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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. GWTW gets a bum rap for many reasons. There almost seems to be a need in film critique for it to be not so good to deserve it's status as the biggest, most popular movie ever made. But it's great, and technically beautiful. I can't think of many bad things to say about it, and it's use of music to ratchet up the melodrama is a thing of beauty.

    <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RBAmLm_jYyY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    The unrelenting plot just never quits too, and the acting was great too. I can only imagine what a spectacle it was to see this in a super large screen in all its lavish technicolor. This scene is a work of art you could just grab any frame and hang it on a wall:

    <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yNvuIuWY3Sw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  2. I still don't even know why this was an idea anyone thought was a winner.

    Because if the possibility he might actually kill her? Sonny killing Carly and going to prison is a win/win situation. It's just a shame he wasn't a better shot.

  3. I don't believe it for one second either, Carl. That being said, I will be SERIOUSLY PISSED if Rice is not the VP choice, since I believe that is the difference between winning and losing. And that is not the only reason why I will be so ticked off: Romney, his wife, and his supporters are hyping up the VP choice, with the implicit message being that Rice will get the nod. Unless they are DAMN SURE that she will be on the ticket, their actions are nonsensical, since whomever else is chosen will look like a huge disappointment in comparison. (They don't need to pander to the "true believers" as you suggested, since they will be motivated enough to vote against Obama.)

    Rice would have spelled doom for the republican ticket. A pro choice black woman who many suspect is a lesbian. See how far that sells in Tea Party Land. If she is on the ticket the Tea Party would launch a third party candidate.

  4. <a href="http://www.geeknation.com/blog/videos/sdcc-2012-game-of-thrones-panel/" target="_blank" style="position: relative; display: block; width: 634px; height: 344px;"><img src="http://cdn.geeknation.com/Video/Events_2012/media/media_game_of_thrones.jpg" alt="SDCC: Game of Thrones Panel" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;" /><img src="http://www.geeknation.com/wp-content/themes/geeknation/images/img_icon_video_play.png" style="position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin: -30px 0 0 -30px"></a></a>

  5. This is the type of thing that helped sink Kerry, although it won't hurt Romney, since he's a Republican, and we'll just hear CLASS WARFARE CLASS WARFARE.


    What they did the Kerry was offensive, and really showed how unamerican Republicans can be. "and he speaks FRENCH" just reeked. So what he spoke french? In a perfect world every kid would know how to speak french or another language of their choice beyond english, maybe two. Anti-intellectualism is one of the bedrocks of the republican party. That said, there is nothing wrong with Romney on a jet ski any more than when the republicans in podunk got upset Obama dared to vacation in the far off country we call Hawaii.

  6. The only thing Reagan did right was when he put missiles in europe to achieve parity with the soviets. Everyone blasted him, but that made sense to me even then. And he showed his perhaps naive but true feelings on the matter when after building them up he offered to reduce both nations nukes down to 0.

  7. You know I don't consider myself a hardcore democrat or republican or really any political party allegiance but why does the GOP continue to make themselves sound like such extremists and radicals or align themselves to groups of people like this. The republican party is a bigger mess than the democrats these days.

    The republican party has been radicalized to the point that Ronald Reagan would not be acceptable if he ran for office today. It is sort of funny considering Reagan is the hero of them all, but they edit out the troubling spots like his tax increases, his willingness to sit down for lunch every week with Tip O'Neill to try and keep things working and his entire philosophy about big tents and everyone is welcome. The tea party has adopted the opposite theory that no one is welcome unless they say x, y and z. Reagan would never have approved of the modern tactic of running conservative primary opponents against sitting republicans to purge the party,

  8. This was a shock. The media has been saying that these 5-4 party line decisions are a concern of John Roberts and I am glad he was able to take his job as Chief Justice seriously enough to know that is not a good thing. If only Speaker Boehner would take his job seriously.

  9. And thank you for not only not answering my question, but proving my point.

    You have no point. I didn't answer your question because not only was it ridiculous on its face, but to answer it would imply that somehow it pertained to me and anything I said. Since it did not and was strictly a construct of your need to take umbrage, why would I waste my time going down that path? As soon as I answered your first question you would come back with some equally outlandish position, pretend I said it, and then demand to know my position on it.

    Let me be clear in case this all somehow was too byzantine for you: I am not a racist and anyone who claims I am can [!@#$%^&*] off.

  10. So you think black Americans are so stupid we just vote for anyone who is black, right?

    Perhaps you would like to assign me a whole host of opinions and then you can engage in a full throttle debate? It doesn't seem like you need me at all in this topic to find ever new ways to be outraged.

