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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. The Queen of Thorns is played by TV icon Diana Rigg. Rigg played Mrs Peel on the 60s show "The Avengers" and the GH character Anna Devane owes a lot to Mrs Peel. She was a bold step forward for women on TV in that in the 60s she was able to take on men in battle and yet look supremely stylish while doing so.


  2. Wow, a Glee unlike any other. I was on the edge of my seat at parts, and the twist with Sue was excelllent. When Ryder called the phone and it was coming from somewhere within the room that was just the icing on the cake. I have no guesses but I thought whoever it was was going to be the shooter and possibly kill Ryder. (I actually didn't know his name before tonight).

  3. I enjoyed this episode as it featured my favorite Lannister, Jaime. Jaime always talks trash but hidden behind is word games is always some wisdom and truth telling. He is so matter of fact about everything in this cruel world, and perversions or not, he knows you don't get to choose the ones you love. That's more to the point that Cat's silly speech about all the ills befalling her family because she didn't love Jon Snow. I forget all the details now, but a lot of their troubles go back to her taking Tyrion prisoner. Admittedly she thought he pushed her son out the window, but she was wrong. And then when she finally gets the true culprit she sets him free. But desperate mothers will make deals with the devil.

    I like the new characters. That archer has to be the best archer alive, and he can put Robin Hood to shame. That weird kid with the tough sister I like also. He seems like an incarnation of mystical goodness, and she the show can use a good guy somewhere. Diana Rigg got so old, I need to see more of her character to think more of her as the stock stereotypical shrewd old power player who has seen it all. This looks like a role Maggie Smith could play in her sleep. Diana Rigg doesn't even have to try to have this role down cold.

  4. Am I the only one pissed off by yet another three week break between new episodes? This kind of thing drives me nuts.

    However, Arrow's the only new show I can think of that hasn't driven me off with it.

    I hate when shows take breaks for no reason. You have 20 episodes, run them in 20 weeks.

  5. I've always had the impression that Casey the Alien was the Gigli of GH storylines, but if fans liked it then, then hey...

    It was a good story. Don't let the alien fool you. There can be good stories in science fiction as much as any other genre.

  6. I had to turn away from the nipple. That was gratuitous and I don't even want to think about it.

    I liked the premiere a lot. The giant was very cool and I like the dragons are growing up. As for the characters and stories this year, I liked that that guard from season 1 showed up with Dany all these episodes later. That's a good memory on the part of the plot. Jon Snow looks to be spending another year on his own, and whatever happened to his uncle he went looking for two seasons ago? Tywin and Tyrion were great: Lannister Sr is just a mean, mean guy but a lot of what he says is vaguely based on fact. Tyrion would furnish the house with whores. I get the sense Littlefinger has sexual designs on Sansa, and Robb should start being nicer to his mother. I wish we saw Jaime this week and whatever became of Greyjoy but the cast is so big. And I love, love that Jon's wolf is on the job fighting for justice and The Watch.

  7. I was a little disappointed here. First Andrea: The show spent an entire year having us follow her. Previous to that it was established Andrea was a tough customer who would go down swinging. Last week she got her battle but it was more like she was stalked and defended herself, and after the brave way she ended the previous season with guns blazing her story fizzles out thanks to a zombie geek? That was why we watched her this year, to die as an incident off camera and not even in the main field of battle saving everyone a la Merle and dying a hero?

    Which brings us to the Governor. Here again we spent a year watching as the two tribes slowly march toward war. So what happens? The Governor kills all his own army, he has no one left to fight and the other team wins by default. That is what the build up was for? No Rick vs Gov fighting for their lives, no Daryl being cool with arrows? Just the Governor gets mad at his troops and kills them all? What is that? And then do we even know what his status is? He drove off with the main henchmen I guess to return next year so that basically means this year didn't matter because he will want a rematch.

