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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Madonna's 'MDNA' Fail: Singer's Album Sales Plummet


    Madonna's reportedly album plummeted on the charts this week.

    Madonna's MDNA may be the first album to both top the Billboard charts and be a massive commercial failure.

    The record debuted at No. 1 on the charts, prompting her longtime manager Guy Oseary to herald the singer's comeback as a great success. And though it was quite a triumphant return, it turned out to be a short-lived one buoyed by what some are calling a cheap trick.

    MDNA sales have fallen a record 88 percent week-over-week, from 379,000 copies to a mere 46,000, Forbes reports.

    So why the dramatic drop? In a somewhat savvy move, Madonna packaged the album with ticket sales on Ticketmaster. Though Lionel Richie's Tuskegee was outpacing her in projected sales, Madge was able to surpass his release by essentially giving her album away to anyone who bought a ticket to see her tour. These "sales" were then counted in Billboard's tally.

    The only problem? With her shows either sold out or nearly sold out, no one's going to be buying tickets any time soon.

    Page Six notes that Madge didn't invent the trick. Both Bon Jovi and Tom Petty used the loophole to finagle their way to the top of the charts.

    In his email newsletter, Bob Lefsetz slammed the singer and her team for failing to understand that Super Bowl shows don't translate to album sales, especially for "an ancient superstar dashing for cash."

    "Oldsters just want to hear the hits, and youngsters ... just don't care," he wrote of her halftime show. As for her tour? "Charging a fortune and playing huge venues. It's like a going out of business sale. What do you do next?"


  2. I watched some of this to see Matt Bomer. Wow, Blaine makes a lot of monkey faces when he sings. And very little about some of that episode seemed brotherly to me, especially their singing a romantic breakup song.

    I thought it was really good. As someone who barely talks to my brother, I could see how some of that song is applicable. "You're just someone that I used to know" is something that could apply to anyone. My childhood best friend and I were as close as Batman and Robin. Now, we can barely find three minutes of stuff to talk about. Anyway, I thought this was good. Matt Bomer was great in his role, and I loved his acting tips to the class. I also liked the shmaltiy soap opera moments with Quinn, Sue and the couple that clearly will never be married.

  3. I like the pictures but I dislike how they keep doing men and women covers yet still stick Blake on both.

    Blake was the central figure on the show, so he is always going to be front and center. To not have him would be almost a misrepresentation of the product.

  4. The only thing I am concerned about is the cast is growing and growing but the show doesn't get longer episodes. Everyone gets 4 minutes per episode basically and sometimes you would like to see attention paid to someone a little more to flesh out a scene and there just isn't time.

  5. I'm still getting over her "unzip" comments. ohmy.png

    So did anyone watch Sarah Palin on The Today Show? How desperate were NBC to ask her? It's not like Katie Couric is some morning powerhouse - she left the Today Show and their ratings had no big drop. They make themselves look bad.

    As for Palin, I thought she hated the "lamestream" media.

    I watched clips, she wasn't bad. I was hoping she would have done some actual hosting duties though. She could have easily handled the Tori Spelling interview, and it would have been cool to see her interview someone like Bill or Hillary and what kind of questions she would ask. She was an ok guest.

  6. I find the whole Romney is the nominee everyone else should get out meme weird. It is true Santorum cannot get the 1400 delegates, but neither can Romney! Here is a candidate whose main selling point is he is failing by less, and all the power brokers are trying to push everyone out?

  7. The first season they did not use CGI wolves, but this wolf most definitely looked fake. Joffrey is becoming more than Cersei can handle, I imagine his evil ways will be his undoing. I am glad they did not forget the king' other son on the road. I am not sure how I feel about the new budget meaning loads of action. I love action but what made GoT the great show was the characters and machinations, not the war. I hope they don't shortchange the royal court dynamic for war too much.

  8. Ugh...from the sounds of it CNN is expecting a loss for Obama in regards to the healthcare law. I was expecting Obama to have this in his pocket, but from the sounds of it the general solicitor representing the administration fumbled a few times.

    So if the law is deemed unconstitutional, what next? And what would this say about laws stating that automobile owners must have auto insurance?

    There is a difference. This law says you have to get medical insurance because you are alive, no law is forcing you to buy a car. I could see why the court might rule it unconstitutional because it is creating new powers. You aren't even forced to pay taxes if you choose not to work, this health care law almost creates membership dues for being an American.

    And that said, would it be a great loss? I would be fine for socialized medicine, but I never understood the logic of "we have the worst medical system and our corrupt gouging insurance companies make billions. Therefore, from here on out everyone who chooses not to give them their money is forced to under penalty of law" The goal is universal health care, not universal health coverage in a system designed to rob Americans blind. At least that is what the goal should be.

