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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. The first was Antoinette Byron or something like that.

    20 years ago plus I was in a bar in L.A. and there she was only I didn't know where I knew her. I said hello and insisted we knew each other from someplace. She asked me if I watched AMC and then it dawned on me and I didn't want to say this is where I knew her from and sound like a stalker. I was insisting we met at a party or someplace. She was ok, friendly enough that she was talking to me for a while, a total stranger in a bar demanding to know how I knew her.

  2. Thanks for the article. I find it interesting that she uses the word "negativism," as this is the word Al Rabin used when he went on a firing spree at DAYS around this time. Was she having a dig at him, or was this some common term in the industry?

    I've wondered for a while why viewers so quickly dropped GH during Monty's second, very woeful run. GH had such a loyal fan base, but many just seemed to have enough.

    Once Robert and Anna left it stopped being the real GH. I dropped it for a time when Mac was front burner because he was just so deadly dull (and still is). I think it was Marco Dane that brought me back to GH because I was so curious to see this old character on a new soap, but the other stuff from that time did nothing for me. And the stuff with drug addict Tiffany was just horrendous. Whoever wrote that garbage needed to have their union card rescinded.

  3. I find it illuminating that Sheri Shepard in explaining herself just blurts out "If someone says 'You... Jew you down' and they say that's offensive to them, then I won't use it."laugh.png

    So what is she saying when no Jews are within earshot?

  4. I think Darren Criss is super talented and the best one on the show. If you were to check him out on youtube and listen to his normal singing voice it sounds less bland

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_NyPUrvyI1Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I am not saying I would pay big money to see him, but if I was at a club and this guy started singing I would think he put on a really nice show. And it is good that while he has such a young and vanilla fanbase he exposes them to different music.

  5. This is a fantastic scene. Just wonderful, and especially good dialogue.

    It's just superior writing and a lot better than the cartoonish women literally every other soap writer concocts that are so dynamic and attractive to men of all ages despite being old or whatever. This is a lot more compelling a character that HIV positive Robin Scorpio on GH who manages to land the handsomest, most brillliant and successful doctor on staff despite being not all that attractive and altitudinally challenged. Or Nurse Liz Webber, who despite being single with 400 kids in tow, manages to find man who after who loves her and think she is a real catch. And because he allowed this woman and Nola to be realistically flawed and imperfect, it makes the crime stories to come a lot more believable and interesting.

  6. Blaine is still unrealistically perfect with great fashion sense, but I will miss the blazer

    All in all this was a good episode. I liked that other glee club singing the Ethel Merman tune.

  7. Why do I feel as if New York magazine, which published that timeline, is being dismissive of the show?

    Hardly. If they were being dismissive they wouldn't have put so much effort into it. I see it as a celebration of amc, not a mocking of it.

  8. No, in fact I always got the sense (obviously this is more just an impression than based on actual observation) that fans really enjoyed many of those stories--of course Jesse and Jenny's Summer in New York *was* a beloved storyline.

    AMC used to do better with that in general--they also used Center City whenever they needed to show a pimp, or that slum Foxy's where Opal made Jenny work, etc--since much of that wouldn't exist in Pine Valley.

    I felt the different locales enhanced the show because NYC and Center City embellished and enhanced Pine Valley by showing what it was not. You used to have a real sense of place with AMC, you could picture the town in your head. This is where the show went bad in the very early 90s, when suddenly it was all towns to all people with gothic mansions on one street, and the hippest of night clubs on the next. No one knows what Pine Valley is anymore.

  9. I just wonder if fans at the time complained or if the show managed to flit between both worlds effortlessly. If you think about it, it makes a lot more sense than the more recent efforts to turn Pine Valley into some big cosmopolitan setting, which got worse thanks to Fusion.

    It worked just fine. I don't remember ever feeling the show felt awkward, but admittedly this is when I first started watching so that was the status quo I knew. Erica was in NY because she was Erica and would always find a reason to come back to PV.

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