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I'm glad the cliffhangers are hooking you! If I could pull a 1989 Pam Long and have a cliffhanger in almost every episode, I would lol.
Thank you for reading!! Stay tuned
ANOTHER WORLD 177 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 1
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
John having to be with Felicia and Sharlene together. lolol That's great. Nice touch. A lot going on already for the Big Wedding. Love me a soapy wedding. Can't wait till I get to continue later. -
ANOTHER WORLD 175 Cass gets an uninvited guest
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Wow man. You're really good at playing all the beats to a story. Every single story is building so nicely and so smoothly to boot with scenes that really pack a punch. -
ANOTHER WORLD 172 Can Sharlene handle the truth?
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
This ep was superb story telling. The quad is such a solid story. Love how complicated it is. And what a great family moment for Kirkland. Vicky and Jake. Still so stoked for this upcoming soapy wedding -
ANOTHER WORLD 171 Amanda makes an important decision
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Iris is going in on them ladies! I like all the background info you give. Really helps for those of us who didnt watch the show too much. Kirkland and Paulina was sweet. -
Terrance Smith is shown driving down The highway *SEE TERRANCE FIRST APPEARANCE IN “UNION CREEK #1” He is jamming out to some hip hop. He sees a road sign: Paradise, New Mexico 40 miles. TERRANCE: I hope this place really is.... -- Paradise, New Mexico Cut to Billy Abbott . He is parked outside of the Paradise Casino. BILLY: …Paradise. This place really is. He seems lost in thought.... BILLY: Do I really want to do this though. Go right at my vices in a casino. Gambling and drinking. He gets out of the car. BILLY: I do. I think I finally have my vices under control… He enters the casino. BILLY: And Why not just take a gamble on my first night in town. -- RYAN HOUSEHOLD Paul Ryan and Emily Ryan are in the middle of an argument. EMILY: You frustrate me so much! PAUL: I try not to. I think you are just constantly frustrated. EMILY: No. You do this to me. Their teenage daughter Eliza enters the room. ELIZA: You two are arguing again? Surprise! Not. PAUL: I’m trying not to but your step mother loves to. Eliza walks to her bedroom. ELIZA: I Really need to move into a dorm and get away from here. She puts in some headphones. EMILY: We have been having money issues for how long now?! Feels like years. And what is the first thing you do when you FINALLY are able to get a loan? No not put it in savings so we can get back on our feet. It is to spend it all! PAUL: I am not just spending it. I am investing it. EMILY: Investing in your mother and not your family! PAUL: I am going to get Barbaras company up and running again. I will work for BRO to make the money back. You have to spend money to make money. Emily shoots Paul daggers. -- Lucas Roberts is at his expanded office of Mad World. His secretary beeps him that he has visitors from Salem. LUCAS: Send them in. In walks Steve and Kayla Johnson LUCAS: Wow this is unexpected. KAYLA: Hi Lucas LUCAS: Someone from back home! You two are a sight for sore eyes! Lucas looks at Steve... LUCAS: Um..no offence. STEVE: No offense taken dude. (chuckles) LUCAS: What brings you guys to me? STEVE: We’re moving to town. LUCAS: Really? KAYLA: Yes. I got a transfer here for some good money. Steve looks on oddly after she says that… LUCAS: Well welcome to Paradise! HUBBARD HOUSEHOLD Angie and Jesse Hubbard are making out on the couch. ANGIE: Shouldn’t you eat something on your lunch break JESSE: Your lips are all I want to taste. ANGIE: Jesse Hubbard…go on! They make out some more. ANGIE: I think maybe we should have a quick lunch (smiles) JESSE: I hear the bedroom calling… As they are about to get up the door opens up and Jesses daughter Natalia walks in. She is in cop uniform. JESSE: You don’t knock do you? NATALIA: Sorry…I’m interrupting something aren’t I? ANGIE: Just lunch JESSE: What are you doing off anyway? NATALIA: If you can have a donut break