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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Wonder what part of the liberal media this comes from?


    Wow, this just backs up and validates everything I have ever said about David Gregory.

    This meme that NBC is somehow this ultra left network is a joke. This is the network that has David Gregory hosting their marquee talk show. The same David Gregory that never met a republican talking point he couldn't parrot and who only asks follow up questions of democrats.

    David Gregory of NBC is a republican shill who just echoes whatever talking point his republican masters hand to him

    I honestly don't know why any democrat goes on his show or thinks of him as being even an ounce more legit than FOX. The guy is a hack and has no business hosting MTP.

  2. Romney is now grasping at straws trying to make Time artcile about him go away. And, for those who say that the liberal media are pciking on him once again.....was the media so liberal when a film clip of the POTUS started being circulated with him giving thanks to a professor of his, AND THE WAS PAST OFF AS CURRENT?

    That is the republican main argument: that whether an item is true is immaterial, but is it a liberal saying it? Well who cares if it is a liberal saying it or not if it is true?

  3. I always loved Batgirl on that show...she made the show for me.

    That type of show was perfect for Joan. I'm surprised she was never on Lois & Clark.

    I love the writing on the show.

    <phone rings>

    "Hello? Yes yes, this is Millionaire Bruce Wayne."

  4. I'll never forget even reading some very liberal political blogs in late 2004 and seeing threads like "Democrats must throw gays under the bus." It's a good reminder of who is truly important in the party.

    If the economy keeps sputtering along and Romney continues to have the money and the media adoration, I don't think Obama has any real shot, especially since his campaign is so very tone deaf. But I do think that this guarantees gay marriage will get a lot of the blame.

    Obama will have just as much money financing his election as Romney, and probably a lot more. I read last week Obama has something like $100 million stockpiled already and it is only May. Romney has something like $10 million I think.

  5. It's time for the Republicans who are so bent on enforcing conformity to ask themselves a question: What would Ronald Reagan have done? He worked hard to maintain a welcoming, open and diverse Republican Party. He would have been appalled to see Republicans like Fletcher and Adams conclude that they had no other option than to leave the party.

    We need to remind the Republicans who want to enforce ideological purity that if they succeed, they will undo Reagan's work to create an inclusive party that could fit many different views.

    An inclusive party would welcome the party's most conservative activists right alongside its most liberal activists. There is room for those whose views, I think, make them sound like cavemen. And there is also room for us in the center, with views the traditionalists probably think make us sound like progressive softies. What's important is our shared belief in the broad Republican principles of free enterprise and small government. If we continue to fight one another without being willing to compromise, we will keep losing to big-government advocates.

    We need to welcome young leaders into the party and invite them to participate in a robust debate. Republicans love the free market, so it should seem like a no-brainer that the more views we have at the table, the better our final product will be.

    To succeed, Republicans need to embrace true Reaganism, and that means embracing the true Reagan, a brave and independent leader who believed in solutions and compromise.

    As governor, Reagan was never afraid to buck his party. He raised taxes when he saw no other way to get California out of the red, and he created the California Environmental Protection Agency because, as strongly as he believed in eliminating unnecessary government regulation, he also saw wisdom in protecting our natural resources.

    As president, Reagan worked very well with Democrats to do big things. It is true that he worked to reduce the size of government and cut federal taxes and he eliminated many regulations, but he also raised taxes when necessary. In 1983, he doubled the gas tax to pay for highway infrastructure improvements.

    Today, that would be enough for some of the ideological enforcers to start looking for a "real" conservative to challenge him in a primary.

    Arnold speaks:


  6. I love that the two wolves escaped with them. As far as the third wolf, Jon Snow is an idiot. And where is his wolf? That one needs to stick closer if he wants to keep his cred.

    Has Littlefinger ever met Arya? He seemed to know something was up but I don't recall them ever being introduced. I think my favorite character of all is Mr Lannister the senior. There is just something very cool about him. You know he is cruel and mean, and he is the richest man in the kingdom who still likes to hack up dead deer as a hobby even though he could hire a butcher and cook, but he has more going on upstairs than his children do. His scenes with Arya are real standouts. I used to like Theon because he did seem to mean well last year, but his treachery just cannot be tolerated. Robb deserved better.

    Perhaps someone who has read the books can say, was everyone's role reduced as Tyrion becomes the impish star in the books also? We have barely seen Cersei and Jaime this year. Jaime I think has been in one episode. Yet week after week there is Tyrion, first among equals.

  7. This episode really was disturbing. I didn't at first realize what I was watching because I never dreamt Glee would cover such ground, and then the end was awful because you know this cannot work out well for Coach Biest at all. And then it goes from disturbing to depressing with Puck and Rachel. It was all really well done, but I did not enjoy this episode at all. This was far too serious an episode.

  8. This is a man who is often lauded by the media as a brilliant brain trust, and the future of the GOP.

    The future of the GOP is saying to tax the poor so you won't have to tax the rich.

    That's what America is becoming, apparently.


