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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. The Stevie Wonder of Llanview. :lol: Stevie's sung at everybody's funeral.

    Zarf still takes the cake.

    You just know Marcie scoured the obits every sunday looking for gigs.

    I love how when they went to Eterna, they wore sci-fi inspired outfits that would make a Star Trek fan proud


    I loved Eterna. That is the one story I would choose to rewatch if I could choose only one.

  2. Okay what he said was terrible but damn if Phil Carey didn't knock that [!@#$%^&*] outta the PARK!

    Phil Carey may not have won any acting awards and people laugh at him and his cue cards, but he more than holds his own, and overpowers most scenes.

  3. Jenny's jet ski accident! I'm so happy this is on youtube. I wish it was better quality though.

    The best soap couple ever. There story would seem quaint and ridiculous today where everything is ugly and over the top with conflict, but they are truly the gold standard and they most certainly are the biggest couple AMC ever produced. I think their photo was on the cover of SOW this week announcing AMC is canceled.

  4. I FLOVE Glee, but my favorite character is Mercedes.

    Mercedes is ok, but that whole diva, Aretha style of singing I am ODed on thanks to years of American Idol. I much preferred a few weeks back when Santana sang "Trouty Mouth" over any of the other original songs even with the limited note range. Mercedes is a good singer, but her style has become boring and over exposed to me.

  5. In that christmas clip my favorite bit is when he moves in closer as he sings "mind if I move in closer". He moves in like a cartoon character trying to woo the object of his affection. (which is basically what Blaine is).

    Teenage Dream was a great intro to him, but I loved when he sang in The Gap, and when he sang Bills, Bills Bills.

  6. This show doesn't seem very popular at this site, but the couple of Blaine/Kurt I think is one of the best couples I ever saw on TV. They remind me of Jenny and Greg in their sweetness and Blaine especially is so unrealistically perfect. But that is his charm I think.

    This song was put online, and once again Blaine is his romantic, perfect self.

    <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://c.gigcount.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEzMDM1MTgyOTc2NjAmcHQ9MTMwMzUxODI5OTcxOSZwPTEwNjM2NjImZD*mZz*yJm89NGNmMmU1NjJmNzM3NDQzMjk4/MTY4YjIxZWMwOTJlY2Imb2Y9MA==.gif" /><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="410" data="http://vids.perezhilton.com/plugins/player.swf?v=a209595b66d18&p=vega4-without-ads-transparent-flp&autoplay=false" height="308" id="embedded_player"><param name="movie" value="http://vids.perezhilton.com/plugins/player.swf?v=a209595b66d18&p=vega4-without-ads-transparent-flp&autoplay=false"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="base" value="http://vids.perezhilton.com"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/></object>

    He is a very romantic character in a very old fashioned kind of way.

  7. ETA: "400 minutes of contiguous Erica scenes" really makes me...excited. I'm watching all 40 parts as soon as I finish watching all of HB's full AMC and OLTL episodes.

    Hamilton Bernique is the best soap youtuber of them all. I think he said he had worked for a TV station in the 80s maybe in Alaska or someplace, and he just copied straight from work. Unlike the others, he has complete episodes so you really can get full stories. His Erica fest is great as are all his clips.

  8. I'm sure AMC will end with the Erica Jackson wedding everyone is waiting for.

    I bet you they will have Viki and Clint think about reuniting.

    I don't think the end of AMC should be Erica living happily ever after to be honest. That flies in the face of the whole Scarlett O'Hara motif the character has been built on. Tomorrow is another day and I think the final shot of Erica needs to be Jackson telling her he doesn't give a damn (in so many words) and Erica melodramatically promising herself she is going to get him back. Then the actual final scene I would have with the actually happy Martins, Dr Joe leading his family in a dinner with all the various Martins and hangers on situated around the table while he recites the AMC poem in lieu of saying grace. Very Norman Rockwell for Joe, Tad and crew, and very Margaret Mitchell for Erica Kane.

    OLTL...this is not the Clint Viki was ever with, so I guess you have to go with Viki, Bo and Dorian somehow, and perhaps the wedding of Kelly and Joey would be the perfect coming together for the two families allowing the elder vets to beam and marvel at the wonder families they preside over.

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