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Posts posted by quartermainefan

  1. Qfan, the GOP isn't 20 years behind the times on gay marriage. Just 24 months ago, Democrats were saying a marriage should be between a man and a woman, and faced almost no backlash as a result (when the Republicans were vilified for holding the same position).

    You must think everything exists in a vacuum and nobody remembers who said what from one issue to the next. Here is another reason why everyine paid attention to AZ and the republican push to legalize discrimination: It is the same exact place where a couple of years back there was another republican push to legalize discrimination based on skin color. So when you see people want to make every person with brown skin show papers like refugees from Europe circa 1940 and then you want to make it legal for gay people to role play 1950s Alabama, you rightfully earn the title of bigot and hate monger.

    I don't know how much clearer it can get. To be a republican is to choose to be a member of a party that exists to expand hate and prejudice. If it isn't the brown skin people it is the gays, and if it isnt the gays it is those welfare queens and the 47% who want handouts. And if it isnt them it is the "elites" who live in NY and want your guns and hate Jesus. That's the republican motif--to show how different everyone is from we true American republicans and resent them. Your post after post ignoring the actual topic (the law in AZ) to instead pretend the topic is liberal persecution of republicans on this issue is one of your weakest arguments to date on this site.

    The only persecution in this current topic ( AZ) is the planned, intended and desired persecution of gay people by conservatives. Once again, Putin would be proud to be a republican.

  2. This was a good episode and Felicity was cute trying to be tough like the rest of the gang. I liked her little leather action jacket and can picture her looking in her wardrobe for appropriate actionwear. I am torn on this subject. Oliver is the man of Felicity's dreams and it is easy to see how she could be the same for him, but Green Arrow and Black Canary is the destiny couple in this story so I don't see how Felicity is going to win this battle.

    Slade in the living room was a surprise. I have the feeling they will find some way to redeem him via mitigating the drugs in his body or he learning the true truth about everything on the island, and after this season of villainy he will be demoted to mere anti-hero. I can't deal with Officer Lance and his weird speech impediment or whatever that is, and the less seen of him and Laurel the better.

  3. Clinton signed that bill because he was looking at super majorities ready to override his veto. He did say the bill was divisive and according to wikipedia his white house called it "gay baiting". 20 years ago was a long time and a lot has happened since then. All things happen with baby steps and Clinton also signed Dont Ask Dont Tell, which was the first step to the open service of gays in the military. Clinton saw the writing on the wall for DOMA and had no way to stop it but was smart enough to not fall on his sword attacking it and handing even larger victory to republicans. But this is 2014 not 1996. The fears that gay marriage would lead to people marrying their dogs has proven to be just the insane rantings of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly.

    Max you basically are saying republican politicians are 20 years behind the times and therefore deserve to be seen the way these things were seen 20 years ago. Why stop at Clinton, why not go back to WWII era military policies and maybe we can bash FDR? There is no double standard and if Bill Clinton in 2014 said the things that AZ legislature said he would be finished overnight as any kind of political force.

  4. Furthermore, my initial comments weren't even about the GOP in general, but instead over the specific way that McCain and Romney were vilified as rabidly anti-gay during the last two presidential campaigns. Everyone deep down knows that extreme social conservatives do not have enough appeal to win the GOP presidential nomination, and that the plausible GOP nominees (if elected) wouldn't be able to force gays back into the closet. In fact, gay rights advanced even during the presidency of Bush, a man more socially conservative than either McCain or Romney. (I realize that those advances took place in spite of Bush and not because of him, but the point is that even a hated GOP president didn't cause doom for gay people.)

    If all the left did would be to suggest that gay rights would advance much more further with a Democratic president, I would have no problem (and I would actually agree with such a statement). But the hysteria that implies that gays would have several decades of progress erased (if a plausible GOP nominee became president) is absurd, since that didn't even occur during the Bush presidency.

