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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. James Farentino dies at 73; prolific TV actor

    James Farentino was best known for his TV work, with nearly 100 credits. His private life was sometimes as dramatic as his roles.

    Actor James Farentino, whose private life was sometimes as dramatic as the roles he played in theater and on television, died Tuesday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. He was 73 and had suffered from a lengthy illness, said family spokesman Bob Palmer.

  2. I used to think that having a divisive primary meant certain doom in a general election. However, the Democratic experience in 2008 put that theory to rest.

    There is a difference though between contested and divisive that is a little blurry at times. Ford/Reagan was a little divisive because Reagan wouldn't even shake Ford's hand and unite the party but even that didn't stop Ford until his made a huge blunder at a debate. Carter/Kennedy was divisive because Kennedy took it all the way to the convention, but I doubt Carter could have won under any circumstances.

    This time though doesn't seem so divisive. The republicans seemed on a runaway train to nominating a guy after two tiny states, and that seems really unfair to everybody else and to the candidate who gets tricked into thinking he actually ran a campaign. Two states and no criticism would just leave Romney a sitting duck for Obama who does know what a tough campaign is all about.

    The republicans did a fine job in finding a candidate: Their choice is a candidate republicans don't like or a candidate nobody else but republicans like. They need to take a long look at the negative affect if the tea party and the quality of candidates this two-party dalliance has created.

  3. Yup. Palin is proud of what she does not know, and it's really caught on among Republicans in general. Look at this: http://news.yahoo.co...-150300235.html

    And of course the attack on Huntsman for adopting Chinese daughters. Apparently adopting Chinese and speaking French is not conservative? lol.

    This is the difference btw Obama's verbal gaffe and what Republicans do. Clearly he knows there are 50 states, he was just in the midst of campaigning and his mind slipped. Republicanism is anti-intellctualism. To speak french is somehow a flaw in the mind of a republican. To go to college proves you are not a real American and don't share real American values. Real Americans are ignorant boobs we are told, they must shun science, sneer at advanced education, and just like Obama said--cling to Jesus. If you don't cling to Jesus you are not filled with real American values. Anyone who does anything which deviates from this Green Acres/Petticoat Junction paradise is a liberal elite, part of the lamestream media. If they live in NYC they live in the belly of the beast. They're not the real folk who in Sarah Palin's fantasy world all sound like Jim Nabors as they cast their vote for her and her ilk.

    And when the republicans wind up with Perry, Palin, Cain, Bachmann and Trump as the people they have to choose from, they wonder where are the real candidates. You reap what you sow.

  4. Well that might explain the ratings at the time...

    I guess the Luke/Laura part isn't too sad.

    Even they are depressing there. This is typical Labine-esque depressing crap under some misguided notion that depressing and unhappy is more realistic and adult than happy or funny. Fill the scenes with melodramatic speeches of misery and just sit back and wait for everyone to tell you how it is great writing.

  5. <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lL-VSbqdorE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/O42CVTBxq7s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XgGWrqm11Bs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/I67yhdylWYE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  6. It's been said that all the candidates are tip-toeing around Ron Paul, because they fear if they treat him like an outsider, and don't give him the respect he wants, that he'll go for a third party run, ensuring Obama's re-election. Opinions on this? I know many in the Republican party are scared to death of Ron Paul, and see him as a loose cannon.

    It's really a shame that Ron Paul is a white supremacist, jew hating radical, because a lot of the things he says make sense and I give him credit in that he truly believes what he says. He is absolutely right in that the country has been brainwashed into thinking that if we do not have a billion times more bombs than the rest of the world combined we are weak. He is right that there is no reason why we have 25,000 troops in Germany and another army in Japan, and who is paying for them? He is right that the war on drugs leads to racist results, and he is right that chickenhawks have no business sabre rattling. And while every other republican talks about strict constructionism, no one is stricter than Ron Paul. His one failing is when it comes to abortion, and suddenly he forgets he is for states rights.

    The US is a war mongering country more than any other. No one likes to admit it, but there has not been a decade since the 1930s when the US was not somewhere establishing dictatorships, overthrowing governments and being overseas killing people. The 40s was correct, there was a world war on (that psycho Ron would not have fought), but the 50s on out has been an American crusade to establish an empire. Korea, Viet Nam, Lebanon, Nicaragua, El Savaldor, Iraq, Grenada, Iraq again, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Libya...how is it possible for one country to never be invaded but be perpetually at war? Eisenhower told us the answer: beware of the military/industrial complex. There is just too much money to be made from war for the arms makers to allow us to get out of it. Ron Paul is also right when he warns us why empires collapse. Rome, Britain, the Soviets...they all fall down eventually and if the US keeps on spending it will too.

    Obama should co-opt some of Ron's talking points to get the military budget cut. If you can get by on 30,000 nukes, you can get by on 15,000.

  7. hi politics thread,

    my prediction for the caucus is (based on nothing but a hunch)

    Ron Paul



    Ron Paul took a lot of deserved hits about racism and white supremicism and whatnot (he is the darling of stormfront.org and that pretty much says it all) but the media loves to underestimate him and discount him. His young supporters are more devoted to him than anyone else's supporters are devoted to them. I think he will fare better than the 20-22% predicted for him and come in closer to to 25-30%. I just don't see a scenario where his supporters let him down.

    Santorum might still win because all the Perry, Bachmann and Gingrich diehards are going to be forced to make a gut check and there is no sense in sticking with a dead horse and Santorum is acceptable to the backers of all these candidates (not that they have many in the first place). He might pick up a third of the rats fleeing the sinking ships.

