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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. I want an honest opinion from some here. What do you think Hillary Clinton can be doing to shore up her campaign and the Trumpster than she is doing now. There seems to be a feeling among a lot of people that she isn't doing enough. I actually have confidence in her campaign, but maybe I'm naïve and there is trouble on the horizon. The only thing I am really worried about are the debates because I think all that Trump has to do is show up and not say anything stupid and be declared the winner.

    I think she needs to tackle the honesty issue head on.  Give a plausible explanation for secret emails, secret servers, all that stuff that feeds into this 20 year narrative--and not use an extra 20 words per sentence trying to muddy the issue.    As far as the debate goes, I said before and I will say again:  Trump should not be underestimated at a televised debate.   He is a professional TV performer with con man and carnival barker powers.  He has more verbal skill than she does and knows how to speak for dramatic effect.  She just spits out facts and figures, but that isn't the totality of what makes a winning debate--ask Al Gore.



    As to the overall general campaign, well, at his best (now and 2 months ago) the best he has been able to do is tie.  At her best she was up 10 pts.  So considering that throughout the entire year he hasn't been able to pull ahead for more than a day, I think she is the favorite and is likely to win.  Historically it is difficult for one party to win three terms in a row however, but there is nothing she can do about that.

  2. I don't think there is anything good to say about Phyllis Schlafly.   She paved the way for the rise of modern conservatism in politics, if that is an accomplishment.   A pioneer of sorts. 

  3. Further proof nothing good can come from NBC or any of the networks.  If there was a way to remove them from my cable operator but keep news, certain cable channels and premium channels, I would.   I can't even remember the last network show I watched.  LOST probably.

  4. They could schedule all the come-to-Jesus meetings they want.  None would make any difference.  Trump won't listen.

    He might try for a day or two, but he's incapable of behaving normally.  Nearly every day he says something more outlandish than the day before. I don't think he can speak more than a few mins without making stuff up and he's an attention whore.  At this point all HRC has to do is sit back and let him keep talking. At this rate he's running out of groups to offend.



    I find it refreshing that maybe since the first time since Ross Perot a candidate has been so true to themselves.   It would be a sin for him to change.   This is who he is, and if people want an ego maniacal narcissist then Trump is the man for them.   Well ok, Dick Cheney didn't hide his James Bond villain tendencies.   It would be nice if once in a while a sane person would show their true colors though, but I guess that wouldn't be all that interesting.

  5. Nothing will come of it, though.  They'll "investigate," Trump's people will lie (and blame it on Hillary/Obama), they'll determine no further action need be taken, and we will have to draw a new line for Trump to cross (which he will - and in record time).  


    At this point, Trump could literally gun down someone in cold blood, and we STILL would have to question why he hasn't been forced out of the election.

    At this point, there is no way to force Trump out of the race other than him stepping out voluntarily. Even if the Republican Party wanted to take the nomination from him, it would only be ceremonial. He'd still have the Republican line on the ballot. You can't force anyone out of an election when they have been chosen by voters.

    If you are a republican I can see wanting him to step aside, but for everyone else it is becoming more obvious every day Trump is wrecking the party.  Let him.   Assuming all these polls are honest, she was just as disliked as he was and yet she is still up 10 pts.  Let him go on his merry way.  You can almost believe the conspiracy theory Joe Scarborough floated a week or so back that Bill Clinton called his friend Donald Trump and said  <cue Darrell Hammond accent> "I have an idea..."  

    I think that would be incredibly funny if true, but while that would be the Clintons' ultimate revenge on the GOP I can't see Trump going for that.    I don't think the republicans have a chance in hell since he picked a fight with that war dad.    That guy was like the guy who took down McCarthy.

  6. Hillary being sued for wrongful death and defamation by 2 Benghazi parents... Media is about to have a field day, I'm sure. 

    That is the most ridiculous court case.  People forget that while Hillary supposedly got 4 people killed through her neglect and incompetence, Ronald Reagan got 283 people killed in Lebanon through his neglect and incompetence.  Congress held hearings, said "ok from now on lets beef up security" and that was the end of it.  Reagan even went and invaded Grenada literally three days later to get his dead marines off the front pages.  Benghazi is such a fake scandal and  I don't know how her accusers don't break out laughing while they pretend these 4 deaths are the worst thing to ever happen to Americans overseas ever.


