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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Marco Rubio was okay, I found the whole outrage at the moderators pretty fabricated.   Chris Christie is boring and one dimensional with his perpetually annoyed shtick.  I didn't find the moderators rude.   They weren't particularly great but they weren't anti-candidates.  That network had no business hosting the debate but at least they sounded like they new what they were talking about when it came to Wall Street questions.

  2. Yeah, this  year has not started out strong.   I like the addition of Jay and Earth 2 but the new romantic interest is just too cute and quirky.  I don't care about Iris' mother and FFed her every scene,   The new Firestorm was introduced rather abruptly and I don't know, am I supposed to automatically be interested in him because he is now Firestorm?   With Ronnie they at least laid some groundwork. 

    Arrow is off to a much stronger start.

  3. Call me crazy, but I don't think he's dead. I think Nicholas sacrificed himself for Glen, who was covered in his gore and will live.  Maybe. I know that seems unrealistic, but I don't believe they would kill Glen without one of the other characters there to witness it. 


    I guess that is possible, much the way on Dynasty Alexis flipped Dex over and landed on him so he died and she didn't, but if that is the case that will be officially the most far fetched moment in Walking Dead History.

  4. I can't believe they killed Glen.  He must be the first original cast member to go since Andrea.   The truth is he partially died due to his own naive faith in this guy who never deserved any, had never proved himself to be smart of reliable or faithful, and Glen should not have allowed this guy to lead him into this dead end.   I actually thought Michonne was about to get it too, but the show has never killed two people off in one episode.  Poor Glen, he was the first member of the group we met, but the last couple of years he sort of had no purpose.  It will be interesting to see what the show has in store for Maggie now.

  5. I wanted Biden to run. Oh well.


    He would have embarassed himself tragically and ended his entire career in shame and taking Hillary down at the same exact time....I'm so glad he decided against. We won't even get into what a liability his mouth would have been.


    Sanders is just the candidate for the upper white liberals in NH and Vermont. In the diverse parts of America, Hillary will sweep the board. 


    Thank God that nitwit Lincoln Chafe dropped out. His entire goal was just to shade Clinton over Iraq and the emails. He might as well have ran as a Republican.

    Bernie Sanders has a lot of important things to say, or rather to ask.   Why is it everyone in the west except Americans get family vacation and socialized medicine?   Why wre we second class citizens of the world while billionaires get lower and lower tax rates?   I know these questions are deemed unamerican by the media or laughed at, but nobody ever bothers to answer Bernie.  If people would vote for Bernie then he would be electable, but the whole self fulfilling prophesy of he can't win will see to it he can't win.  

  6. It's interesting that when the ratings tally live and the next day that ratings are down to the point the value of AMC took a hit this week.   But when they do same day plus 3 more days on DVR ratings are up to 20 million biting at the heels of the top network shows.   I wonder if their demo pure audience being so young is just doing what the networks and cable companies dread:  continually finding other ways to watch.

    I think that plus the show is getting older, meaning there are more episodes which gives new viewers less incentive to binge watch.


    The last two episodes have been very action packed but the show is still badly written. The dialogue has absolutely no substance, the characters are inert, the plot (is there one?) is going nowhere. Carol is one of the top ten TV characters ever but even she is not enough to make this show good

    I have to disagree.  I find the show excellent filled with some compelling characters and tension filled episodes.  It also manages to include character pieces fleshing out people but it is also very plot heavy keeping the story moving.   Just look at where they are this year vs this time last year when they had just escaped Terminus.   So much has happened since then.  I have no idea what network shows do weekly as far as story goes, but I find it hard to believe Scandal or NCIS or whatever pack as much into their year as TWD does into its.  The show is well directed, well acted and well written.

  7. It's interesting that when the ratings tally live and the next day that ratings are down to the point the value of AMC took a hit this week.   But when they do same day plus 3 more days on DVR ratings are up to 20 million biting at the heels of the top network shows.   I wonder if their demo pure audience being so young is just doing what the networks and cable companies dread:  continually finding other ways to watch.

  8. I think Rand Paul went about this the wrong way.   His father most certainly did have a moment in 2012 but Rand is not as good a candidate as Ron.   Perhaps instead of running for president and then being forced to sell out trying to appeal to people, they should have borrowed a page from the tea party and juat concentrate on getting congressmen elected so they could form a libertarian bloc the republican leadership would be forced to deal with?   Republicans enjoy their success today not because of their great candidates, but because they spent 20 years going after state legislatures and governorships, and got to redraw all the maps in their favor.    That ground up strategy has really paid off for them (even if it happened by accident), and that is also something Paul Sr and Jr should be looking into:   state politicians. 


