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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Glee returned but this episode was a mess. There is a slash factor to Blaine and Sam that would be hot, but I don't understand why the show even brought this up. Poor Tina, this cannot end well for her considering out of nowhere she is deeply in love with Blaine. There is also something icky about Puck and the evil blonde underage cheerleader. She's underage and he knows it. Just a poorly thought through storyline.

    The NY half of the show continues to be superior and Rachel and handsome whateverhisnameis are far more interesting than everyone else.

  2. That was the black family brought in during season 9. Pat, Frank, and their daughter Julie.

    Oh, Well Knots wasn't a public affairs show, but they did cover some topics like the kid having ADD or whatever it was he had and Abby's daughter doing drugs. Dallas and Dynasty never bothered with stuff like that.

  3. I get extremely angry when they say that. I actually even prefer, as sad as that is, the comparison to the "Real Housewives," because at least those shows are more soapy.

    I enjoyed The Talk segment, even if I think Cheryl was mostly faking about Knots to get some attention. Joan was a lot of fun, as were Michele and Donna. Donna's haircut was a little jarring, as she looked like a stylish elderly First Lady, but she looked great.

    I have to confess that when Michele Lee talks about how Knots talked about the issues of the day, and that's why it was a success, I roll my eyes a little. Other than the teen drug story with Olivia, I don't believe Knots did that, and frankly, the few times they tried (vigilantism, biker gangs, Sid's rape accusations, tidal energy), they flopped. They didn't even bring any non-white actors on for 9 seasons. 9.

    I don't think you are correct on that last comment. I could swear there was a couple that moved into the street and they had a daughter and then the mother died in a car crash while Joe Cocker sang "you are so beautiful to me"

  4. The guy who plays the best friend is actually this accomplished Broadway musical actor and is pretty talented.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2tIOrKyBKuw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lsJOxTBYz3o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HcjmdOGTUbs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  5. The show turned out to be a really good series. I don't watch too much episodic TV anymore so this is a nice change of pace from the cable dramas. There is a touch of serialization with John Barrowman and whatnot, but not much. I never heard of Stephen Amell before this show but he is really solid, as is the woman who plays his mother and the rest of the cast. I like how they work in actual names and characters from the comic books too.

  6. I said this in this very forum a year or two back. The socialist hating, conservative states that despise the northeast and the so-callled liberal elites that live in Manhattan and Harvard, are actually charity cases that would starve if not for the people in Manhattan believing in helping those who need help. These selfish southerners, as represented by their odious congressmen, will now seek to block the federal government from sending money to Sandy ravaged NY, but they will keep their palms facing up to the sky waiting to catch every charity socialized dollar NY sends their way. I say we take republicans at their word and stop income redistribution. Let NY send $1 in for every $1 it gets back, and let the fundie, hick, backwoods south do the same. We shall see who starves first.



    Is there anyone shocked that Speaker Boehner refused to allow a vote to send money to NY and NJ?  The republican playbook and their hateful ways are a predictable as ever.  If it was a southern state filled with republicans the House would have voted that money.  NY and NJ votes to send the other states money but when it came time to help the victims of Sandy Republicans showed--once again--what a horrible disgusting group they are.   If you told me Boehner and his crew said "&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] NY, they're democrats" I would believe it.


    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="+id+" width="440" height="284" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.crooksandliars.com/v/MjYzOTQtNjQ5Mzk?color=C93033" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://embed.crooksandliars.com/v/MjYzOTQtNjQ5Mzk?color=C93033" quality="high" wmode="transparent"    width="440" height="284" allowfullscreen="true" name="clembedMjYzOTQtNjQ5Mzk" align="middle" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed></object>

  7. This was a pleasant episode. I had forgotten what a good voice Puck has, with a rich deep tone. It is a shame he didn't get to sing more these last few years. Then Puck Jr sings with that more typical sound that has no depth to any of the notes. Same for Blaine and Kurt. Blaine's deeper voice just dominates Kurt's high pitched notes. Love they included the Hanukkah song.

  8. Tonight's Glee was really really good. Rachel's triumph really came across the screen and they shot that really well. I actually was happy she did good. The whole NY half of the show is far superior to the actual Glee half. Kate Hudson just continues to shine, and her performance of "All That Jazz" was better than Lea Michelle's. Her performance last time of "There Are Worse Things I Could Do" was better than either of her trio partners too.

    Sam and Brittany's duet of "Something Stupid" was very sweet. It is a nice, charming song that is tough to ruin and they did a nice job of it.

