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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. If the finale is anything like last seasons it won't live up to the hype but we'll see. I'm curious what the last three scenes will be though given everything that's been building towards this episode. Stannis, Tyrion, and Dany are my bet.

    I will go out on a limb and say the last scene will be Dany hoisted up on the shoulders of throngs of slaves. Why should the show stop showing that same scene now? They have ended every season with the exact same scene with her so it is a tradition.

  2. Eric Cantor losing is a gift to democrats. Now all these republicans will tack right out of fear of the tea party, and the democrats always do better when the tea party rides high. Good riddance to Cantor, he was a a big part of what was wrong with congress.

  3. Can someone explain to me exactly what the tea party is? Are they a group separate from the Republicans or are they another branch? Our news here tends to lump them all together as Republicans but then I see other places making it seem like they're two separate groups.

    Listen to what I tell you here and don't pay attention to anything you read in any newspaper: The Tea Party is the Republican Party and tea partiers are racist xenophobic rubes and hicks. They pretended they were not republicans but rather mere common sense people tired of big government, but the first thing every tea partier does when they get into office is vote to ban abortions and gay marriage.

    They tend to be ignoramuses, poorly educated, barely literate fools who do not believe in global warming and want our schools to stop teaching evolution and instead teach in science class all about Adam and his rib. They resent everyone who isn't white, they don't like gay people having rights, they want everyone to carry a gun everywhere and the streets and schools should be the OK Corral...they think Sarah Palin is a well spoken genius so really what else need be said?

    And the way you know the tea party is the republican party is the damning fact that everything I just said applies equally to both.

  4. This episode was so so. I like that the show now can afford battles but the crew at the wall is not one the show has spent a lot of time on and consequently I don't really care that Sam's nice frightened friend dies. I don't really recall who he is. In contrast, the scene where Sam frees the wolf to join the battle did put a smile on my face.

    Ygritte dying didn't bother me all that much because this love story was pretty brief. The nasty commander finally showing some sense and honor was satisfying.

    I don't really understand why the humans won. One moment thousands of people are coming, and then next moment they all decide to call it quits for reasons that to me were unclear.

  5. Arya didn't come across as scary or troubled to me. That is sort of like assigning Oprah sensibilities to an UnOprah world. Her situation would be funny if it wasn't so horrible and I think she just had to step out of herself for a second and see how ridiculous it is that every time she is this close to being rescued/home/returned/whatever, that someone ups and dies on her.

  6. Does anyone know who played the old woman on the council? She looked so familiar to me.

    Her name is Paola Dionisotti (you made me curious so I checked), I am not familiar with her but she seems to be an actress who got a lot of work in supporting roles on British TV. On the show she reminded me of dead character actress Meg Wylile, who once filled in as Lila on GH.

  7. Dany has had four seasons--four seasons! ---the time for character development has long since passed and it is time she start being pivotal to the story the way characters like Cersei, Jon and Arya are. How long can they develop this character before they decide "ok, she's developed". Tywin is a fully developed and fleshed out character, done in less than half the amount of screen time. There is developing and then there is stalling. Dany's story is one giant stall I assume because they want to get other characters in certain points before she interacts with them. So she sits there on her throne and knits and braids.

  8. Bummer about the Viper. I really liked him as a character and hoped he would be a going concern.

    Of course Sansa and Arya don't meet, that's expected at this point and it all has tinges of old fashioned farcical comedies the way people would run through doors missing each other. Starks don't meet, end of topic apparently. Dany I have completely lost interest in and apparently she has lost interest in Kings Landing since she doesn't even mention invading now. Now it is just her in her little sideshow where she is a queen and appears in scenes that have no impact on anybody anywhere.

    I feel like the show is expanding now to the point where the expanding of the story is producing diminishing returns. I don't know how or why I should be interested in whether Theon's torturer is adopted by Roose Bolton or not. That is getting far off topic for the show. The time would have been better spent on even something as uneventful as checking in on the littlest Stark boy, or maybe telling us if Gendry actually rowed his boat anywhere. The show doesn't have to make literally every single character we meet a potential lead we should be following.