    And then who were those busload of women? If the entire town was finished because all the men got killed and all that remained was the women and children unable to defend themselves, why didn't Rick and co. just move into the town instead of bringing the town back to the prison? They had actual beds and baths there. And I don't understand why they even included the character of Tyreese. He doesn't do anything and now that is literally true. Everyone is going to the big showdown and he can pick any side he wants, so he decides to stay home. So why was he added to the show? He didn't save anyone or kill anyone. He and his sister served no purpose. Anyway, love the show but this ended with a whimper, not a bang.

  8. EW,com sort of ripped the episode to shreds in the kindest way they possible could.

    Now, Merle had his own plan for Operation Michonne. He asked Michonne to follow him into the tombs, because, um, there were zombies down there that they needed to kill. Now, keep in mind that it's been just a little over a week in Dead Time since Michonne was fighting for her life in a man-to-man battle against Merle, and keep in mind that the whole central plotline of Michonne this season has been her inability to trust anyone. Now: The guy who tried to kill her, and who coincidentally regularly throws racial epithets in her direction, walks up to her and says, "Hey there, honey, would you mind coming to a dark and remote corner of the prison, far away from anyone who hasn't tried to kill you?" And she apparently says: "Sure." She was knocked unconscious immediately.

    Anyhow, it had been about four minutes since any zombies got killed, so Merle went to kickstart a car and accidentally set off the car alarm. The zombie kills in this sequence were pretty inventive: Michonne would have earned a rare non-katana Zombie Kill of the Week for her impressive wire-around-the-pole-through-the-neck move, but I had to immediately declare Michonne ineligible for the ZKotW Award because of what happened next. Merle cut her free, and said, "Get in the car!" AND SHE GOT IN THE CAR WITH THE GUY WHO WAS TAKING HER TO CERTAIN DEATH.

  9. This was like the scene where the girl came out of the shed. Merle was so horrible, but he was a great character, it is very sad. I don't know why the show did this; Merle and Daryl (along with Carl) are the best things about the show. This gets my vote for best death of the series so far. Or Best Zombie or something.

    Michonne is ok, at least she talks a little now. I have no idea what the point of Tyreese and his pals were, they are barely on and contribute next to nothing to the show. Carol contributes next to nothing going on three years now, so I assume she will have to get something big before she dies. And Hershel's other daughter (I don't even know her name) is another waste of time.

  10. Chris Christie, who the media constantly tells us is our savior and the future of the "sensible" or "moderate" GOP, isn't sure if he supports ugly, harmful, dangerous brainwash therapy. What a shock. His bigotry is never well hidden, even if the media likes to pretend otherwise.


    Reading that article is funny and I love one of the ways to cure guys of being gay is to man them up and make them play sports. I don't know that the science on that is all that sound, but I am pretty sure if Mr Christie was forced to play some sports himself he might find himself not manning up, but slimming down.

  11. This was a pretty good episode! I loved Puckerman Jr's moves doing Bobby Brown. That was the best performance of the show, although the Wham song was very entertaining and seeing Blaine without hair gel was interesting. His Phil Collins song was good too.

    As far as the stories go, this week it was a little flimsy but the Rachel/Brody duet was ok.

  12. I enjoyed this episode. The stalking sequence was really well done, and whoever wrote this episode gave us more insight into the personalty of the governor without dialogue than that bullshit sob story waste of time last week. Andrea for all her faults is a tough customer and really gives as good as she gets in fights.

  13. What a weird episode this was. That cyber Katie thing at the end was a little creepy. I guess I am too old to know how these things work but do kids really form relationships this way? The Santana/Brody thing was interesting and the whole Brody gigolo sequence was well done I thought but then it took this really dark turn when Finn showed up. If this wasn't Glee there would have been a murder and cover up.

    As for the ongoing topic of Glee ratings, I was reading that Glee is a highly profitable show for FOX, perhaps due to music and the live shows they did, the reality contest show, and whatever else I don't even know exists, so I doubt it is going anywhere any time soon. I wonder if any show on FOX brings in the money Glee does.

