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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. I wanted to see Arya kill that girl.   It was unsatisfying they didn't show that fight.


    As for Jaime, he's dead to me. Threatening to catapult a baby into Riverrun? Disgusting.  I don't consider his love for Cersei a redeem quality at all. It's nothing but a sick obsession. I would wish him to return to the Red Keep only to find Cersei's head on a spike, but that would mean the High Sparrow wins and I can't quite stomach that.

    I thought Jaime did well.    He managed to take the castle with only a single life lost, rather than two years of death for hundreds of people.    He is a favorite of mine because he sort of steps back and sees the evil and that he participates in all the Lannister shenanigans but he is aware of how not normal it all is.   He was just the kinsgslayer to start but once we heard his side of the story, who wouldn't slay the king?   I also liked the way years ago he asked Robb about oath breaking that what happens if you have two oaths that conflict with each other.   He at isn't into the blind "I took an oath" stuff like knights are supposed to do even though it is what leads to them killing all the babies in King Landing or hitting Sansa.  



  2. I loved when Oleanna told Cersei she's vile and maybe the most vile person she ever met and how all troubles befallen them are all Cersei's fault.  Cersei did bring all this down upon them because she wanted to get rid of her daughter in law and future husband.   The Hound returning I guess that was prediictable but not really sure if there was a need for that unless he wanders his way back home to kill his brother.   He is really off on such a tangent that his actions don't really impact anything at the moment.  Arya I guess is in stall mode--no shocker there.    Jaime needs to man up already and not do what Cersei tells him to.  Hopefully Brienne will set him straight.   Nice to see Bronn again, he was always a fun buddy character.    The little girl lord in the north was a bit of a hoot with her 62 men, but maybe they are good soldiers.    I was under the impression the brothers without banners were goodguys (and they had that cool archer guy) but perhaps not. 


    Sansa clearly is sending word to littlefinger for help, but this all sounds like a giant rigmarole which will lead to Peter attempting to betray Sansa and perhaps she will kill him once and for all.   Considering everything that has happened to her is all his fault starting with the betrayal of her father, I'd say she deserves the honor of killing him.    Entertaining episode but not the most exciting...

  3. Kit Harrington shows that now as ever actors shouldn't talk.   He feels that the sexism towards men in Hollywood is demeaning and he is not just a head of hair.   Of course his hair and looks get him his jobs but that doesn't matter.     I love GoT but all one has to do is look at all the old unattractive 50 and 60 year old men on the show and compare that to the one solitary old and unattractive Diana Rigg to see that it isn't the men who have a hard time getting good parts that do not take looks into account.  And if he didn't want his looks to factor into his career then why did he spend so much time at the gym and dieting to get his fat-free body in the first place?

  4. I assumed her angle was she would serve up Tommen in exchange for her brother.   Jaime and her grandmother took their sweet time coming to her rescue and Loras needed help now.  She cut the deal.


    Jaime is going to the same place as Brienne?   Perhaps true love will conquer all, but that wilding guy will not be so pleased when Jaime looks her war.   I see a triangle!

  5. Great episode except for the Danerys bull.   I am a little confused about the Riverrrun stuff.   Is that the home of Catelyn Stark?  This is season 2 stuff they are talking about.   The guy in chains was Robb's uncle who volunteered to marry the ugly girl in Robb's place?   And who is Blackfish?    I am not a fan of father Frey, he is such a crank that he is even more unpleasant to watch than Stannis or the senior Greyjoy.    The faith militant stuff was a bit of a letdown but I guess they want to have the king in their clutches so Jaime and Cersei have to act without official power--perhaps even against their own son at some point. Poor Jaime is being shunted off to the sidelines fighting an inconsequential battle that will no doubt have little importance to the show.   His star has fallen far since he came home a year or so ago.


    I love that uncle Stark has finally returned.  It's a little contrived that everyone knows everyone else in some six degrees of seperation thing, but it was good to see this resolved.   If Benjen Stark can return, perhaps we will one say see if Gendry ever finished rowing his boat.   I hope they make their way to Sansa and Jon for a great big Stark reunion and everyone frees Rickon.   


    Sam's family was interesting.   They could get their own Dallas style spin-off.

    Arya needs to literally cut a bitch and let her sourpuss face go on that wall.  I am glad she regained her sanity. 