  7. Trump lies about everything. He even claimed that he told the RNC to have their convention in Ohio even though the site was selected long before he declared his candidacy. At this point, I think a cognitive exam is necessary because I suspect he's dealing with the onset of dementia. If he is, the stress of the next few months will only make it worse. Unfortunately, there's no way to force him to seek medical help.

    That's a generous perspective. I think he's such a narcissist he thinks he can make reality what he wants it to be or at least convince the public that reality is what he says it is.  Thank god, it looks like you're right and HRC is going to win, but I find it deeply disturbing that he's pulling the wool over so many people's eyes.


    One very positive thing about HRC winning is that she's getting the last laugh on all of the people who tried to force her into a traditional first lady role years ago. Remember when she made that crack about not staying home and baking cookies? Not long after that she was basically forced to drop her maiden name. I think she even went on some morning show and baked cookies to mitigate the backlash, if I'm remembering right.  I hope she says a little silent f*ck you to those people when she takes office. I give her lots of credit for staying the course and making it happen.

    I imagine that is the real heart of the hatred of Hillary.    She showed up on TV in 1992 and said she would not be Tammy Wynette, and half of America went all "whoahhh" and recoiled.   Then he said "buy one get one free" and a lot of people didn't want one free.   It's tough to think back 25 years ago what was happening with women in politics.    There was Sandra Day O'Connor, but on the national scene not sure who else.  It didn't help that Barbara Bush said Geraldine Ferraro was a word that rhymed with witch (wasn't that BB who said that?).    Women have such a tough road they have to walk, it has taken a long time.   I give her a lot of credit:  she took the attacks 25 years to get where she is.    I think she will eventually be seen as the most important woman of the last 50 years.   I would also say Billie Jean King deserves a lot of respect because even before Hillary, Billie Jean led the fight almost single handedly for women in sports and it was important culturally to show that a woman could do what a man could do. 

  8. n9MhTJl.jpg


    This may be the worst Superman costume ever.  The boots wrinkle, the knees wrinkle, it is made of some messed up fabric and it really would benefit from some red shorts.  He looks like he is wearing motorcycle boots and shoulder pads.   I thought he had shins of steel?

  9. I didn't see everything, but the immigrant guy who won the medal of honor was a nice touch, as was the immigrant muslim father of the dead soldier (I think).  Chelsea is a decent speaker, not terribly exciting.  I had to leave in the middle of Hillary's speech but she seemed off to a decent start.   Katy Perry was good.  It's odd how with the arrival of Trump suddenly it is ok for the parties to show their shallow side and trot out celebrities all over the place.   Time was seeing Meryl Streep or Katy Perry would have branded you the party of Hollywood elites.  The reality show star as candidate sort of removed that whole stigma.

  10. Bill Clinton gave a good speech but I wish they let him give one more akin to the one he gave 4 years ago.   He crystallizes and articulates arguments better than anyone, and while this was nice it wasn't fun or exciting and won't go down in the record books the way his 2012 speech did. 

  11.  I do agree I live in a vastly different world than a lot of people here:   I don't get my information from the echo chamber.


    We know. That's why you've been parroting conservative talking points for months.




    Who is this we and us you keep yammering on about?   Is there some know-nothing cabal you are the spokesperson for?   You do them credit.


  12. ^ Not everyone in this forum.  I haven't underestimated Trump since about February/March.  It doesn't matter if you are a good debater, when the person you are debating with keeps going off topic and mocking and insulting and people keep falling for it. It's worked for him so far and I'm very concerned it will continue to work.

    His theme song should be "Razzle Dazzle" from Chicago:  Give em a fake and a finagle...Trump knows what he is doing.   If he was debating Obama I would say Obama would win easily.  If he was debating Bill I would say Bill would win easily.   I think even Bernie would win.  But Hillary isn't in that league.    She is not a compelling speaker at all.   I tried to watch her speech today at the military whatever, I turned it off it was awful.  Trump knows you gotta sell it.   I give him credit for that because that is an important thing to know.   I do find it funny that how she has been married to Bill something like 35, 40 years, and none of his slickness has rubbed off on her.    She could use a little slickness.

  13. They've been attacking Trump for months! And Trump is as discredited as he's going to get - there are decades of dirt. The only thing to do now is keep hammering away at every minute detail of it.

    I don't know the media just turns their head and laughs. Well at least they did. I haven't seen anyone really challenge him head to head. Those debates were a joke and the media let him run all over them. And we know the democrats have a track record of complacency IMO.