  14. For me this was the first truly bad episode of the series so far. Supremely boring, I was actually FFing through parts like that needless love scene of Maggie and Glen. First the Governor tells a little sob story but what does it matter? Who even knows if it is true and why should I care or even be partly interested? How does that explain the jars of zombie heads in his bedroom? The hour spent cutting a deal--a deal we know will never be cut--was for what purpose? And then we are allowed to see the Governor has a hidden gun Han Solo style ready to kill Ric. Well, at the end of the episode he tells his henchman to kill Ric, so that begs the question of why didn't he just kill him while they were sitting at the table? It was fake suspense, a dangling plot element that was inserted for no reason whatsoever.

    Meanwhile we come to the only character that made sense the entire episode: Merle. He wants to kill the Governor and the gang doesn't trust him. Well, this was the exact same status quo when we last saw them two weeks ago, so why did I have to see it again? I thought perhaps we would get an alliance of Merle and Michonne, but that was a dead end too.

    And where are the zombies??? One of the important elements of the show is the tension and danger the zombies provide, but this episode was almost zombie free with just two people talking in a conversation that had no significance whatsoever to anything that will come after it.

  15. Its time for the show to get a bigger set I been in the studio and its small like hell. For one of ABC's most successful talk show they should invest in that. Plus Ali Wentworth should join the show.

    Why do they need a big set for five busybodies just sitting around chatting? Of all things it is talk shows that don't really need a set.

    My opinion of the view is these people hosting it were often clueless about the things they were talking about which is why they often wound up in the news. That one host who couldn't state whether the world was round or not, Whoopi saying dog torture was a cultural thing for southern black america, and then again her defense of Mel Gibson. And of course the breakout star of the View: Star Jones. She wound up actually becoming famous thanks to her ridiculous wedding and her lies about weight loss. Joy Behar comes across as the most normal of the bunch but admittedly I have probably seen the show less than ten times during its entire run.

  16. I felt bad for the hitchhiker. The guy is a human and in this situation every able body counts. If he turned out to not work out they could have kicked him out of the compound but person after person has come to want to join the group and Rick has turned them all away, and then conversely they discuss how all they have is Rick, Daryl, and now Merle to fight. Looking at the governor's town we see that dozens are more than 4, and hundreds are more powerful than dozens, and the basic premise of safety in numbers plays out. 400 humans stand a better chance of survival than 40, and 4000 would stand an even better chance.

    Carl is one of my favorite characters on the show because being a child we are able to see how dramatically he is changing and how not a child he becomes with each episode.

  17. Cool promo, it looks like Dragon Queen is finally making some progress getting to where she wants to go. The only thing I am getting tired of is how Impy is always first among equals in these promos. It's enough of him already. I haven't read the books but is he the star of the early novels also, because he certainly has taken over the show.

  18. That Sondheim number she sang was great. I don't know if she sung it with no help or if they edited out the spaces between words. It is a very tough song, and off hand I would say that had to be the toughest song ever attempted on Glee. Back in NY, is hunky boyfriend Brody a gigolo? He was shown walking out of a hotel room counting money or did I imagine that? When did Santana go to NY? I don't remember seeing that at all but Brody said she and Kurt were out all night.

  19. I dunno if Jesse Jackson was so much a foe as someone Ed Koch ruthlessly attacked for no reason... Ed Koch definitely had a sense of humor I find appealing but I find he is being whitewashed to an annoying extent now that he's dead.

    I don't know how old you are, but as someone who remembers the Koch administration, that is not how I remember it all. Jesse Jackson would show up in NY on a semi regular basis to protest, seek political gain and try to cause trouble for the city he called "Hymietown". He refused even on camera to shake Koch's hand, and he was open about using the death of a african american boy to gain city hall for David Dinkins. Now he was no Al Sharpton, the con artist who still does not apologize for the Tawana Brawley scam, I'll give him that.

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