  11. Why was it even necessary to bring race into the equation? It's a racist assertion that Obama elected because he's black and it's a very faulty one too, since most of the votes he got had nothing to do with race. Again, why was race even brought up?

    It was brought up when someone said Bill Clinton cost Hillary the election. Recalling what happened with Bill Clinton during that race and the accusations leveled against him by many, race was therefore on topic.

  12. Sorry, it is racist, it pushes the notion that many people have about people of color in high positions, the one that asserts that they didn't get there on merit, but only on race. He ran a better campaign in 2008, I was a Hillary supporter, but I have to say he ran a better campaign in the primary as well. And in the general, his opposition was weak and he ran circles around it. That's why he won, he worked for it.

    And I don't recall Sarah Palin ever giving a good speech.

    I don't care if 400 people march into this thread and mistakenly think my post was racist, it still doesn't make it so. Acknowledging race and admitting it is there doesn't make one a racist any more than if I said Geraldine Ferraro became the VP nominee for Walter Mondale not because of her merits, but because she was a woman. Now you can come and say I am sexist too if you like, but it won't make it so. Sarah Palin was picked because she was a woman, Hillary Clinton became senator because she was Bill's wife and had she not been so she never would have even been even a potential nominee. GWB became governor of Texas because he was George Bush's son. Now why don't you say I am anti-sons next?

    I don't care if many people have this notion or that notion, I only care about whether I am racist or whether the fine people at son.com want to read my post and redefine what racism is so they label me with that word.

  13. I'm sure that Obama's race did get him some votes, but Obama trailed Hillary in polls for almost a year until she started to make mistakes. It was her campaign flaws and her husband's mouth that started Obama on the way forward. Beyond that, Obama was a fresh face, and charismatic.

    I think if you go back and look, Obama trailed Hillary in polls til one debate when the impartial and merely a moderator Tim Russert used that debate as a way to sabotage Hillary in the ultimate gotcha moment when he provided a mysterious quote no name attached and then asked every candidate if they agreed or disagreed, leaving Hillary for last. Sure enough she disagreed when Tim moved in for the kill and told her the quote was Bill's. She then got into a bit of trouble with with Russert The Impartial when it came to Elliot Spitzer's policy of drivers licenses for illegal aliens and they used that to torpedo her in the debate. The only mistake she made was thinking Russert was an impartial moderator and not saying merely "He's the governor, if he thinks it is worth a shot I stand behind him. Next?"

    I love Bill Clinton, he can do no wrong in my book, and I love his drama too. You want a little drama, it makes the nightly news interesting.

  14. Your post was racist. Obama created a movement in 08 and it was not just because of his race. To state that the only black president we have ever had was elected on no merit other than being black is a racist statement because it implies that no black man could have been worthy of having been elected. Eisenhower held no political office prior to being elected -- do you have an issue with that presidency or just with the n!gger? Do you believe Obama was born in Honolulu, HI? If so, what steps have you take to distance yourself from the radical Nazi -- I mean Republican -- party? If you cannot answer this you are a racist...

    It implies no such thing. First. as Max and anyone who ever read a single post of mine will tell you I am hardly a republican. Eisenhower helped win WW II and a military record of note has been reasons presidents have been elected since Washington. You may call him a nigger but I never did. Your thought nazi, politically correct attempts to marginalize and smear anyone who holds this opinion is pathetic. That you think I am a republican and a birther is a joke, but just speaks to your narrow tunnel vision view of the world. It makes things very easy for you to dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as a whack job, racist republican but if you were to read this entire thread from page 1 til now you would learn I am about as opposite of that as it gets.

    The difference however is while I see the birthers for what they are, that doesn't mean I do not see things about democrats too. He was a senator for two years. He gave one speech at a party convention. He ran for office as a historic figure (which he was). His historical significance is not that he was in command of the European theater of WW II, it wasn't that he was a giant of a congressional figure like LBJ or that he even served a full term in elected office. There is nothing anyone can point to that set him apart from John Edwards or anyone else that caused tens of millions to rally to him except that thing that if I dare say out loud you will call me a racist. Coincidentally, this is what happened to Bill Clinton back in 2008, or maybe not so coincidentally.

  15. Bill Clinton is not a racist, but this post kinda is? It was not Obama's skin color that got him elected. He inspired people for reasons other than being black. At this point I wish he never had been elected. His election made me believe in the US. The reaction to him since has made me deeply ashamed to be an American. If he loses I'm pulling a Baldwin. Going to Italy this summer and will be networking for jobs while there.

    BTW all this is so ironic for me as I voted Hillary in the 08 primary... lol...

