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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Romney is very progressive! He will say whatever he has to for his how progress.

    No seriously, it is hard to say what Romney actually is because if he turned around and ran for mayor of NYC he would without hesitation flip all his positions again. This is the heart of his election difficulties, you just look at him and you know he is full of [!@#$%^&*] and will say just about anything to get a vote. He's like the anti-Ron Paul.

  2. LOL. Exactly. It's beyond logical reasoning. I love how police officers and fire fighters are never accused of being a socialist tool for controlling the masses, yet doctors and nurses and medical imaging departments, socialists if they're happy to help everyone.

    Fortunately, I live outside the reach of the Republican party these days.

    Conservative columnist David Brooks summed up the plight of the republican party in this week's Times:

    First they went after the Rockefeller Republicans, but I was not a Rockefeller Republican. Then they went after the compassionate conservatives, but I was not a compassionate conservative. Then they went after the mainstream conservatives, and there was no one left to speak for me.


    You don't even need to innovate a new system. Canada, Germany, UK, Australia, Singapore, Japan, France ETC ETC ETC all have universal free healthcare. The United States of America is the *only* developed Western country that does not have it. It's all about the money that insurance companies make in America, they lobby the hell out of every member of Congress and Senate, lobby the doctors and nurses, lobby with the pharmaceutical companies etc.


    Anyone who thinks it's about quality of care is delusional. It's about the money.

    Some republican will show up to call you a socialist out to control our lives for saying this. In Sarah Palin's America it's every man for himself and if you need a doctor you can barter chickens for maybe some help. And if your daughter needs birth control tell her to hold an aspirin between her knees. As Rush Limbaugh informed us anyone who wants birth control is a slut and should run their sex tapes online so we can at least get something for our money for financiing their sex. Your high falutin' snobbish college grad socialist ideas (Rick Santorum told me all about you) are not welcome here, now quick pass me a semi automatic so I can go hunting. I know my rights!


  4. George Will may be a personality challenged wet blanket, but sometimes he gets off a good line

    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="+id+" width="440" height="284" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.crooksandliars.com/v/MjM1NzEtNTUwMzc?color=C93033" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://embed.crooksandliars.com/v/MjM1NzEtNTUwMzc?color=C93033" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="440" height="284" allowfullscreen="true" name="clembedMjM1NzEtNTUwMzc" align="middle" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed></object>

    It's so rare to hear a conservative on TV make sense.

  5. All the states want to be first, but I think they all would have more influence by staggering them 5 a week regionally for 10 weeks. (CA could be its own region because of the size of the contest). IN 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot at the CA primary in June. Today a state would go into political and party revolt if it had to wait that long to weigh in.

  6. They didn't want to look like the villains who fired the {formerly} big black girl, regardless of her Q rating.

    I don't remember the exact details but I don't think it was possible the network to be the badguys with the Star Jones thing. I forget exactly what was going on, but she was garnering headlines on the gossip pages for quite a while because of the shameless way she used the show to make a buck off her wedding, and then I think she got into a bit of controversy when she lied on the air about how she lost weight. I think ABC decided she was too controversial and then she quit and blasted them all in interviews And I could swear there is something about Barbara Walters having an affair with a politician that was somehow connected to this, perhaps Jones commented on it. She could be black, white, or polka dotted, she was still the wrong kind of celebrity who was famous for all the wrong reasons. She was like Kathie Lee Gifford II, thriving on controversy and using the TV show as her own little playground.

  7. Rick Santorum is some throwback to Salem, Mass. It is just sickening how 50 years ago the country was afraid of electing a pope, and today republicans insist on it. It shows you just how radically to the right the republican party has become that now they aren't even the tiniest bit ashamed to be invoking Satan into politics--and the sheep eat it up. A hundred years from now people will look back on this time as a very dark period in American culture. This is why I try not to leave Manhattan.

  8. This was the best episode ever I think. The whole Karofsky saga was really sad and I really expected him to die. His entire two year story has come to a perfect conclusion I think. But the end...Glee is now Dallas!!! Quinn is the new Pam Ewing, I loved it. It has been serialized all along in a season one Knots Landingish kind of way, but now it is full blown soap. The only false note was Sebastian's sudden turnaround. I loved that flashback to Sebastian and Karofsky, but he turned too easily I think.

  9. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vgFAq9Q8l8U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I think it is nice he didn't know the song but learned it just to pay tribute to someone he didn't really overlap with musically at all. And the crowd reaction was nice when they all realized what he was singing. This touched me more than the others I have seen for some reason.