dad, so can I. ANGIE: I guess she has a point there. -- Paul and Emily are still arguing in their frustration. EMILY: How did you even manage to finally get a loan? PAUL: I found out that if you bother the bank enough they will give in. EMILY: Right PAUL: You know I have a way of getting things done. EMILY: Not lately. PAUL: Have a little faith in me please! -- AT MAD WORLD: KAYLA: How is business ? LUCAS: So great. I moved Mad world headquarters here for a quicker and cheaper production. It has been the best move. Profit, profit, profit. KAYLA: That is tremendous to hear. LUCAS: I think you two will like it here. STEVE: I hope so, dude. KAYLA: Well I need to go off to the hospital and take my initial tour. Just wanted to come and see a familiar face. LUCAS: Thanks for stopping by KAYLA: You and Steve can talk about the latest in cosmetic products. Its his favorite subject. STEVE: Real funny sweetness. Steve and Kayla kiss before she heads off. LUCAS: So patch, I can get off and we can go have a beer if you like? Well you can have a beer. Ill have a soda and lunch. STEVE: I’m going to take a rain-check for now. I actually have to head off too. Some other time though for sure. Steve exits… -- Natalia and Jesse arrive back at the police station. NATALIA: I’m sorry if I interrupted you and Angie. JESSE: All good. Nothing that wont happen later... They walk in and are immediately debriefed on a gang shoot out that is going on! JESSE: Looks like we have to head back out! -- Kayla gets to her first day at the hospital and meets chief of staff Angie Hubbard. ANGIE: Great to see you Kayla. KAYLA: Pleasure to see you again. I hear so much about you. ANGIE: Good things I hope? KAYLA: Nothing but it. ANGIE: Well let me show you around. -- Back at the Paradise Casino Billy Abbott is doing good on the slot machines. BILLY: Glad I’m sticking to the slots it paid off. I think this deserves a celebratory drink…Just one. He heads over to the bar. BARTENDER: What can I get you? BILLY: I….I better be good. I’ll just have a root beer. He looks at the ticket he won from the slots. BILLY: 75 bucks. Not bad at all. He then hears someone say his name. “Billy Abbott?!” Its is Brittany Hodges! BILLY: Woah Britt…long time no see! -- Terrance Smith has made his way into town. He is parked at some warehouse. Another car pulls up. Its is Steve Johnson. STEVE: Come with me. TERRANCE: Yes, sir. The two go inside the warehouse and shake hands. TERRANCE: Nice to meet you Agent Johnson. STEVE: I am so glad you are finally here Agent Smith. I hear you are the best up and comer in your field. TERRANCE: I am but I would love to be briefed on what is going on. STEVE: Well Its like this. My wife thinks we are in town because she got this good job at the hospital but the ISA worked that because I needed to be here. We are all here to find her brother, another Agent for the ISA. This is Operation find Bo Brady. TERRANCE: What is the latest? STEVE: Paradise New Mexico was the last place Bo Brady was seen alive and he has not been heard from in months. We need to find my old Pal, Bo…before it is too late. FADE TO BLACK Credits roll *I don't own any none original characters nor any pictures*
ANOTHER WORLD 170 Rachel and Carl make a shocking discovery
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
This episode was was intense! So many things building up with Reginald. And gotta love the tension with John/Sharlene/Mitch -
ANOTHER WORLD 169 Steven receives shocking news
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
I'm happy for Cass and Frankie and I love me some Kirkland and Charlie. Jack is catching on.... Uhoh -
ANOTHER WORLD 168 Rachel and Reginald reach an understanding
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
I'm loving that old Diva Iris more and more with these episodes! -
Thank you very much! Thanks for reading