  9. They really don't get Cersei at all. Hence why they can't seem to decide if she's totally a cold hearted b*tch or some weak sad person who deserves pity 24/7 for all the wrongs done to her by Tywin and dead King Robert. Its quite sad how utterly one note they portray her. Despite it all Lena Headley makes it work most of the time.

    They get her just fine, this is Cersei. I am not sure what wrongs her dead husband did to her outside of your typical loveless marriage one sees in stories. The show doesn't address this but that loveless marriage was a two way street and Robert wasn't the only one having kids out of wedlock.

  10. This was a good episode. I loved the Oberyn (or however you spell his name) scene. The guy who plays him his excellent and in hindsight this was a twist that was telegraphed earlier but never occurred to me til he walked into the cell. I felt sorry for Tyrion as he listened to just how much Cersei always hated him. You gotta love Cersei. I was reading on Huffington post that through an unscientific poll they determined Cersei is now the most hated character on the show since Joffrey died. She does make a great villain.

    Nice to see Hot Pie again, and the seen where The Hound explained his burns was good. Then the Sansa crew: I felt sorry for her crazy aunt. Yes she is crazy and would kill Sansa and has killed, but she was crazy and there was no help for her. She actually loved Littlefinger and didn't deserve to die. They have no psychiatrists in this world but I imagine if she was walking around now in 2014 all hr problems would be solved with a solid prescription. Now her kid is another one who needs help but there is no help.

    Sansa could do worse than Petyr considering he clearly has her best interests at heart as long as they include him. Looking at all she has been through since the show started, being with a sinister schemer that actually doesn't want to kill her is a step up. I think we can see what will happen at the finale though: Arya arrives and she and Sansa don't meet. Starks never do.

  11. Another great finale. The best scene was Ollie and Felicity and the show really had me thinking this was real, perhaps it was. I am glad Slade is done as Manu Bennett is sort of boring. Thea...well I guess she will come back a villain sooner or later, this whole thing was telegraphed from the start. Not sure what I think about the new scenario in the past, but I guess Ollie was an arrow for hire for Waller in the past. I don't recall them mentioning this that they knew each other.

    It will be a long summer without the Team Arrow.

  12. OK - was Marcy's Liza better her first or second time around?

    Her first without question. Greg and Jenny wouldn't be "Greg and Jenny" without Liza. Everyone who remembers their story (and this is basically everyone who watched in the early 80s) remembers Liza just as much. In the 90s and beyond it is debatable if she even starred in a memorable story, let alone one as iconic as Jenny and Greg's.

  13. That Jaime/Tywin scene was a little odd for me. Jaime just seems incredibly naive, if not stupid. I don't know if he was sheltered from the true nature of his family or if this is supposed to show the "new" him, but it's tough to buy.

    I saw this as completely the opposite. Jaime knows that Tywin sees the supreme failure of the Lannisters being Jaime not having sons and claiming his role as Lannister In Chief. Jaime knew this is what Tywin wants more than anything and therefore he had that to bargain with. Tywin said yes without a moment of hesitation, and how could he back out of the deal? If Tywin would have Tyrion killed Jaime would not assume his position at Casterly Rock, the very thing Tywin needs for the Lannisters to carry on.

    Tywin's own manipulations tanked the deal (or whoever it was that told Shae what to say) and now I guess the Jaime option is off the table. I do find the whole trial by combat sort of ludicrous. You may or may not be guilty but if you win this fight you go free. And if I had to guess, Tyrion will choose Jaime as his champion, or perhaps the new Prince from Dorn. Cersei could scheme to get her fiancee to battle Tyrion's champion in the hope he gets killed. As her fiancee it would be expected he would fight on her behalf.

