. I don't even remember if Robin Williams ever hosted the show and not sure in what capacity they would remember him. If they did a tape of dead hosts and musical guest they probably would have needed another hour.

    I wonder if Buck Henry is not well enough to attend. He must be quite old by now but he was a major presence on the show during the original cast years.

  19. I really want to know who this new guy is. His clothes are clean, he has a nice shave, and he doesn't seem to be all that hungry. I could believe there are survivors wherever it is that they are, but how does this person, good or bad, know Rick's name?

    As for the episode itself, I am glad they finally addressed their dumb writing when it came to Maggie's complete disinterest in Beth this entire year. That was sloppy but at least they know it. Love Daryl and Carol, but Sasha mourning her waste brother and crying priest burning his collar do nothing for me. Abraham's drinking his depression away also doesn't interest me and he should have let whatever it is his name is taste the water. That guy is useless too. If Carl gets any taller he will soon be taller than Rick. I loved him as the crazy mini killer who looked 12 but could kill as well as anyone, but as he gets taller and taller that charm evaporates. Now he is just a regular person.

  20. I thought it was a really good show and for me it was Dan Ackroyd who was my favorite. No one has ever been able to duplicate or imitate him but he's just the best.

    i liked the Wayne's World and I thought it was endearing that Kanye played along. Sarah Palin was a good sport, as was Alec Baldwin. I liked the opening with Fallon and Timberlake and it was nice to see Jane Curtin, Garret Morriss and Laraine Newman again (although in her case it is tough to recognize her). Joe Piscopo too even though his bit fell a little flat.

    Paul Simon was the best musically but I thought Miley Cyrus did a good job covering his song earlier. I do wish more time had been spent reflecting on John Belushie, Gilda Radner and Jan Hooks.

  21. I expect Ryan Paevey to do well as a co host. He handled himself fine during the daytime emmy incident and show presence of mind and an ability to show charm and personality on camera. He will handle this effortlessly I imagine.

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