  9. Oh the irony of it. Back in 1994 many Republicans favored the same "individual mandate" for health care reform that they are now blasting the Democrats about. http://www.washingto...26Z0G_blog.html http://www.washingto...1_01/027584.php

    Hardly a surprise. Republicans will always flip on a dime to wage war against a democrat. Even if a democrat agrees with what the republicans say all that will lead to is republicans flipping their position. They were for pre-emptive wars and a strong international policy. Anyone who disagreed was a Dixie Chick/Bill Mahar loving anti-american who undoubtedly spoke French. Obama came in and they cried he would make us weak. Just the way President Cheney invaded Iraq, Obama Invaded Libya--only he managed to do it without getting any americans killed. Suddenly all the neo-con warmongers who measure success by how many American GIs wind up paraplegic were anti-war. So then he turns around and doesn't go into Syria and the very same hypocrites who moaned about his militaristic junta waging in Libya suddenly were aghast he was not banging down the doors in Damascus. Bush strapped on his toy guns and said Osama: Wanted Dead or Alive and all the republicans had an orgasm. Obama actually got Osama and suddenly this was no longer all that important.

  10. That's not realistic to get to know everyone before making a judgment. I live in NYC and ride the subways sometimes late at night. They are relatively safe these days but I rode them back in the 80s and 90s too. You are confronted with dozens of people of which anyone can be trouble. All you have to go on is looking at everyone making a snap judgment based on what you see, and then deciding if this person is someone you are comfortable being around. I always look at clothing and the eyes. The eyes tell more always, but clothing helps paint a picture. This person has his pants down and his ass half exposed, and he is on the subway talking loudly and cursing with his friend. What do I now know? He has no regard for anyone being bothered by his loud voice and manners, has little regard for himself and therefore little regard for anyone else, and he is taken with thug inspired culture. Not interested in spending 35 minutes with him and upon the next stop I will be switching cars.

    That said, Zimmerman should rot in jail, and this FL law should be overturned. It just proves once again how the NRA and conservative second amendment freaks in government are ruining society. Life shouldn't be the OK Corral but this is what they crave.

  11. ^ She was with Palmer Cortlandt for a while, believe it or not, and she was raped by Ross.

    That was a great story. That was my alltime favorite episode when Palmer threw her out. I wish it was on youtube but that seems to be something nobody taped.

  12. But really, why would even a single Puerto Rican ever vote for Santorum? His bizarre insistence that Puerto Ricans should speak english is a giant assault on that island. You don't see Canada demanding Quebec speaks english. It is almost a cliche example of that old worn out phrase, cultural imperialism.

  13. Max the only ones who instigate class warfare are the republicans, who cynically cut taxes knowing it will break the bank, and then when the bank is broken they say "oh look, we have no money, we can no longer afford programs for the poor". Meanwhile the millionaires become billionaires. That's class warfare, that is attacking the poor. Mandatory drug testing social programs to humiliate and degrade recipients even though there is no statistical reason for doing so, that is class warfare. Cutting school aid while tuition rise but you can afford it because Bush gave you a tax break, that is class warfare. That's all republicans know, is class warfare. It is always about the other with republicans: the non-christian, the non-white, the godless liberals, the northeast, the atheist, the gays, the blacks, the women who dare to want sex, the college educated, the spanish speaking, and on and on and on. Just ask Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin and all the other real americans from the so-called heartland.

  14. The champion of the 99% invites his filthy-rich donors to a White House State Dinner, and the Occupy Wall Street folks are silent as usual: http://news.yahoo.com/top-obama-fundraisers-among-state-dinner-guests-023138061.html Since Barry has always walked the walk, I fully expect that the next four years will bring about a great resurgence for the shrinking middle-class.

    Considering the republican con-artists, hacks, shills and bestowers of presidencies that sit on the supreme court allowed the billionaires to fund republican candidates without limit so republicans specifically be elected, are you seriously trying to say Obama is wrong to seek campaign funding?

  15. Technically on topic:

    2056 years ago today Caesar was killed. "Beware the ides of March". Good Old Julie didn't beware them enough and his is probably the biggest political assassination of all time. I wonder if anyone called him Julie...

  16. <div style='text-align:center'>

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  17. She was always annoying. I think it is almost agreed universally she was supremely talented, but her need to hold notes and show everyone that anything you can do she can do better has ruined more than one song I think. She takes a three minute song and makes it into a four minute song. This is cute though

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nrmIEl9S8VQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    And her duet at the Grammys was unforgettable and wlll wind up on any Grammy retrospective

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wj10EzNKA2M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  18. I don't think I would have a problem with Chris Christie and I am not completely familiar with all his positions. But he is from NJ which is as close to being from NY as you can without being from NY, and that goes a long way with me. He did one thing last year which I sort of saw both sides to it. They wanted to build a new tunnel from Hoboken to the city because traffic is so horrendous, it would make commuting easier, actually create jobs, and be a boon to the neighborhoods where all the activity would be. But he stopped it because the NY/NJ Port Authority can't be trusted with two cents. It's been ten years and the world trade center still isn't up. I don't like what he says in defense of Romney but he, like Rudy, I can trust to not be a Jesus freak worrying about who wants an abortion and who is sleeping with who. I don't think he can win since in over 200 years there has yet to be an obese president to my knowledge.

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