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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. We'll be hearing more and more of this as both parties move towards cutting Social Security. Sen Orrin Hatch criticizes poor people for not doing enough to help with debt.


    It's truly a party of evil. On the one hand they want tax cuts for the rich and create the debt from Clinton surpluses, and on the other they complain and want the poor to pay more to finance their tax cuts and debt which was created from their tax cuts and wars of choice based on lies. It's sickening, they are sickening, and anyone who votes for them is sickening too.

  2. No. :( He's not getting any younger and will have trouble going beyond 3 sets.

    It's really strange how these days 29 is considered old.

    Jimmy Connors at 39, it what may be the most thrilling moment in all tennis history. It was so exciting.


    I think the athletes are going to end the careers younger and younger because all the training and ultraconditioning just takes too high a toll on the body. Nadal will need new knees by 50.

  3. It is stuff that's already been on the show or more like theories.

    Oh, theories are fine. I said way back I think that Jon Snow is gonna wind up being the son of the dead king because he out of nowhere has black hair. The King had an affair with Ned's dead sister and for some reason or another, Ned took the baby to protect him from the evil blond family. He has raised him ever since, but Mrs Ned has no idea.

  4. I am trying not to read your posts because I see talk about Jon and I am looking away. If it is something not already aired on TV, I hope you are placing it in spoiler captions

    anyway, just in case it hasn't been brought over, there is now a case of costume drama crossover

    HBO’s Game of Thrones has made its first casting hire for season 2:

    Natalie Dormer, who memorably played the seductive and doomed Anne Boleyn on Showtime’s The Tudors, has been added to the fantasy drama’s regular cast.

  5. I think it was the witch's death ("only death pays for life") plus the fire. Remember Dany had instinctively kept the eggs near fire and put one on that brazier. Some part of her thought understood that dragons are born from fire, but she was still sort of young and innocent. She didn't know yet that life only comes through blood and pain.

    I honestly don't understand why we spent 10 weeks with Drogo. His speech a few weeks back was pretty cool and I was all set to watch him kill people and make the kids slaves and all, and that's it? he just dies?

    Anyway, I like how Robb is now the OtherKing, he sure has come a long away from glorified extra #2. I think he is my favorite of the Starks.

  6. I think my favorite character is now Rob, the oldest Stark son, whatever his name is. He has really stepped up the last couple of weeks and it looks like he is going to be the new hero of the show. I have to admit I love Joffrey, the little [!@#$%^&*] that he is. He just makes me laugh. And I love his mother and she gets all the best scenes I think.

    I watch this show completely unspoiled, don't even see previews for the next episode, so everything is a surprise to me. I notice when the imp was with the girl playing the game of fire she didn't burn, so I wonder if she somehow is a sister of Khaleesi who had her hair dyed black to keep her hidden and safe.

    Oh, and here is a list of GoT's emmy submissions

    Directing: Winter is Coming (ep. 1) by Tim Van Patten, A Golden Crown (ep. 6) by Daniel Minahan, Baelor (ep. 9) by Alan Taylor

    Writing: Baelor (ep. 9) by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss

    Best Drama

    Best Casting

    Best Main Title Design

    Drama Lead Actor: Sean Bean

    Drama Lead Actress: Lena Headey

    Drama Supporting Actor: Mark Addy, Peter Dinklage, Nicolaj Coster-Waldau, Aiden Gillen, Kit Harington, and Jason Momoa

    Drama Supporting Actress: Emilia Clarke and Michelle Fairley

    Interesting they consider Cersei a Lead, but Kate amd Dany supporting roles.

  7. Oh, I absolutely loved it, too. But is he really dead? (Rhetorical) With the way soaps have brainwashed my mind, because they didn't show his death, I cannot believe it just yet.

    I think so. Unless that guy just missed totally. :lol:

    One thing I will say is you can see the limits of TV this episode. Had this been a movie we would have been treated to epic war scenes. On TV it all happened off camera. That was a bit of a disappointment because they had discussed the battle so much.

  8. Gingrich, never likely to have a chance, but always a favorite of the media (he's the ideas man!!!), seems to have suffered the final blow, as the high echelons of his campaign staff have abandoned him.


    It looks like they wanted out after the bizarre decision by Newt and wife to disappear and take an expensive cruise.

    Some speculation that the new favored son will be Rick Perry, who has spent the last decade destroying Texas.

    I can't stand Newt, but his own party did a terrible wrong to him. His big crime was giving his honest opinion on the Paul Ryan plan, and for that he is being run out of town on a rail. So much for wanting honesty in our politicians.

  9. another good episode. I always love when the pet wolves get something to do. I want a dire wolf of my own. I also like that the other son is getting stuff to do as well as the other daughter and not just the sword daughter. How many more episodes are there?

  10. such a beautiful summer evening tonight, reminded me of this outdoor cafe in Marina Del Rey and the retro music they used to play

    <iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WpePWo56zm4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YxzUvAQmoDM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fdov2UIjUpY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8AyBIx01yU8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  11. Interesting essay on the show


    Thirty years after the series premiere, it's possible to look back and see the unrealized promise of its less-than-blockbuster first season—the Dynasty that could have been, before ratings pressures and the introduction of diva Joan Collins put an end to challenging story lines. As improbable as it sounds, the series' first 13 episodes represent what might be called Dynasty's "arthouse" era, a brief period before its characters were flattened into the caricatures that came to define the prime-time soap genre.

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