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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase='http://download.adobe.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0' width='210' height='105' name="98894" id="98894"><param name="movie" value="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/btrplayer.swf?file=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogtalkradio.com%2Fdayplayerdish%2F2012%2F09%2F27%2Fdayplayerdish-remembers-guiding-light%2Fplaylist.xml&autostart=false&bufferlength=5&volume=80&corner=rounded&callback=http://www.blogtalkradio.com/flashplayercallback.aspx" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="menu" value="false" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/btrplayer.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogtalkradio.com%2Fdayplayerdish%2F2012%2F09%2F27%2Fdayplayerdish-remembers-guiding-light%2fplaylist.xml&autostart=false&shuffle=false&callback=http://www.blogtalkradio.com/FlashPlayerCallback.aspx&width=210&height=105&volume=80&corner=rounded" width="210" height="105" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" quality="high" wmode="transparent" menu="false" name="98894" id="98894" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><div style="font-size: 10px;text-align: center; width:220px;"> Listen to <a href="http://www.blogtalkradio.com">internet radio</a> with <a href="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dayplayerdish">Dayplayer Dish</a> on Blog Talk Radio</div>

  2. You may call it like you see it, but that type of bigotry is something most of the planet left behind a long time ago.

    You're tiresome. What bigotry? What did I say that was bigoted and steeped in untruths? Did I imagine these things? If a fraternity gets in trouble for hazing and I say "it's frat boys" am I now anti-fratboy and bigoted? When I said history showed us serial killers tend to be white males just a few pages back was it your theory I hated white people too? Or just white men? That is actually a perfect topic to expose the lack of thought in your posts. It is your opinion I am a bigot. Last month it was your opinion I am a racist. You said these things because I dared discuss events in the news concerning a black man and arab countries. Ok fair enough. I said serial killers tend to be white men. Where was your indignation then and accusations I hated white men? Or perhaps it is you who are the racist and was secretly happy to see white men be bashed?

  3. I was going to say with my rather limited knowledge on the topic that it seems awfully wrong to paint all Arabs with a singe extremist brush considering that they are not all muslims. Not all muslims are extremists so it would be equally unfair to make it all a religious deal as well.

    All the muslim extremists are not Arab either.

    I call it like I see it. The UN and the entire world is quick to think in broad terms when it comes to Israel. Israel is wrong, Israel is unfair, Israel needs to be sanctioned. Isreal needs to make concessions. Israel is a problem. Israel should never exist. Blah blah blah. Anti semitism by any other name is still anti-semitism. So when someone posts "you know, the world didn't hate you so much until you hooked up with Israel" I agree with them. That's because the world hates Israel and no matter what Israel does the world will still hate Israel all the while turning a blind eye to what goes on in the rest of the middle east. After all, didn't Yassar Aarafat win a Nobel Peace Prize? The same Arafat who stole billions from the Palestinians and obstructed peace at every turn because war was his political power base? What the world thinks is bullshit when it comes to Israel because the world is steeped in hatred of jews. History has shown that for centuries.

  4. It's your close ties with Israel that makes you hated by many in the Middle East. Israel may be your closest ally , but before Israel was created America didn't have so many enemies in the Middle East.

    Well the world hates jews. That's why they created Israel in the first place.

    Israel isn't a country of saints, they did a lot of crappy things to the Palestinians en route to becoming a country and treat them unfairly today. Whoever came up with the map for Israel and Palestine had to have known it was unworkable. That said, Israelis don't go around knocking down skyscrapers, make videos of decapitations, and generally behave like savages treating their own people like crap. Israelis don't stone you if you want to send your daughter to school, they don't kill you if you are raped. israelis don't behave like mindless animals anytime someone makes an insulting cartoon of Moses, they don't go attacking embassies when someone puts up anti jewish youtube videos, and they don't tell you god is good when someone kills a few dozen people. Israelis don't kill you because you are gay. Israel's jews do not issue fatwas and do not demand that any citizen adhere to jewish orthodoxy lest they suffer the consequences.

    All of that is strictly an arab thing, and that the world looks the other way while the Arab world engages in this behavior but is sickened by Israel refusing to give up their country sort of speaks to the hypocrisy of the entire world.