    Elizabeth Warren has been bashing Trump non-stop and with far stronger words than anyone has to date.     Trump has a leg up on all televised debates.   He is a TV personality and knows the camera.   Hillary will have a hard time I think because he is so good on TV and she is so not. 


    Thank you for your concern. If you think Trump is seriously going to do well in a live debate one on one you're living in a vastly different world from ours.

    I'll say the same thing I said back when this forum was saying he was going to lose the republican debates:   The guy is a professional TV personality, a flim flam man in the PT Barnum vein.   He is not the underdog in televised appearances.  I do agree I live in a vastly different world than a lot of people here:   I don't get my information from the echo chamber.   I just use common sense.   But thanks for your concern about my current address.

  14. They've been attacking Trump for months! And Trump is as discredited as he's going to get - there are decades of dirt. The only thing to do now is keep hammering away at every minute detail of it.

    I don't know the media just turns their head and laughs. Well at least they did. I haven't seen anyone really challenge him head to head. Those debates were a joke and the media let him run all over them. And we know the democrats have a track record of complacency IMO.

    Elizabeth Warren has been bashing Trump non-stop and with far stronger words than anyone has to date.     Trump has a leg up on all televised debates.   He is a TV personality and knows the camera.   Hillary will have a hard time I think because he is so good on TV and she is so not. 

  15. Maybe it is because I am too old, but Chandler Rigg's hair gets more ridiculous each passing year.   I don't see anyone else with that atrocious hair, not in the media and not walking on the street.   It gets my vote for worst hair on TV male or female.

  16. Uh, that's Natalie Dormer (Margaery) and Carice van Houten (Melisandre). A lot more of the cast (Sophie Turner, Iwan Rheon, Isaac Hempstead Wright, etc.) were also present.

    No, the blonde girl was not Natalie Dormer.   Watching it, it eventually dawned on me the girl sitting next to the actor who plays Bran was whoever she is that played the waif.  The woman with the big black hair plays the freed slave who serves Dany and likes the guy from the unsullied.    This is hardly Jon Snow and Tyrion here.   Sansa was pretty much the only A lister there.

  17. I think the fact that they wanted to use Bernie's religion against him is news. In addition, what the hell was that person thinking writing that in an email? And while the system being rigged isn't very surprising to some of us, I think the internet is waking more people up to these shenanigans and they don't like what they are seeing. I'd say that's part of why Bernie got such a foothold.


    The Republican establishment tried to do the same thing to Trump. In fact they came at him even harder, it just didn't work. Hell, I'll even admit I wish it had.

    I don;t understand how everyone isn't outraged.   "yes the sysrem is rigged, that isn't news".   And it wasn't news to Bernie either, and just because that is the way the system is rigged doesn't make him wrong for speaking out against it or his supporters for declining to go along with the rigging.  If the democrats want to rig the system against a guy who got just 1 million votes less than Hillary, maybe two, then they are basically telling over 40% of their voters to shut up, they don't count, the primaries are meaningless, and vote all you want but the nominee is Hillary.


    Now I know some people don't care because they want Trump to lose, but for the less cynical, for the honest Bernie supporters for whom his religion is not an issue and who don't have NBC hosts shilling for their candidate, they would be perfectly in the right to sit the election out if they wanted.  Maybe that guy who wrote the religion email and Chuck Todd can cast 10 million votes in their absence, since they are all about rigging things.   "He's right but I don't care" is not an adequate response to Bernie's accusations of rigging.    Wikileaks is shady?   So what, they didn't tell a single lie.  "This helps Putin and Trump"...that's right it does, so why do it in the first place?   Was she not able to secure the nomination without shenanigans?  

  18. Wkileaks likes to go for maximum effect.     Why was the DNC playing favorites?   In another news outlet I read how they were in discussions with Meet The Press host Chuck Todd on how to shape the narrative.  That's just bullshit and what the hell is wrong with him and them?    If they were to lose the election and it was revealed because liberal Sanders voters stayed home, they would have no one to blame but themselves.    I applaud wikileaks and the work they do on bringing truth to power.    Clearly Chuck Todd and his chums at NBC had no interest in reporting this news, so someone had to.   If the democrats had only been neutral, and not try to rig the system just the way Bernie said they did all along, then these emails wouldn't exist.  

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