    It's all going to backfire on them. There are more poor people than rich people and it will be decidedly odd when they campaign on taxing the poor and cutting taxes on the rich. Still, I am glad that for once in their miserable movement, conservatives are finally being honest about what they want for the country. Between this and their fetish for a gun in every pocket in America and mandatory Ten Commandment seminars in every class, sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost. It's just a shame the media is in their pocket and tell lies about how mainstream their sickening theories are.

  9. Right now, I'd watch anything jenny/Greg/Jesse/Angie since it's so little of them on youtube. I'm also most interested in anything Billy Clyde and the dashing Count Dimitri Marick.

    The lack of Greg and Jenny is the biggest omission from AMC youtube. It just seems so hard to believe everyone recorded everything but them! They were the biggest couple of all AMC ever had.

  10. This episode wasn't bad, but when Blaine started whining I was so disappointed, it completely ruined the character. I was hoping whatshername would smack him and tell him to man up. His song wasn't bad though. I liked the duet with Quinn and Jesus boy.

  11. Unique I thought was awful. Typical drag queen who thinks they are fabulous just by saying they are. It's sort of why I am unimpressed with Mercedes because she is just a female drag queen. She wants to be Mariah she wants to be Whitney, but all that means to her is glory notes and attitude. Unique and Mercedes are the same performer basically, and there just is nothing unique about Unique whatsoever. Santana has more going on than either of them.

  12. Liberal media in action.

    Hillary Rosen says Ann Romney hasn't worked. Outrage! Furor!

    Ted Nugent makes what amount to death threats on Obama. Shrug.

    The media isn't truly liberal though. Maybe the anchors are, but the people who own the media are these multinational giants like Disney and Viacom. And even the anchors are not that liberal. David Gregory of NBC is a republican shill who just echoes whatever talking point his republican masters hand to him, Chris Matthews is pro-Obama now but it was 2002 and 2003 he was having an orgasm over "Mission Accomplished" and how Bush was such a macho stud. He just goes wherever the prevailing wind is.

  13. I like that Anne Bolyne from The Tudors is now on this show as I loved The Tudors and it's like a mini crossover for me. She seems like a very nice and understanding queen. Her king is a nice guy but he's just not into her and doesn't even seem able to to get things working around her, poor guy. I wonder how they will figure this out. The lady knight got off on the wrong foot with me because she gave Lady Cat lip for no reason at all. The one I feel sorry most for this year is Theon Greyjoy. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't and he really set out to do right by everybody. No good deed goes unpunished.

  14. Rosen never even mentioned anything about mothers, it's was Ann Romney that added that. It isn't a lie that she never worked for a living, as in having to earn a paycheck and for that matter, her husband has never really had to survival, but rather for status. Rosen would have even said what she said if Mitt Romney hadn't labeled Ann one of his economic surrogates. With the primary over, Romney needs something to delay discussing the issues.

    Then what she should have said is Romney never had to earn a paycheck. What she said was Romney never worked a day in her life. The next logical step in the chain is what was she doing instead. She was a mother and therefore motherhood is not work. Now realistically I am sure she had help and nannies and people to clean and everything else but the initial comment is almost the embodiment of the old debate about working women and stay at home moms and housewives. Rosen is on the wrong side of that debate. Alice Kramden knew back in 1955 that housewives work too.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/frbp2O6I2go" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Of course, The Romney experience was a little different than the Kramden one.

  15. Is there something I'm missing about Denise Alexander?

    Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don't understand why she was so popular at her height on both GH and DAYS. I don't think she's that great of an actress or pretty to look at...

    I think DA has a realistic and quirky everywoman charm that made her stand out from the typical soap actress. That, and she can handle a wide range of emotional material. I'd say she was one of the best I have ever seen on GH. Leslie always seemed like someone you would like to know in real life.

  16. I rememebr Frons referring to Felicia as a matriarch back in 2003. Of course her airtime decreased and she was out. Matriarch is word Id use for someone like Lila, not someone who was still very young and vibrant as Kristina was at that time

    It was very odd. KW had to be one of the prettiest women to ever be on GH, they called her old and sidelined her but then put on the older and older looking Nancy Lee Grahn? It was always about the mob and Felicia just never found her place in the post-Monty world of no adventure. She floundered for years from Tom to Mac to Luke and she was just an 80s gal who never was able to successfully transition to the more down to earth stories. Had Felicia been a mob character it would not have been a problem.

  17. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/40249533?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/40249533">Glee - You Should Be Dancing</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/kurtsantana2">Kurt&amp;Santana2</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    The show has really become the Darren Criss show, but he is very talented. This is a pretty good song where he shows he is a pretty good dancer to go along with this singing. It is very phony sounding though, but I cannot think of who else on the show could do the singing and the dancing to front this song.

  18. The lyrics about your friends gave me back your records, and all the rest, is what seemed odd to me. I think there could have been better songs.

    Perhaps. I was not familiar with this song at all, but I thought it got the point across even if not exactly about two estranged brothers. One thing I like about Glee is it does introduce me sometimes to music I have never heard before. I have to admit I never paid attention to Destiny's Child ever except for "Say My Name", but "Bills Bills Bills" was a really good song that I never heard before Glee, and The Warblers did a great job on it.

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