  5. I do think that if Obama is re-elected the Republicans will move to the center and then maybe Coulter can have a comeback.

    No, they will move farther and farther to the right, pulling the democrats farther to the right with them. The republicans got themselves in trouble when they purged the party of moderates. The party elders surrendered all power to the base, and the tea party kicked out all the adults. To win primaries they must go further and further to the fringe, which is why you have someone like that post a couple of posts ago about the GOP state party leader who openly says with no embarassment he thinks Obama is the child of a secret communist. 40 years ago this would have been a headline in the weekly world news. Now it is the opinion of a member of the republican establishment.

  6. Mae Clarke was also in Frankenstein with Boris Karloff. She was engaged to Dr Frankenstein and you can imagine that when it came time for the monster to put one woman in danger that the fiancee was just what the doctor ordered. It's a great movie.

  7. Here's an excerpt of life in the golden state:

    So I live in an unincorporated city in Los Angeles county and any time a measure is placed on the ballot to incorporate it I vote no because another layer of government means more waste, inefficiency and more taxes to pay for that waste and inefficiency. Anyway a ban on plastic bags was passed the year before last I think and went into effect last year or maybe I've lost track of time and it was this year. The bottom line is that I can go to certain grocery stores and be charged 10 cents for a paper bag if I don't have my own bag. I can go in the bag it yourself Superior market where they still supply plastic bags despite the ban. My local Vons charges for paper bags but if I drive about 14 miles to the /Vons in the incorporated city which is still in the same county, I get my groceries in free plastic bags. If I go to Walmart down the road, free plastic bags and the same at any Target in the county.

    I am sure you understand why I would never want to vote for another layer of government.

    That sentiment I can understand. Local governments I think are just busybody people who need to pass things so they can look in the mirror and see how much influence they have. I guess the ban on plastic bags is supposed to be eco-friendly, but I don't understand the charge for paper baga.

  8. Tonight's version of "Oops, I Did It Again" was better than I expected. Other than that the episode was lacking musically. I wonder if this it it for Puck the First. Puck the Second is very good looking but sort of leaves me cold at the moment. I guess I need to hear him sing something solo.

    They certainly have a great apartment! It is as big as a football field and continues the fine TV tradition of unrealistically cool NYC apartments.

  9. I was thinking of the Gallup tracking polls.

    I trust Nate Silver.

    In 2007, writing under the pseudonym "Poblano", Silver began to publish analyses and predictions related to the 2008 United States presidential election. At first this work appeared on the political blog Daily Kos, but in March 2008 Silver established his own website, FiveThirtyEight.com. By summer of that year, after he revealed his identity to his readers, he began to appear as an electoral and political analyst in national print, online, and cable news media.

    The accuracy of his November 2008 presidential election predictions—he correctly predicted the winner of 49 of the 50 states—won Silver further attention and commendation. The only state he missed was Indiana, which went for Barack Obama by 1%. He also correctly predicted the winner of all 35 Senate races that year.

    Of the 37 Senate seats contested in the November 2, 2010 elections, 36 were resolved by November 4, including very close outcomes in several states. Of these 36, the FiveThirtyEight model had correctly predicted the winner in 34.

    According to Nate Silver Obama is currently on track to win 308 electoral votes with a 76% chance of winning.

  10. Weasel Stephanopolous on Piers Morgan barking about how the race is DEAD EVEN.

    Between that and the polls showing Romney still tied I guess he can say any stupid comment and most won't care.



    President Barack Obama has opened an eight percentage-point lead in Iowa and maintains a five-point edge in Colorado and Wisconsin, according to Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist Poll surveys of the three presidential battlegrounds released Thursday.

    The new poll results are significant in part because the Romney campaign views the three states as steppingstones to an Electoral College majority, given Mr. Romney's slippage in polls of two of the largest battlegrounds, Ohio and Virginia.

    I can understand why a sunday talk show host would like to say the race is a nail biter. If the race isn;t close, no one will watch the news. And the WSJ is hardly part of any left wing media.

  11. I see you are now resorting to that...

    Typical. As they say, we'll all just have to agree to disagree. I'm really tired of arguing the same points over and over.

    Spend some time in California... then tell me you think policies that mirror the President's really works. I get a front row seat each and every day to it...