  14. Good episode and I love how everything just goes from bad to worse to worser. Blood was a fool to stick around. Thea is a fool because Malcolm is the only one around capable of protecting her. I doubt he is dead though and he probably is wearing bulletproof leather. Next week is the finale and there is a lot to still cover. I don't see how one hour is enough to save the city, have a showdown with Slade, resolve Thea's situation, wake up Roy, dispose of Isbael and still find time for the Lances and the Islan, not to mention ARGUS.

  15. I feel like no one really cared for the Quartermaines except Douglas Marland.

    I don't know who all the writers were but throughout the 80s the core Qs got tons of love from the writers. The comedy, the murder mysteries, the affairs, even when David Lewis left they still kept him as a ghost. If the writers didn't care for the Qs I doubt they would have lasted as long as they did.

    In the 90s the new regime came in and they apparently thought murder mysteries, affairs and comedy were all beneath them, so they decided to have half of them become drug addicts, the other half run away from the family, and all of them giving self indulgent monologues for some perpetual highlight reel titled "Now THIS is how you write a soap!". And in hindsight it was all dull crap. I have tried to watch Monica's cancer story on YT and can't get through 10 minutes of it. Paige' cancer ditto, Alan's drug addiction the same...all of it was just monologues and characters narrating their every thought to anyone who would listen.

    The writers of the 1980s understood what to do with the Qs. The writers of the 90s didn't so they changed them into this whiny, weak bunch where everyone is perpetually moaning and lamenting about something. The writers of the 2000s just killed them outright.

  16. She's doesn't have enough men or any allies. She would have failed just like Robb and Stannis before her.

    That's not the point. This show started when, 2011? Will this story ever move forward? Watching her rescue the same cities again and again is a great way to kill time and fill episodes, but it is becoming boring as hell. I don't know what the deal is with the books, but it is time the TV show lets Dany take her show on the road. I have to be honest, by 2017 I may no longer care what happens with her, I am getting pretty tired of her as it is. Now you mean to say I have to go watch her tread water yet another year? She is becoming FF material because it is safe to say nothing of importance will happen in any scene Dany is in. He story never moves forward, no plot hinges on anything she says, and she can go round and round like a hamster on a wheel freeing the same four cities again and again, probably through the second Hillary administration.

  17. I can't believe now after all these years Dany finally got her boat and she isn't going.laugh.png Now she has to do a U turn and free the same freaking cities all over again! I don't know what it is the show wants me to think about all this except "are you [!@#$%^&*] kidding me???"

    Frustrating that once again Jon and Bran don't get a chance to meet. And who saved Bran's wolf? Jon got his back, couldn't the wolves have at least gotten a scene together? The show just never wants to throw you a bone when it comes to the Starks. Sansa is with her crazy aunt, but I am not so sure that will work out for the best. Cersei was good this week in all her scenes and I think it is safe to say after two episodes of it being completely ignored that the controversial rape scene of two weeks ago was not intended to be controversial or a rape and that is why the show isn't acknowledging it has something significant worth following up on. I guess if Cersei gets pregnant they could go back and revisit it.

  18. Some full July 1996 episodes being uploaded.


    This was the period when the destruction of the Q seeds were planted. I hate the characterization here. Ned is a pompous jerk who looks down on his family. The writing is bent to make Edward automatically in the wrong, and everyone starts getting reason to not want to be a Q. Ned, Lois, Jason, Emily, Justus, Dillon...all useless. That said at least they were alive.

  19. I liked the episode. It is the prologue to the finale and it set up all the action and danger to come. I also liked how the Queens have just collapsed and Thea is now basically some orphan in the storm with nobody and nothing. I imagine it is time for Roy to wake up and save her. We have waited all year for Blood to do something so I am glad he is finally getting his episode. And I hope Walter, Thea and Ollie can have some sort of family unit because it is just too sad what has happened to them by that no good witch Isabel. And she I imagine will be dying for good somehow sooner or later.

    In the comics Ollie was a wealthy millionaire who wound up losing everything after 30 years in publication and he became sort of a counter culture rebel, fighting injustice and the man at the same time. I guess I could see him being permanently poor, although he would then need Walter to buy his arrows for him.

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