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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. 8 hours ago, AdelaideCate007 said:


    But places like BBC, Sky News, Seven Network, and the rest of the Australian/British/International press always bring up whenever this email issue is drug back up that Colin Powell also used a private server and email address (and that his staff used AOL) and that the Bush administration deleted/lost something like 20 million emails. The Bush administration also had 13 embassy attacks with 60 something deaths as compared to the one Benghazi attack. They're obviously not lying about those things happening (a simple online search shows that they all happened) so why are they all not drug through the mud like Hillary? Why is she the only one who has to deal with this while Powell and Bush aren't held accountable? That's why at this point at just looks like a witch hunt.


    She  is always going to be held to a different standard, but she knows that so so why behave in ways that feed the beast?   Rightly or wrongly they have been painted these last  25 years as  Lord and Lady Macbeth:  the slickest of the slick and his scheming wife.   So why behave in ways that give ammo to your enemies to keep on pushing it?  It isn't as if it is a one time instance.  She knew she was running for president, so why give secret speeches you hope never see the light of day?   Why the secret email that is so secret you have to delete everything before it gets made public?  You know this is your rep you will never shake, so why even participate in these things?   Why did he take a private meeting with the attorney general  of the whole country a week before the FBI decides to not push for charges?    Were they talking about the weather?   Did that have to be confidential and days before the person he is talking to decides whether or not to indict Hillary?    How does that make sense?  


    She's been accused of everything up to literally murder, so go that extra step to not give people anything to accuse you of.   Nobody ever tries to say Obama and his wife are murderous schemers out to get rich because it wouldn't make sense and be laughed at.   But Bill and Hillary have a different persona.  I like the Clintons and would have voted for him for a third term, but as much as I like him (and to a lesser extent her) I'll admit they are tricky to the point you could pattern fictional villains on them.    There are people who believe Bill told Trump to run just to destroy the republicans and make it easy for Hillary to win.  I literally had that discussion with two Sanders supporters who believe it is true.  I have no idea if it is, but when they told me that I had to laugh because who else could you accuse this of except the Clintons?

  2. 1 hour ago, AdelaideCate007 said:

    I'm not going to pretend to understand all the ins and outs of this email thing but to me, and how it's presented in the Australian news, it just seems like she made a mistake and that at this point it's just one big witch hunt.


    They have been hunting witches with her for 25 years, they practically admit it every week.   They already are saying they have 2 years worth of investigative committees all ready to go.   The thing you can say about the Clintons is no matter how tricky their enemies get they are trickier.    I think that's why the republicans hate them so.   It's a shame she has no sense of self awareness about secrets and stuff and doesn't make it so easy for people to come after her.    The whole email mess was of her own making.

  3. 52 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    I just saw the FBI is reopening the case into Hillary's private server.  This is so tiresome.



    He is going to recommend charges I bet.   It doesn't make sense that he is reopening a case just to confirm the fact that he has no case.    Some of these emails leaked have been interesting.   The whole Bill Clinton making millions thing seems a little sleazy.    They never seem to cross  into outright illegality but the way his assistant was shaking down contributors to get them to give bill half a million dollar speaking gigs is just wrong.   I think they know it is wrong because if it wasn't she would have had Bill give a press conference explaining it all away.

  4. Great piece on Hillary Clinton's unfair treatment by the MSM and press. Also discussing the unfairness and oversight of the Clinton supporter, of which I am one and have been so for years. I can't tell anyone here how almost emotionally beat up I feel as a single white woman being made to believe my vote and my support doesn't matter while having to read/see hundreds of stories on the white male neglected Trump supporter. It's not just about the over coverage of Trump and his supporters, it's the diminishing of Clinton and many of millions of us who love and support her. Women, minorities, yes even white men who adore her ignored for the benefit of an alleged "lack of enthusiasm factor". Makes me ill. But those of us so ignored are going to be the ones who are electing our first female president.



    They've always had it in for the Clintons, especially Maureen Dowd.  She has spent 25 years ragging on both Clintons for some reason.   Yes, the media was harder on her because she was a woman, I think that was always going to be a given.   Even little things like what she wears or if she looks tired...you never see that apply to men.    The media did ignore their responsibilities when it came to Trump.  Fox news doesn't count because it is just a propaganda station, but MSNBC of all networks covered Trump non-stop for a year with Joe Scarborough and self-proclaimed democrat Mika Brzezinski being his biggest cheerleaders until they had a falling out.   Even in recent weeks desperate to find a narrative they have tried to say the horse race is still close.   I guess anything can happen.  A 15% chance of winning means that person will win one out of even seven tries so Trump winning is not out of the realm of possibility, but Joe and Mika have been working doubletime trying to prop Trump's chances up lately while fretting every misstep Hillary makes.