    Oh look, another Game Of Thrones episode where Danerys makes a speech threatening to go across the sea and take the iron throne.  How 2012 of her.   And 2011, 13, 14 and 15.   I was not thrilled, movied, excited, or anything remotely resembling entertained by Miss Repetitive Redundant Westeros 2016.    I am sure she will make a similar speech two more times this year.   Maybe people will bow, perhaps slaves will pledge loyalty, maybe an enemy will be burned alive by a dragon...this nonsense happens about as regularly as Seinfeld repeats on TBS.    She has become literally the alltime worst and most boring GoT character.   As soon as I see her I know literally nothing will happen. 

  6. How can Sansa be a complex character if D&D don't do complex?

    Exactly.   Sansa is what she is, not some fantasy figure from some utopian strong women on TV symposium.   She seems pretty strong to me, far stronger than Cersei is, and has been that way all the way back since the battle of blackwater. 

  7. I think this entire thread is watching a different show.  Sansa not only is having a good year, but she has had a good year every year.    Since day one she has been hip deep in plot, so much so the show changed her story to keep her front and center all this time.   We know she drives story because the show insists on following her to see what the story is.   So, no matter who her co-stars are in any given year or what the location is if that is where Sansa is then that is what the the show will put on the air.    Just look at how dramatically Littlefinger's screentime has gone down since he and Sansa parted ways--and how much Ramsey's had gone up.   Is she a woman warrior with a sword?  No.   Does she have dragons?  No, but nowhere is it written you have to be those things to be the one who is the story.    Follow  Sansa and you get the story.   Follow Arya and you get a bunch of nothing.


    It just seems this forum has since the beginning given Sansa special scrutiny on her story when she has always been a character the writers and producers clearly love to write for.    It isn't Sansa who has story problems, people should look at how far into the background Jaime has faded.    Now there is a character that does not drive story anymore.



  8. This person explains it better than I can. Time loop!



    It does make me wonder if Bran can visit the future and then come back and help change any mistakes that are made in trying to defeat the white walkers.  IDK, I do like the series 12 Monkeys, but I hope there isn't too much time travel in GoT.

    Having been a comic book nerd, time travel is something I can deal with no problem.   This reminds me of the finale of LOST in that time is not so straightforward.   Bran went back into the past but simultaneously he and Hodor were in the present.   It was Bran's actions in the past which allowed Hodor to be what he is in the present, thus triggering Bran's need to warg into Hodor in the first place which is what caused the events that caused Hodor to become Hodor in the past.   Theoretically, if Bran traveled further into the past and prevents his own birth somehow, that would cause a time paradox and signal the end of the universe :)


  9. Poor Hodor, he was the most good, most innocent character of the entire show.   Bran just had to go sticking his nose in where he was told not to--dumb Bran!  I first felt sad Bran's wolf got it, but this was maybe the saddest moment of the entire show to date.   There was something a little unethical about the whole thing, in that it almost seems like Bran warged Hodor to sacrifice his own life instead of running.   I guess there would be no running if Hodor hadn't done what he done, but it was a touch self serving.     And now that girl is going to have to wheel Bran around on her own, she weighs four pounds.


    Out of curiosity, is this the way it looks like it will play out in the books?   How far astray do book readers think this whole thing has gotten?

  10. I think Bernie came to honestly believe he could win, and it is tough to realize you can't.   Also, he is not a true democrat and the party did do some nonsense against him to make sure Hillary would win (the debates airing on saturday nights opposite sports so nobody would see them, the questionable results in Ohio, the whole superdelegate thing where he would win states yet come out with less delegates).   If not for the specter of Trump I could see and partially understand him saying "screw you" and running a third party campaign.   Add that to Hillary's lifelong penchant for appearing sneaky and unethical, and there you go.


    Trump, well, there have been a lot of ugly cases where people gravitate to a so-called Strongman, and people are people no matter what country.   Despite his bleached hair and puffed combover, he somehow plays as being macho and manly--just what angry disenfranchised people would be looking for as they seek to blame everyone else for their lot in life.   He has a cult of personality that no amount of reasoned discussion can seem to cut through.   Whatever the problem is, he'll fix it--just don't ask him how.    To be honest I am surprised Trump hasn't sought out Bernie to be his VP, as that would be an unstoppable ticket.

  11. Fantastic episode, especially the ending with Dany burning all those Dothraki men and then walking out of the fire.  I love it whenever she spews her "Mother of Dragons" speech because she can back it up.  She took over the Dothraki people in such an epic way!