    Ron Paul was a great right wing candidate to the point that democrats found him charming and liked some of his positions.   Rand comes across as just another politician.   It's a shame for Ron that whatever inroads he made in 2012 are being wiped out by his son.  

  9. I watched the clip and i have complete sympathy for Ann Coulter regarding the View.   They brought her on to their show and the objective was to tagteam her but as crazy as she is she is better at this than they are.    So first they have that spanish woman (I have no idea who she is) saying she doesn't have to be a maid.   That is irrelevant and apropos of  nothing.  Ann Coulter has never discussed wealthy immigrant celebs who get paid to be appear on TV and how their are impacting the country.   Then Raven Symone starts her little shtick with this bogus speech about how her mother told her if you don't have anything nice to say better to say nothing at all. 



         What got me were the trained seals in the audience who applauded Raven for that hypocritical little gem.   Then Ann Coulter shuts her right down, politely, and yet the audience doesn't applaud her for calling out Miss Symone on her hypocrisy.   As a matter of fact not a single person on that panel bothered to say "Ann has a point" but they were all talking over each other to not let her get a word in defending herself, interrupting her when they thought they had a new line of attack.    She's the F-ing guest and doesn't deserve that.   And the joke is all this does is allow her to go to FOX for a segment on what BS the liberal media is--and this time it will 100% right.

  10. Great episode but it is a shame they have made Morgan the new Dale/Herschel/Tyrese.   He can die anytime now with his pacifist preaching and non stop overthinking.   This character type sucks, and it sucks no matter what name it goes by.   Carol should have just shot him.   Speaking of Carol, she is still taking names and proving she is the most dangerous one of all.  She pretty much did 90% of the work saving the town.  Little disappointed in Carl.   He was needed  and capable and he sat it out to protect his sister, but I wish he had gotten a little more action.

  11. I was busy with school so not watching much in 1985 and am not familiar with this Nina, but I loved and adored Daisy and for my money Enid Nelson is the greatest soap creation of all time so any chance to see her is welcome.   She is such a perfect character in that everything wrong with the human condition can be found in her.   Every deadly sin she is guilty of probably except murder, every character flaw she has, she is perfect.    Daisy was perfect for all the right reasons.

  12. Second episode much better than the first.   They worked in the singularity more now than last week, and set up their formula for the year I assume.   I loved Earth 2 as a kid, and it was great to see Jay Garrick in his helmet, and they even recreated a noteworthy comic book cover image as a homage.  Earth 2 itself was interesting, you could see the retro decor, hair and clothing in their STAR Labs and I that is good.   The worlds didn't develop the same so they could eventually just plonk Barry and Jay down in whatever earth they want and we could get interesting visuals.   The idea of multiple earths also gave them an easy out for Wells.  


    New cop/love interest is okay but they sort of moved this very fast.   Teddy Sears is fine as Jay and he has a good authoritative, mature presence to him which will contrast nicely with Grant Gustin's youthfulness.  

  13. This episode was alright, nothing special characterwise.  The giant quarry of walkers was very impressive though.  Morgan and Rick are becoming old very fast.  "I know you".  "No, I know YOU"  "I know my little shmoopsie and I wuv him".   Enough with the knowing already.   Could not care less about Abraham, Eugene, Rosita or Sasha.  Abraham's new insta-problems are about as exciting as Sasha's were last year, 

    Six months and where was Carl?


  14. Good opening.  The one-two surprises at the end really set up the season.   This might be Lance's last season, and I have to assume Barry was there for Felicity but that could be a fake out.  Not feeling Diggle's anger or his secret keeping.   The biggest let down was the return--again--to the island.  Let it go, show.

  15. Clearly Rosie is a horror show because the evil that she has inside her can't help but express itself in her face at random times.   She is an ugly, ugly unhappy woman whose nastiness cannot be contained.    Every so often it comes out and you see it in her facial expressions.    That said, teenage runways are not the most reliable sources for gossip.

  16. Solid finale but I wish they spent more time milking the singularity and Ronnie's actions a little.  There was danger and drama to be shown and they dispatched it in a minute.


    I have always loved Jay Garrick's cool retro costume, but from what I have seen the show has toned it down colorwise which will be a disappointment.   I didn't fully understand the father's decision at the end there, it reeked of sentimentality for the sake of sentimentality.  "How can we get a touching moment here?   Anyone have any ideas?"  I can almost hear the writers saying, and I prefer this kind of Hallmark Card moments on shows I do not watch.