    I am not sure what point you are trying to make here. It looks like you have very little to work with and so now are resorting to "See? Republicans are not as bad as they said, though I admit we're pretty bad at times".

  5. Mitt Romney joins both Arizona senators in asking Governor Brewer to veto a gay-discrimination bill.


    Now everyone can see that those left-wing scare tactics--implying that a McCain or Romney presidency would be dangerous for gays (because both "hate gays" so much, and because both apparently would have been puppets of the most extreme elements of the GOP)--were false.

    Max, you can't see the forest through the trees at times. That's the aspect of this story you find noteworthy? That is the headline and not that every single republican in the state legislature voted to make discrimination legal? Or that the Governor just doesn't flat out say this law is repulsive but rather she has to study it? As for McCain, even he didn't say the law should be vetoed because it is odious and unamerican, no, he said it would hurt AZ economically. And why? Because everyone else finds it disgusting. This law doesn't disprove the generalizations about republicans, it proves those generalizations true--again. It wasn't left wing scare tactics that forced this law on AZ, it was republicans. This isn't the extreme wing of the republican party, these are the elected officials chosen by a majority and therefore right in the mainstream of republican thought.

    Can anyone explain what the difference is between republicans in AZ and their law and Putin's law in Russia other than degrees of discrimination? When your party is mirroring the thought process of Putin isn't it time you wake up? Three places have been in the news recently for anti-gay laws: Russia, Uganda, and Arizona. I think that says it all and says everything there needs to be said about conservatives in America today.

  6. I just couldn't stop thinking about how ridiculous Rosita looked walking around in daisy dukes and midriff shirts.

    I don't think this complaint will resonate with TWD audience since it was going above and beyond to stay true to the source material.


  7. Awesome scenes with Rick defending himself in the house.

    I'm so glad they have this and not just that shitface Abraham.

    I thought this was a really tense episode, and those people...it is a miracle they survived seeing how they seem to be willing to kill each other over a bed or for a joke or whatever. The new people it is too soon to pass verdict but considering the situation on the ground so to speak, why would the info be classified? Who is Glenn going to leak secrets to, Snowden?

    I guess Rick and crew are about to be reunited with Tyrese and crew at the sanctuary, which will give Rick a crisis about what to say about Carol.

  8. I have to say I don't care that Carol killed Karen.

    Seriously. Who the hell is Karen anyway? If she had three lines of dialogue the one episode she was in (and probably uncredited at that) I would be impressed. Tyrese liked her? Before this episode Tyrese himself was a non-entity.

    Anyway, the creepy girl is the most interesting character on the show currently. Now that Carl is growing up too fast (and too tall) it will be up to Lizzie to carry on doing dangerous, tough and sort of psycho kid duties. Now I am wondering if maybe she killed our beloved Karen and if Carol was in fact just covering for her. Speaking of Carol, her return was a little too convenient. "I was in the neighborhood", really? Is that the best they could come up with?

    I am happy to see Glen back to his scrappy self.

  9. Rick always makes choices that lead to danger for his group and eventual death. Season 2 Shane told him they had to kill that kid but Rick had better ideas about leaving him at that school or whatever that was, and sure enough Shane got cornered inside that bus. And the time earlier when they had to kill the kid but Rick said no, and the delay cost Herschel his leg. (something like that anyway). He wanted to sit around and talk with the governor in season 3 and that inaction led to Herschel's death in season 4. His silly ethics has led him to cast out Carol, someone firmly in his camp and whose job it was to watch his baby daughter. Well where is the daughter now? He was against her teaching the creepy blonde girl how to fight, but Carol's lessons is what saved Tyrese when that girl came to his rescue (or was it Daryl she saved?) Even back in season 1 he spared Merle and what happened, Merle came back to take hostages while working for the governor.

    Rick always makes a bad decision that comes back to haunt the group. His farming detour was no exception. MIchonne had the right idea: find the governor. Rick should have been helping on that score all along. Even his pigs are what led to the virus that killed people earlier this season.