    Holy fùck:



    I think she is so interesting.   It is as if there is a real journalist there struggling to get out while working in the shadow of FOX News where no serious journalism is allowed.     I think she will wind up leaving that network. 

  5. For me, it's not about Trump's days of debauchery but the fact that he lies about everything (he's even lied under oath while giving a deposition) and even more than that he has shown himself to be utterly offensive in every conceivable way. He (along with his father) used Trump rental properties to openly discriminate against swaths of people based solely on color.  He has cheated vendors and people who have done business with him in good faith. He has promoted openly racist, sexist, xenophobic and otherwise offensive proposals and made false statements repeatedly, even after his statements have been proven false.  He has quoted white supremacists and retweeted white nationalist and used Nazi imagery during his campaign. As a woman and a person of color, I could never waste my vote even considering this man for any job in public service, let alone the highest one in the land.  His debauched days are the least of what's wrong with this man.

    If I were a Republican and I had to choose between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, I'd choose NEITHER.


    Ironic to read your post @quartermainefan, after having just read this Op-Ed. I wasn't going to post it but I have changed my mind because it seems very appropriate after having read your post.


    Dear Republican Voters ...

    OMG, replace the candidate's names, the dates and the site of the convention and this commercial is so utterly prescient. Incredible!




    That was a great commercial, I love the way that actor talks and lights his cigarette to lend some drama to it all.    I agree with everything that guy said, but my point wasn't vote for Trump, my point is the fact Trump went to parties made it to news sites is why 99% of all qualified people cannot run for office.   Let him who has never gone to a party cast the first stone I guess, and if they never went to a party I'll never vote for them.    The churchgoing mentality of america makes me sick.   "Oh my god, he had sex!"  "Oh heavens, he tried drugs!".       Somewhere out there is a guy perfectly qualified to be president but he can't run because he didn't grow up in a convent.

  6. This is why nobody normal can run for president.   In the 1980s Trump was a single guy boozing, drugging and having sex with models.  Good for him, that is what a millionaire single guy in NYC should be doing, no?   Some of the girls were 16 and he didn't know it, or if he did no one asked and no one told.    That's commonplace too.  The point is I'd rather that than a Ted Cruz type claiming as soon as they landed on US soil they were born again and fell in love with country music.   It is Trump's crazy days that informed him to not care about gay marriage or whether Caitlyn Jenner wants to use his ladies room.   Let stick up his ass Mike Pence and his church going sobriety serve as a role model to republicans everywhere, but I don't think Trump should be criticized for daring to engage in a little healthy debauchery during his younger days. 



    Yeah, that was too much for me.  I don't watch the show for gore either and I'm not a fan of torture porn.   I hated Denny on Grey's Anatomy and I already hate JDM's character on this show.  Denny almost destroyed Grey's for me and I could see Negan doing the same thing.  With Glenn being killed off, what was the point of last season's "Is he really dead?"  It's just seems so stupid now.    The show is just so repetitive with its "Big Villain of the year" and there's just no end in sight.  I really hope the 8th season will be its last. 

    This villain in particular needs some work in the writing dept.   He just showed up and the producers devoted two episodes in a row to him, this last one entirely him.   So for those of us who didn't read the comics and don't get excited at the mere mention of the name Negan, what is there to watch?   Last night he was the entire show, literally.   It was like a one man show.  The dialogue wasn't even all that interesting to be honest.  Also, when Rick handed him the ax why not just put it right in his head and drive back with machine guns blazing?  

    The more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion that this episode was one of the worst yet.  It had 5 minutes where it was assaulting you with misery, and then an hour of stalling and speeches.   I have a feeling the reviews will be bad to mixed about this episode, and that before long people will find week after week of Negan tedious.

  8. I was invested in what was happening the moment it happened  but thought a lot was filler to glorify and sell Negan.  The bus sequence, the bit with Carl, Negan's love of his own voice.. I was thinking "we get the point, can you show me Carol now?".   He needs more interesting dialogue if he wants to be a character that apparently gets paid by the word.  Nobody else had dislogue for the entire hour!

    Also, the cliffhanger was needless.  

  9. I wasn't expecting the twist they did.  


    I honestly am not excited for the new direction the show has taken.   I don't see why people like Negan so much, to me he just talks and talks and takes up all the scenes.  This is the second episode in a row where he didn't shut up.  