  17. Nicolle Wallace is better off on Morning Joe, where they can discuss issues for a little longer and you don't have sitting with you imbeciles hired by the network because they say dumb stuff that might get buzz for all the wrong reasons.    I will say one thing though, a couple weeks back when Trump phoned in to the View, Joy Behar asked far tougher questions than anything Meet The Press might ask.  She even did follow ups and challenged Trump when he gave what she felt was factually incorrect answers.    Rather than bringing Nicholle back to the View, they should bring Joy to Morning Joe.

  18. I think Carly Fiorino is a good candidate but she is too new for this presidential cycle.  I doubt she has the volunteers and workers needed to run a campaign.   She is a very good performer at debates and when she talks she sounds like a real human.  I didn't follow her failed run at the senate but perhaps she can use her fame from this time to recruit money and supporters for next time.  Marco Rubio will run afoul of his ultra conservative views.   If he is unfortunate enough to win the nomination he will find his positions are so outside the mainstream that he will finish out of the money.   Trump, assuming he doesn't get bored, will be there til the end but I imagine the republicans will eventually come back to Bush.   Ben Carson doesn't have a prayer.  I don't know why the media pretends he is a real factor in anything.  He's a doctor, what the hell does he know about nukes, terrorists and finance?  No one will vote for him except the true blue republicans.

  19. I think each season has been better than the last, to be honest (although by no means perfect). And I came in deeply skeptical.

    The show stumbled when they did the stretch with the solo episodes, but otherwise I find it one of the best shows on TV, and certainly better than the sterilized, naughty word free world of network TV.   People can watch Hawaii 5-0 or NCIS or whatever, but The Walking Dead beats them all.


    I  refuse to watch anything on the big networks after the recent Dracula debacle on NBC.  I do the superhero shows on CW but after that is is pretty much Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones and nothing else. 

  20. I'd say we shouldn't call them "anchor babies" because there's no real point in attacking a baby for something they have no control over. Not because of political correctness. Not to mention that many of the people pushing this term were "anchor babies" themselves.

    It's not really a statement about them but about the parents who according to Trump come here two minutes prior to delivery and then say "My Son, The American".   I don't see how this qualifies as a slur, or even why using the term is controversial.   Is anyone denying this goes on?

  21. Marco Rubio's position on abortion is just he first sign how extreme he is and not in step with the people.   He won't win and if he were the nominee the center would flock to his opponent.  The media loves him for some reason but as yet it is unclear that anyone else does.



    I kind of felt sad for Nicolle Wallace I thought she was very classy today despite not being renewed. She did grow alot in the last year and hopefully she will land somewhere else soon.

    She was a regular on Morning Joe for the longest time.   That is a pretty big show for political types and gets a lot of big time guests--often bigger than The View.  She should just go back there and not waste her time on shows that worry about cooking segments and Kardashians.

  23. I think everyone may have gotten it wrong and Trump is no joke who is going to self destruct.   He has said things again and again that would have ruined anybody else and he is still here.    I also think he was right about the debate and their fake questions and he made everyone else look like phony politicians--especially Rand Paul.

    Disclosure: I didn't watch the debate and I won't.


    We're still a year and some change out from the election. He has months to continue making an ass of himself. The bottom line is that he will drop out because if he wants to be president he will have to give up most of his business interests. We won't be able to negotiate with countries where he owns or wants to own real estate so he'll have to ditch most of his financial interests by, at the very least, putting them in the names of his wife du jour or kids. The closer he gets to the White House, the more of his life is going to become an open book. If Mitt Romney couldn't bear to show his financials, Trump certainly won't. And don't even get me started on his health records. How much viagra based heart damage do you thing he has? :lol:


    But the money is the real issue. He's not going to stop being a mogul, just so he can become president.

    He is such an egomaniac that he probably is salivating at the chance to be one on one with Hillary.   Hillary is A List and that is just the company Trump wants to be in.  Ideally he pulls a Ross Perot and we get a threeway with Bush. 

    As for the debate, it was a bit of a farce.   From the very first question it was the Trump show and every question was designed to show him in a bad light.  Not that there weren't questions designed to show everyone in a bad light, but Trump knows nobody is paying attention to any of them and 24 million people tuned in to watch him and only him.   The pundits always go on TV and declare him dead and they are wrong every time.   He has a cult of personalty and his followers just don't care.   He also has unfair advantage of 35 years in the spotlight and 10 years maybe on TV.  He will overshadow the rest of them every time because he knows what works on TV and they don't.    The whole brouhaha with Megyn Kelly was interesting because everyone declared he imploded and yet he won the battle with FOX.

  24. I think everyone may have gotten it wrong and Trump is no joke who is going to self destruct.   He has said things again and again that would have ruined anybody else and he is still here.    I also think he was right about the debate and their fake questions and he made everyone else look like phony politicians--especially Rand Paul.

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