    What does any of that have to do with Romney's lies that th 47% of the people who vote for Obama are all leeches, wastrels and feel that everyone should give them food and jobs? That was the topic, that is what FOX news has said for the last three days "Romney is right" and that is what you keep on coming back to with "the truth hurts?"

    No, the truth doesn't hurt because it is a lie. A lie Romney told and a lie you insist is true. You either are woefully misinformed or you are lying too. You can have your pick of which one it is. His 47% factoid has been examined every which way by every media outlet. It includes seniors, people who do work but get deductions, and retirees. Yes, there are professional welfare queens. But the joke is that many of the people who fall into the 47% are republicans, so again there is another lie. They are not by default Obama supporters. So Romney lied twice, and you post "Truth hurts?" "what did he lie about?" "what was he wrong about?" or some other similar pointless and without content parroting of whatever bullshit you listen to on O'Reilly.

  12. At last, something me and you - and Ron Paul - agree with!

    Ron Paul said a lot of thing that made sense, it is just a shame he is a racist crackpot that is the darling of white supremacists. His tax policies and anti government crusades go way too far, but he was the only candidate from either party who said how insane it was to go broke fighting war after war after war.

  13. Okay, Eric... Romney is pandering to voters... yet speaking badly upon them? Which is it?

    The evidence suggests both. In front of the cameras he is a candidate for all. Behind closed doors he and his billionaire friends complain about how much the poor have and complain that they don't pay enough taxes. Meanwhile, the very guy doing the complaining about the poor hides his money in Swiss bank accounts, won't release his taxes because he knows how little he pays, and shelters it on the Cayman Islands so he does not have to pay his fair tax rate. But the poor...oh, they're horrible for getting welfare.

    You can recite every FOX news talking point you can find, the bottom line is a bunch of billionaires were caught on tape complaining about how easy the people on food stamps have it. If you think anything he says, including his ridiculous Drudge Obama video that nobody cares about is going to change that, you are mistaken.

  14. Who said that? Who claimed "every democrat" does not pay taxes, thinks they are a victim and wants the government to give them food? Come on, Q-Fan, quit distorting Romney's comments. It's getting old... and it's exactly what the media Carl claims loves Romney is doing.

    He never said that. Now, analyze precisely WHAT the man SAID and explain to me where he was wrong... and try to be a little balanced and less partisan about it.

    He said that people who vote for Obama don't pay taxes and want free food and whatnot. As I have said before it is well documented that the states with hands out looking for handouts are the republican states. The belly of the beast, New York, sends far more money to the federal government than it receives. The southerm--make that republican--states that bemoan welfare, socialism, handouts, and godless NYC are all too happy to take that money.

    Balanced does not mean "let me pretend he is at least half right". The majority of welfare recipients are white. The majority of white voters vote republican. Therefore, it stands to reason a majority of those white welfare recipients vote republican. Now apply that to Romney's theories on the great unwashed, and his theory doesn't stands up to even casual scrutiny.

    Low income workers pay a low rate, then through deductions and whatnot their federal level may be brought to zero. They pay in other ways. As an example state lotteries are an onerous and vicious tax targeted squarely at the low income brackets. Sin taxes are cynically targeted at the poor who statistically do most of the smoking. The poor don't get their corporate cards that give discounts on flights, gym memberships and so on. The poor are not able to shelter their money in 401ks to avoid taxes or stocks at all. The poor have to take out $40 at a time from their atm, if they have one, giving the banks their loanshark level fees each and every time. The poor are often late on bills and wind up paying even more through penalties. And on and on and on.

    The fact that billionaires at secret Romney HQ would resent the poor living it up paying no taxes when they know as well as anyone how society has so many built in measures to punish the poor sort of speaks to the lack of compassion at Romney HQ. People usually won't vote for dicks, and this is it for Romney.

  15. What did he say that wasn't true?

    If you really think that every democrat does not pay taxes, thinks they are a victim and wants the government to give them food, then in what way are you different than your garden variety, typical, insane, tea party imbecile?

  16. The British version of "Who's the Boss" called "The Upper Hand", with a theme song eerily reminiscent of the theme from "Knots Landing":

    I think this show basically ripped off the KL theme and changed a few notes so it isn't exactly plagiarism. If they were played side by side it would be apparent I think.