  10. I really smile when you say how you know how millions and millions of people will act.

    Second terms are historically troublesome for presidents and it doesn't matter which party they are from. And as soon as the democrats nominate someone to run that person will speak for the party, not Obama. He has til maybe Feb 2015 tops to lead his party, and probably less than that to get any sort of meaningful legislation passed.

  11. Bronze Tiger is a character that was created roughly 40 years ago. One of his storylines was against The League Of Assassins, which was the group headed by Batman villain Ras Al Ghul (who was referenced on the show already as the man who wanted Sarah to return and sent the baddies to bring her back). Amanda Waller (the woman who visited him in the cell at the end of the episode) is your typical cliche top secret government operative who will do anything unethical to get the job done. While working for the government she basically is an opponent of heroes because the government always has ulterior motives that has little to do with justice. Her Team is The Suicide Squad, whose members are former villains forced to work for her. I imagine as the series goes on she will recruit all the guests for an all star season finale or something.

    Anyway, this episode was pretty good. Sort of abrupt how Roy is presto change-o now a full member of the team, but ok I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I like the Moira running for mayor thing but felt bad for her because it seemed like she was hoping for a reconciliation. Diggle...the writing for him this year is atrocious. He is Ollie's nagging mother, always yammering on about this or that how this is too dangerous or that is. He's a drag. Don't do this Oliver, don't do that. It's too risky Oliver...enough is enough! You are a buzzkill Diggle.

    Laurel...I think she is drinking because Tommy died? Slade was part of that army of badguys I think that came to the island last season but he turned against them for some reason.

  12. I skipped this speech. Obama is a boring speaker for one, and then he has been saying it is time to get moving for a long time now. I realize it is not his fault but I suspect his days as an effective President are over. This is an election year, nobody will pay him any attention since he is not running again, and what he says is slowly becoming borderline irrelevant. I caught clips of the republican response. I don't know who that lady was, but Phil Carey did a better job masking his cue cards than she did. Her silly line reading that sounded like she was talking to children didn't help. I have no idea where they found this woman.

  13. Hi, if you are talking about me, I don't have those episodes, unfortunately. Although some of the episodes I posted deal with the aftermath of that story and have some flashbacks of the rape, and Julie running away and Julie confronting Ross about it. Also, I posted the scene were Natalie murders Silver and Palmer finds the body.

    Thanks, it is maybe my favorite episode ever. Julie ran away and the mother fell down the staircase, and then Palmer dramatically throwing Natalie out. Top drama start to finish. Julie running away is what brought Creed and Nico onto the show as I recall.

  14. This episode had some logic problems. Here Laurel presents her theory and the theory is backed up by mysteriously missing files, erased video, and a dead mother. Ollie rightfully believes her. Suddenly she gets kidnapped by the very supervillain she is investigating, but lo and behold she pops pills so the whole thing was her imagination? It doesn't make sense and Diggle is a nagging drip. I do look forward to Ollie training Roy, but again, the guy was caught red handed trying to kill Sin, and nobody factors that into anything. Was he even arrested, and if so why isn't Roy a hero?

  15. A decent show. I like that finally ten episodes in they found a dramatic purpose for Laurel this year. Her character has been a waste up til now. Felicity gave Ollie his way in but he didn't take her up on it. They would make a good couple, shame. Roy's super powers are interesting but I wonder if he is going to slowly go insane a la Slade. Barry will not be waking up for a couple of months as I understand it.

  16. I am excited to see Jaime back with his family, maybe he can rein in Joffrey. I forget, do all the Lannisters know the secret or are any of them still in the dark? I wonder why there was no Sansa in the promo, her character was so major but perhaps since she is running out of relatives her character will start to recede.