  10. Paul supporters always say that the media ignores Paul.

    I think he has a lot of support, very vocal support. It's just not enough to ever win primaries or caucuses.

    According to Paul, his strongest precinct didn't even caucus because the Maine establishment didn't want a headline Romney loses. That fake Iowa win was important, and Santorum being crowned winner came too late. What would have been the effect if Romney lost Maine on top of last week's losses? That's why, according to Paul, his strongest county didn't caucus.

    Paul, like Jesse Jackson, Pat Buchanan and every other candidate who was more about his issues than winning should of course stay in the race. Agree or disagree with Paul, but it is his anti-war stance that will tilt the republican party away from a war a day to keep the Ayatollah away philosophy. Ron Paul is the only candidate in either party who is anti-war and that is a voice that deserves to be heard from now til doomsday. And it is a disgrace he is the only anti-war candidate because he is a fringe nut on so many issues. He is the only candidate that will tell people the US overthrew the elected Iranian government in 1953 and set up a puppet dictatorship so of course when they had a revolution they would hate us. And he is the only candidate who will tell people "Iran wants nukes because we did not attack North Korea". His justification for staying in the race is because he has truth to say on many subjects.

    (Ok, he is an Israel-hating, white supremacist and a whack job who would probably destroy the country as he shut down every piece of government he could find, but nobody's perfect)

  11. Seriously, the era of 80's/early 90's pop icons is very special to me. People like Michael, Madonna, Prince, Whitney, George Michael, and Janet weren't just your averagerun of the mill pop star, they were inescapable and you couldn't stop and watch/notice them for one reason or another.

    That was the last great era of pop artists, and I don't care if that makes me sound old.

    This has a lot to do with the collapse of top 40 and the fracturing of radio. When Wham! had a hit with "wake me up before you go go" it was heard everywhere and people young and old would be exposed to it, and from all demographics. And the beauty of top 40 was you could get Madonna and then suddenly Barbra Streisand right after her because everyone had to duke it out on the same chart and the stations played it no matter what the genre. That's how I, a jewish kid with no exposure to rap, hip hop or anything similar growing up (except Blondie's "Rapture") can still word for word go through "Planet Rock" and just as easily sing "you light up my life". And kids just don't get that today. I think the last songs to truly saturate culture were probably "I want it that way" "iivin la vida loca" and "smooth" by Santana. LMFAO did have that really popular song last year but that would be like 1/100th of the radio airplay something like "Every Breath You Take" got. Now that was a song there was just no escaping.

  12. So many jokes were made about that at the time. For obvious reasons. LOL!

    RuPaul called it "You Light Up My Pipe."

    I prefer the Debbie Boone version. The song had a very strong and memorably melody that didn't need any tinkering at all to be catchy and Whitney sort of oversung it and embellished parts that didn't need any help.

  13. If their standard of singing is not up to your own accord of what it should be that's your opinion. But again what are you expecting from someone who isn't known explicitly for their voice or vocal talent? You shouldn't really be expecting Whitney-esque vocals from someone who is known for their voice.

    I am not setting a standard. They should sing, and then we should listen and either we enjoy their singing or we don't. I realize Madonna wants to put on a spectacle and she does, but maybe slightly less spectacular so she can sing and not be out of breath would be a good idea. You start with Madonna and you make allowances for the dancing and razzle dazzle, you then wind up saying "well it's Britney" and sooner or later you wind up at Milli Vanilli.

  14. I don't understand the criticism of lip syncing anyway.

    You want to hear them sing, not mime to a track. Lip synching is the refuge for those not good enough to sing live. If they could sing it live, they would. They are singers afterall, or so they would have us believe.

  15. I dont know what it is about Madonna but I have hated all of her recent releases and this one included.

    Well, she doesn't have a great voice, and her songs now tend to be these overproduced computer generated sounding garbage forgettable songs. I imagine her setlist this weekend will be mostly stuff from the 90s and earlier.

    I don't think the vocals on that cheerleader song even sound human, let alone sound like Madonna.

  16. Glee is like the GH of primetime. Every season they produce a "stunt" episode for their Emmy reel. Last night's Michael Jackson episode had Emmy written all over it.

    I thought it was a great episode. Everything looked great and the songs really served the story.

    Was this Quinn's last episode? It looked awful like a farewell to me given what she said on the episode

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TKOlnoZpd_A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Sebastian has taken a turn toward evil. I guess they had to come up with something to write Darren Criss out. His duet with Santana was pretty decent. I love Santana though in just about any setting. Speaking of, Darren Criss did a good job with the dancing and physical stuff on his song.

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