Union Creek Colorado Cut to a long winding Creek of water. -LEWIS RANCH- Josh and Reva Lewis are sitting on the porch of their ranch. REVA: We have the most beautiful home, Bud. JOSH: We do. This move here has been one of our best ideas. The two embrace and kiss gently and then look into each others eyes. REVA: And we don’t come up with many good Ideas do we? JOSH: We sure don’t. REVA: And the best part is we are country folk that are still way out here in the country. JOSH (looks at his watch) Well, we country folk need to get a move on it. We are late meeting Marah. REVA: [!@#$%^&*], I forgot Josh. Mommas gotta help her with her endeavor. -- Robinson Street SNYDER HOUSEHOLD Holden Snyder is outside finishing up mowing the lawn. Lily Snyder walks outside and hands a glass of lemonade to her husband. HOLDEN: Thank You Lily. Hug? He goes in for a hug but Lily makes a scrunchy face. LILY: Sorry, too dirty. Ill kiss your cheek though. HOLDEN: Oh come on! She kisses his cheek but he grabs her and pulls her in for a squeeze. LILY: Fine! She hugs him back. Luke comes outside as well. LILY: Don’t tell me you’re off already! LUKE: Yeah, sorry mom I have to head to work. HOLDEN: Any intriguing news going on? LUKE: Not yet, but there is always something on the horizon! Luke hugs his mom LUKE: Thanks for breakfast! LILY: Yeah, well don’t be a stranger! Luke heads off. The Snyders neighbors, Eartha and Morris Davis walk out of their house. EARTHA: Another beautiful mornin’ HOLDEN: It truly is. MORRIS: You two still enjoying your new home? LILY: We think it is fantastic and our son loves his new job too. MORRIS: Glad to hear it. LILY: You guys are so cute though. Two married doctors who work together every day. I don’t know how you do it. What a couple. EARTHA: If I could blush, I would be right now (chuckles) A UHALL Pulls up across the street. HOLDEN: Must be the new neighbours. MORRIS: I hope its some good ones. LILY: Some quiet ones. I am enjoying this quiet life. Movers get out and start unloading from the UHALL. A fancy car pulls up to the house. EARTHA: Awesome car. Looks like we are getting some refined neighbors. HOLDEN: Good Cut to across the street. Todd and Blair Manning get out of the car. As well as Sam. BLAIR: You two can start getting the boxes out of the trunk. TODD: Blair…stop nagging us! BLAIR: Well I just want to get our stuff inside. TODD: Why did we get movers if they aren’t going to, you know, move our stuff... SAM: Todds right for once. TODD: Yeah, I’m right for once Blair. BLAIR: We can still help out! Back on the other side of the street, Eartha, Morris, Lily and Holden look on at the bickering. They then look at each other in concern... -- Inside of a dark room… Someone is tied up to a chair. His face is not seen. He starting to get the rope loose. He does get loose! MYSTERY MAN: Finally I can get out of here! He stumbles up and can barely walk.. He gets to the door. But it is locked. MYSTERY MAN: No! He weakly pounds on it… -OPENING- At the police station: Terrance Smith visits his dad and cop Elijah smith. The two hug. ELIJAH: Son you are early! Don’t tell me you are leaving already! TERRANCE: Duty calls. EIJAH: I thought we would at least be able to have dinner. TERRANCE: Sorry dad, but I have to head down south. ELIJAH: I wish you would at least tell me what this duty is. TERRANCE: You know I cant tell you about my missions dad. ELIJAH: I am an officer of the law, your secrets are safe with me. TERRANCE: I’m sorry dad, I just can’t. -- Marah Lewis arrives at Lily and Holdens. LILY: Welcome to our home. MARAH: So glad we can finally meet in person again! The two hug. HOLDEN: I’m happy for you both going into business together. A new fashion company. I don’t think Colorado is ready for this. MARAH: They will be after it is a hit. LILY: Confidence. I love it. MARAH: My mom was suppose to stop by and help us work some things out but she seems to be late. You’ll soon find out that she marches to the beat of her own drum. -- Across the street Todd and Blair are still bickering. TODD: Can we agree to never move again. You are getting unbearable! BLAIR: Stop whining. Sometimes I think you put the Todd in toddler. Eartha and Morris approach the couple. MORRIS: Don’t mean to interrupt but we wanted to come and greet our new neighbors. EARTHA: We are Eartha and Morris. BLAIR: Nice to meet you. I’m Blair and this is Todd. And our son Sam is around here somewhere. The 4 shake hands. Morris: I can go ask my son Malik to come help you two carry is some boxes. TODD: Thank you but we hired these movers for a