    It seems to me we've heard her song before--more frequently than a #1 song on a top 40 radio station.   She literally talks the talk but after five years she has yet to walk the walk.   Now more people are bowing to her?   We saw this same exact scene in year 1, year 2, I think year 3 and again in year 4.       I guess it comes down to whether you like Danerys or not.   I think I realized she was FF material season 3.    I used to love Arya but her entire story in the city of the faceless church is another waste of time.    





  12. This episode...for years Danerys has been the most boring waste of time character on the show, and look what the show did:  after spending four years wasting time freeing slave cities we never see again...the show resets her back to season one and now she is back winning over the dothraki regurgitating her tired old desires about going west.   She is a complete waste of time and you could almost edit out her every scene from season 2 til now and you wouldn't miss a single plot point germane to the story of her going west.   Now it isn't even her who is spinning wheels in boringtown, they have poor Tyrion wasting his time dealing with this dramatic dead end. 


    A bunch of people I have spoken to all say the same thing:  the quality has dropped this year as the show enters uncharted territory.   It's too typical, too full of tropes and so on.   If Jon Snow was killed in season three he probably would have stayed dead, I'll agree with that, and now the show has settled on the more conventional view of the dashing hero who will not be stopped until the last chapter.   Once upon a time the dashing hero was Robb, and he died.   The show, I think we can all agree, could literally drop a meteor on Castle Black at this point and Jon will emerge alive because he has to get to the big fight at the end.   I guess I can deal with the slightly more predictability of it all, but for me what has changed is the writing has become so abrupt.   Everything happens now wham bam, thank you ma'am.  "Here is Sansa" "Oh hi Brienne"  "And here is Jon!" and here is a 30 second reunion and now let's go to war!     Maybe time is running out for the series and there is a lot to cover, but it all seems so hurried now.   Theon's father is back, oh wait, he is dead!  And here is the brother we never heard of! 


    And then at King's Landing Cersei brought up a good point to Uncle !@#$%^&*]:   they got Lancel, why hasn't he done anything about it?   The answer is of course because they wanted to get a season out the faith militant but it is just odd how in one meeting everything comes together and now the militant must be destroyed.    And maybe the speed of that decision wouldn't have been so 1-2-3 if the Sansa and Jon stuff wasn't moving even faster.   In the time Arya has been sweeping up that room Sansa managed to travel a thousand miles.


    I am with the show til the end and love it, but I think it is starting to become more of a pageturner than a serious drama.

  13. 1990 he was famous because his fame is what made his divorce so famous, but famous where and why?  In NY he was very famous, but there was no TV show in those days and he needed to continue to be in the news to continue being famous.  It's no different then when Pamela Anderson had her sex tape "leaked" or random C lister has nude shots leaked.   If his nightlife wasn't covered regularly, why would the NY Post cover him in 1990?   I think history will show whenever he ran out of things to be famous for he did something else, like trying to start a football team or whatever that was, or creating businesses he didn't need just to get headlines about how he created a new business.     He wanted gossip columns to report he was with various beauties?  So what.

  14. The fake publicist thing doesn't bother me.   That was the heyday of the NY Post and he was trying to build his fame for being famous.   In Hollywood publicists promoted stars all the time, but not being a star he had to be his own publicist.    Chutzpah is a virtue not a fault. 

  15. I was reading an article that said before the Red Wedding Rob named Jon his heir. I totally missed that. I've only watched that episode once. In the books (I know, I know) Rob legitimizes Jon, but did that actually happen on the show? I can't believe I missed it, but I just don't have the heart to watch again.


    The casting director(s) for this show are pretty great. Young Ned Stark really hit the mark.


    I don't remember that at all.   Jon left the Starks in the second or third episode (chasing after his missing uncle..who is still missing?).    You have me thinking about the season one cast and how much now the show has changed. 

  16. Good riddance to the most unlikable candidate ever.   Richard Nixon was more likable than this guy.  I'd vote for a hundred Trumps before I would give Cruz a single vote.   He never had a shot because he is so odious.   No one wants that crap.

  17. I hope one day the show explains what traumatized Hodor so that he is the way he is.  After watching yesterday I felt sorry for him.   Jaime I don't get.   Why did he waste time even talking to that religious lunatic?   He should have just run him through before he was even aware there were goons around.    And Jaime needs goons himself.    And why hasn't Cersei just burned their church down, what is she waiting for?