  10. God Trump is horrible at this Al Smith dinner/roast. No humor at all. 

    I think the worst was Rudy Giuliani.   He is just a nasty, humorless old f--k who clearly cannot take a joke.   Even Donald pretended to laugh at some of Hillary's comments, Rudy just seethed.

  11. Oh, I have no idea who Ezekiel is but the idea of a pet tiger seems silly, and comic booky in a bad way.  Everything up til now was realistic except for the weird factor that there are zombies.   No one had super powers or magic (except Glenn able to escape death) and you could almost believe that if that world existed this is what it would look like.  Pet tigers?   Not so much, and the image released for the tiger is awful and doesn't look real at all.


    I guess this raises a mundane point:   Where are everyone's dogs and cats?   There are no zombie dogs and cats roaming around and you would think somewhere someone they have run into would have had a dog.    Nobody has a pet dog but the first person they run into with a pet has a tiger?

  12. Aaron is the gay man's name. I can't remember if the priest is with them. I also can't remember where Enid was at the end of the season.  Michonne would definitely be a shock. I can't see her going out that way.  I'm going to be really surprised if Maggie's baby makes it into the world alive, but that doesn't mean she has to die in the opening.


    Aaron is the gay man's name. I can't remember if the priest is with them. I also can't remember where Enid was at the end of the season.  Michonne would definitely be a shock. I can't see her going out that way.  I'm going to be really surprised if Maggie's baby makes it into the world alive, but that doesn't mean she has to die in the opening.

    I liked Aaron, he spoke in full sentences and had command over conjugation, he didn't sound like a hick, and he was a nice guy.   Of course the show barely uses him.  I really think it will be Abraham.   I have watched too many soaps to not recognize the bad writing signs:  Character with no purpose, no story, and little screentime suddenly gets a love interest, story and screen time:  here comes death.



    The 2 hour recap show was ok.   They brought back the actors who played Andrea, T Dog, Herschel, The Governor, Deanna, and I think maybe Noah too, possibly Beth, Sam's mother,  the head cannibal,  and maybe even Andrea's sister for a second.   The guy who got his leg bit I think was on for a second.    Can't remember if they brought Lori back, but definitely Shane did not participate, nor did Dale or Merle.

  13. I gave up Fear The Walking Dead early in season 2.   There was barely any walking dead, and they just assumed I cared about these characters.   The first seasons of the original show were zombie heavy.  Zombies were the hook to get you to watch the characters.   Fear decided that they didn't need many zombies and their characters were just all fascinating.  I disagreed.


    As to who dies here.   If it is Abraham or Eugene I think it will be a jump the shark moment for the show similar to the way on Dynasty only Ali McGraw died at the massacre.   To warrant a 5 month cliffhanger they better kill someone major.   Glen is the obvious suspect but that seems like trying to go to the well one time too many after that nonsense fake death last year.   Maggie I think it would be too cruel to bash a pregnant woman's skull in.  I just don't see that happening.    Daryl I doubt they would ever kill since he is the face of the show.  Carl and Rick no way.  Not really sure who that leaves.   It's probably Abraham because he has no function and they spent so much time out of nowhere showing how he fell in love with whatever her name is.   Now they can kill him and people are around to mope and care.    I guess they could kill Michonne since anyone who loves Rick must die, but she is a popular character too and really works well on the show.   The gay guy?  I don't even remember his name so is that someone worth killing?   Is the priest with them, because he is someone who I truly don't need to see anymore.

  14. The latest accuser sounds like a phony to me.  As far as I can tell she went up to his hotel room and then was shocked when he assumed she went up there for sex.  Maybe I'm cynical but are there many other reasons you would visit a guy in his hotel room?   Then she turned him down and had the nerve to stay for dinner.    And it is not like she was this naive church goer, she was a reality show person, no doubt familiar with Hollywood and life in the big city.    I can believe all that happened, but in this case nothing happened.    Her tears sounded phony too, she was a bad actress once upon a time and that's how she got on a reality show.

    This really is a lot like Cosby. There are something like 12 accusers now. By the end of it there's bound to be 20-30. Sure, a couple of them will probably be false, but I'm not even going to worry about which ones. The main point here is when there are this many accusers, they aren't all lying.

    Of course he is guilty.   His own video admits to what they are accusing him of, but this ex-reality show star I am a little skeptical of.   Her perfectly timed tears, the fact she decided to have a press conference, the celebrity attorney...its all a little much.   Call me biased, but the moment someone is a reality star means that fame and press is always their number one concern. 


    Trump's character witness for the airplane story is pretty funny.  Apparently he has a history of being in the fringes of sex scandals.

