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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. If the Democrats get the blame it is their own damn fault, not the media's. They set themselves up for this time and time again and never play the same game when they have the majority.

    They won't get the blame except from tea partiers who would blame them anyway. This whole thing might be a good thing because it is bringing to light the split in the republican party and we are seeing other republicans actually speaking publicly about these tea party maniacs and their naive theories on how to govern. The only one who will kill the republican party is the republican party, and all anyone else has to do it sit back and let conservatives go about their insane, merry way. It might take 10 years, perhaps 20, but eventually the zealots are going to push everyone out of the party until there is no party anymore.

    Max, I agree that liberals do not love Hillary Clinton. The Clintons are not true believers. They are liberal, they do fight on the side of liberals, but they do so because it coincidentally aligns with what is good for them. That said, I would vote Bill in for life because he is just that smart and good, and voting for Hillary means backdooring Bill back into power so she has my vote. Plus, she is smart and clever, and both Clintons can out hustle the republicans.

  2. I think it actually makes sense to play him as younger, and if Glee is anything to go by, a kinda snotty late teen.

    I don't think you can go by Glee. There is a clip of him on youtube performing a number from Singin' In The Rain, and he comes off completely earnest and sweet. Besides singing, it turns out he is a decent tap dancer too. I think it is a shame he has gone the straight acting route because it is wasting his other talents.

  3. Grant Gustin of Glee (he played the evil gay kid who tried to get between Kurt and Blaine and had a singing duel with Santana) has been hired to play The Flash (another DC character) for three episodes.

    He is a talented singer and dancer, but he seems awful young to be playing a peer of Arrow.

  4. which shows the narrow mindedness of conservatives. "He's a jew from NY...[!@#$%^&*] him."

    Meanwhile the NYers see Bill Clinton and love him. They see Bloomberg and go into that "I don't want these New Yorkers telling me what to do!" bullshit.

    Bloomberg is the perfect spokesman, its just prejudiced conservatives and their unamerican "real american" bullshit don't want to listen.

    I will be sorry to see Bloomberg go. He had a huge impact on this city and all the complaints that he has a mommy complex are true, but on every one of his issues he turns out to be right. The average lifespan in NYC has risen during his term. If that isn't the bottomest of bottom lines I don't know what it.

  5. I also don't think Bloomberg is a good spokesperson for this.

    which shows the narrow mindedness of conservatives. "He's a jew from NY...!@#$%^&*] him."

    Meanwhile the NYers see Bill Clinton and love him. They see Bloomberg and go into that "I don't want these New Yorkers telling me what to do!" bullshit.

    Bloomberg is the perfect spokesman, its just prejudiced conservatives and their unamerican "real american" bullshit don't want to listen.

  6. Obama's speech was terrible, as are so many of his speeches. "We have to send a limited response to discourage the use of chemical weapons". Yeah, that sounds like a rousing speech FDR or Churchill would have given...

    I will never understand how he got this rep as a great orator. His speaking style is like a limp fish, he has no passion in anything he says, and he just blabs away in this monotone delivery.

  7. I listened to that in another tab so I could not see whose themes were playing. The only ones I got right off the bat were Sammy Jo, Claudia's insane theme, and La Mirage. The Steven theme I recognized but didn't make the connection, and Krystal theme was really just the Dynasty theme,

  8. Season 4 was Fallon and her race horse, right? It is amazing that the show survived such a bad season but frankly the show never returns to its former glory. I don't remember what Kirby's story was, something about swollen hands? And nothing about Blake and Krystal comes to mind and they were the supposed stars of the show.

  9. Agreed. Awards are mostly all politics. That's why I'm just happy for the deserved actors that do get through (Adam Driver and Bobby Cannavale for me) and don't really think anything else of it.

    And then there is Diana Rigg. She;s great and he has always been great, but just because she is the most famous actor on the show doesn't mean she deserves an emmy more than the woman who plays Cat but who nobody knows what her name is, or the woman who plays the Red Witch or whoever. What did she do that was better than what the girl who plays Arya did?

  10. The emmy voters are so preidictable. Peter Dinkilage is fine, but he is not the only actor on the show. They keep nominating him because it is the thing to do but Charles Dance deserves the nomination far more. And I would say Nikolaj Coster-Waldau did better work this year, as did many others who just never got press.

  11. What a joke that on a show called "The Voice" Cher is lip synching and computer effected. That was great? That was crap. Lets hear her sing unassisted and then we can tell if she is still great or not.

  12. I didn't care about watching GoT at first because most of what I knew of it was stories about women who were uncomfortable with the show's explotive treatment of females and female nudity

    I don't know who you were talking to, but whoever it was just has a thing about nudity since the show has gone to great lengths to make the women of the show as tough as the men and who move story as much as the men. It is just kneekerk faux-feminism if anyone told you otherwise. If some woman somewhere was uncomfortable watching, that is more a statement about some prude than it is about the show. Also, nowhere is it written that women are better judges of television shows than men.

    Huffingtonpost put together a video called "The Bad Ass Women of Game Of Thrones"


    And you should show this to these wilting flowers who can't stand the site of a nipple or whatever it was that turned them off to the show. The show since day one has had the ladies just as much in the forefront as the men, and if any leading actress on the show showed as much skin as Khal Drogo did week after week let them come forward with clips.

  13. Thanks. I was wondering, as I'd read a comment from someone that in the book, Sansa wasn't unhappy about Tyrion being a dwarf (it was that he was a Lannister), and things like this, or people saying we should have seen her react more to the deaths (although the scene I saw was powerful).



    This is one of my favorite scenes so far in the whole series, and when Sansa gives Joffrey that look, it was like she woke up. 



    The thing about Sansa is she is a prisoner basically, in a position of no power and very few opportunities to make any sort of heroic decisions.  I do recall though in the big battle of last year where the castle was under siege she was the one who rallied the women and showed compassion to people, while all Cersei (who I also love) could do is gt drunk.

  14. Sorry if you've already discussed this, TPoS, but I've seen some Sansa fans say that the show gives her short strift compared to the books, and makes her seem too immature, only focuses on the men around her, etc. Do you think that's true?


    Sansa is one of the few characters whose personality has been allowed to change as her story unfolds. She started out as a silly, nasty girl but there was a scene late in season one where with just a look of her eyes you saw this girl was growing up fast. She is immature, not too immature. One of the strengths of the show is that not everyone is equally mature and strong, and Sansa's immaturity was important to her story. I am a Sansa fan and I don't think I would want her behaving like Arya, I have Arya for that. One of the greatest things about the show is even supporting characters are fleshed out and given attention, and Sansa the supporting character is on no less frequently than her starring siblings.

  15. Anti-climactic finale. There were a couple of moments that advanced the plot along but nothing worth ending a series on. The promo-ed Tywin/Joffrey scene was a fake out, the identity of the torturer was a big nothing, and Jaime's scene ended just as it began. The Bran scene was nice as finally someone met someone else, but other than that I got nothing. The very last scene was a big "so what?". Why do I care that freed slaves were now freed doubly. They were freed once already I didn't need to see them verify that for me. And then the whole Gendry plot thread was a detour into nothing. I imagine he will be rowing for quite a few episodes.

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