    By the end of the series I bet it is Arya who kills Cersei and/or Jaime.   I just can't see why the show is making us watch Arya being trained to become this assassin unless she is going back to Kings Landing to settle all family scores the final episode.  Unlike Jon, Bran and Sansa, Arya has no connection to the actual main stories on the show.   It's as if she just comes with the show regardless of whether she is actually needed for the stories, and now she has her own spin off that was never actually spun off.  It is more of a spin on.

  18. I really liked this episode, all of it except Ramsey.   I don't get what the show sees in him, as he isn't even a fun villain you love to hate.  Just get him off the screen already.  I guess the show wants to make the Greyjoys a thing all of a sudden.  

  19. I saw a lot of fans complaining about the history rewrites, in that in season 2 and in the comic for the show it gave the impression that Laurel was grieving over Tommy and had little to no contact with Oliver. 


    My memory's a little fuzzy about what exactly Ollie and Laurel were at the point of Tommy's death. They had boned, and Tommy knew, right? I can see where maybe Laurel didn't turn into a raving bitch until Ollie deserted her for Lian Yu for like six months.



    It airs in such a haphazard hit and run schedule, that the gloomy stories don't make me miss it.   I watched (FFed through parts) of last night.   Did they give Detective Lance a fake head of young hair for Tommy's funeral circa season 1? 


    I hate the scheduling. It's ridiculous that it not only starts later, but then has like three month-long breaks. They've had FIVE new episodes in the last TWO months.


    And yeah---Idon'tknowwhattheFUCKwas up with Quentin's hair. I swear, it was like PB walked right off the set of the LoT episode he did, filmed, and no one in hair and makeup bothered to check his look. 'Cause that's the same hair he wore for the LoT episode where he appeared when Sarah was like 17.



    Five new episodes in two months---that is asking for viewers to give up a show.  A habit is only a habit as long as it happens habitually.   If you get me into the routine where I know ever Wed is Arrow night, then I am ready.   Spotty scheduling and the habit is broken.

  20. Okay, aside from the fact I  a) still don't believe the bitch is dead and  b ) wanted to throw up at the entire premise that somehow Black Canary and Laurel needed to be lauded from minute one of the episode  AND c) being a little pissed that Tommy was mentioned frequently but not even seen in a damn photo----it was an okay episode. Not exactly the emotional powerhouse I expected (and I think the show needed) to set up the season finale, but I did feel Quentin's and Digg's pain.


    One HUGE sticking point (at least for me) is again the mis-management of synchronization between CW shows. At the end, Barry zips off, speedforce apparently intact, while we know he hasn't gotten back yet over on Flash. I can overlook the fact that Rip and the Gang on LoT may or may not have the younger version of Quentin on the WaveRider, because theoretically, that's an alternate timeline. They didn't have to show Barry leaving, yet they did.

    Due to the erratic programming scheduling, my Arrow habit is broken.  I never saw the episode where Felicity got her legs back, or the episode with Amanda Waller.  It airs in such a haphazard hit and run schedule, that the gloomy stories don't make me miss it.   I watched (FFed through parts) of last night.   Did they give Detective Lance a fake head of young hair for Tommy's funeral circa season 1?    I don't think Laurel is dead at all.  

  21. That Star Trek history thing was interesting, if brief.   I found the most interesting thing that BJo Trimble, who is a noted name considered the mother of all Star Trek fandom, liked "Turnabout Intruder"--an episode fun for all the wrong reasons and generally considered a low point for the series perhaps only beaten by "Spock's Brain".    "Turnabout Intruder" is a hoot and a half, well worth repeated viewing, but quality drama it is not.   The third season had some clunkers like "The Empath" starring the mute woman who was played by some P&G soap star, and "Elaan Of Troyus", but I love "The Tholian Web", and the episode where everyone gets old.   "The Enterprise Incident" is a classic.

  22. Did I see right?  After five years of looking for boats, Dany's fleet burned down?  I was doing stuff while watching.

    Yep. I guess I have never envisioned her sailing to King's Landing. The real war is in the north, she has to show up there on Drogon's back doesn't she? I suppose that leaves the question of the Unsullied,  but maybe Dany can win the iron born over somehow and their boats will bring them or maybe they will never come over.



    I always felt she was the weak link for the show, the most boring part bar none, but Arya has stolen her crown.   Yes the burned fleets means five years of dialogue was pointless going nowhere, time killing nothing, but I fear we are about to watch 8 weeks of Arya getting hit with a broomstick learning to fight like a ninja monk assassin.

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