    There is nothing racist about my post. Of course it was his skin color that got him elected. What were the other reasons, he gave a good speech? So does Sarah Palin.

  16. Bill Clinton didn't ruin Hillary's chances. He made one comment about Jesse Jackson and the Obama camp and their allies labeled him a racist. Bill Clinton isn't a racist and the democratic party should have been ashamed of themselves for how they treated the Clintons all in the cause of a guy who was a Senator for two years and had no qualifications except the color of his skin. Had he been white and a senator for two years with no legislative accomplishment during that tenure Obama wouldn't have gotten a single primary or caucus. I don't know how everyone on earth doesn't see this.

  17. What I don't understand is why few, if any, Democrats aren't openly pushing for Obama to drop his re-election bid and hand his delegates--and, by extension, the Democratic nomination--to Hillary Clinton. I'll be perfectly honest and say that this is something that would bother the hell out of me, given the underhanded nature of such a tactic. That being said, swing voters could care less, and the end result would be a Clinton landslide over Romney. Given the hatred that Democrats have for Romney, the choice seems clear for them: stick with Obama and risk a 50% chance of losing, or nominate Clinton and have a 100% chance of winning.

    I don't think that would even be legal. He just can't pick a nominee when the party's rules say everyone has to vote in primaries. What would stop him from being a stealth republican and choosing Jeb Bush? The democratic party were foolish in 2008 and they wanted Obama and his pie in the sky dreams, and they got him. Hillary tried to tell people it was a fantasy but I guess hatred of women trumps hatred of black men. Certainly he had no credentials or qualifications other than the color of his skin, and I guess that was better than her qualifications of marrying her way to the height of power and influence. The thing is, she is smart and knows how to work Washington, he was a novice. He was supposed to let her run, hang out in the senate eight years, and then run right after her.

    One of the hallmarks of the Carter presidency was his inability to work with congress born out of no knowledge of how congress works. Obama has a rogue congress made up of Senate leaders who just outright admit their legislative agenda is to not see him succeed, but Obama also had problems dealing with his own party at times.

    In any case, Hillary has done no fund raising up to this point, has no workers in place and it is so late in the game she probably would be trounced. She couldn't even muster 1/3 the money Romney has because all the democrat donors probably tapped out giving to Obama. She doesn't even have offices anywhere or phone banks or any "ground game" or even a war room to fight back against republican lies and smears. The dems made their bed, now they have to lie in it.

  18. Only conservatives ever thought FOX was a new organization. Study after study (whenever this topic is studied) shows that FOX viewers are the least informed viewers of any media outlet. Even people who get their news from Jon Stewart are able to more correctly identify names and facts when tested. The fact that republicans embrace this propaganda operation speaks to the ethical and intellectual bankruptcy of republicans, all eager to trick every fundie and hick as long as it gets a vote.

  19. This was a really nice finale. The best part for me was the Finn and Rachel stuff. I love hokey stuff with running after the train, and I felt bad for them but this was the only way it could be. Quinn, Santana, Mercedes and Puck all got nice finishes too although in Puck's case we don't really know what becomes of him. Santana's ending surprised me but I guess they can follow her and Rachel together if the show is so inclined. Kurt's ending was a bit of a shock because the show didn't even address it.

    Nice use of flashbacks, especially the Kurt one. It was also nice they gave Quinn her moments with Puck, Rachel and Sue. As for the remaining students this is a motley crew of nobodies and no talents. There is Blaine, and then there is basically no one else. Tina and Artie are fine as supporting characters but they can't front performances. I don't know where the show goes from here.

  20. I love Jaime. He is the only Lannister that is aware how ridiculous it all is, but he goes along anyway. I am not sure how I would rank the Lannisters on their meanness. Clearly Joffrey is the meanest of the bunch, but then I think comes Jaime. Tywin and Cersei are mean but we have been given glimpses to their human side whereas with Jaime he is always on, always saying something to get a result. Tyrion is the nicest of the bunch clearly.

    This girl will probably be Robb's undoing. If a great story has a romance then the romance should end tragically or come back to bite the lovers. I can see one of these two dying. I am sore of bored with Dany and her dragons. Of all the characters this year she got the short end of the stick. Nothing really has happened with her, she entered a city and they stole her dragons. That took 8 episodes where it could have been done in three.

    <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9WYMZUuNruA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  21. This was my favorite episode all year. Jaime is maybe my favorite Lannister and we so rarely get to see him. When we do though he always gets the most interesting scenes. He is easily the most self-aware and wise of all the Lannister kids, and while he is the cruelest you still wind up understanding why he does the things he does. His poor cousin, I felt sorry for him.

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