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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Zombie giant George Romero apparently is not too impressed with the show. I had no idea he turned the show down about directing episodes.

    "They asked me to do a couple of episodes of 'The Walking Dead' but I didn't want to be a part of it," Romero told The Big Issue. “Basically it's just a soap opera with a zombie occasionally. I always used the zombie as a character for satire or a political criticism and I find that missing in what’s happening now."

  2. I know that this is a concept that some on the left don't seem to "get," but burning an American flag is seen by many as not just a way of saying "I hate America," but is also seen as a major sign of disrespect to the countless soldiers who were killed trying to defend the liberties that we all hold dear.

    That's absurd to suggest that people can't be upset if a symbol is defaced. African-American's would be rightfully outraged if the Dr. King Monument was painted with graffiti. (It wouldn't be seen as just an attack on Dr. King, but instead as an attack on all black people.) Now, in this case, such behavior wouldn't be protected by the constitution, because the Dr. King Monument is government property. But, if somebody wanted to purchase a MLK doll and deface it, that would be legal (since that would be one's personal property), but it would still be incredibly offensive and disrespectful to African-Americans.

    Sarah Palin is not the queen of the GOP, as her popularity is only limited to the Tea-Party wing. If she runs for president (which she did not last time, since she knew she had no chance of winning the nomination), she would do about as well as Michele Bachmann.

    If you feel the GOP should be forever tarred-and-feathered for nominating her for VPOTUS, then there can't be a double standard: the Democrats then should forever pay for John Edwards, whose behavior is worse than Palin's.

    Being jewish, history tells me a statue is just a statue and if someone writes grafitti on an MLK statue they can do what is done if someone scrawls a swastika on a synogogue: paint over it or clean it off. I still value humans more than any statue or piece of fabric. People can seek out--scratch that and make that "concoct"--reasons to be offended all they want but outside of some creative thought processes I don't see any connection to burning a flag and dead soldiers. I have no interest in burning flags but I never understood why this was an uproar since causing an uproar is the sole reason one would burn a flag. People give flag burners too much attention.

    John Edwards and Sarah Paiin: the difference--again--is one is shunned by the democratic party and seen as the biggest creep to hit politics in a generation, and the other is a celebrated spokeswoman for conservative causes. Democrats are repulsed by Edwards, Republicans genuflect to Palin and her ilk. Isn't that why republican Ministry of Propoganda, FOXNews, puts her on TV on a regular basis?

  3. This obviously doesn't reflect your behavior, Qfan, but I can't believe that you forgot all the accusations of hate that the far left made against the Clintons. Do you remember how the MSNBC wing reacted after "fairy tale," Bill's comment that Obama won the South Carolina primary just like Jessie Jackson did, and Hillary's comment where she seemed to suggest that LBJ deserved as much credit for the Civil Rights Act as did MLK. This was all "proof" of the Clinton's racism.

    Now that Hillary is Obama's heiress apparent, the far left is just sweeping all of this history under the rug.

    And also, Martin Bashir did have the right to say what he said because hate speech is free speech. I don't understand why liberals get upset when conservatives say "hate speech is free speech," because liberals always (correctly) say that other disgusting acts like flag burning are also free speech.

    You just ducked the entire point, that your queen is filled with hate and because she is filled with hate she is the most popular women the republican party has seen in 20 years at least. Hate is her currency, and republicans embrace her for it.

    Flag burning? I am not an evengelist or even a sham fraud of an evangelist like republican darlings Pat Robertson or Jerry Fallwell, but wasn't there something in the bible about god saying not to worship any false idols before him or something? At least I remember Charlton Heston being told that. And are you seriously trying to equate a flag, a piece of cloth, with the people targeted by republican hate? Cloth has no civil rights and hasn't had a history of abuse and dying.

  4. Supposedly the GOP is the party of hate, but MSNBC is now in trouble for the third time in recent months, because of the comments made by one of its of a wacko hosts. This time, the problem stems from the vile comments of Melissa Harris-Perry, a racist witch who (along with her panel of guests) poked fun at a dark-skinned child adopted by the Romney family:


    Harris-Perry, of course, made headlines recently when she stated that ObamaCare was essentially code for the N-word (a sentiment that has been shared by some on the internet). But if we want to use this "logic," then how come nobody ever made idiotic arguments that Reaganomics, HillaryCare, and RomneyCare were all code for "I hate old people, women, Mormons" (respectively).

    Just to show that I am consistent, I do not want MSNBC to fire Harris-Perry immediately (just as I did not want A&E to ban Robertson immediately). Instead, I would like for the network to keep her show on for the next several months (so that its reputation can continue to suffer) before cancelling her show due to low ratings. (And of course, vile speech is free speech, so Harris-Perry had a constitutional right to say what she said, even though her comments were reprehensible).

    The difference is, the distinction ignored by all republicans trying for this false equivalency angle is you don't see Bill Clinton defending Martin Bashir's right to say what he did with some bogus "free speech" argument because unlike her, Bill Clinton is not filled with hate.