    Romney is a fake. The establishment touts him, the so-called insiders in the state are behind him, but only 25% of republicans like him, and like is not love. He will finish up there but the lack of passion for him will hurt him. Romney will finish well enough so that his friends at the networks say he did well enough to win by just finishing near the top, and they will crown him the nominee. That's fine, because I never heard of a president being elected when 75% of his own party wishes it was anyone but him.

    In any case, the republican party really needs to reevaluate how they do things because this time they gathered together a group of clowns and know-nothings. They spent a decade championing anti-intellectualism and demonizing Harvard and colleges in general, and now this is what they have to show for all their hard work, the likes of Perry and Herman Cain as front running candidates worthy of the attention of Meet The Press. You reap what you sow I guess.

    Nate Silver, the oracle who gets everything right has it for Romney though with a 42% chance of winning, but that doesn't account for sentiment on the last day, trends, people talking to each other and what have you. But he is usually right, which is why the NY Times gobbled him up.


  8. That was a pretty spiffy wedding. Everyone looked so nice in their formal clothing, especially Nina and Cliff. Erica, strangely enough, looked the worst of the entire crowd I thought. It was just too much. Palmer and Daisy were such a perfect couple, I love the long close up on Palmer's face as he realizes Daisy is there and he is just staring.

    The other thing I loved about AMC back then is how they would have these charming musical introductions to scenes maybe over an exterior shot. It's too bad soaps did a way with that kind of detail. Maybe it was corny, but it worked.

  9. 27th Anniversary of the end of TEON. Last episode aired December 28, 1984. sad.png

    I remember a friend and I watching that together in college. It was the first time we ever saw a soap end before and we were fascinated. I am glad the aol videos are out there and now being streamed on YT but I wish just a little later will eventually make its way. I don't need to see Preacher and Del again, but I would love to see again the back to back murders of Nora and Nicole again.

  10. James Mitchell is, simply, a star. One cannot look away from the TV when the bellowing, manipulative Palmer is on.

    This was so true. Palmer was the man until he got destroyed at the altar of Opal. I never understood why they did that to such a great character.

  11. Was I the only one who could not get through last night's show? The black and white portion dragged on forever. I don't know if I should blame Matthew Morrison since it was his directorial debut on Glee.

    I loved the B/W section the first half. If you go to youtube and watch the Judy Garland Christmas Special, it looks to be almost exactly the same set. Blaine and Kurt had a great song and dance act too. Best song of the night. It did start to wear down a little, but overall I thought it was a cute and clever episode. Their Chewbacca was played by Peter Mayhew the real Chewbacca for extra geek cred. Matthew Morrison directed this episode I think, and he really showed a love of his subject matter.

  12. http://grrm.livejour..._medium=twitter

    Here is the taste of season two vid.

    <object width="512" height="288"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hbo.com/bin/hboPlayerV2u.swf?vid=1222845"></param><param'>http://www.hbo.com/bin/hboPlayerV2u.swf?vid=1222845"></param><param name="FlashVars" value="domain=http://www.hbo.com&videoTitle=Season 2 - In Production &copyShareURL=http://www.hbo.com/video/video.html/?autoplay=true%26vid=1222845%26filter=game-of-thrones%26view=null"></param><param'>http://www.hbo.com/video/video.html/?autoplay=true%26vid=1222845%26filter=game-of-thrones%26view=null"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.hbo.com/bin/hboPlayerV2u.swf?vid=1222845" FlashVars="domain=http://www.hbo.com&videoTitle=Season 2 - In Production &copyShareURL=http://www.hbo.com/video/video.html/?autoplay=true%26vid=1222845%26filter=game-of-thrones%26view=null" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="512" height="288"></embed></object><br><div><a title="Season 2 - In Production " href="http://www.hbo.com/video/video.html?view=grid&vid=1222845&autoplay=true">Season 2 - In Production </a></div>

    It looks good but I wish we got a scene

  13. wow I can't believe no one is watching? This week's episode was great! The song selection can't be beat and all the stories and characters got a chance to shine from Blaine and Kurt all the way to the Coach and Karofsky. And in true soap fashion, a schemer has arrived to break up the in lovers Blaine and Kurt.

    And Santana was great, she has a nice voice.

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/J5gUW_TuvLI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  14. This article I think shows the monolithic slavish devotion to one idea and one idea only.

    "GH was number one, hasn't been doing so great lately, so because I worked at Y&R I want to make GH more like Y&R. Every soap should look and sound alike, so I demand the show start shooting like Y&R, and have actors who act like the actors on Y&R. Did I mention I want to slow the pace down so it more resembles the pace of Y&R? All our police stories? Well we don't have cops on Y&R so I am going to ignore everything that made GH GH, and instead opt for Y&R type stories in hospital coats."

    And since GH abandoned it's action heritage 20 years ago, it has been #1 in the soaps when exactly?

  15. Plus, if Julie Hanan Carruthers were still EP, she'd probably hire someone like Louise Sorel to replace Natalie Ross.

    Well then it wouldn't be Enid Nelson. It's pretty much a role you could never recast because it only worked because of the actress and her specific way of talking and making facial expressions.

  16. Enid would unfortunately be too old and too frail to be the menace she needs to be to be a true Enid. I have no idea how old she is, but I just assume she would now be in her late 80s. It's tough because she never seemed to be a young looking person even when she was young.

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