reason. Or at least I thought so. (shoots Blair a dirty look) EARTHA: We both gotta head to work, but we will come and say hi again. I’ll bake y’all a pie. That catches Sams attention. SAM: A pie! That would be awesome! BLAIR: Well thank you. That is very kind and very nice to meet you two. Eartha and Morris head back across the street to their car. Todd is fussing with his cell phone. BLAIR: They were nice. Huh Todd.. Todd is just looking at his phone. Blair socks him in the arm! TODD: Geez Blair! What? BLAIR: Our neighbors were nice. TODD: Oh, yeah. BLAIR: Whats wrong now? TODD: Dammit I’m late for a meeting! Looks like you two have to finish helping. I’ll be back later. He rushes off… -- AT THE POLICE STATION ELIJAH: I demand that you be careful son! TERRANCE: I always am. ELIJAH: I Sure hope so. The father and son hug again. TERRANCE: Off to Paradise New Mexico I go! ELIJAH: Call me, soon. TERRANCE: I Wont even be that far away. Terrance exits the office… ***FOLLOW TERRANCE ON HIS ADVENTURE IN THE UPCOMING “JUST PARADISE* -- Reva and Josh finally arrive to Robinson Street. Reva is driving. REVA: There is no parking place at that address. JOSH: We can just park next door. The U-hall at the Mannings drives off. REVA: I’ll just park across the street. She does and the two get out. Blair sees them parking there and approaches them. BLAIR: Excuse me, who are you two and why are you parking here? REVA: It’s no big deal. We just have a meeting across the street. JOSH: It shouldn't take long. BLAIR: I’m sorry but I just moved here and there's still more stuff to be moved. REVA: Its just a little meeting will only take like 20 minutes. BLAIR: I’m sorry but you can’t park here. Reva has an ‘I cant believe she just told me that’ look on her face JOSH: Come on Reva we’ll just park next door to the Snyders. REVA: No. Reva and Blair have a stare down. -- At the Union Creek Chronicle Luke is sitting down at his desk. He and a co worker named Gary are chatting. LUKE: Why was this place sold? Our paper does so well online. Better than most newspapers across the country. GARY: I don’t know the exact reason. Must have been about money. LUKE: Come on you are always in the know. GARY: Not this time. LUKE: Do you at least know who the new owner is? GARY: No, but I think we are about to find out. Someone walks in the door. It is Todd Manning. TODD: Hello my new employees. The Name is Todd Manning and I now own this highly coveted paper! -- Meanwhile, The mystery man that was tied up is still trying to get out of the room. He is in a weakened state however and is struggling. He tries to kick out a part at the bottom of the door where there is a food tray, but he can.t He then grabs his chair and runs it into the door with all his might! The door finally busts open! He limps out of the room… MYSTERY MAN: Finally free… FADE TO BLACK CREDITS ROLL *DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT TERRANCE ON HIS ADVENTURE IN "JUST PARADISE" COMING SOON* *I own no rights to all of the non original characters nor any of the pictures.*
Please Welcome:
DAYS #59: Kim makes her move, JJ spills the beans
Days22 commented on beebs's blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
Good episode. I have loved this whole umbrella story with Kate, Billie, Lucas, Victor, Cheryl, Jordan, Nick, Brady, Nicole and even more. Just amazing! Im surprised by how much I like Cheryl and Nick together tho I liked Cheryl and Lucas too. The Roman story intrigued me from the very start. It was planted in one of the early episodes. I like this turn of events for him and Jarlena. Kim vs Billie. Love it so much. I cant help but wish Shane would show up sooner rather than later tho. -
I have been straight up addicted to your show the past couple of days. I didnt read every single early episode but Ive read most of em. The Sheila and daughters story is just so damn awesome. Its perfect. I love the Dru and Sheila interaction as well. Theyre so funny and I can read it and picture them perfectly. I can picture most characters like themselves though. All the stories are so well thought out and character driven. I wish this was the real Y&R Keep up the amazing work! I am addicted. Possibly as bad as Cane