    Also, MSNBC is not comprised of elected officials, like the republican party is, that to use the queen of all republicans again as an example, gleefully mocked idealistic young people when she sneered "how's that hopey changey thing working for ya?" Oh sorry, she probably said "workin" since real americans don't pronounce their Gs.

  5. I don't think there is a set in stone definition of a classic. Usually though they come from I would say before 1960 when there was still the studio system in Hollywood. Even then not all movies qualify: "Dracula" with Bela Lugosi is classic Hollywood, but "Son Of Dracula" with Lon Chaney Jr not so much. Then from more modern movies I think quality and if it is well remembered becomes a priority. "The Godfather" is a classic, but "The Godfather III" is not. If "Braveheart" is not considered a classic it eventually will be, but I don't think "Gladiator" will. "Goldfinger" is a classic, but almost no other Bond film is.

  6. I thought the only people who knew NJ was a shithole were NYers. To drive down the turnpike or look at the chemical plants along the Garden State Parkway will show the real NJ. Elizabeth, NJ is a particularly charming place, and I would not be surprised if cancer rates there were approaching 100%. Hoboken has its charms.

  7. Happy to see that NJ Democrats are finally digging in Chris Christie and exposing this bully for what he truly is...a loudmouth who yells to get what he wants and then throws tantrums when people disagree with him until he gets his way.

    He won't play well in Iowa and a lot of states throughout the nation. Of that I'm certain. And only by the grace of Sheldon Adelson and zillionaires will he ever get the nomination.

    He won't get the nomination. First he is from NJ and republicans only tolerate you if you are from the south or west (except Mitt Romney but they were desperate). Then he is unlikable and unfriendly and comes off as angry, and no one wants an angry president. Third he is obese, and the track record of obese presidential candidates since the advent of TV speaks for itself. His bigmouth combative style is perfect for the NY tristate area, but nowhere else in the country. This guy, Rudy, Ed Koch, Bloomberg...these guys all make for great press comments and they have their sights set high, but America wants no part of it.

  8. This was a really good episode. I don't care for this modern phenomenon of mid season finales, but they want us to wait I guess. Anyway, I liked seeing Tommy again even if a dream, liked that we finally got some movement on the island, but I felt sorry for Roy. He worships the Arrow and doesn't know quite how to act on it since Ollie refuse to bring him in, and he got shot with an arrow for his fanboyish idolizing. That has to be a bummer, and then he is good enough to find and run down his own clues--something Ollie fails to acknowledge, and now he is shot full of super serum that apparently drives you crazy and mean.

    I liked the Barry scene at the end. A smile came to my face seeing the lightning and the chemicals because that is the 60 year old sign that The Flash is coming. What is frustrating is apparently the show is not going to follow up on this for a while because The Flash is getting his own show down the road.

  9. This was a really good episode. Grant Gustin was really likable in this, and his character was completely different than the one he played on Glee. It's too bad he can't become a regular because the plan is to spin him off into his own series. In other news, it is nice to see Moira back to being tough. She still hasn't told her kids all her secrets and probably never will. Great character.

  10. Qfan, I will never understand why liberals chose the unqualified Obama over the experienced Hillary in 2008. If the Iraq War (which is the one thing they bring up most) made Hillary so unacceptable, they could--and should--have lobbied for a more experienced anti-war candidate to run for POTUS. (And for that matter, if being against the Iraq War from the start meant that Obama had the necessary "wisdom" to be president, then tens of millions of other Americans were also qualified back in '08.)

    I think this is explained by something I said a while back: America as a culture tends to hate women. When the choice became the black man vs the white woman, two different prejudices collided and we see which won out. If it is Hillary vs Christie it will be the woman vs another prejudice and I think we will see the woman win. Just look at who does the news, acts in tv shows, who is even in studio audiences of tv shows handpicked by the producers to be right by the camera: thin people. I don't think Christie can win at his current weight and his positions are beside the point. There has been no obese president in the electronic age, why would there be one now? He is going to go on camera and look cosmetically bad next to whoever his opponent is, and it will be a Kennedy vs Nixon moment.

    Hillary has her own problems. She should take some voice lessons and lower it an octave. Thatcher had a very deep voice and I suspect the deeper the voice the easier it is for politician to win.

  11. Tis was a great episode and I love that creepy girl is able to walk the walk. She is like Carl 2.0. Sad about Herschel but I think his homespun advice has run its course. There is only so much wisdom that one show needs and now it is time for everyone to proceed without someone who is perpetually correct. Clearly they had a standing exit plan with the bus and whatnot, so I imagine the plan is everyone who can rendezvous at wherever will, but Tyrese and the kids went the wrong way it seems, Maggie I am not even sure where she ran off to looking for her sister, Rick and Carl are on their own, so I am expecting in Feb everyone will look to Daryl to take over. And where did Michonne go after saving Rick?