  17. I don't know if the show has to be canceled, it can just be morphed into a modern Mary Tyler Moore show starring Leah Michele. They already have everything they need to do a sitcom or drama about how she can live out the lyrics to the MTM theme. The formula for a supporting cast is there with students, teachers and her lovable but gay roommate.

  18. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) will be shown on TCM Sat Sep 15

    Directed by F. W. Murnau

    George O'Brien - The Man

    Janet Gaynor - The Wife

    A young married farmer falls in love with a seductive woman

    Winner of the 1929 'Best Picture' Oscar for 'Unique and Artistic' Production, and 'Best Actress' for Janet Gaynor.

    I did not realize Murnau came to America. I googled this movie and supposedly it is great.

  19. There have been a bunch of white serial killers in this society and no one has suggested that white people are genetically predisposed to becoming mass murderers.

    True, but lets face it, if you read about a serial killer that popped up and had yet to be caught, the common assumption will be it is a white male loner. And that wouldn't be an unfair crazy assumption given the roll call of serial killers in history. It's not that white men tend to be serial killers, it is that serial killers tend to be white men. Now I know someone reading this post and my previous post will think I am a fool because everyone is individual it is is wrong to reach conclusions, but that logic only works in Utopia. If you show me Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz, The Unabomber and Jeffrey Dahmer and then ask me to guess the profile of the mystery guest serial killer behind the curtain, I am going to guess white male.

  20. Did anyone watch the season premiere? The two shows idea works well enough although it does cement Lea Michele as the outright lead. The new guy is handsome enough and I assume there will be a love triangle later on. One thing I did not like was the duet on NY State Of Mind. It's a nice song but tough to appreciate as a duet. Just when I was getting into hearing either one of them sing the song they would shift to the other one. It sort of betrays the whole idea that the singer is important when you can just plug anyone in to the song and arrangement.

    Back in Glee, I am really sorry to see Unique. He wasn't very exciting last season and is still not this season. The new girl is good I guess but the new Puckerman just didn't do it for me. I thought Call Me Maybe was dull. Maybe because I heard it so many times before, but I saw no reason why I needed to hear Unique sing this song. (or Tina or Blaine).

  21. The racial stereotypes and generalizations flying around this place are incredible.

    The idea that Democratic voters hate women more than black men is a false generalization and extremely simplistic thinking just like the rant that people must only voting for Obama because he is black.

    Of course it is a generalization, but one steeped in fact. I don't think we have to look very far to find actresses of a certain age who can't get jobs, women called sluts for wanting birth control, women called bitches because they run their own businesses like Martha Stewart where people like Donald Trump get touted for office. And then you come to politics. Indira Ghandi was elected PM of India in 1966. Golda Meir was elected PM of Israel in 1969. Margaret Thatcher was elected PM of the UK in 1979. Angela Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany in 2005. And here we have the US. Two failed nominees for VP and as yet no nominees for president.

    There is no explanation for this unless we are to say American women are incompetent at politics. Maybe that is the case, but I tend to believe in old fashioned sexism as the explanation. It's not democratic voters hate women, it is that american society in general hates women. That's why Eric Braeden is a leading man at the age of 600 and his female contemporaries can't get themselves arrested in soaps. It's why there is no American version of Judi Dench or Maggie Smith. It's why that host of The Today show got the blame and why so many hated Hillary and saw her as a scheming bitch who plotted murders and disposed of bodies in Washington DC parks. It;s why Mike Bloomberg can campaign against coca cola but Michelle Obama is out of line for doing the same.

  22. Thank you so much for defending me, Qfan. You have always been such a class act.

    Some people here have been nasty to me, but Marceline was not one of them. I took her criticism of Romney and personalized it, and then made a very nasty remark. That is totally unforgivable.

    I have been getting more temperamental over this election recently, perhaps as a result of my employment situation. If there is any silver lining to the likely Obama victory, it is that the lives of many gay folks here would be much better with a Democratic president instead of a Republican one. In the rare event Romney wins, I could totally relate to the despair they would be feeling.

    It is probably for the best that I no longer participate in this thread (or at SON at all) for quite some time, as to prevent my emotions from getting the better of me again.

    well, that;s just silly!

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