  17. Interesting turn of events in the Christie story. What should have been a tiny local kerfuffle has turned into a story of a vindictive and petty Governor and team. His claims of not knowing anything are pretty flimsy. This bridge stuff was first around weeks and weeks ago, does he mean to say in all this time he never looked into what happened? Who believes that or that his entire top team just all happened to be petty and spiteful individuals and this has nothing to do with him? Even if that is true it sort of shows you he is incapable of picking people for his office.

  18. Hllary will win because the republican have nobody except Chris Christie, who cannot win. Every cycle the media tries to make something happen for some random republican: Rick Perry was going to be a force, Tim Pawlenty was a major player, Fred Thompson was going to be the new Reagan, Bachmann, Palin, Rudy, and then they continually tout Paul Ryan as some great intellectual. A more politically inept bunch was never found. The republicans currently have nobody that has any realistic chance of getting elected except for Christie, who has polls but everything else going against him.

    I am sure they are praying for Jeb Bush vs Christie in the primaries, and would take either vs Hillary.

  19. Bill Clinton did nothing wrong. Everyone except republicans saw they had no business asking him what they asked him, why they were asking him, and the true motivation for the impeachment. GOP and chains? Here is the problem with the GOP on this issue: Biden is working with what the GOP gives him. If one were to look at the GOP and see SC wanting the confederate flag, that Duck Dynasty idiot and his comment and how every elected republican ran to protect him, all the racists that go to Tea Party rallies, the intermittent reports about how some republican somewhere used monkey references to deride Obama, and on and on and on, it is not difficult to tar the GOP as the party of racists. (and when it comes to the Tea Party, it is)

  20. This. This is why the right wing can't be taken seriously Personally I don't care that Bill cheated. I don't care if anybody cheats. As long as you do what I put you in office to do then I don't care if you drop your whole paycheck on escorts and sex toys. But don't turn around and pretend to be the candidate of Christianity. Don't tell me how this country was founded on conservative Christian values then cut food stamps and unemployment benefits all while screwing around on your spouse. If the right-wing wants to play dueling douchebags, I'll take Bill Clinton over Mark Sanford and Newt Gingrich any day.

    The thing about Bill Clinton is he was cheating. The government had no business asking him if he was cheating on his wife, and he was entirely in the right to lie about it. He's cheating on his wife, if he didn't lie about it it wouldn't be cheating. The republicans were supposed to be investigating Whitewater and they thought they had a home run getting him for cheating. He lied about it, as he was supposed to so as not to humiliate his wife and cause harm to his girlfriend, and then the republicans launched their nukes thinking they had him caught. It is amazing that to this day we see republicans still outraged that a guy would have the nerve to deny having an affair. Rightly, the county saw the whole thing as a farce, Newt got run out, Bill became more popular than ever, and republicans just cannot let go of the fiction that he actually committed a crime.

    We saw last month an NSA official admitting lying to congress about a Snowden-related program. Not a single republican demanded perjury charges, in fact when a democrat did call the official a liar Rep. Pete King (R-NY) called the liar a hero who deserved an apology.

  21. While Edwards is indeed seen as an outcast, Bill Clinton (with the sole exception of when he attacked then-candidate Obama) and Ted Kennedy (who did things far worse than Edwards) are embraced by Democrats more than Palin is embraced by Republicans. There are at least some conservatives who don't worship Palin's every move, but Kennedy and Clinton have been idolized for decades by liberals.

    Bill Clinton? He never harmed a fly. He never says a bad word about anyone, he only reaches out to people, republicans included. The republican fantasy about Clinton that he is some horrible person guilty of the worst immoralities always strikes me as ridiculous and amusing at the same time. Kennedy had a moment of weakness and then spent his whole life in service to his country. Why would democrats ever shun Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy? Every ramp on every government building that allows people with wheelchairs access to their government is because Kennedy made it happen.

    Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, and while his wife didn't care the republicans who were cheating on their wives thought they had a way of getting rid of him by pretending to be outraged. At least Bill didn't dump Hillary on her death bed, that's a republican trick.

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