  12. I dunno, I think they word it that way to make it sound even more All About Eve.

    Well, it is one of the greatest movies Hollywood ever made with a story that is a classic. I am more interested in the accusation that this perceived slight to soap actors really. She is being accused of some crummy things and that will thing sure seems fishy.

  13. She was a soap actress. They acknowledged not all soap actors are minor by writing it the way they day.

    Yeah but she isn't Tony Geary or Susan Lucci. She isn't Deidre Hall or Genie Francis. Her heyday as a soap actor was 30 years ago and she never had a major role after that.

  14. OMG! Very soapy.

    Yeah, that kind of annoyed me. She won an Emmy and she was also the executive producer of All My Children.

    But she is a minor soap actress. No one outside of soap fandom ever heard of her. The weird codicil makes me think this story is true because there is no reason for it to be in any given will and who would even think of such a thing? It was put in there it sounds like for the express purpose of exploiting it down the road. And that sort of gives the maid's words some weight.

  15. Another waste of an episode, and look, they are right back to the status quo from last year. The previews are very exciting with the Governor invading the prison-- only not because I saw that episode last year. The season started out so great, what Einstein came up with this crap? And <yawn> his daddy beat him. Such depth of character, such deep writing, it is not as if that motivation isn't used on TV 45 times a week.

  16. Good episode, bummer Count Vertigo is dead. I am fine with Thea being a Merlyn but I am not thrilled that only seven or so episodes since he died, Merlyn is already back from the grave. Sort of ruins the impact of the finale in retrospect. But anyway, the show is one of the best newish shows on TV. I also liked the island episode but as I said a few weeks back I am sort of bored of it. It is this neverending parade of baddies who come to the island to torture Oliver for no reason. Once this crew is dispatched there will be someone else.

    I like Oliver and Felicity. Laurel to me is the dullest character on the show and never really does much. Ok, her father and Thea don't do much either but at least in Thea's case that should be changing. All Laurel does is resist her attraction to Oliver. I got the point after 29 episodes and it is time to move on to a new element.

  17. Bad episode. The Governor is TWD's Roger Howarth or something. I don't know why the show thinks this guy is so great but last season was the weakest of the four, this season was going great with walkers, and now we have to follow these humans? Human vs human is not interesting, and watching this band of killers attack other camps or whatever it is they are doing is just a waste of time. I knew it would be dull since he was coming back, and sure enough it was.

  18. Obama really bungled it. One day it was the end of the republican party with their shutdown that had 2/3 of the country blaming them, and the next day it is Obama in the toilet because of Obamacare. And it shows you just what amateur hour it was because this is it, this is what his presidency will be remembered for and nothing else. So you have one signature accomplishment (which Clinton did not) and you not only screw it up but in multiple ways? If this doesn't work that will be it for 20 years and it will be a huge blow to liberalism, and for what, because he didn't want to get QA on a website? Even worse than that though is his "Lie". Once something sticks to you it doesn't come off, and there is just not too many ways to spin him insisting everyone would keep their healthcare when it was just not true.

    Once Bush said "heck of a job, Brownie" the country stopped listening to him. Sane people stopped listening to him before then but the "Brownie" moment was the turning point for Bush he would never recover from. McCain and his "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" is another example. A moment comes and a switch goes off with the public and it becomes impossible to win the public back. We shall see if Obama's promises to make right will work, but I don't think so because none of his fixes can be explained in one sentence and with simple concepts of right and wrong. Brownie wasn't doing a heck of a job, end of story. People were not able to keep their insurance, no one wants to hear about grandfather clauses and sub standard emergency policies as you try to worm out of a jam. Second terms always seem to end badly for presidents and Obama appears to be no exception. This is why you need Bill and Hillary. Bill would have explained it all and sold it successfully. And if Obama does manage to see his way through this crisis it will be because Bill pushed him into doing it.

  19. That article makes me feel incredibly shallow. I like the cast chemistry and hot guys. Arc tragectories and the DC vs. Marvel stuff...yeah, not so much. I can't believe someone analyzes it to that degree. And I found myself a little annoyed at some of the less than accurate descriptions of the story. I mean, I know Merlyn ordered Ollie's father's death, but Ollie's father ended up committing suicide. It may be a nit-pick, but it's one of those things that annoys me.

    I'm glad I don't know the DC canon. Now I'm seriously bummed by

    the knowledge Slade is Deathstroke and Shado will eventually oppose Ollie.

    Unless I somehow missed that---some of the island stuff confuses me.

    The show may deviate though because clearly the person the article has slated to become Black Canary is not the current Black Canary. As a comic geek I love all the comic bookisms in it. This last episode alone was filled with name dropping from the comics, and I am hoping a tease of things to come. H.I.V.E., Brother Blood, Amanda Waller, even the mother's lawyer Jean Loring, all come from the comics, and the occasional newscasts on thir TVs about particle accelerators is a neon sign for a certain super hero who I am going to assume will be guest starring on a future episode.

    It's not my favorite show, but it is my favorite show on network tv. It is a fun superhero show that has some soap opera elements.

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