  15. Rush Limbaugh should have won an Oscar for Worst Human years ago.   He may literally be the worst person in media for the last 50 years.   I honestly don't know what point he was even attempting to make.   "If there is consent then it is ok".   Yes, and?   If two people want to dress up in tutus and have sex in a bowl of chocolate syrup while one sings opera and the other yodels, let them knock themselves out.   Not sure what point he is making here. 

  16. The latest accuser sounds like a phony to me.  As far as I can tell she went up to his hotel room and then was shocked when he assumed she went up there for sex.  Maybe I'm cynical but are there many other reasons you would visit a guy in his hotel room?   Then she turned him down and had the nerve to stay for dinner.    And it is not like she was this naive church goer, she was a reality show person, no doubt familiar with Hollywood and life in the big city.    I can believe all that happened, but in this case nothing happened.    Her tears sounded phony too, she was a bad actress once upon a time and that's how she got on a reality show.

  17. I don't think any of the politicians say what they think because if they did Hillary would have told Donald before he starts grading people on looks he might want to look in the mirror.   And if she didn't say it someone somewhere would have because it is the most obvious 1st reaction to the idea that Donald and his haircut wants to be the judge of who is and isn't attractive.   No one does even though it has to be something half the population almost must be thinking.     Lets be honest:  someone with that haircut and that orange make-up has no business worrying about how other people look.   I really wish someone would but I am not sure who would be the best vehicle for that particular putdown. 

  18. So Trump's defense is, "She's ugly!" regarding the alleged assault on the People reporter. What a shock.

    I love that that is his response because it is so him.  Trump is a great example of the human condition and all its downsides and that being his defense makes his denial semi-believable at least in this particular case.   We know Donald bases everything on looks, from his wives to his pageants and all points in between.  


    This all goes hand in hand with his Carly Fiorina putdown from earlier in the year.   I will say one thing about Donald that I think we need more of:   candidates like him and Bernie who act and talk like real people for good or bad.   He's a person, insanity and all, but at least he is showing himself because he can't help not to.  

  19. The moderators sucked.   Every time these two were about to go at it about who did what when, that brainless moderator would say "sorry, we have to move on".   But why do you have to move on?   If they want to get into a ten minute discussion on taxes or Syria, let them.   That's better than these 2 minute content free bullet point formats.  He wanted to really get into her emails, and she wanted to really get into a bunch of stuff.  So let them.   His taxes or lack thereof and her emails have been two of the major themes of the election.   Who really needs to hear Hillary says Trump has lovely children?   Save that crap for a hallmark card.

  20. Is there a reason the Republican party in America is so against what Im assuming is basically a version of socialised medicine? It works literally everywhere else so why not there?

    The main thrust of the conservative movement of the last 80 years has been this deep resentment to social security and thus all so-called socialized programs.  This goes back to FDR.  They have been trying to destroy these programs since the 30s and the way they have gone about it the last 30 years is to cut taxes.   Then  with taxes cut they don't have the money they used to so then they say "we can't afford food stamps and whatnot".   Well of course they can't, they just cut taxes.  By starving government they hope to one day do away with all the social programs.   

    I was looking through tweets and saw that "MAGA" over and over with Trump and Pence. I know what it stands for, but does it creep anyone else out? It's so Lovecraftian. 

    I have no idea what MAGA stands for.

    Make America Great Again.

  21. Except for Sasse, are any of these people truly anti-Trump or rats fleeing from a sinking ship?  McCain should be ashamed of himself more than anyone.   Mitt Romney and Sasse deserve some respect for being true never-trumpers.  The rest of these people would endorse their mother's killer if they thought it could help get them elected.

  22. It's tough to say "this time he is through" because--like Dracula--he rises from the grave again and again.   This is the guy who went to the republican debate to say George Bush lied to start a war.   He told republicans that and they voted for him anyway.    I thought the mother of the dead soldier was enough to finish him but the country's dislike of Hillary just keeps him in.   This time though it isn't about a policy or an issue or some event, it just is a light on him as a person with no issue to hide behind claiming he isn't PC.    I suspect a lot of these republican women will just stay home, choosing to vote for neither.   That's fair, they aren't democrats but can't vote for him.  All you can do is stay I home if in their shoes. 


    Ted Cruz must be seriously pissed.   He held out for so long and the minute he sells out Trump illustrates why he was holding out all that time.   Now Pence is the new conservative savior and Cruz is nowhere.   John Kasich should go on an "I Told You So" tour.   He won't do it, but this is the perfect time for Jeb to chime in and put the final nail in the coffin and say he too is voting for Hillary. 

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