  9. It was a great finale but I don't think the show has explained Michonne well enough to justify her OTT hatred of the governor. I have not read the comics but I have read they watered the governor down a lot trying to save the character and make him last, but as a consequence it sort of makes Michonne's hatred of him make almost no sense. Her gut tells her he is bad therefore she waits in his apartment to kill him? And really, she could tell the prison group about Andrea.

    I also read that the characters of Daryl and Merle are not in the comic, which is amazing because if you look at the last few episodes all they have really been about is setting up the Daryl and Merle reunion. There is a lot of action and this and that, but at the heart of it all is "what will happen when Daryl sees Merle?" That was the payoff for the whole thing, taking Glenn was just a means to get the show to Daryl and Merle.

    Besides Daryl and Merle are any of the other characters original to the TV show?

  10. I just got turned onto this show and watched the entire series this week.

    I have to say I was happy Dale died because he was just a nuisance. Shane had issues but I found him always right all the time in every debate, and the issue of saving the teenager's life was a perfect example. The entire first two seasons all their troubles would stem from Rick's good-natured decisions that put his own people in jeopardy. Season three is great too but I can understand why Andrea decided to stay. Michonne is ok, no great shakes because she is just needlessly full of attitude. There is no reason not to warn these people their enemy is Merle or that Andrea is alive.

    Great show.

  11. So, when it comes to the big picture, I believe the Republicans see more of it.

    They aren't even able to see that Abraham did not literally live for 900 years. The only picture they seem able to see is "The Ten Commandments" on ABC every easter.

  12. Overall, I feel last season with the graduation should have been the last. Some new characters I like, some I can't stand. I don't really like the split between McKinley High and New York, they should focus on one or the other, not both. Given Glee's not so great ratings this season, looks like most have moved on and fad is over.

    I don't think Glee's ratings are all that bad considering this was a year for network collapse. Glee's ratings have eroded less than the average. One of the networks (is it NBC?) has held steady and the other three the floor dropped out from under them. The ability of Walking Dead to outright get more viewers than all network shows opposite it I think tells the story about what is happening to the networks.

  13. I love Santana, the actress is so talented, beautiful and that equals sexy. I am shocked how good Kate Hudson is as a performer.

    Not only was she a good singer but that bit with hunky guy was hot. Oh I also think Darren Criss really should head back to Broadway. He sings well, he looks the part, he has just the right theatrical touch of ham in him, he could do it except perhaps for the fact that as talented as he is he still as not as technically perfect as Broadway singers tend to be (someone like John Barrowman for example).
  14. Man Distraught Over Presidential Election Result Kills Himself

    KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) — A Key West resident who police say was distraught over the presidential election results and worried about his business has apparently killed himself.

    Police say they found Henry Hamilton’s body in his bedroom Nov. 8, along with a living will with handwritten words “Do not revive! (expletive) Obama!” Two empty prescription empty pill bottles were in the dining room

    Hamilton’s partner Michael Cossey told Key West police he last saw Hamilton when they watched the election results together. According to the police report, Hamilton was upset and said, “If Barack gets re-elected, I’m not going to be around.”

    Cossey says Hamilton was anxious about his tanning business. Police say Cossey found Hamilton’s body after returning home from a night of playing cards with friends.

    Authorities do not suspect foul play.

  15. Tongue in cheek, but well written article by Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, but us letting the Takers secede: http://www.washingto...ry.html?hpid=z2

    I said this in this very forum a year or two back. The socialist hating, conservative states that despise the northeast and the so-callled liberal elites that live in Manhattan and Harvard, are actually charity cases that would starve if not for the people in Manhattan believing in helping those who need help. These selfish southerners, as represented by their odious congressmen, will now seek to block the federal government from sending money to Sandy ravaged NY, but they will keep their palms facing up to the sky waiting to catch every charity socialized dollar NY sends their way. I say we take republicans at their word and stop income redistribution. Let NY send $1 in for every $1 it gets back, and let the fundie, hick, backwoods south do the same. We shall see who starves first.

  16. Apparently, Petraeus kept pursuing the woman after she broke off the affair, he sent her thousands of emails. That calls into question good judgment overall. Affairs are looked at as a problem with officials with high security clearance.

    If only J Edgar Hoover could see this!

  17. I can't help but feel there has to be more to this Petraeus story than him cheating on his wife. Clinton cheated on his and he didn't step down as President, not sure why the CIA Director would have to either.

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9WrEyVOPR8M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    No seriously, I think this is just a misguided sense of morality and duty. There is nothing written anywhere which says a General or CIA director is less capable of doing his job if he cheats on his wife. Eisenhower himself had Kay Summersby while Mamie was at home.

  18. While I was fortunate enough to not have sustained any damage from Hurricane Sandy, I was without power for 10 days

    I had no power or water for four days. Ten days I just would gone postal on someone. Are you on Staten Island?

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